my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 235 A big surprise

Chapter 235 A big surprise

Mu Chen sang a song in the "Songs of China" program, which surprised many people with its high topicality.

After the show was broadcast, Mu Chen received countless invitations again.

With Mu Chen, it was unexpected that there was a topic and cleaning up.

However, Mu Chen politely rejected them all.

After that episode of the program was broadcast, the song "Rare Characters" sung by Mu Chen naturally became popular, and countless people on the Internet rushed to imitate it.

For a time, there were countless imitators.

Among them, there are many popular singers.

One of the popular singers was asked to sing Mu Chen's new song when interacting with fans on the live broadcast platform, and after seeing the lyrics, he was stunned and embarrassed.

His expression at that time and the expression of Liu Yu and other mentors when they heard the song were made into emoticons by countless netizens.

The only good news is that the singer does not have any idol baggage.

He has performed wonderfully in many variety shows, and he has a full sense of variety.

"Uncommon Characters" became popular, and many official media gave affirmation.

After the broadcast of that episode, the hot discussion on the Internet was obviously not limited to this song.

Also, Mu Chen's sentence ""Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" did not perform well at the box office", and the audience joked that he was "pretentious" also caused a lot of discussion.

Of course, the key point of the discussion is not that Mu Chen pretends to be exposed, but whether the box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is not satisfactory?

Whether it is ideal or not is undoubtedly very controversial.

Netizens hold their own opinions, and no one can convince anyone.

However, the news about Mu Chen's new film received the most attention.

Although "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is still in theaters around the world, based on Mu Chen's past habits, it seems normal to prepare a new film at this time.

He is used to it.

What exactly is Mu Chen planning to shoot in his new film?
Why do his friends think that some people don't like his videos again?

If someone pays attention, there will naturally be media chasing and investigating.

Soon, news of Mu Chen's new film was inquired by some reporters.

Mu Chen's new film will be a sci-fi film, with an investment of more than 1 million US dollars, converted into Chinese currency, that is [-] to [-] million.

This is only a preliminary budget.

Anyone who knows Mu Chen knows very well that almost all of his films exceeded the budget.

With a budget of [-] to [-] million, it is not uncommon to spend [-] to [-] million for filming.

If the publicity fee is replaced, then the investment in this film will be a bit large.

This is far breaking the record for the largest investment in Huaxia Film!

Previously, it seemed that Zheng Yonghe's "Excalibur" had the largest investment. As a result, he almost lost his underpants for that film.

But now Mu Chen's sci-fi film's investment gap is only twice that, if it's a loss.
It seems that both Mu Chen and Chen Xi Film and Television can afford it!

For some reason, those who got the news subconsciously thought that Mu Chen's new film would have to lose money.

It seems that there are more people who are not optimistic about Mu Chen this time than before.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is not favored by others because the investment of this martial arts film exceeds [-] million.

No one thinks how good a martial arts movie can be at the box office.

But who would have thought that the domestic box office would exceed one billion, or even 15 billion.Not to mention the foreign box office, which has now broken the overseas box office record of Chinese-language movies.

But Mu Chen is good at martial arts movies after all!

What's more, no matter how unpopular martial arts films are in China, they are much better than sci-fi films!

What kind of genre is the least popular among movie fans in Huaxia, and that is science fiction movies.

Not all sci-fi films, Hollywood sci-fi films have a good domestic box office appeal.

But Chinese science fiction films seem to have been ruined by word of mouth.

Nowadays, when Chinese movie fans hear about Chinese science fiction films, they subconsciously think that they are bad movies.

Under such circumstances, Mu Chen actually invested [-] to [-] million to shoot a science fiction film?

He is trying to die!

With such an investment, it is considered a blockbuster in Hollywood.If you want not to lose money, it is obviously extremely risky to rely solely on the domestic market.

Well, if this film wants not to lose money, then the foreign box office cannot be too bad.

Could it be that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is doing well at the foreign box office, and Mu Chen is inflated again!
Well, why "again"?

He believes that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has achieved high box office abroad, and all his films will be able to achieve good box office.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is doing well at the foreign box office. Many "future experts" believe that the reason why this film is so popular with foreign fans is that Mu Chen uses stories they can understand, or they like to watch, to integrate oriental culture. presented.

Those satisfies the fantasies of foreign movie fans about the mysterious East.

Martial arts films already have a large market abroad.

