Chapter 234
"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was a big hit at the foreign box office, which somehow boosted the domestic box office.

Domestic movie fans don't like it, why do foreign movies like it so much?
Out of curiosity, many people walked into the theater.

Flowers bloom inside the wall and fragrance outside the wall.

This label, this film probably cannot be shaken off.

Is the domestic box office really that bad?
Obviously not!

It broke [-] million on the first day and [-] million on the second day.

Can you say he is bad at the box office like this?It's nothing more than the fact that the fans' feedback is not as amazing as Mu Chen's previous films.

Moreover, compared with Mu Chen's previous films, the box office of this film is inevitably somewhat insufficient.

After all, the box office of Mu Chen's two previous films "Wolf Warrior 2" and "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" was extremely astonishing.

Before "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was released, the momentum was much bigger than those two films.

Starring Li Long, Zhang Na, Li Ruoxi, and Mu Chen, with an investment of over [-] million, it is the largest martial arts film in history, sweeping the Golden Dragon Awards and hitting the Oscars.
With such momentum, the decline in the box office was somewhat unexpected.

Of course, the main reason why it is said to be "flowering inside the wall and fragrant outside the wall" is that this film performed amazingly at the domestic box office.

This film is not sought after by domestic fans, but it is highly sought after by foreign fans.

Do not understand, do not understand.

Although the domestic box office of this film failed to meet many people's expectations, those who said that Mu Chen's film would lose money were still severely slapped in the face.

Not to mention the astonishing box office in foreign countries, this film is also very profitable in China.

"When will I appear?" Mu Chen asked the staff of the program with a smile.

"Songs of China" is still in the stage of "audition grouping".

"Director Mu is the fifth to appear on the stage." The staff member said hastily.

The fifth appearance should be the middle section.

Mu Chen didn't think too much about why he was placed in the middle and why.

Of course, Mu Chen didn't know if the show was recorded one episode at a time, or if it was recorded directly and then cut into several episodes.

Mu Chen came here just to create topics and stir up the show.

From Chen Fuhai's point of view, it seems that the program group is planning to invite stars who release new songs to make guest appearances from time to time.

Whether this will be the case, probably depends on the effect of Mu Chen after taking the stage.

The program format of "Song of China" is somewhat borrowed from "The Voice of China", and the instructors all have their backs to the contestants.

Mu Chen was not worried that there would be no mentor to turn him around.

This is not because of confidence in one's own song, but if there is no mentor to turn around, the program team will definitely notify the mentor to turn around.

However, Mu Chen didn't think that the instructor didn't turn around for the song he had prepared.

The four mentors didn't know that Mu Chen would be on stage.

There will be several turns, and Mu Chen is naturally even more unclear.

I'm just a little curious, if a mentor doesn't turn around, will he be sprayed by his fans?
"Director Mu, get ready to go on stage."

Not long after, the staff notified Mu Chen.

The program team did a good job of keeping secrets, knowing that Mu Chen was coming and not many people were going to be on stage.

"Come on! There will be a mentor who will turn around for you. You have to believe in yourself! You will succeed."

"You have so many plays."

Before Li Ruoxi finished speaking, Mu Chen pouted and said.

Li Ruoxi giggled.

She came to support as a "player's relative and friend".

"The title of this song is interesting." Liu Yu looked at the prompter in front of him and said to Hu Yufei with a smile.

Both of them are Mu Chen's acquaintances.

Among them, Liu Yu and Mu Chen have a good relationship.This is the fate formed from "A Wonderful Journey with the Other Half".

And Hu Yufei met because he and Li Ruoxi participated in "The King of Songs".

The other two mentors, one is Cheng Qingzhou, a senior singer-songwriter from Formosa, and the other is Deng Feifei, a singer from Xiangjiang.



As soon as Mu Chen took the stage, the audience was stunned for a moment, then stood up excitedly and screamed loudly.

Seeing that some people were about to call out Mu Chen's name, the program team and Mu Chen quickly signaled.

The audience immediately covered their mouths and looked at Mu Chen on the stage in disbelief.

"what happened?"

"The audience's reaction is a bit big!"

"Could it be some popular star who came on stage?"

"You really think about it?"

The four instructors were a little puzzled, and then started discussing.

