my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 198 They Are All Urged To Marry

Chapter 198 They Are All Urged To Marry

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi returned to Yanjing two days earlier than expected.

"East and West" exploded, and there were more and more corresponding things.The whole company is struggling for this film to hit 20 billion. As the boss, Mu Chen, if he is still living in his hometown, it will inevitably be unreasonable.

If Chenxi Film and Television has a film with a box office of over 20 billion, it will undoubtedly be of great significance.

On the fourth day of its release, "East and West" still won the single-day box office champion, and opened a certain distance from "Mountains and Seas" and other films.

However, the film's box office dropped for the first time, but it still has 8000 million, which is much more than the first day's box office, and the total box office has successfully broken through the one billion mark.

Of course, this is related to the outbreak of film topics and the increase in film schedules.

On the fourth day of "Mountain and Sea", the single-day box office was only over 2 million points, while "Zhao Shi" directly dropped the [-] million mark.

"East Becomes West" has such a momentum, probably no one thought of it.

During the Spring Festival, there is almost no suspense about who will be the final winner.

This film, which was not favored by many people, successfully counterattacked, and now the two most favored films cannot hold their heads up.

The video of Xu Wen and Chen Mouzhi's previous interviews was dug up by many people, and they were ridiculed by netizens.

Chen Mouzhi was better, after all, he was familiar with Mu Chen.

But Xu Wen was different. When he was running a road show, he would inevitably be asked by reporters, which would undoubtedly be extremely embarrassing.

Can you not be embarrassed?
Mu Chen's "rushed" film surpassed his meticulously crafted and time-consuming "Mountain and Sea Region" in terms of word-of-mouth and box office.

Who would have thought?Who can I turn to for reasoning?

"We old guys don't understand the world of geniuses! I'm old, I'm old!"

When Xu Wenzai was asked by the reporter, he finally couldn't help but said.

He didn't blame the audience like some directors did, but he praised Mu Chen and laughed at himself to resolve the embarrassment.

Is Mu Chen a genius?

That is recognized, and many people don't want to admit it, but they have to admit it.

Xu Wen didn't want to admit how good Mu Chen was in the movie, but could he not admit it?
If someone shoots a film "casually", it crushes a film with big investment, big production, big director and big publicity.

He is not good, who is good?

What's more, Mu Chen's movies have always had a good box office reputation.

If it was a coincidence once, if it happens every time, then it is not a coincidence, but strength.

Mu Chen is a person with real skills.

The victory of "East Makes West" has been confirmed, but the reason why this film won has been discussed by countless film and television companies.

Perhaps, there are some reasons why comedies are more suitable for the Spring Festival. Perhaps it is because the characters in the film break the fixed image, allowing fans to see different comedy conflicts, or because the cast is strong and fans support it at the box office.
With hindsight, the major film and television companies have analyzed countless reasons.

Of course they do!
Can this video be reproduced?
I'm afraid it will be difficult.However, such a spoof comedy, following the trend, can still make a lot of money.

Many film and television companies have followed suit and have already put it on the agenda.

There are still many martial arts characters that can be spoofed.

"The special effects of "Mountains and Seas" are good, especially the beasts in it are very well done. It's just that the story is too simple and bloody."

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi came out of the theater, Mu Chen said with a smile.

What they just watched was "Mountain and Sea Region".

This movie has a lot of slots, but it has a very high box office.

"This film should also be aimed at the international market." Li Ruoxi said, "How do you think the foreign box office will be?"

"I'm not good at it." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "However, I'm not very optimistic. The special effects of this film are naturally a breakthrough in China, but it's not amazing in Hollywood."

Zhang Gang's "Monster Hunt" last year did not fare well at the overseas box office either.

However, whether it's "Monster Catch" or Xu Wen's "Mountains and Seas", they won't lose money.

"Mountains and Seas" seems to have a cost of more than 4 million yuan, but it can be converted into US dollars, but it is only more than 7000 million yuan, and it is only a medium-to-high investment in Hollywood.

You don't lose money, but you don't make much money.

Making this kind of film, now it seems, the risk is not small.

