my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 303 He is the center everywhere

Chapter 303 He is the center everywhere
While Mu Chen was still in the United States, the Oscar nominations were announced.

"I Am Legend", which received eight nominations at the Golden Dragon Awards, was also nominated for Best Sound Effects at the Oscars in addition to being nominated for Best Foreign Language Film.

As soon as the nomination came out, many people were undoubtedly taken aback.

Who would have thought that the film's performance at the Oscars was so "unbearable" that it didn't even win a single best visual effect.

The visual effects of this film may be amazing in China, but it seems to be the same in Hollywood.

From Mu Chen's point of view, those two nominations were probably just running with him.

Mu Chen was somewhat surprised by this.

It's just surprising that the original version doesn't seem to have won any awards.

Relatively speaking, Mu Chen is more optimistic about "Independence Day"!
Not just the Oscars, but the box office.

Mu Chen almost doubled his investment for this film, which seemed to cost less than [-] million U.S. dollars in the original version.

Of course, this also has something to do with inflation.

The film is now in production and discussions are underway as to when it will be released.

After watching the finished film, Mu Chen felt that the visual effects had made a breakthrough compared to the original version.

Mu Chen is also very optimistic about the film's box office.

The global box office of the original version seems to have exceeded [-] million US dollars, and it also won the throne of the world's highest-grossing film that year.

Counting inflation or something, not to mention higher than the original box office, it will not be much lower.

What's more, this film also has a huge Chinese market.

Based on Mu Chen's screenplay alone, it is estimated that the domestic box office of this film will not be too low.

As for when "Independence Day" will be released, Mu Chen didn't ask.

He believed that Harvey Wayne knew better than him.

Mu Chen didn't stay in the United States for long during this trip, but the preparations for the new film were basically completed.

After returning to China to participate in the Golden Dragon Award Ceremony, after packing up, I can go to the United States and start filming.

"Are you participating in the Golden Dragon Awards this year?" Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi and asked.

Last year, Li Ruoxi nominated for Best Actress but did not participate.

"The jury invited me to be the award presenter for Best Actress, and I agreed." Li Ruoxi said.

When the child grows up, he doesn't need to watch it all the time.

It doesn't take much time to attend the Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony.

Mu Chen nodded.

He will also be the award presenter this year, but not the Best Actress, but the Best Director.

The awards ceremony was coming soon, and when Li Ruoxi appeared on the red carpet holding Mu Chen's wrist, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The appearance of Li Ruoxi surprised many people.

Is she ready to come back?
Marriage, honeymoon, pregnancy, childbirth.
It seems that Li Ruoxi has not appeared in front of the public for more than a year.

The child is one year old and has basically been weaned, so it is not surprising that Li Ruoxi came back.

"Director Mu, many people are looking forward to your movie. Can you tell me when you will meet with everyone?" The host asked Mu Chen with a smile.

"July [-]th is tentatively scheduled!" Mu Chen smiled, not hiding anything, but directly telling when it will be released.

However, now that it is nearly four months away, who can guarantee that the schedule will not change!
The film will be released simultaneously worldwide.

"So what does Director Mu expect from the box office of this film?" The host continued to ask.

He didn't ask Mu Chen what he thought the movie's box office would be like, but asked about his expectations.

"Of course I hope it can break the box office record." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Then what do you think is the chance of breaking the box office record?" the host asked casually.

He was already prepared for Mu Chen to use his words "I don't think it's useful" to clear his mind.

"It's huge!"

Mu Chen answered very simply and directly, which made the host stunned.

Is this still the Mu Chen he is familiar with?

It seems that Mu Chen has a lot of confidence in his film!

Most people know what kind of person Mu Chen is.

He always leaves a bit of leeway when he speaks, and doesn't talk too much.

At this time, if the word "big" is said, it is estimated that it is really big.

"Then I wish Director Mu all the best." The host said, looking at Li Ruoxi, "We all know that you have rested for a long time, and many fans are very concerned about your next plan, can you tell me? "

"I will go to America to make a movie after a while." Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Hollywood movie?" the host said with his eyes brightened.

Although Li Ruoxi has rested for more than a year, she is definitely the most internationally renowned actress in China.

It seemed reasonable that she was invited by Hollywood.

"No, his movie." Li Ruoxi smiled and looked at Mu Chen.

"Director Mu is going to make a new movie?" the host said in surprise.

At this time, the audience watching the live broadcast was also surprised.

However, after thinking about it, I was relieved.

The post-production of Mu Chen's "Avatar" has been completed and is just waiting to be released.

So shooting new films seems to be his normal operation.

Perhaps, the interval between his films was too long, which made many fans forget that Mu Chen's films have always been filmed one after another.

Mu Chen smiled and nodded.

There is no need to deny this, nor can it be denied.

Li Ruoxi has already said it out, what can he do?

"Can you reveal more?" The host continued.

He never thought that such a big news would come out just by asking casually.

