my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 199 Waiting For You

Chapter 199 Waiting For You
The imagination of netizens and the media is incredible.

Li Ruoxi just teased Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan, but it turned out that she wanted to marry early, so she urged Mu Ze and the two of them to get married quickly.

Such a misinterpretation by netizens and such a report by the media.

Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan were immediately urged to marry by countless netizens.

Mu Chen wasn't much better either. Most of the messages on his Weibo were urging marriage.

Seeing that the topic is so strong, the major media will naturally not let it disappear in a flash.

It's the first time a celebrity is urged to marry by fans, and it naturally attracts attention, not to mention that there are more than one who have been urged to marry.

This topic, no matter what, has to be reported for a few days.

"Director Mu, when are you going to marry Li Ruoxi?"

With such a strong topic, reporters naturally chased several parties involved.

"That depends on when she is willing to marry me!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "I have actually said this before. Before the age of 30, she must get married."

"What if your brother Mu Ze wasn't married at that time?" The reporter then asked.

"Then let him be the best man." Mu Chen said with a smile.

And there is no rule that if the older brother is not married, the younger brother cannot get married.

"When will you get married?" Mu Ze looked at the reporter in front of him, and then said, "When the relationship is over, marriage is just a matter of course."

"Your younger brother Mu Chen said that he will definitely get married before the age of 30? Will you be before him or after him?"

"Fate." Mu Ze thought for a while and said two words.

The marriage was undoubtedly too sudden for him.

He and Su Xiaowan had only been together not long ago.

Marriage, he is not ready yet.

"Do you feel embarrassed to be your brother's best man?" The reporter asked, "So have you ever thought about two brothers getting married together?"

"Marry together?" Mu Ze was stunned for a moment, then said, "Probably not!"

"Why?" the reporter asked casually.

"If we get married together, wouldn't those relatives and friends have to worry about giving one share of the family money, or two shares." Mu Ze joked, "We can't make things difficult for them!"

It seems very reasonable.

However, the reporter obviously knew that not getting married together was obviously not a matter of money.

Both Mu Chen and Mu Ze were questioned by the media, so naturally Li Ruoxi and Su Xiaowan couldn't escape either.

"Marriage? I don't think about it yet, I haven't fully enjoyed the feeling of being in love yet." Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

When you are in love and after you get married, it is completely two feelings.

Falling in love requires a process before entering the palace of marriage.

The matter of urging the marriage lasted for several days.

"You fell in love or something?" Mu Chen looked at Marin and said, "Are you absent-minded, like you're out of your mind?"

"What will happen if he breaks up in love?" Wang Hao said with a smile.

"What is it like?" Zhao Jin asked cooperatively.

"There is nothing to love about life and death." Wang Hao said.

"Get out." Marin said angrily.

"What's the matter? Tell me, brother, I will give you psychological counseling." Mu Chen looked at Marin and said.

In the past few days, Marin's state has been a little strange.When he was in the company, Mu Chen wasn't very vigilant, but when the few of them got together, the strangeness of their state immediately became apparent.

"Golden Phoenix Award."

After Wang Hao said three words, Mu Chen understood in an instant.

"Latent" is CCTV's opening drama, with amazing ratings and excellent reputation.

Although it started broadcasting on New Year's Day, it had already sent the Golden Phoenix Award before the broadcast, so naturally it will compete for this year's Golden Phoenix Award.

The nomination list for the Golden Phoenix Award will be announced soon, and this kid has extremely high expectations, so he is naturally thinking about it.

Last year, Chenxi Film and Television produced three TV series, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has been broadcast, and the ratings and word-of-mouth have remained the same as before. Xu Lin is now thinking about filming "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", and "Legend of Sword and Fairy 3" has already been completed, but But it hasn't started broadcasting yet.

The TV series itself started filming later, and it also involved a lot of special effects.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, this film and television drama is also starring Li Yunyi.

The launch of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is enough to maintain Li Yunyi's current popularity for a period of time.

If the work is too compact, it is tantamount to a waste of resources.

Today's Li Yunyi is definitely not an exaggeration in saying who is the hottest little fresh meat.

The reason why he is far more popular than other small fresh meats is undoubtedly his masterpiece.

He is the most profitable entertainer of Chenxi Film and Television. Naturally, he has to carefully consider when the TV series he starred in will start broadcasting.

