my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 277 A TV drama with the largest investment

Chapter 277 A TV drama with the largest investment

Mu Chen once again swept the Golden Dragon Awards, and naturally became the focus of media attention.

As soon as the awards ceremony ended, Mu Chen was surrounded by countless media.

"Director Mu, "Inception" directed by you once again swept the Golden Dragon Awards. What thanks do you have?"

a reporter asked.

"Sweeping?" Mu Chen shook his head with a smile, and said, "Nominated for thirteen awards and won nine, is this also called sweeping? What's more, there are still many awards for those who were not nominated?"

Doesn't that count as sweeping?Does winning all the awards count as a sweep?
Director Mu, aren't your standards a bit high?
Is "Inception" considered to sweep the Golden Dragon Awards?

No doubt it counts!
At least that's how the media will report it, and so do fans.

Perhaps, some awards were not won, such as Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, such important awards.

But this film won nine awards including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.

Such an astonishing achievement, can't it be considered a sweep?

So what is sweeping!

Sweep is not full sweep.

However, sweeping or not doesn't seem to matter!
There is no standard for this.

""Inception" won nine awards, isn't Director Mu still satisfied?"

said a reporter.

"Satisfied! Why not satisfied." Mu Chen said.

If he was not satisfied with what he said, he didn't know how much these reporters would exaggerate!

Are you satisfied?
Naturally, he was satisfied, even somewhat beyond Mu Chen's expectations.

Not only satisfied, but also pleasantly surprised.

After all, when Mu Chen made this film, he was more concerned about the box office than the awards.

It is a surprise to win nine Golden Dragon Awards.

"Director Mu, will Li Ruoxi quit the entertainment industry? When will she come back?"

"Of course she won't quit the entertainment industry." Mu Chen said, "As for her comeback, I guess she will have to wait until the child is older."

"Director Mu, when will your new film be released to everyone?"

"It depends on the progress of the post-production special effects. Now, I really can't tell. I have high hopes for this film, so I will try my best to make it perfect." Mu Chen said.

When the new movie will be released, Mu Chen is really not sure.

According to the current progress, the Spring Festival stalls seem to be somewhat difficult.

Before this movie came out, Mu Chen would definitely not shoot other movies.

However, if you don't shoot yourself, you can let others shoot.

Mu Chen can do a lot of things other than following up the later stages of "Avatar".

""Inception" was shortlisted for eleven Oscars, how many awards does Director Mu have the confidence to win?"

The Golden Dragon Awards are over, but the Oscars are coming soon.

After "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", the attention of Oscars in the country rose instantly, especially this year's "Inception" also won eleven nominations.

"Inception" became the biggest winner of the Golden Dragon Award, and everyone naturally expected this film to have an amazing performance at the Oscars.

"Shouldn't be returning empty-handed!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "As for how many to take, who dares to be confident?"

The original version won several Oscars, but now the opponent is different, so Mu Chen doesn't know.

However, with [-] nominations, the possibility of returning empty-handed should not be high.

Shouldn't it be big?
If he returns empty-handed, the fun will be great.

"Haven't you rested yet?"

After Mu Chen attended the dinner party, it was already midnight when he returned home, but Li Ruoxi still didn't sleep.

"That little guy has been making a fuss for a long time and just fell asleep." Li Ruoxi said.

"It's hard work." Mu Chen patted Li Ruoxi's head and said.

The little guy loves to laugh and cry.

Laughing can captivate everyone.

Crying can make everyone feel at a loss.

She cried loudly and for a long time, and often you were inexplicably crying, and you didn't know why you were crying suddenly.

If she cried, Mu Chen panicked instantly.

"Now I have figured out some ways!" Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Really? What methods have you figured out?" Mu Chen asked curiously.

"Let's take a bath first, you smell like alcohol. Did you drink less tonight?" Li Ruoxi sniffed, then said.

"Brother Chao, it's not like you don't know." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

Don't drink with Li Chao!

This is the word circulating in the circle.But when we meet, we have to drink it.

"The Richest Man in Tomatoes" was a big hit at the box office, Li Chao was elated, and had a good harvest. Naturally, he toasted frequently at the wine table.

Fortunately, Mu Chen's drinking capacity is not bad now.

The next day, as soon as Mu Chen arrived at the company, Chen Mouzhi couldn't wait to find him. He didn't know if he was afraid of being late and having long dreams.

"Director Chen, this is you."

When Mu Chen saw Chen Mouzhi, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"I can't be idle recently." Chen Mouzhi smiled and said, "Any ideas? You should still have some in stock, right?"

"Since Director Chen is here, let's talk about it!" Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "I have one here, which was originally intended for Director Yu. Since Director Chen is so impatient, I will give it to you."

"Isn't that good?" Chen Mouzhi said with some contradictions.

Yu Yun is the contracted director of Chenxi Film and Television, and the film Mu Chen prepared for him must be extraordinary.

If Chen Mouzhi was not moved, it would be impossible.

But stealing someone else's scene feels a little unreasonable.The relationship between him and Yu Yun is still good.

"It's okay, just make other preparations for him." Mu Chen said.

"Then hurry up!" Chen Mouzhi said hastily.

As for the truth about the scene grabbing, it disappeared in an instant.