Is there a market for science fiction films abroad?

Yes, and it's big.

The problem is that there is a market for Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters.

Huaxia, the film genre he is least good at, is probably science fiction films.

Mu Chen is using the types of films that Chinese filmmakers are not good at to capture the types of films that others are good at.

How does this look good?
In the eyes of many people, Mu Chen's move was undoubtedly a trick in the face of others.

There is no doubt that he will die.

Not to mention foreign movie fans, even domestic movie fans, if they have to choose between Chinese sci-fi movies and Hollywood sci-fi movies, they will probably choose the latter.

Science fiction films are undoubtedly a pain in Chinese films.

For this reason, many people even left messages on Mu Chen's Weibo, hoping to "save" this "bloated" filmmaker.

Mu Chen didn't care about this, he was currently on CCTV, preparing to record "People".

This program was recorded and broadcast. In addition to the content of Mu Chen's interview, there were also many film and television materials during the broadcast.

What issues will be mentioned in the program have been well communicated in advance.

Moreover, the recording of this program is not like other talk shows, where there are many live audiences.

In this show, there is only Mu Chen in the camera.

Yes, only Mu Chen.

Not even the host was on camera.

She has nothing but a voice.

Host: "Mu Dao came from an ordinary background, and he must have encountered many difficulties step by step to get to where he is today?"

"No!" Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I have an extraordinary background. My grandfather fought against Japan, aided the dynasty, and shed blood for this country. He is a hero. My grandfather is a hero, and I have an extraordinary background."

"Of course, I have encountered a lot of difficulties to achieve the current results." Mu Chen continued, "Actually, a person's life is a process of constantly overcoming difficulties."

The "ordinary" in the host's mouth does not seem to be the same concept as Mu Chen's "ordinary".

"Then what is the biggest difficulty you have encountered now, or what is the most profound difficulty in your memory?"

"The family conditions were not good when I was young." Mu Chen said, "My brother and I both had good grades, but it was already very difficult to provide for two high school students at home. Obviously, we couldn't afford two college students. I My brother and I both know that, so we will use the holidays to work part-time to subsidize the family and reduce the burden on the family. Unfortunately, the sky does not come true. When my brother was in the third year of high school, my father fell ill again, and spent all the savings in the family. A lot of money. So, after my brother finished the college entrance examination, he went out to work without filling out the university voluntary."

"Actually, I know very well that my brother really wants to go to college."

"This is probably my brother's regret."

"You were admitted to Yanjing Film Academy as the number one scholar in liberal arts because your brother is playing tricks in the film and television city?" the host asked.

"There are factors in this aspect." Mu Chen said, "There is also the reason why I didn't know what university to study and what major to study at the time. My brother was playing tricks in the film and television city, so when we corresponded, we naturally had to talk about it. This also made me There is a kind of curiosity about the movie."

"So your brother was the leading actor in your first film "Fist of Fury"?" the host asked, "At that time your brother was not famous, how did you convince the investors?"

"No need to persuade." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Let my brother be the leading actor, which is a request from investors! Besides, at that time, the script of "Fist of Fury" hadn't been written yet?"

"Ah?" The host looked at Mu Chen in surprise, and said, "How is it possible? This is the first time I've heard of such an investor."

"The investor is Ruoxi's father." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Huh?" The host looked at Mu Chen in a daze.

"My relationship with Ruoxi was exposed, and her father found me not long after." Mu Chen said, "As soon as we met, he handed me a 3000 million check."

"You certainly wouldn't think that the 3000 million was invested in your filming!" the host laughed.

"I was still a film school student at the time, who would invest 3000 million in my filmmaking!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "I thought he would give me 3000 million to let me leave Ruoxi, and what about the breakup fee? "

"Then how did you deal with it?" the host asked curiously.

"Turn a blind eye, pretending not to understand. He is Ruoxi's father, I can't throw the 3000 million in his face, and then say '30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor'? Don't say it Her father didn't mean that, even if he did. I can't do that either! That's also a kind of love a father has for his daughter." Mu Chen said.

"And what happened next?" the host asked.

"Then her father asked me if I thought it was too little. I said: No. Ruoxi and I haven't reached the point of discussing marriage yet. Besides, according to the customs in our place, the dowry given by the mother's family is not directly given to the husband's family, let alone the son-in-law. Yes. As for the dowry, a check is directly used. It is so fresh and refined, it is really unheard of."