For this year's Golden Phoenix Awards, Chenxi Films submitted two films, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" by Xu Lin, and "Latent" by Ma Lin.

Relatively speaking, themes like "Latent" are more favored by the judges.

"Is this necessary?" Mu Chen said.

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back. You are so soft on winning awards." Marin said, "I finally filmed a TV series with such good ratings and word-of-mouth, so I naturally want to show my face at the Golden Phoenix Awards." .”

"Nothing. Is "Latent" still your peak production?" Mu Chen said, "Golden Phoenix Award every year, okay? Kid, you are only in your 20s."

"You're only in your 20s!" Marin pouted.

"Promising, I want to compare with this pervert." Wang Hao smiled and patted Marin on the shoulder.

"Can we use the word 'abnormal'?" Mu Chen asked with a faint smile.

"I'm not the only one who said that." Wang Hao said.

There are many people who say that Mu Chen is abnormal.

Of course, this "abnormal" means unimaginably powerful, not a derogatory term.

"Instead of worrying about gains and losses like this, you might as well think about how to make the next movie well." Mu Chen looked at Marin and said.

"Yes!" Zhao Jin nodded quickly and said.

In Marin's next play, he will be the number one male.

"By the way, so many people are urging marriage, do you have a plan?" Wang Hao seemed to think of something, then looked at Mu Chen and asked.

"You can still run away with your money." Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

"Do you need us to be your best man?" Marin said.

"Let's talk about it, I guess it will take another two years." Mu Chen said.

Both he and Li Ruoxi are in no hurry to get married.

They are all young.

He is used to being Li Ruoxi's boyfriend, but he is not ready to be his husband.

"Where are you going to hold the wedding? Domestically or abroad?" Zhao Jin asked.

"Maybe in my hometown." Mu Chen thought for a while and said.

Wang Hao and others looked at Mu Chen in surprise, but then nodded again.

Mu Chen wanted to use his wedding to promote tourism in his hometown.

But then again, the scenery of Mu Chen's hometown is indeed beautiful.

"If it is done in your hometown, the security department will probably have to pay more attention." Wang Hao said.

When Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi got married, they would definitely invite many celebrities in the circle.

Not to mention the entire entertainment circle, there may be half of the entertainment circle.

After all, Mu Chen is still the owner of a film and television company.

Not to mention how many people would be attracted by so many celebrities, even Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi might be able to attract people from Mu Chen's hometown.

Why do many celebrities like to hold weddings abroad, there may be factors in this aspect.

"No hurry." Mu Chen nodded and said, "I just have this idea, and we have to discuss the specifics."

When Wang Hao and the others heard this, they also nodded.

The specific place to hold the banquet needs to be discussed by the two.

They knew Li Ruoxi's background.

As the daughter of business tycoon Li Minhui, Li Ruoxi will definitely be invited to participate if she is married to friends in Li Minhui's circle and business partners.

The scenery of Mu Chen's hometown is very good, and the place is big enough, but if there are too many people in the entertainment and business circles, it may not be able to support it.

Not long after, the list of nominees for the Golden Phoenix Awards was announced.

Both "Latent" and "The Legend of Condor Heroes" were nominated. Among them, "Latent" had the best performance, and won three heavyweight award nominations: Best Film and Television Series, Best Director, and Best Actor.

Nominated for the Golden Phoenix Award, Chenxi Film and Television may not be as dazzling as the Golden Dragon Award, but it is also the film and television company that has received the most nominations.

Mu Chen moved to the big screen, but the TV series is still strong.

If there is another variety show award, then Chenxi Film and Television will be even more dazzling.

Mu Chen paid less and less attention to the Golden Phoenix Award.

"Really planning to invite Li Long?" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen in surprise.

"Yeah!" Mu Chen nodded and smiled, "Why, are you afraid I'll lose money?"

"No!" Chen Fuhai shook his head and said, "I just don't understand why you choose a martial arts movie when you are developing internationally!"

Mu Chen didn't have any rivals in China, but he was definitely one of the directors with the most box office appeal.

His entry into the international market is just a matter of course.

Chen Fuhai had long been prepared for this.

For a person like Mu Chen, the domestic stage cannot satisfy him.

However, he never expected that Mu Chen's work entering the international market would be a martial arts film.

Martial arts films are not as good as before in the domestic market.

