my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 276 Sweeping Again

Chapter 276 Sweeping Again
how to cooperate?

How could Cheng Jie not understand the meaning of Mu Chen's words.

"You write the script, and I direct and act on my own. How about the two companies investing together?" Cheng Jie said immediately, "As for the details, how about we talk about it later?"

"Okay!" Mu Chen nodded.

Cooperation obviously involves many things, but it is not clear for a while.

Besides, this is not the place to talk about it.

However, once the preliminary intention is negotiated, the cooperation intention is reached, and the tone is set, then with the direction, the next step is to see if the "benefit distribution" can be negotiated.

Zhang Gang smiled at the side.

His literary film has now been completed, but it has not yet been released, and it is estimated that it will have to go to many foreign film festivals.

After being busy, it's not too late to talk to Mu Chen about cooperation.

If it doesn't work, just make a sequel to "Jurassic Park".

For the sequel of this film, Mu Chen promised that unless he did not make it, he would not make it for others.

As for Xu Wen, his "I Am Legend" is still in the final stage.

The awards ceremony began soon, and the chatterers took their seats.

Mu Chen naturally sat with the crew of "Inception".

At the beginning of the awards ceremony, "Inception" got off to a good start.

Winner of the Best Sound Effects Award.

However, it then missed out on the Best Art Direction award.

After missing the best soundtrack again, "Inception" won the second award, which is the Best Visual Effects award Mu Chen is most confident in.

No one was surprised that "Inception" won this award.

In other words, before the awards were presented, almost everyone believed that the award was none other than "Inception".

The visuals of other nominated films simply cannot compare with "Inception".

Well deserved, without controversy.

Immediately afterwards, "Inception" won three consecutive awards including Best Action Design, Best Cinematography, and Best Cutting.

Not long after the awards were presented, Mu Chen's film had already won five awards, and the sweeping trend had already begun.

As for the next best screenwriter award, Mu Chen's voice is also extremely high. If he wins, then "Inception" will win six awards, and won four consecutively.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was probably not so crazy at the beginning.

Of course, this is not amazing. What is amazing is that if Mu Chen wins the Best Screenplay Award, then he will win the Best Screenplay Award again.

What's more, Mu Chen won two of the four nominations for Best Screenplay.

Half the chance!

"The winner of the Best Screenplay Award is: "Inception" Mu Chen! Congratulations to Director Mu, winning the Best Screenplay Award again."

The award presenter said with a smile.


The applause was intense, but unlike other filmmakers who won awards, there were no cheers.

The crew of "Inception" looked calm, as if the winner was not Mu Chen or someone from their crew, they didn't look elated at all, neither excited nor excited.

Apart from applauding, there seemed to be no polite congratulations, as if it wasn't their crew who won the award.

Mu Chen didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and it seemed that the people around him didn't feel anything strange, but the audience in front of the TV always felt that something was wrong.

But keen media reporters have already brewed headlines in their minds, such as:
"Mu Chen won the best screenwriter again and again, why no one cheers? Is it a loss of character, or is everyone taking his talent for granted?"

"What does Mu Chen mean when no one cheers for Mu Chen being the best screenwriter again and again?"

"Is Muchen's popularity extremely low, why is there no one cheering for the award?"

Mu Chen walked to the podium calmly, and took the statuette from the award presenter.

He doesn't know how many times he won the best screenplay.

It is true that he was not a little bit excited when he won the award, and his heart was extremely calm, without any fluctuations.

What's more, the scripts themselves were not written by him, even though many scripts have been revised by him, he has no sense of accomplishment.

"Thank you for the affirmation from the jury, and thanks to the fans for their support." Mu Chen said, "I don't know how many times this is the first time I have won this award. The script is the foundation of a play. In my opinion, a script is a movie The foundation of success. Therefore, I hope that the profession of screenwriting will receive more and more attention.”

"Some time ago, many people asked me what was the secret of my success?" Mu Chen continued, "It's really hard to answer, maybe it's the favor of the goddess of luck, maybe it's my hard work enough, maybe it's the burst of character, inspiration like The water that broke the embankment is out of control, and it may be difficult for me to say what it is. However, if you ask me, what is the basis for the success of my many works, then I can tell you very clearly, that is: the script !"

"No matter how good a director is, with a rubbish script and no amount of investment, will that movie be successful? No!" Mu Chen said, "So, the script should be valued by all filmmakers! Thank you!"

Mu Chen's award acceptance speech this time undoubtedly has a lot to say, even more than when he won the best director back then.

However, there is no need for Mu Chen to say that the Chinese movie circle is paying more and more attention to scripts.

