my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 22 Mu Chen's Modest Words

Chapter 22 Mu Chen's Modest Words
Without talking all the way, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi set off from Yanjing to their destination together.

The recording took two days and one night, but the time to get to the destination was not included.

One recording, will be cut into two periods.

Twelve episodes of a season, broadcast in March, recorded six times, the time is only about twenty days, never more than one month.

Mu Chen is not a celebrity nowadays, but his popularity is not small.

The program group offered him 20 for one episode, a total of 240 million.

Perhaps, he is the lowest fee among the many guests, even less than the fraction of some guests, but he also has to sigh that the money is really easy to earn.

No wonder so many people want to be a star.

The prosperity of the world is all for Lilai!
Get off the plane, take the car sponsored by the merchant to the destination.

However, Mu Chen was a little surprised that the destination turned out to be a beautiful countryside.

The first episode of recording, wouldn't it be filmed here?
How to explain the word "travel"?
Is it not on the way, but at the end of the way.

Before Mu Chen, a group of guests had already arrived.

This pair of guests is a couple, and they are also the most famous and famous among the guests.Of course, the cost is naturally the most expensive.

It is estimated that there are four groups of guests, and the two of them accounted for most of them.

The male guest is called Li Chao, a first-line star in China, with excellent acting skills, and his box office appeal is not weak.

He has a strong sense of variety and is the darling of many variety shows.

His wife's name is Xie Li. Although she rarely appeared in movies, she has a lot of wrists.She is well-known in the TV circle, and the TV series she starred in have extremely high ratings in a row.

Of course, her salary is also one of the highest in the TV circle.

They met each other for the first time, and the four of them got along quite well.

The other two groups of guests will arrive soon.

One group is in their 50s. The man is Liu Yu, a famous singer for many years. He is not very important in the music world, but his wrist is not small.The woman is the actress Zhong Hua, who is not well-known, but she looks familiar.

The remaining group is in their thirties. The man, Zhou Liang, is a retired swimmer, has won the Olympic champion, and is very well-known.His wife, Deng Jialin, was born as a model.

Mu Chen is a little over 1.8 meters tall, while Li Ruoxi is nearly 1.7 meters tall. The two of them are much shorter beside Zhou Liang and Deng Jialin.

The four groups of guests arrived, and the director spoke immediately.

"Welcome all guests to "A Wonderful Journey with Your Other Half"!" The director is a man in his forties, although he is smiling, it is difficult to make people feel friendly.

"The next two days and one night, you will spend here. You will bid farewell to the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the tranquility of the countryside. Next, you will follow the fellow villagers here"

Mu Chen listened, how do you feel that "A Wonderful Journey with Your Other Half" is a bit like "Experience a Different Life with Your Other Half"?

Is a different life a wonderful journey?

This experience seems to be farmers.

The word "journey" is not a journey, but a process of experience.

"Director, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

After the director finished speaking, Mu Chen reportedly said.

When the director heard it, he immediately smiled and said, "Say it!"

"As a cub raised by a farmer's father, I grew up in the countryside. What you said just now is really nothing amazing." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Do you think this is okay? The seven of them can experience the difficulties of being a farmer. Follow the villagers to do farm work, while I experience the life of the landlord's house, holding a stool and making a pot of tea, and supervising them."

As soon as Mu Chen's words came out, the scene fell silent.

"Pfft!" Li Ruoxi suddenly laughed for some reason.

"Director, I am also a cub raised by a farmer's father!" Li Chao suddenly said loudly, "I want to be an owner too!"

"Are you sure?" the director said with a smile.

"Sure!" Li Chao said with certainty.

"What about you?" The director looked at Mu Chen and said.

"I'd better be a farmer! Farmers are pretty good." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Why?" Li Ruoxi asked curiously.

"I don't want to be dragged into a parade by the director." Mu Chen said with a grin.

What he said just now was just a joke.

Of course, the main reason was to see that the director was smiling maliciously.

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at the director, and then at Li Chao.

Li Chao smiled awkwardly, and said, "Joke, it's purely a joke. In what age are there still landlords? I'm a cub raised by a farmer's father, and I hate landlords."

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, all the guests can go to see the house you live in tonight." The director said.

The village is not small, and the buildings are quite distinctive, but the conditions of the people in the village are inevitably somewhat different, and the houses for the guests are also good and bad.

Well, it can be called a country house, with all the furniture and convenient washing.

Poor, in a dilapidated house, with a wooden bed, you have to go a long way to go to the toilet.Let alone the toilet.