However, if Chinese-language films want to open up the international market, what can they make?
Kung fu movies and martial arts movies are not as good as before, science fiction movies are the weakness of Chinese movies, and even action movies are now suppressed by big Hollywood productions, leaving little room for survival.

Therefore, many big directors such as Zhang Gang and Xu Wen have locked their targets in fantasy films.

"Monster Hunter" didn't live up to expectations, but it wasn't a failure either.

As for this "Mountain and Sea Region", it is unknown.

Just because Mu Chen doesn't like it doesn't mean it will be bad.

As he himself said, he is not a god.

"Do you still want to watch Director Chen's "Zhao Shi"?" Li Ruoxi asked.

"Let's watch it again when you have time." Mu Chen said, "Anyway, it won't be released in a short time."

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, the box office of "East and West" remained at [-] million, while "Mountain and Sea" fell to the [-] million mark.

On the sixth day, continue.

On the seventh day of the lunar new year, office workers started to go to work, and the total single-day box office was greatly impacted. "East and West" dropped by [-] million.

It wasn't unexpected, and it wasn't lost at all.

The film has been a success beyond imagination.

"Director Mu, "East Makes West" won the single-day box office champion again and again. Will there be a sequel to this film?"

When Mu Chen went to the company, he was stopped by a squatting reporter.

The reporter couldn't wait to ask about Mu Chen.

Seeing that there was only one reporter, Mu Chen didn't even evade, and waved his hand at the security guard who rushed over.

Outside the Chenxi film and television company, there are reporters squatting from time to time.

"A sequel?" Mu Chen shook his head and said, "There will be no sequel to "East and West".

"Why?" The reporter asked a little puzzled, "Both "Wolf Warrior" and "Infernal Affairs" have sequels, and "East and West" is so amazing at the box office, why not make a sequel?"

"If Chenxi Films can't make a breakthrough, it won't make a sequel." Mu Chen said.

The box office of "Infernal Affairs 2" may not be as good as the first one, but its reputation is still amazing.It is not impossible to say that there is a breakthrough.

As for "Wolf Warrior 2" has not yet been released, it is unknown.

However, Mu Chen is so confident, maybe it is as he said.

How could the reporter fail to hear what Mu Chen meant.

Chenxi Films will not shoot sequels to make money.

"East Makes West" is so popular, if it plays the gimmick of its sequel, the box office will definitely not be bad.

Is Mu Chen at fault?

He doesn't feel like it's a loss.If Chenxi Film and Television's reputation for producing movies is maintained, it will only make more money.

Produced by Chenxi, it must be a high-quality product.

This statement has been recognized by many people.

This involves the image of a company.

After the sixth day, the atmosphere of the Spring Festival is getting worse day by day, and after the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival is completely over.

"East Makes West" won the half-month single-day box office champion, and the box office successfully exceeded 20 billion.

However, a Hollywood blockbuster was released, instantly pulling it down from the single-day box office champion.

And as more and more new films are released, the box office and film schedule of "East and West" are getting lower and lower.

Mu Chen didn't pay too much attention, but focused on the next movie.

"Chenxi Film and Television is going against the sky?" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Mu Chen looked over suspiciously.

"Look at the nominations for the Golden Dragon Award." Li Ruoxi said.

"Has it been announced?" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at it and was a little stunned.

"Infernal Affairs" actually won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (two), Best Supporting Actor (two), Best Cutting, Best Screenplay, Best Movie Song, Best Soundtrack , Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Action Design and other eleven nominations.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a film has received so many nominations.

But what Li Ruoxi was talking about wasn't Mu Chen against the sky, but Chenxi Film and Television.

Because in addition to this film, two other films have been nominated for the Golden Dragon Award.

"Infernal Affairs 2" won six nominations including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actor (two).

In addition, "Ip Man" also won two nominations for Best Picture and Best Action Design.

There are five films nominated for best film this year, but Chenxi Film and Television has three of them.

Of the five nominees for Best Actor, three were produced by Chen Xi.

The supporting actor was even better. Five people were nominated, and four of them were directly taken up, which was almost rounded off.