"A low-budget romance movie." Mu Chen said with a smile.

The host didn't ask any more questions, it wasn't because he was curious, but the guests walking the red carpet were already approaching him.

However, it has spread on the Internet, and some netizens even directly speculate that Mu Chen is definitely the male lead.

In a romance film, the possibility of Li Ruoxi as the female lead and Mu Chen as the male lead is absolutely high.

After "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", Mu Chen doesn't seem to have played any roles.

Now that he plays again, it will undoubtedly surprise his fans.

"Teacher Gao."

As soon as Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi entered the venue, they met Gao Hua head-on, and greeted them with a smile.

"Director Mu! Ruoxi is here too!" Gao Hua was taken aback, and hurriedly greeted her.

He was extremely emotional at this time.

Back then, the young director who even asked him to help with the production team is now a world-renowned director and a well-deserved leader in China's entertainment industry.

The world is impermanent, and the fate of people is really hard to say.

And the young man who was an outsider in the film crew has now become an international superstar, and almost became the first Oscar winner.

The fate of people is so miraculous.

Gao Hua knew very well that Mu Chen had undoubtedly taken great care of him these years.

Although he is not a signed artist of Chenxi Film and Television, he often plays the actor with the most investment works of Chenxi Film and Television.

It is estimated that there are not many artists under Chenxi Film and Television that can compare with him.

This time he played the role of Yan Chixia in "A Chinese Ghost Story", which made him popular again.

His salary has increased a lot now, and there are still many dramas for him to choose.

Maybe many of them are supporting roles, but they have a lot of roles.

He is now much smoother in the circle than before, everyone in the circle knows his relationship with Mu Chen, and will give some face.

What's more, the people he introduced to Mu Chen at the beginning are mostly high-level executives of Chenxi Film and Television.

They have a good relationship with Gao Hua, and now that they are getting along so well, they are naturally grateful to Gao Hua.

Gao Hua's status in the entertainment industry in the mainland has risen, which is a reasonable thing.

Of course, if there is filming and a smooth road, it may not be popular.

Not long after Mu Chen chatted with Li Ruoxi and Gao Hua, Liu Guohua surrounded him with a smile on his face.

His relationship with Mu Chen is still good.

But not so much when we get together.

This time, Mu Chen recommended him to star in Xu Wen's "The Day After Tomorrow" as meteorologist Huo Ming, while Wang Yi played his son Huo Lang.

"Director Xu, what are you? You have to pay attention to your body!"

Mu Chen looked at Xu Wen who was approaching, and saw that he was a little depressed, so he spoke immediately.

"Hey, I'm getting old. In the past, I stayed up for three days and three nights, and I was very energetic, but now I go to bed late, and I can't do it anymore." Xu Wen shook his head and said.

"Then you have to pay attention to rest." Mu Chen said, "The body is the capital of the revolution. I don't want to change the director of "The Day After Tomorrow"."

"You actually want to return the director, believe it or not, I hanged myself at your door." Xu Wen said with a curled lip.

Mu Chen smiled, naturally he didn't care.

Xu Wen's words were clearly a joke.

What's more, Mu Chen didn't plan to change the director, even if Xu Wen fell ill, the filming would be delayed.

After talking about the movie with Xu Wen, Mu Chen had to admit that he was indeed more suitable for the movie than Zhang Gang.

Perhaps, there is no director in China who is more suitable to direct this film than him.

Before the awards ceremony started, many people surrounded Mu Chen. It seemed that wherever he was, he could become the center of the crowd.

Even if there are many top domestic directors such as Xu Wen and Zhang Gang among those people.

You are too embarrassed to surround those with a lower status in the circle.

The awards ceremony will begin soon.

It was not "I Am Legend" that got off to a good start, but "A Chinese Ghost Story".

Of course, this has to do with the award being presented first.

It does not seem surprising that "A Chinese Ghost Story" won the best film song award.

Perhaps, because the theme song and interlude of this film are all written by Mu Chen.

"It seems like I haven't won this award for a long time, and it seems like it was yesterday again." Mu Chen said with a smile, "I'm very happy to be able to win the Best Film Song Award again. Thank you! Thank you for the affirmation of the jury, and thank you Yu Yunhe, the director of "A Chinese Ghost Story" The staff of the film crew, also thank the fans who like this film. Thank you!"

Mu Chen got off to a good start, but what is surprising is that he won two nominations for Best Screenplay, but he failed to win this award with half the chance.

Of course, before that, "I Am Legend" won the best visual effects and best sound effects.

"A Chinese Ghost Story" won Best Action Design and Best Newcomer.

Naturally, the best newcomer is Chen Xianqi, who plays Nie Xiaoqian.

"I Am Legend" has only three nominations left for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.

However, "A Chinese Ghost Story" still has two awards left for Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor.

There are many awards before, there are gains and losses, and the competitiveness of the remaining awards is undoubtedly more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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