my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 21 and Li Ruoxi's Wonderful Journey

Chapter 21 and Li Ruoxi's Wonderful Journey

There are not many people who have the idea of ​​quitting fans like Yang Lan. They feel that being Wu Fan's fans is too tiring.

Nowadays, many people heard that they were Wu Fan's fans, and asked what it was like to be scolded by Mu Chen?
How about your experience?

That's not experience, that's the psychological shadow area.

Well, it is estimated that those people will ask now: How big is the psychological shadow of being scolded by Mu Chen?

To be a fan is to be able to have a psychological shadow area.

What's the point of being a fan?

In the past, being a fan of Wu Fan was something to be proud of, but now I am too embarrassed to say so.

That guy Mu Chen is a bastard!

Wu Fan's fans did not expect that a scolding war, a scolding war that stopped due to official intervention, would have such a huge impact afterwards.

Mu Chen didn't care how big the shadow area of ​​Wu Fan's fans was.

Was he really thinking about what to shoot next?
He is ready to develop in the film and television industry.

"Do you want to make a movie version of "Fist of Fury"?" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen, then shook his head, and said, ""Fist of Fury" is a big hit, so adapting it to a movie may not be impossible, but it will take time. The time interval is too short. good."

How bad?

The influence is not enough, and it is easy to be said to be ugly, making movies to make money?

Moreover, it is easy for people to compare, and they will suffer from word of mouth.

Mu Chen nodded. Although Li's version of "Jing Wu Heroes" is a classic, the box office didn't seem to be as good as expected.What's more, the box office of kung fu movies is indeed a bit weak nowadays.

For Mu Chen to shoot now, the risk is undoubtedly great.

What's more, he may not be able to manage it when he is making movies now.

After all, filmmaking is much stricter than filming television.

Movies may not make as much money as TV.

"Fist of Fury" has now earned 3000 to [-] million. If this TV is popular, the second round of broadcasting, online copyrights, etc. are sold, I am afraid it will only be more.

There are many movies that lose money, but it seems that there are not many TV series that lose money, right?

Then make a TV series!

What can I shoot?

There are many TV series in Mu Chen's mind, but it is difficult to choose for a while!
"You're right!" Mu Chen nodded, and then said, "What kind of film do you think is good?"

"I thought you were going to continue making kung fu TV series!" Chen Fuhai said with a smile.

"You can't always shoot one genre!" Mu Chen said.

He doesn't want to be characterized.

"Would you like to make a martial arts drama?" Chen Fuhai asked tentatively.

The box office of martial arts movies is basically smashing the market, but although the ratings of martial arts dramas are not amazing, if the quality is good, it is still guaranteed.

"Then make a martial arts drama." Mu Chen nodded and said.

As soon as he thought of martial arts dramas, Mu Chen thought of many: "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", "Swordsman", "The Legend of the Dragon and the Dragon", Li Feidao", "Four Famous Arrests".
Which one to shoot?

"Legend of the Condor Heroes"?For Mu Ze to play Guo Jing, I'm afraid it's easy to make a play!

When "Fist of Fury" becomes popular, the image of Mu Ze and Chen Zhen may really be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes"?
It must be a bit abrupt to shoot directly.

"Tian Long Ba Bu" seems to have three protagonists?Duan Yu, he doesn't seem to be able to.Xu Zhu, it seems even worse.Qiao Feng, it should be fine!
Mu Chen seemed a little confused.

After thinking about it, he smiled.

This one doesn't seem to be in a rush.

Do you want to write novels along with these TV series?

Although the theme song of "Our Youth" suffered "misfortune", the publicity is still in full swing.

The promotion of "Fist of Fury" was tepid.

And at this time, the program "A Wonderful Journey with the Other Half" that Mu Chen accompanied Li Ruoxi to participate in began recording.

Recording starts with going out.

People from the TV program team came to the address provided by Mu Chen and were a little dazed.

"Is this really Mu Chen's residence?"

"It should be. This is the address he gave."

"I didn't expect it!"

Really did not expect, this can be seen from the expressions of the people present.

Didn't his TV series sell for more than 5000 million yuan? How can he still live in such a place?

He knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no movement.

Is it the wrong place?
"Are you here? It's so early!"

A voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads, only to see that Mu Chen was covered in sweat, as if he hadn't run away from running.

"Did Director Mu go for a run?" a staff member asked curiously.

"Yes! It's a habit I've developed since I was a child." Mu Chen smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to come so early."

Mu Chen from both worlds has the habit of getting up early to run and practice boxing.

Mu Chen opened the door, and everyone was even more surprised when they entered.

The house is tidy, but a little cramped.

"I rented it before graduation, and the lease period has not expired, so I haven't changed it." Mu Chen explained.

Change, it must be changed.He is not short of money now, and there is no need to treat himself so badly.

What's more, when Li Ruoxi came, did she nest here like herself?

Although she didn't mind, Mu Chen did.

Men, if you suffer yourself, you can't suffer your own woman.

After tidying up, Mu Chen and the crew headed towards Li Ruoxi's residence.

"Director Mu brought these things?" The staff of the program team asked in surprise.

Mu Chen only carried a hiking bag, not even a suitcase.

"I don't have anything to bring. Didn't I say it's only for two days? Why bring so many things? If it's really missing, just buy it temporarily." Mu Chen smiled and said, "By the way, if it's a temporary purchase, the crew Will it be reimbursed?"

The staff member smiled.

She obviously thought that Mu Chen was joking again.

In fact, Mu Chen put a lot of things in that bag.

Compared with Mu Chen who got up early, Li Ruoxi was a little sleepy.

When she opened the door, she was still yawning and woke up hazy.

However, after seeing the camera, he screamed and ran into the house.

"I don't have makeup on!"

"You are naturally beautiful, and you look photogenic even without makeup." Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi's back and said with a smile.

Li Ruoxi turned her head and showed a smile, but she didn't stop.

She was still in her pajamas!
Li Ruoxi's apartment is naturally much larger and more luxurious than Mu Chenzhi's hut.

It was also the first time for Mu Chen to come here, so he began to look at it curiously.

I don't know if this is an arrangement for her by the company or by his father.

After a while, Li Ruoxi came out of the room. Although she didn't have makeup on, she also dressed up.

"I bought it downstairs, eat it while it's hot!"

Mu Chen smiled and pointed to the breakfast he put on the tea table just now.

Li Ruoxi smiled sweetly, and asked casually, "Have you eaten?"

She seemed to be accustomed to Mu Chen's actions.

"Why do you bring so few things?" The staff of the program group looked at Li Ruoxi, a little surprised.

Mu Chen carried another bag, while Li Ruoxi only carried one suitcase.

This shooting took two days, and the time is actually not short.

Many stars will bring a lot of things when recording a half-day program, especially female stars.

Is Li Ruoxi a clear stream in the circle?
Both of them are like this, judging from their appearance is not a good deal.

"How to shoot, you don't reveal. I don't know anything, so I can only think in the worst direction. If you want us to support ourselves when you shoot, wouldn't it be a crime for me to bring so many things?" Li Ruoxi laughed He said, "What's more, with a card in hand, I have everything in the world. If you want something, you can't buy it temporarily."

The people in the program team heard it, but looked at Mu Chen.

what is this?
If you're not a family, why don't you enter a family?
(End of this chapter)

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