Yu Yun signed a contract with Chenxi Film and Television, is there still a shortage of movies?


Mu Chen then handed over the script of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" to Chen Mouzhi.

"I'll take it back and study it first, and then I'll talk to you." Chen Mouzhi said.

"Okay!" Mu Chen nodded.

As for how to cooperate, the two have cooperated before, so naturally they have a lot of tacit understanding.

Chen Mouzhi left, but Mu Chen had to appease Yu Yun.

There is a difference between closeness and closeness, Yu Yun is a member of the company after all.

"Journey to the Center of the Earth" was also given to Yu Yun to choose, and he finally chose "A Chinese Ghost Story", but it's not that he doesn't want to make this film, it's just that there is a sequence.

Now that Mu Chen has given this film to Chen Mouzhi, he naturally needs to give Yu Yun an explanation, otherwise it will be bad for the other party's heart.

The reason why he gave this film to Chen Mouzhi was not because Chen Mouzhi came to him and Mu Chen was unprepared and used this film as an emergency, but because he thought this film was more suitable for Chen Mouzhi.

What's more, if there is one, there is one, and if there is one, there is none. There is no need for Mu Chen to be emergency.

"Journey to the Center of the Earth has been directed by Chen Mouzhi."

Mu Chen called Yu Yun and said straight to the point.


Yu Yun was a little stunned, and looked at Mu Chen in surprise.

He didn't expect Mu Chen to call him here at all because of this matter.

There is absolutely no need to inform him face to face about this matter.

I couldn't shoot that film in a short time, and the company couldn't put it on the shelf.

In this regard, Yu Yun expressed his understanding.

However, in my heart, there is inevitably some regret.

"I heard from Lao Chen that you are preparing for "Painted Skin" recently?" Mu Chen continued.

"En!" Yu Yun nodded. He is also a director who can't sit still. After "A Chinese Ghost Story" was released, he started to prepare.

"After filming this film, I will prepare another script for you, which should be no worse than Journey to the Center of the Earth!" Mu Chen said.

"Okay, thank you!"

Yu Yun nodded, he actually knew very well that Chen Mouzhi in "Journey to the Center of the Earth" was more suitable than him.

Otherwise, when Mu Chen gave him three scripts, why would he put "Journey to the Center of the Earth" at the end.

"You gave Chen Mouzhi "Journey to the Center of the Earth"?"

Not long after Yu Yun left, Chen Fuhai came.

"Chen Mouzhi is indeed more suitable than Yu Yun to direct Journey to the Center of the Earth!" Chen Fuhai continued, "Zhang Gang is also quite suitable."

"He came to the door, and we came to him are completely different things." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"That's true." Chen Fuhai nodded.

This is related to the issue of initiative and also related to the issue of benefit distribution.

"How about the cooperation with Cheng Jie?" Chen Fuhai continued to ask.

He came here mainly for this matter.

He had to see Mu Chen's attitude before he could decide what to discuss with Cheng Jie.

"You have the final say." Mu Chen said, "If you can reach an agreement, then cooperate. If you can't, then you have nothing to do. However, Cheng Jie and Zhang Gang are obviously different."

"What are you going to shoot? An action movie?" Chen Fuhai nodded and asked.

Cheng Jie's most box office appeal in the world is naturally action movies.

However, his skills are obviously not as good as before.

He will definitely not be able to complete some thrilling moves.

Those thrilling actions are a signature of Cheng Jie's movies.

This may also be the reason why Cheng Jie's movies have not been as good as before in recent years.

"Talk to him about this before making sure!" Mu Chen shook his head and said.

Chen Fuhai nodded.

"You came at the right time. You can read this novel." Mu Chen said, "Find a suitable director and shoot it. Maybe the ratings will break ten."

"Oh?" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen in surprise and said, "So confident."

"However, I estimate that it will also become the TV series with the largest investment." Mu Chen said, "There are a lot of special effects involved."

"Only novels, no scripts?" Chen Fuhai said.

"Look for the screenwriting department to change, but it's best to respect the original." Mu Chen said, "After the TV series is filmed, many corresponding IP movies will be produced. This novel is a golden chicken that can lay eggs."

"Then I have to take a good look."

Chen Fuhai was full of curiosity, he didn't think Mu Chen would brag.

""Journey to the West"?" Chen Fuhai read the title of the book, then opened it and glanced at it, and said, "Mythological novel?"

"Yes!" Mu Chen smiled.

There is no "Journey to the West" in this world, how could Mu Chen let go of this big IP?

The novel Mu Chen has been writing for a long time.

Of course, it's not original.

Mu Chen had also read the original vernacular novel, so he naturally had it in his mind.

However, nothing has changed.

There are still some differences in wording and sentence making.

The reason why it took so long to write this book was purely because the book was not in a hurry, so Mu Chen wrote some from time to time.

I wrote it out some time ago, and after some revisions, it was finally finalized.

No need to elaborate on the ratings of the TV series "Journey to the West".

Mu Chen doesn't know how many related film and television works there are, anyway, there are many.

TV series, cartoons, movies
Of course, Mu Chen came up with this novel, in addition to fancying the huge benefits of this IP, maybe there is also a kind of sentimentality.

How could this world be without the Great Sage?

(End of this chapter)

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