my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 302 The name of Mu Chen is circulating in Hollywood

Chapter 302 The name of Mu Chen is circulating in Hollywood
The Golden Dragon Awards is a grand event for Chinese-language films, attracting countless people's attention every year.

The announcement of the nomination list naturally sparked a lot of heated discussions.

Among them, Mu Chen once again won two nominations for best screenplay, becoming the hottest topic.

This also makes the domestic film circle pay more attention to the role of its screenwriter.

Mu Chen was very happy to have won so many nominations for these two films.

The box office of these two films is extremely good, and now that they have won so many nominations, it is enough to show that Mu Chen has no trust in others.

Bringing a good movie from that time and space into this world, if it turned out to be a bad movie, even if it wasn't directed by Mu Chen, he would feel like a failure.

Fortunately, Zhang Gang and others did not fail.

Moreover, many of those films had been greatly adapted by Mu Chen.

This also made Mu Chen more confident in his screenwriting ability.

Mu Chen has won countless best screenwriters, but he is not confident about it, after all, the scripts do not belong to him.

"I Am Legend" has been nominated for eight Golden Dragon Awards and will represent Chinese-language films in this year's Oscars.

This year's Oscar nominations have not yet been announced, but Mu Chen is looking forward to it.

In addition, whether Mu Ze can win the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actor again is also a hot topic.

His performance in "I Am Legend" was highly praised.

However, Mu Chen was not very optimistic.

After the Lantern Festival, Mu Chen went to America again.

Li Ruoxi did not accompany her.

He was just doing preliminary preparations, and it would take some time before he left the plane.

Of course, it doesn't take long to prepare for this low-cost romance film.

Mu Chen bought real estate in Los Angeles, so naturally he didn't need to stay in a hotel anymore.

"I remember you are two years older than me?"

After getting off the plane and on the way to the villa, Mu Chen asked Cheng Ting with a smile.

"En!" Cheng Ting nodded.

"My child is over [-] years old." Mu Chen said with a smile, "When are you going to get married? Sun Wen seems to be over [-] years old, right? Not too young!"

Cheng Ting and Sun Wen are together, which is what Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi would like to see.

However, they did not go out of their way to match the two.

Of course, occasionally opportunities are made.

Perhaps, both of them were from the army, and their living habits have something in common.

Both of them are good looking, with good temper, and there are many chances to meet each other.After getting along for a long time, it is not surprising that you have a good impression of the other party.

"Yeah!" Cheng Ting nodded and responded, as if to admit what Mu Chen said, Sun Wen was over [-] years old, and she was indeed not young.

However, there was no mention of when they would get married.

"We've got the certificate!"

Seeing Mu Chen roll his eyes, Cheng Ting hesitated for a moment, then said.

"What?" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, then looked at Cheng Ting in surprise, and said, "You can do it, kid! This will tear up the certificate without making a sound."

Cheng Ting smiled!
"When will the wedding be held?" Mu Chen continued to ask, "Don't worry about it. You may think it's nothing, it costs money and trouble, but the wedding is still very important to a woman."

"Sun Wen may not have said anything, but as a man, you can't do this." Mu Chen continued, "After returning, I will give you two a big vacation!"

"Need not!"

Cheng Ting hesitated, but then said two words.

Mu Chen smiled and said nothing more.

He never treats his people badly.

The treatment of Chenxi Film and Television is definitely the best in the industry.As for someone like Cheng Ting who is willing to block bullets for him, Mu Chen will naturally not treat him badly.

Last year, the year-end bonus gave him a house.

His opposite door was given to Sun Wen by Li Ruoxi.

I don't know if letting them live in the opposite door will help!
The next day, Mu Chen went to Dream Films, preparing to audition for actors.

There are not many main characters in "The Love Between Humans and Ghosts", and Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi act as the male and female protagonists.

So the important roles are actually Karl and the psychic Ota.

Carl was going to find a white actor, but Ota naturally followed the original version, which was naturally a black actor.

Dream Films recommended many actors to Mu Chen.

However, the final decision can only be made after Mu Chen has an audition.

Who is Mu Chen?

It is no stranger to Hollywood actors.

This young director is not only the best director of the Oscar, but also the director with the highest cumulative box office in the world.

Today, the name of Mu Chen is still circulating in Hollywood.

This is a Chinese director who has attracted the attention of Hollywood.

His films, even if only in a supporting role, have attracted many excellent actors.

However, after several consecutive auditions, Mu Chen was a little dissatisfied.

At the end of the day, Karna's role was confirmed.

In fact, this role is not very difficult, and Mu Chen is not that picky about this actor.

Kota is completely different.

The original actors left a deep impression on Mu Chen.