If Mu Chen hadn't invited Li Long, Chen Fuhai would never have thought that Mu Chen would hit the international market with this film.

Li Long is now one of the most well-known Chinese actors in the world, but he can be regarded as a first-line actor in Hollywood.

His film salary is extremely high, even if it is a friendship price, it is estimated that the film salary will be close to ten million.

It must not be Chinese coins, but US dollars.

So, to invite Li Long to star, the investment of this martial arts film is at least hundreds of millions.

For a martial arts film worth hundreds of millions of dollars, Chen Fuhai wasn't too worried about losing money. After all, Mu Chen and Li Long's box office appeal was there.

But the market potential of martial arts films is there. If it is aimed at the domestic market, Mu Chen's box office appeal is probably enough.

Inviting Li Long would not be worthwhile.

So Chen Fuhai immediately saw that Mu Chen's film was aimed at the international stage.

But martial arts films are also in a downturn in the international market!
"I'll know later." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Why choose a martial arts film?

Because Mu Chen went international, not only the international market, but also international awards.

The martial arts film was naturally aimed at the Oscars.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, Mu Chen is confident that he can take better pictures.

Maybe, you can't get a few statuettes like the original version, but nomination should be no problem, right?
Once nominated, it will completely open up its popularity internationally.

In this way, the future road will naturally be much easier.

Of course, Mu Chen invited Li Long not only because of his high international reputation, but also because he was suitable for that role.

"Then I'll contact his agent."

Chen Fuhai didn't say any more, once Mu Chen made a decision, it would be difficult to change.

However, Chen Fuhai had to admit that Mu Chen rarely made mistakes in his decisions.

"No rush!" Mu Chen said, "Isn't it the Golden Dragon Award ceremony in a few days? He should be invited to attend. I'll make an appointment with him then."

"Alright." Chen Fuhai nodded.

Li Long didn't concentrate on developing in Hollywood. After the potential of the domestic market exploded, he also took on domestic dramas from time to time.

Although Mu Chen is young, he is well-known among directors, and because of his youth, his potential is unlimited.

He came forward to invite Li Long, and it was unlikely that he would be rejected.

A few days later, the Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony came as scheduled, and Mu Chen walked onto the red carpet with the crew of "Infernal Affairs".

Naturally, he did not walk the red carpet with Li Ruoxi.

It was Liu Guohua who walked the red carpet with him.

This time, the outside host did not ask Mu Chen how many awards he was confident of winning, but congratulated him on the box office hit of "East and West".

"East and West" has been released for more than a month, and it has already sold out, with a cumulative box office of 23 billion, almost breaking into the top five in the total box office list.

In addition to foreign box office and copyright benefits, this short-lived film has brought Chenxi Film and Television a billion in revenue.

This undoubtedly made countless people jealous.

Works that follow the trend appear like mushrooms after a spring rain.

I have to say that this is a tragedy of Chinese-language movies.

The box office of "East Makes West" is so amazing, Mu Chen was also taken aback.

Of course, more is a surprise.

Classics are classics in any world.If you grasp the right time, place and people, you can create miracles.

Mu Chen had to marvel, this was faster than stealing money.

How could it be so easy to earn money in the previous life and go through life and death like it is now!
Of course, he, Mu Chen, was not the only one who owned the income from "East Makes West", but he accounted for most of it.

In addition to Chenxi Film and Television holding a large stake, as a director, he himself has a share of the box office.

Mu Chen is not a stingy person, on the contrary he is very generous.

Every time a movie hits the box office, a big red envelope will be given to the crew and the main creator.

Like "East and West", most of the cast members are self-contracted artists, and the red envelopes are even bigger.

Although the internal price was paid, if the red envelopes were added, the actual salary would not be lower than the actual salary.

"When will Director Mu be free to see if he can write a song for me?"

Walking into the venue, Liu Guohua couldn't help but said to Mu Chen, "I'm planning to release an album, but I don't have a theme song."

Liu Guohua has personally experienced how good Mu Chen is at writing songs.

Produced by Mu Chen, it must be a high-quality product.

This is a sentence recognized by fans.

Besides Mu Chen, which musician can do this?

Mu Chen's "I want to have a home" and "It's not a crime for a man to cry" also gave Liu Guohua a taste of the sweetness.

If his album has a title song written by Mu Chen, then the sales will definitely increase.