"Haha!" The host laughed.

"Her father said that he doesn't mind if Ruoxi finds a boyfriend who is poor and white, but he will never allow Ruoxi to find a boyfriend who is a waste!" Mu Chen continued, "The 3000 million is a test: make my brother famous. Movies, TV, and online dramas made my brother famous anyway. He did it, and he didn’t object to me being with Ruoxi. If it couldn’t, his dad didn’t tell me to get out, he just asked me what qualifications I had to be Ruoxi Boy friend?"

"So, among my many works, "Jing Fu Men" is the most disturbing when TV dramas start broadcasting and movies are released." Mu Chen continued.

This talk show is mostly a review of Mu Chen from his debut to the present.

However, the program team obviously didn't expect Mu Chen to make a big news from the very beginning.

Mu Chen's first work "Fist of Fury" was actually invested by Li Ruoxi's father, and it was a test for Mu Chen.

Li Ruoxi's father took out 3000 million yuan to test Mu Chen?

This has the potential to be on the hot search!
As the interview progressed, Mu Chen revealed some serious news from time to time.

Of course, the focus of this talk show is still on "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Among Mu Chen's many works, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" may not have the highest box office, but its achievements are the most impressive.

But in the end, I had to talk about Mu Chen's new film.

"After "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", will your new film make new attempts?"

Mu Chen's works seem to be constantly experimenting, and there are few repetitions.

He kept trying, but kept succeeding.

"My next movie will be a sci-fi blockbuster." Mu Chen said, "Yes, it's a blockbuster, a blockbuster in the true sense!"

"Why did you choose science fiction?" the host asked.

"I just want to prove that I, a Chinese filmmaker, can also make sci-fi films, and I can also make good sci-fi films." Mu Chen said, "It's still the same sentence: there are only unpopular movies, and there is no unpopular movie genre."

"If Huaxia films want to make a difference in the world, science fiction films cannot be avoided." Mu Chen continued, "Kung Fu films, martial arts films, or fantasy films? It is obviously not enough. Fans of which film genre in the world Most of them are undoubtedly science fiction movies.”

After the recording of "Character", Mu Chen did not participate in any programs anymore, but prepared a new film with peace of mind.

Under the impact of new films, the box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has gradually declined.

However, it is no problem that the domestic box office is estimated to exceed 15 billion.

The foreign box office will undoubtedly be much higher than domestic ones.

This is also Mu Chen's first foreign film that has more box office than domestic box office.

And after Mu Chen's episode of "People" was broadcast, it still had a big boost to the domestic box office.

Since "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was released, Mu Chen has maintained a strong topic.

Seeing that the topic had faded, Mu Chen appeared on "Good Songs of China" first, and sparked a powerful topic with a "Rare Words".

This topic has not completely dissipated, and Mu Chen's revelation in "Character" once again ignited the topic.

Especially when Mu Chen broke the news that the investor of "Fist of Fury" is Li Ruoxi's father, and that he was given a test, it sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

"I now understand why Mu Chen said at the Golden Dragon Awards that without Li Ruoxi, there would be no "Fist of Fury"."

"Li Ruoxi is definitely from a wealthy family!"

"I'm so envious of Li Ruoxi! Why don't I have a rich father?"

"You should be envious of Mu Chen! You can have both money and sex."

"I don't know why she became a fan of Li Ruoxi's father."

"Li Ruoxi's father gave Mu Chen more than just "Fist of Fury"."

"When you take out the 3000 million, it is probably already a test."

"If I were Mu Chen, I would definitely pick up 3000 million yuan and throw it in the other person's face. Love cannot be tarnished as much as possible."

"Then why don't you say '30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty'."

"You can tell that you are single when you look upstairs."

"Mu Chen is definitely Li Ruoxi's father's most proud investment so far."

"Mu Chen is worth several billion now, right?"

"It's amazing, my brother. It's not an exaggeration to start from nothing!"

"Worth billions? "Wolf Warrior 2" Chenxi Film and Television has an income of 20 billion."

"Chenxi Film and Television is not owned by Mu Chen alone."

The topic of "Li Ruoxi was born in a wealthy family" has also been on the topic list and hot search list, and is even expected to be at the top of the list.

And as soon as this topic came up, netizens also began to guess who Li Ruoxi's father was, and the rich man with the "surname Li" was undoubtedly guessed over and over by netizens.

(End of this chapter)

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