The audience reacted like this, and they really wanted a certain popular star to come on stage.

But is this possible?
They don't think that popular stars will come to this stage to join in the fun.

"here we go!"

The music started and the four mentors stopped talking.

The audience in the audience also fell silent.

Mu Chen said: "Kneeling and holding a torch to be devout like Daoguang, the fields in all directions are falling into barns, the ancients' pictograms, sounds and meanings distinguish good from evil!"

"Why does this voice sound familiar?" Liu Yu frowned and said.

"Familiar?" Deng Feifei was a little puzzled.

This voice is not recognizable!
"魃魈孈孑鬾魑魑魑魑鬼, wu~you double, wu~huoyanyanyan, wu~shuiyanmiao,!"

"I go!"

When Mu Chen sang here, Hu Yufei couldn't help being amazed!
"Uncommon words"?It's really strange!

When Hu Yufei saw these lyrics, he suddenly realized that he was a little illiterate.

He is obviously not the only one who feels this way.

The other three instructors were also surprised.

As for the audience in the audience, they were already stunned.

The photographer accurately captured the expressions of the instructor and the audience.

This will be a highlight when the show airs.

"Standing alone, cowardly, walking alone, groaning, groaning, old man, gluttonous prison, scorpion, coveting, stalking, yoke, yoke, scorpion, evil, other scorpion, pickled scorpion."


Liu Yu came back to his senses, then pressed the button, and the swivel chair turned around.


Seeing Mu Chen on the stage, Liu Yu stood up in surprise, and almost called out Mu Chen's name, and then covered it with his hand.


Seeing Liu Yu's reaction, the other three mentors obviously felt that this "player" was a little different.


Hu Yufei also tapped the transfer button.

He turned around, not out of curiosity, but because the song was worth turning around.

Let's not talk about this song, but Hu Yufei knows very well that this song is going to be popular, and it will be very popular.

Regardless of the melody of the song, just the lyrics can spark heated discussions.

Such a song is not popular, what kind of song is popular!

Hu Yufei turned around, saw Mu Chen on the stage, stood up in surprise, then shook his head and smiled wryly.

He was still thinking about how to compete with Liu Yu for this player.

Still fighting for a fart now!
tutor?Who dares to speak up in front of the teacher here?


Deng Feifei and Chen Qingzhou also turned around immediately.



Although Mu Chen is just a director, he is not unknown behind the scenes. His face is no more low-key than any star.

Deng Feifei and Chen Qingzhou naturally recognized Mu Chen at a glance.

No wonder.

They also wonder who would write such a song, most of the lyrics they don't know.

"Hello, teachers, and friends from the audience!" Mu Chen said with a smile after singing.

"No, we can't afford to be your teacher."


"For the four of us, Old Liu may be able to call you a teacher." Chen Qingzhou said with a smile.

"Why, I'm old!" Liu Yu said with a curled lip.

It wasn't the first time he was ridiculed like this.

"No! Among the four of us, only you are a university teacher!" Chen Qingzhou said.

Liu Yu smiled, then looked at Mu Chen, and said, "Are you here to tear down our stage? We haven't seen each other for a few years, and you will tear down my stage as soon as we meet, okay?"

"Ms. Liu was joking." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"A few years ago, I recorded a variety show with Mu Chen." Seeing everyone's attention, Liu Yu immediately said, "It's just that I didn't expect that the young man who just made his debut has now become an international director! "

"Director Mu's musical talent is well known. He came to this stage, and he is indeed suspected of tearing down our stage!" Hu Yufei said with a smile.

He and Mu Chen knew each other well, so this kind of innocuous joke was naturally not too abrupt.

Demolition is naturally a joke, and Mu Chen will naturally not admit it.

"Then why are you here?" Liu Yu said.

"Isn't the box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" not very satisfactory, so I came to promote the movie." Mu Chen said with a smile.

As soon as Mu Chen said this, the audience in the audience immediately became noisy.

"Did you hear that?" Liu Yu said with a smile, "They said: Are you pretending? The box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is so high, you still say it is not ideal?"

"Actually, I also think it's quite good. Moreover, it also met my expectations." Mu Chen said, "There are many people who say that the box office of this film is not ideal, so I believe it to be true."