Perhaps, there was only one person left, probably because the jury felt that it was too ugly to be surrounded by two movies, so they had to add it.

After all, there are generally four nominations.

And this year's nominations seem to be five.

Why this is so is beyond imagination.

Maybe it's because of Chenxi Film and Television.

Produced by Chenxi, it must be a high-quality product!
As soon as the nomination came out, these words were undoubtedly recognized by more people.

Nominated for this year's Golden Dragon Awards, Chenxi Film and Television is undoubtedly the most dazzling film and television company.

And the most dazzling person is undoubtedly Mu Chen.

Of course, the most talked about is that "Infernal Affairs" and "Infernal Affairs 2" were nominated for best picture at the same time.

The prequel and the sequel were nominated at the same time, which has never happened in the Golden Dragon Awards, or even in any awards.

I don't know if there is "Infernal Affairs 3"?
If there is "Infernal Affairs 3" and it is also nominated for the Golden Dragon Award for Best Picture, it will probably be recorded in film history.

Should have?After all, the story of "Infernal Affairs" is not over.

The box office reputation of both films is excellent, and it seems logical to shoot the third film.

It's just that many people are still not so sure.

If it is another company, let alone three films, four or five films may be produced.

But Chenxi Film and Television is quite different.

"East into West" is so popular, and the box office is even more explosive, but Mu Chen insists on not making a sequel, and even speaks out.

They didn't think Mu Chen would slap himself in the face.

As soon as the nomination list for the Golden Dragon Award came out, Mu Chen and Chen Xi Film and Television undoubtedly became popular, and this also brought a rebound in the box office of "East and West" which is still in theaters.

Of course, the recovery is also limited.

The film's box office potential has been exhausted.

However, it didn't last long before it was replaced by another explosive scandal.

"Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan's relationship is confirmed"!
Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan have been rumored to have had an affair countless times, and fans of both of them have become accustomed to it.

There have been a lot of scandals. For the two of them, they have not been together for a long time. Some fans are anxious for the two of them and intend to match them up.

There are also some fans who believe that the two of them are already together, but they have some concerns and have not announced it, so they leave messages on their Weibo from time to time, expressing that everyone will accept it.

There have been many rumors about Mu Ze's scandal, not to mention that their fans gradually lost interest, and the media didn't pay much attention to it.

However, the exposure still caused great repercussions.

In the past, there were rumors of an affair between the two, but there was no conclusive evidence, it was mostly speculation.

But this time, the two were photographed behaving intimately.

That kind of intimacy is the kind of intimacy that only lovers, lovers have.

"Since it was photographed, we want to announce the relationship directly." Mu Ze looked at Mu Chen.

He didn't know if the love affair would be affected after it was announced.

But they just want to announce it.

"That's fine." Mu Chen smiled and said, "It's fine if it's announced, and you don't have to be sneaky about dating in the future. Besides, the ability of the two of you to hide from reporters is really unflattering. Some people in the circle, children You can make soy sauce, and those reporters haven't found out yet. What about you? How long has it been!"

When Mu Ze heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

It's not that I'm incompetent, but that the enemy is too cunning.

Those paparazzi are hard to guard against!
"Could it be that the IQ of people who fall in love will be halved?" Mu Chen continued.

"You're not much better." Mu Ze said angrily.

How did the relationship between Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi come to light? It wasn't because they kissed in the street and were photographed by reporters.

The relationship between Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan was confirmed, and the two confessed frankly on Weibo.

Then, she showed her affection.

The exposure of the relationship between the two seems to have extremely limited influence on each other.

At least, compared with others, it is much easier for their fans to accept.

Maybe Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi announced their relationship, and then showed off their affection from time to time, fans seem to be more and more accepting of celebrity love.

Of course, there may be a lot of gossip about Mu Ze and their fans, and their fans are already mentally prepared.

"Unfortunately, it would be fine if the relationship between the two was delayed." Chen Fuhai said with a sigh.

Chen Fuhai didn't find it strange that Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan came together.

If there is, it is a bit late.

"You want to use their romance to hype "Wolf Warrior 2"?" Mu Chen naturally understood what Chen Fuhai meant, and said with a smile, ""Wolf Warrior 2" has a lot of gimmicks, it's not bad."