Mu Chen's song has now been called for a sky-high price, but there is no market for the price.

"Okay!" Mu Chen replied with a smile, very simply.

"Thank you then." Liu Guohua was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

He never thought that Mu Chen would agree so happily.

He just asked Mu Chen with the mentality of giving it a try.

Mu Chen didn't refuse, not only because of his good relationship with Liu Guohua, but also because of his good income.

The two songs "I want to have a home" and "It's not a crime for a man to cry" brought Mu Chenke a lot of money.

To write the title song of the album for Liu Guohua, there is no need for Mu Chen to ask, Liu Guohua will give him the share of the album.

And it will not be lower than the listed price.

Mu Chen's songs are worth the price.

It's a waste of resources to keep those songs in your head.

"Mr. Li!"

Mu Chen saw Li Long not far away, and walked over immediately.

"Director Mu."

When Li Long saw Mu Chen, he immediately recognized him.

He was a little bit emotional, how long has it been, the young man who fought with Wu Fan's bodyguards in the film crew, now has a very important role in the circle.

Not to mention the TV dramas, each movie is popular, and the box office is higher than the next one. Now the cumulative box office is more than 50 billion!
He is only in his 20s!
Perhaps, it won't be long before he surpasses Zhang Gang and others and becomes the director with the highest cumulative domestic box office.

Moreover, each of Mu Chen's films could get several nominations for the Golden Dragon Awards.

Well, the film "East and West" should not be nominated for the Golden Dragon Award, right?
"When will Mr. Li be free? Can you make an appointment to talk?" Mu Chen said straight to the point, "I want to invite you to cooperate with me in the next movie."

"I'm looking forward to cooperating with Director Mu. I just don't know when your new film will start shooting. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in the first half of the year." Li Long said immediately.

Mu Chen's habit of filming is well-known in the circle, basically one movie after another.

Otherwise, how could there be so many works since he debuted not long ago.

"When do you have a schedule and when will the filming start?" Mu Chen said.

"Tomorrow, how about I come to your company to talk?"

Upon hearing this, Li Long said immediately.

Mu Chen is waiting for his schedule, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

"Okay!" Mu Chen nodded.

Mu Chen invited Li Long to cooperate?

Many people around showed surprise.

After all, Mu Chen's elder brother Mu Ze is a very popular action actor.

Why did he invite Li Long to cooperate?

Many people figured it out and immediately understood.

Mu Chen is probably ready to develop internationally.


One of them walked towards Mu Chen with a smile.

"Brother Chao!"

Mu Chen looked at the person with a smile.

The people in the circle who called Mu Chen's name were probably familiar people.

Mu Chen and Li Chao became friends because of "A Wonderful Journey with the Other Half". They have a good relationship and often keep in touch. They spend most of their time in Yanjing, and occasionally get together to have a meal, play basketball, and KK songs.

"Are you busy recently?" Li Chao asked.

"It's okay." Mu Chen looked at Li Chao suspiciously and said.

The new film is still in the preparatory stage, and there are not many things to do.

And now because of Li Long's schedule, it is estimated that the plan has to be backed up.Naturally, this time is not so busy.

Chenxi Film and Television Mu Chen has always been a hands-off shopkeeper. If he doesn't make movies, he is actually quite free.

"Can you spare a day or two?" Li Chao said, "I made a movie, and I want you to play a guest role to increase my popularity."

"Directed and acted by yourself?" Mu Chen looked at Li Chao and asked curiously.

It is very common in the circle to act well and lead.

Li Chao has his own studio, has developed well in the past few years, and is now one of the most popular actors at the box office. It is not surprising to Mu Chen that he is on the road of directing and acting on his own.

Li Chao directed and acted in a movie, and Mu Chen also heard some rumors that he was invited to be a guest star, so he wasn't too surprised.

As an actor who has changed his career as a director, many of his first works will invite some friends to make guest appearances.

"En!" Li Chao nodded.

"Okay." Mu Chen nodded, agreeing to the matter.

It's a matter of a day or two, and there is no delay.

It is very common in the circle to make guest appearances in each other's movies.

"What are you talking about?" Li Ruoxi walked over and said.

"Brother Chao invited me to make a cameo in his movie. Are you interested? Let's go together every two days." Mu Chen smiled and said.

"Okay!" Li Ruoxi also readily agreed.

When Li Chao heard this, he immediately smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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