Is "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" a good box office?

In Mu Chen's view, nature is ideal.Not meeting expectations, but far exceeding them.

Whether it's domestic box office or international box office.

However, in the eyes of many people, the domestic box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is really "unsatisfactory".

For a movie with such momentum, the box office is not as high as Mu Chen's "Playing" "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", and it may not even reach half of this movie.

Before this, many people thought that the box office of this film would surpass that of "Wolf Warrior 2", so the trend of the film's box office will naturally make people think that it is not ideal.

"That's because the box office of your previous films was too strong." Liu Yu said.

The topic seems to be off topic.

"Let's talk about your song?" Liu Yu said with a smile, "Why did you suddenly think of writing such a song?"

"I talked to my friend about the new movie earlier, and he joked, saying that my movie is probably going to be disliked by people." Mu Chen said with a smile, "Shuangyu, I still know the first two words, I don’t know the last two words. As a self-reliant academic.”

"Then you feel ashamed, and in order to save face, you study uncommon characters?" Liu Yu said with a smile.

"No!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "How could I feel ashamed because of this. I was just thinking, as a top student, I don't know anyone, so how many people do I know? If many rare words are used as lyrics , How many people can sing the song?"

"So you wrote this song to embarrass others!" Hu Yufei didn't know what to say when he heard it.

Shouldn't your motivation for writing this song be to promote uncommon characters, to reflect the charm of my Chinese characters?
Shouldn't the inspiration for writing a song be taller?

"I was really taken aback. I don't know how to pronounce at least half of the lyrics in it." Deng Feifei said.

"If you can know half of the people, then you are a top student!" Cheng Qingzhou said, "The lyrics of this song make me feel like an illiterate."

That word, they were really stumped.

It is estimated that no one can recognize it.

I can't even recognize it, how can I sing it!

"That's how I came up with the idea of ​​writing this song." Mu Chen said, "However, during the process of writing, I felt that our Chinese characters are profound and infinitely charming. Although these rare words are not commonly used, I don't think they should Buried. And if more people want to know these rare characters, so I came to the stage of "Songs of China", to see if I can use this platform to make more people pay attention to this song and pay attention to the 'rare characters'. "

This is somewhat "official".

To get more people to pay attention to this song, does Mu Chen need to come to this show?
Of course it is not necessary.

As soon as Mu Chen's song is released, it is estimated that countless people will pay attention to it.

Besides, it's such an interesting song.

The lyrics of this song can't be said to have any artistic conception, it is purely composed of some rare words.

This song has a simple tune and is easy to catch. The lyrics contain many words and phrases that are not seen frequently, which arouses everyone's curiosity.

This song is going to be a hit, and it's going to be a hit.

The original version can be that popular, not to mention that Mu Chen has taken it to the stage of "Songs of China".

With Mu Chen's fame added, it's hard to imagine this song not being popular.

As for how long the fire lasted, Mu Chen didn't know.

He doesn't care either.

He is not here to promote songs, nor is he here to promote movies as he said.

He came just to add topic and momentum to the show.

And this purpose was clearly achieved.

As soon as this episode of the program was broadcast, the attention of this program skyrocketed instantly, and the ratings also soared.

"Mu Chen's "Uncommon Characters"" instantly topped the topic list and search list.

There is no doubt that this song is popular, and it is the kind that explodes.

However, what many people didn't expect was that the heat that followed was not about the topic of "Song of China", nor "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but "Mu Chen's new film".

During the show, Mu Chen mentioned that he wrote this song because his friend said that his new movie was not well received.

Of course, his friend was mostly joking.

There was even a sense of ridicule for those who were not optimistic about Mu Chen's films before.

Every movie of Mu Chen seems to be disliked by some people, including "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which is now famous all over the world.

Those who were not optimistic about Mu Chen's film seemed to have been slapped in the face now.

Although he was slapped in the face every time, he was not optimistic about the reason every time.

For example, "Fist of Fist" is a kung fu movie, "Wolf Warrior" is a military action movie, and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is a martial arts movie.
So why is Mu Chen's new movie not well received?

Also, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is still showing worldwide. Is Mu Chen's new movie going to start again?

(End of this chapter)

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