Whether it's a scandal or a romance, Mu Chen doesn't reject it, but he doesn't like it.

"I remember in "Wolf Warrior 2", the two of them had a kiss scene?" Chen Fuhai continued.

"Ask their opinions." Mu Chen said immediately.

sealed with a kiss!
When Chen Fuhai said this, Mu Chen knew how he wanted to hype.

For some reason, Mu Chen was somewhat resistant to hyping up this matter.

Perhaps, Mu Ze is the reason for his brother.

If you change an actor, maybe there won't be any.

Chen Fuhai nodded, and naturally understood what Mu Chen meant.If they don't want to, then stop hyping it up.

Promoting movies and hyping gossip is just a common way.

It’s not like it’s not enough if you don’t have it.

Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan are very popular now, and the topic of their relationship has lasted for several days after the announcement of their relationship.

Although the fans of the two are also unacceptable, but the number is not many.

If the two announce their relationship, will their careers be promoted to a higher level, or will their popularity decline and gradually disappear from everyone?
This matter has also caused great controversy on the Internet.

Celebrities announce their relationship, or their relationship is exposed.

Many will decline in popularity, but there are also more popular ones.For example, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi were like this.

What happened to Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan?

Most netizens are optimistic.

Those celebrities who actively or passively announced their relationships, and those whose popularity has declined, all have a rather obvious characteristic.

That is the idol star.

And those who are even more popular are undoubtedly powerful factions.

Although Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan are young, they are not fresh meat.

The acting skills of both are recognized in the circle.Most of the fans who like them are not because they are handsome and beautiful.

What's more, Mu Ze is also Mu Chen's older brother.

With Mu Chen behind him, Chenxi Film and Television will support them. Even if their popularity declines, they will definitely have a lot of resources.

If there are resources, then everyone will not be lost.

No matter what will happen to Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan in the future, many people in the circle have sent blessings when the two announced their relationship on Weibo.

Of course, as Mu Ze's younger brother, Mu Chen also sent his blessings.

Just more like a joke.

"Mom doesn't have to worry about your personal problems anymore! Congratulations, you don't have to listen to your mother nagging anymore when you go home during the Chinese New Year!"

As soon as Mu Chen posted this Weibo, there were countless comments below.

"Student Mu Chen is taking things for granted. Whose mother's nagging will stop?"

"Single, urge you to play with your friends. After you play with friends, urge you to get married. After getting married, urge you to have children. After having children"

"The upstairs summary is brilliant."

"It hit the sad point! My mother is now urging us to have a second child."

"A single dog passing by."

Li Ruoxi likes to interact with fans on Weibo, so naturally she will not miss this.She took a screenshot of Mu Chen's message on Weibo, and then posted it on Weibo, teasing Mu Ze.

"Auntie wants to urge you to get married!"

However, what Li Ruoxi didn't expect was that she teased Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan, and ended up trapping herself in it.

"Why do I feel that Li Ruoxi is urging Muze to get married?"

"Mu Ze is Mu Chen's older brother. If he doesn't get married, Mu Chen will get married like this!"

"Does our family Ruoxi want to marry someone?"

"Marriage reminder! Marriage reminder! We want to eat wedding candy."

As soon as Li Ruoxi's Weibo post was posted, the fans were so enthusiastic about it, it immediately became that she wanted to marry someone and urged Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan to get married quickly.

"Li Ruoxi urges Mu Ze to marry me."

"Li Ruoxi hinted to Mu Chen: I want to get married!"

The popularity of related topics has been rising, and it took only half a day to directly reach the top of the topic list and search list.

Li Ruoxi was stunned and a little confused.

She didn't mean that at all!

It's not me who wants to urge Mu Ze to get married, it should be Su Xiaowan!

Mu Chen was also a little speechless.Because there are countless messages urging marriage on their Weibo.

Of course, the Weibo messages of Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan are also mostly like this.

But other celebrities and entertainers in the circle were both envious and jealous.

So it's all on the hot search and topic list?

However, it seems that this is the first time that fans urge celebrities to get married.

(End of this chapter)

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