It's not because the original actor won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for this role, but because that person brought the role of Otta to life.

Thinking of the original actors, Mu Chen had an idea.

He seems to remember the original actor as if he was a stand-up comedian.

That being the case, why not look for it in this area?

The role of Horta requires a certain amount of humor.

This kind of humor is not performed, but a habit.

No matter at home or abroad, you can find the news you want online.

Mu Chen quickly locked one.

I don't know if it's fate, but her name is also Whoopi Goldberg!
The same name as the original actor, which is very interesting.

Whoopi Goldberg is now just a non-famous stand-up comedian, and he has never even been on TV, so he can only hang out in not-so-big theaters in New York.

When she received Mu Chen's audition invitation, she didn't really believe it.

Mu Chen has never made a movie in Hollywood, but his movies are widely known, and he is also a frequent visitor to the Oscars in recent years.

How could such a director call himself to audition?
She's just a stand-up show performer with no reputation.

A liar must be a liar!

"Wubi, I don't know what you are hesitating about? This is your chance, do you want to watch it slip away in front of you?"

"Liar? Oh, my friend. Don't you first think about what you have to be cheated by the other party."

"Cheat your money, or lie to your sex?"

"Have you ever thought about what if it is true? If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"If you are really worried, I can accompany you! Besides, the other party asked you to audition in a film and television company. No film and television company will conspire with a liar."

The persuasion of friends made Wubi make a decision.

She really had nothing to be fooled about.

cheat money?She's almost broke.

Cheating?Don't be funny, she knows she doesn't have any beauty at all.If she wasn't too ugly, with her talent, how could she be so miserable.

Of course, the most important thing is that she is really afraid of missing out.

Even if she still doesn't believe it.

She and her friends traveled from New York to Los Angeles overnight, and then appeared in front of Mu Chen.

"Hello, Mr. Mu Chen! Oh, you look so handsome, I never thought you were so young."

Seeing Mu Chen, Ubi was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

Before coming here, she deliberately searched for Mu Chen's information on the Internet.

Mu Chen is so famous that there is a lot of information about him on the Internet.

There are not many photos of him.

Wubi speaks very humorously and without restraint, and it can be seen that he has certain stage performance experience.

This made Mu Chen's eyes brighten.

"Hello! I saw the video of your talk show in New York on the Internet. Very good, I like your performance very much." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Hehe, Mr. Mu Chen is too polite. I didn't expect you to know about my talk show. It's a great honor, so what am I going to perform? See if I'm the actor you want." Ubi shook his head He said with a smile, dancing his hands from time to time.

She has no stage fright.

"Then let's start." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Mu Chen chose a part of Ota's scene for Ubi.

Wubi just watched it, quickly memorized the lines, and then performed them very well.

She has a good memory.

This is a talented black actor with good acting skills.

And she has a natural sense of comedy, which Mu Chen valued most.

He believes that her talent for humor will be a beautiful scenery in this sad love movie.

"I regret to tell you that you may have to bid farewell to the talk show stage for a while. I will play an important role in my movie. Although it is a supporting role, there are not many scenes." Mu Chen said with a smile .

"Oh? Mr. Mu Chen, you mean I passed the audition?" Wubi looked at Mu Chen, a little surprised.

"That's right!" Mu Chen said, "You will be notified of the shooting plan, I hope you can adjust your schedule."

"No problem, of course no problem!" Whoopi said excitedly, "I can't wait now. You are such a good person, God will bless you."

The cast has been confirmed and Mu Chen's trip to Hollywood is halfway done.

The next preparations, with the help of Dream Films, are naturally easy.

This is not a complicated film.

And this film will also appear in the form of a co-production.

Chenxi Film and Television and Dream Film jointly invest, produce, produce, distribute, etc.

Of course, the two companies will negotiate on their own how to cooperate.

Mu Chen holds absolute shares in the two companies, but he didn't make a decision with a single word.

Harvey Wayne, general manager of Dream Films, is a well-known Hollywood producer and a good manager.

Mu Chen didn't think about replacing it.

This is a capable and visionary filmmaker.

This can be seen from the filming and production of "Independence Day" and "Furious and Fast" series.

When Mu Chen came to Hollywood, Chen Fuhai would follow him, not to take over Dream Films.

Chenxi Film and Television cannot do without Chen Fuhai, and in Mu Chen's superhero world, the proportion of Chinese heroes is not lower than that of Hollywood.

Mu Chen was worried about handing over Chen Xi's film and television to others.

Chen Fuhai also didn't have the energy to take care of two companies.

He came to Hollywood with Mu Chen, and was more familiar with the preparation, shooting, and production of superhero movies.

(End of this chapter)

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