The works directed by Mu Chen are successful, and the works written by him are also successful, especially the success of "Jurassic Park" and "Godzilla" in the global box office, so many film and television companies have to study and discuss.

Whether it is Zhang Gang or Chen Mouzhi, their abilities have not broken through, so why are they selling well at the foreign box office?

There is no doubt that this has something to do with Mu Chen's cooperation.

But everyone in the circle knew that although Mu Chen had the title of producer, he had never even been to the crew.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than providing a script.

The script met the tastes of foreign fans.

The script, that is the key to Zhang Gang and Chen Mouzhi's great box office success in the world.

The awards continued, the small awards were almost finished, and the rest were the more important awards.

As soon as the Best Supporting Actor award presenter came on stage, Li Yunyi became a little nervous.

If he wins this award, the road ahead will be much easier.

Xiao Xianrou is an idol group, he is now transforming, if he wins an actor award, even if it is a supporting role award, he will instantly become a powerful group.

He was actually a little shocked that he would be nominated.

He plays a very important part in "Inception", but he doesn't seem to have much room to display his acting skills!

"There will be a chance in the future."

Mu Chen patted Li Yunyi's shoulder and said with a smile.

Li Yunyi was taken aback for a moment, does this mean he doesn't like me?
Sure enough, as soon as Mu Chen finished speaking, the award presenters announced the winners.

Obviously, not Li Yunyi.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Li Yunyi's face, but he quickly recovered, smiled and clapped his hands.

"There will be opportunities in the future".

Mu Chen's words undoubtedly gave Li Yunyi great comfort.

Mu Chen is not only a director, but also the boss of Chenxi Film and Television, Li Yunyi's boss.If there is an opportunity after he speaks, he will do what he says.

Best Supporting Actress has nothing to do with Inception.

As Mu Chen guessed, Li Ruoxi failed to win the Best Actress Award.

However, when the shortlist was announced, Li Ruoxi's future, the screen on the big screen showed Mu Chen's scene.

After Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, some embarrassment appeared on his face, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Netizens couldn't help but laugh.

Among the four actors nominated for Best Actress, Mu Chen actually appeared!

"Why did I not feel a bit abrupt when your live image appeared on the big screen?" Mu Ze teased Mu Chen with a smile.

Mu Chen pursed his lips and remained silent.

He naturally knew that Li Ruoxi didn't come, and he couldn't see Li Ruoxi's reaction before the award, so it would be good to see Mu Chen's reaction.

The live broadcast of the awards ceremony, the reaction of the stars before and after the award is undoubtedly what the audience wants to see, especially the moment of the awards, the expressions of those shortlisted are undoubtedly extremely exciting.

It's a pity that Mu Chen didn't change much except for a flash of stunned and dumbfounded expression when he saw his picture appear on the big screen.

After the best actress, it is naturally the best actor.

Mu Ze's expression became a little nervous.

Su Xiaowan next to him patted the back of his hand and gave him a smile.

"Why does your live image appear on the big screen, I feel like you are constipated?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Revenge, this guy is definitely revenge.

Mu Ze didn't want to talk to his younger brother anymore.

Seeing Mu Ze's expression, Mu Chen was happy.

He's really not joking, Mu Ze's expression, or the expressions of the other three nominees are all tense as if constipated.

"The winner of the best actor is: "Inception" Mu Ze! Congratulations to Mu Ze!"

"Clap clap clap!"


Mu Chen stood up with a smile and gave Mu Ze a hug.

However, Mu Ze excitedly hugged Su Xiaowan next to him first.

"Thank you!"

Mu Ze took the stage, took the trophy, took a breath, and said, "Thank you for the affirmation of the jury, thank you for the fans who supported me. Thank you to all the staff of "Inception" and my wife Su Xiaowan. Of course, The person I want to thank the most is the director Mu Chen, my younger brother Mu Chen. I am proud to have such a younger brother."

Mu Ze should be most grateful to Mu Chen for being able to have what he is today.

However, Mu Chen has today, so why shouldn't he thank Mu Ze?
What Mu Ze got was not because of his efforts at the beginning.

"The winner of the best director is: "Inception" Mu Chen! Congratulations to Director Mu!"

"Best Picture Winner: Inception."

After Best Actor, "Inception" won Best Director and Best Picture again.

There is no doubt that Mu Chen swept the Golden Dragon Awards again this time.

"Inception" won nine awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Screenplay. What is it if it's not a sweep?
Although many people had expected it, they couldn't help but be shocked when it really happened.

"Inception" is undoubtedly the biggest winner of this year's Golden Dragon Awards.

Ma Lin's "Crazy Racing" and Chen Mouzhi's "Godzilla" all failed, but Chenxi Film and Television is still the biggest winner with "Inception".

(End of this chapter)

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