"Everyone has seen houses from No. [-] to No. [-]. Where you live in the end depends on your performance." The director said with a smile.

Four groups of guests, prepared to be four rooms, seem to be fine.But they forgot the situation of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi.

The two of them haven't lived together yet, so how could they sleep in the same bed.

Even if the true love comes, sleeping in the same bed is definitely not when recording a program.

What's more, even if they live together before marriage, it doesn't seem so good in the show.

Mu Chen frowned, but Li Ruoxi seemed to have something on her mind.

Mu Chen wanted to raise it, but in the end he held back.Now that he is recording, raising it at this time is tantamount to a slap in the face.

When I was resting, I would raise it with the program team, anyway, it was still early before dark.

The winner will be determined by points in the quiz game, and the player with the highest points will be the first choice.

"Speak the idioms related to farming, the one with the most wins!"

"Cows and peasants weeping at each other, scholars, peasants and businessmen, farmers leaning on their houses, working on agriculture and benefiting the people, not taking away the farming time, not violating the farming time, not delaying the farming time, cheap grain hurting the farmers, and combining soldiers with the farmers!"

As soon as the director finished speaking, Mu Chen uttered nine idioms in an instant.

"From morning to night, sweating profusely, years and months, meticulous workmanship, spring planting and autumn harvesting, grain returning to the warehouse... these should also be counted?" Mu Chen continued.

At this time, everyone was dumbfounded and stunned on the spot.

"You are." Seeing everyone staring dumbfounded, Mu Chen immediately smiled and said, "Don't be infatuated with brother, brother is just a legend."


Li Ruoxi smiled, and everyone came back to their senses.

"Bull! Where's the idiom dictionary!" Li Chao said.

"Then Mu Chen won the first question." The director said with a smile.

Mu Chen opened his mouth with more than a dozen idioms, and it was difficult for the other guests not to admit defeat.

"Okay, the second question!" The director continued, "Which grains do you mean?"

"Five grains, there are many different terms in ancient times, and there are two main ones: one refers to rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean; the other refers to hemp, millet, millet, wheat, and bean. The difference between the two is: The former has rice but no hemp, and the latter has hemp but no rice. The ancient economic and cultural center was in the Yellow River Basin, and the main production area of ​​rice was in the south, while the cultivation of rice in the north was limited, so there was no rice among the five grains at first.”

After the director finished speaking, Mu Chen spoke immediately.

Everyone looked at the director with hope and despair in their eyes.

Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen with a smile on her face, exuding a hint of fascination.

This time, I am afraid that Mu Chen will take points again.

"Aside from these two, are there others?" The director looked at Mu Chen and asked.

""Zhou Li·Tianguan·Disease Medicine": Use five flavors, five grains, and five medicines to nourish the disease. Zheng Xuan's note: Five grains, hemp, millet, millet, wheat, and beans. "Mencius Teng Wengong [-]": Arboriculture and five grains , the five grains are ripe and the people are educated. Zhao Qi’s note: the five grains are rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean.” Mu Chen smiled and said, “"Chu Songs Dazhao": five grains and six ren. Wang Yi’s note: five grains , rice, millet, wheat, beans, and hemp. "Su Wen·Theory on Qi Storage Method": five grains are for nourishment. "Wang Bing's note: it refers to japonica rice, small beans, wheat, soybeans, and yellow millet. "

With a photographic memory, the memory is still fresh, it's so awesome!
What else should I say?I can recite to you verbatim the previous life Baidu Encyclopedia and Sanliu Baike.

"Papa papa!" The director took the lead in applauding.

"There is no doubt that this point belongs to Mu Chen again." The director said, "Alright, next question."

Several consecutive questions were answered perfectly by Mu Chen, and the other guests had no chance to perform at all.

He was determined to be the first one early, so there is no need to answer.

"From now on, please call me Mu Xueba!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Mu Xueba, how do you feel about winning the first place in advance?" Li Chao said with a smile.

"Crazy, or humble!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"How about being humble?" Li Chao said.

He seems to be mediating the atmosphere, and in many embarrassing scenes, he is the one to come forward.

"I'm not targeting any of you, I'm saying: Everyone here is a scumbag!" Mu Chen's face was full of disdain, and his eyes revealed a hint of sarcasm.

"Pfft!" After Mu Chen finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

With his smile, his power was broken in an instant.

"That's still modest!" Li Chao said with a smile, "It's okay to be a little crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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