Chapter 16

There are many newcomers in the crew.

Director Mu Chen is a proper newcomer.However, although Mu Chen seemed unfamiliar in many places, his ability was obvious to all.Especially in terms of martial arts, it is even more amazing.

Of course, what is even more amazing is the speed of its progress.It almost grew to a jaw-dropping extent at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the middle of filming, he was already familiar with both literary and martial arts.

The director's level has risen sharply, and the shooting speed has naturally increased as well.What's more, after running in, the whole crew can get twice the result with half the effort.

Even if Mu Chen has been striving for excellence, at the current speed, not only will it not be postponed, but it will be completed ahead of schedule.

"Is your brother with sister Su?" Wang Hao said to Mu Chen with a smile.

Hearing what Wang Hao said, Mu Chen suddenly found that his elder brother was squatting next to Su Xiaowan with a lunch box, talking and laughing when eating these few days.

Su Xiaowan is also from the Yanjing Film Academy, one class higher than Mu Chen and the others, and has a good relationship with Li Ruoxi.

She has a good appearance, and in terms of appearance, she definitely has a place in the entertainment circle full of beauties.

However, her development after graduation was not very satisfactory. Nowadays, she is mostly playing soy sauce in some TV dramas. It is said that some directors wanted to steal her, so they blocked her, so she missed a lot of opportunities.

The entertainment industry is like this. Once an opportunity is missed, it will be difficult to turn around, especially for an actress like Su Xiaowan who doesn't want to be potential.

Su Xiaowan's acting skills are still good, at least she can play the role of Qiqiao with ease.

Could it be that the two of them fell in love because of drama?

It's too common in the circle to have love because of drama.Although Su Xiaowan is the second female lead, she had a lot of rivalry with her elder brother after all.

Who made Li Ruoxi, who played the leading role, be his younger brother's girlfriend!
"What, are you jealous?" Mu Chen pouted.

Mu Chen still has a good impression of Su Xiaowan, if the two of them really get together, Mu Chen will bless them.

"It's just curiosity." Wang Hao pouted and said, "It's that guy Xie Yu who wants to be jealous!"

Wang Hao plays Ishii Hideaki in the play because he has learned Taekwondo.In the play, Hideaki Ishii and Qiqiao have nothing to do with each other.But Liang Xia played by Xie Yu in Wang Hao's mouth is infatuated with Qiqiao.

Xie Yu was born as a martial arts athlete. He used to act as a stand-in in action movies, and occasionally got some roles.

He was introduced into the group by Gao Hua. He is average in literature and drama, but very good in martial arts.

"Do you think he is like you?" Mu Chen glanced at Xie Yu who was eating and reading the script not far away, and said with curled lips.

There are many actors in the crew who work hard, and Xie Yu is one of them.

In the eyes of many people, this drama is an opportunity.

"What are you talking about?" Li Ruoxi walked over and asked with a smile.

Wang Hao said nothing, but just gestured.

Li Ruoxi looked up and understood instantly, then reached out and knocked Wang Hao on the head, and said, "Mind your own business."

Whether Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan were having an affair, Mu Chen didn't ask much.He didn't intend to stir up the scandal between the two.

He disdains this, and there is no need to.

Of course, with Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan's current fame, it is estimated that not many people will pay attention to the scandal once it comes out.

Rather than stir up the scandal between the two of them, it is better to stir up the relationship between Mu Ze, the number one male, and Mu Chen, the director.

"The news about this show has spread." Marin walked over and said to Mu Chen.

"It's not a good time to spread the word, anyway, it's almost over." Li Ruoxi said casually.

"Wu Fan's fans are calling everywhere on the Internet to boycott this TV series!" Marin said.

"This group of people just deserves to be scolded, the scars are healed and the pain is forgotten!" Wang Hao said.

"The more violent they are, the better the publicity will be." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Wait for them to make trouble?" Wang Hao asked.

"Let's talk after filming." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

He doesn't have the time to scold Wu Fan's fans now.

However, he doesn't mind stepping on them to promote after the TV series is finished.

Mu Chen filmed his TV series with peace of mind, but on the Internet, his TV series has been criticized as a dog by Wu Fan's fans.

The voices of boycotting the TV series flooded the entire network, but the popularity of the TV series is getting higher and higher.

After a week, the heat gradually dissipated.

At the beginning, Wu Fan's fans were still a little apprehensive, afraid that Mu Chen would go all out again and scold Wu Fan who caught them.But when Mu Chen didn't move, their momentum rose for a while.

Another week, the voice of boycott has long been replaced by other topics, and "Jing Fu Men" has quietly finished, and then entered post-production.

In the post-production, Mu Chen naturally followed up the whole process, whether it was cutting or soundtrack.

For the soundtrack, Mu Chen refers to the original version.He feels that the original soundtrack is very good, especially the BGM by Chen Zhen is even more classic.

However, Mu Chen did not intend to use the original version of the title song, but chose the theme song "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" from "Heroes Huo Yuanjia".

"Aren't you busy recording an album? Why come here when you have time?" Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi in surprise.

"The recording is almost done. However, there are two songs I don't like, so I gave them to others. The company is preparing another song for me." Li Ruoxi said.

When Mu Chen heard this, he smiled.

Don't like it, give it to someone else, and then look for it?
It would be no wonder if other rookie singers didn't get scolded bloody.

"How about I write you two?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"You know how to write songs?" Li Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, and then said.

"Why can't I write it?" Mu Chen said with a smile, "I wrote the song "I'm Cursing for Three Days and Three Nights"? The theme song, episode and soundtrack of "Jing Fu Men" are all written by me alone." hands."

"When did you learn to write songs?" Li Ruoxi asked suspiciously.

Mu Chen knows how to play music, she naturally knows this.But being able to make music and being able to write songs are two completely different things.

"When you participated in the talent show." Mu Chen said with a smile.

When Li Ruoxi heard this, she looked at Mu Chen with a little more tenderness.

She obviously thought that Mu Chen started to learn to write songs because she participated in the singing talent show.

Mu Chen has the attribute of a master of learning, and he can learn everything very quickly.

Li Ruoxi didn't doubt this, but was a little more moved.

"Okay!" Li Ruoxi laughed immediately.

"Then I'll give it to you every few days." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Do you write songs?He really can't.

But Mu Chen in this world knows music, but Mu Chen in that world has a lot of songs in his mind.

It is naturally not a problem to move the songs from that world to this world.

"Oh, that's right." Li Ruoxi seemed to remember the purpose of this trip, and said, "Sister Xia said that Nanhu Satellite TV will invite the two of us to participate in a variety show once!"

"We...two people?" Mu Chen said in surprise, "What show? They invited me to participate. Are they afraid that Wu Fan's tens of millions of fans will boycott their show?"

"It seems that once there is a new show, what is it called "A Wonderful Journey with the Other Half"!" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and said, "If you don't want to go, I'll let Sister Xia push it."

"Why don't you go?" Mu Chen smiled and said, "Someone paid for the two of us to travel, such a good thing, why not go?"

The reason why Mu Chen went was because of the disappointment he saw in Li Ruoxi's eyes just now.

She wants to go.

how so?Maybe they also want to have more opportunities for the two of them to get along after work.

"Really?" Li Ruoxi smiled when she heard it, and said, "However, the show doesn't seem to be traveling somewhere?"

"Is this important?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

yes!Is this important?It doesn't matter at all.

The most important thing is that they can be together.

(End of this chapter)

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