my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 305 The Long-lost "Mu Chen Speed"

Chapter 305 The Long-lost "Mu Chen Speed"

When Mu Chen traveled to the United States, Li Ruoxi accompanied her children.

I wanted to give Cheng Ting and Sun Wen a big prize, but I had to postpone it.

Mu Xue is now a little skeptical, and ordinary people can't take it with her at all.When Li Ruoxi was filming, she needed Sun Wen to help take care of the children.

However, after returning to China, the vacation will naturally be made up for the two of them.

The preparations for "The Love Between Humans and Ghosts" are already in place. Once Mu Chen and the others arrive, after a brief rest, they will start the machine.

There was no opening ceremony, and the media was not invited, so it was just a matter of fear.

There are no big scenes in this film, so the progress of filming is naturally faster.

Perhaps, the difficulty of the whole film lies in the acting.

Needless to say, Li Ruoxi's acting skills, although Mu Chen is a director, his acting skills are definitely not bad.

As for the other actors who starred in the roles, they are also extremely good.

However, Mu Chen has strict requirements, and often even if he feels good, he will take two more shots.

Even though the cost was increased, Mu Chen didn't care about it.

The filming went very smoothly.

The running-in time between Mu Chen and the crew was very short, and now they have long been able to cooperate with each other tacitly.

The crew of "The Love Between Humans and Ghosts" was not someone Mu Chen used to use, but a temporary crew formed by the two companies.

After all, people in China don't know much about the shooting situation here.

The ambulance rushed to the hospital with the red lights flashing under the clearing path of the police car.

In the emergency room of the hospital, the doctors are nervous but busy in an orderly manner.

These doctors are guest doctors from the hospital.

A doctor hurried out from the emergency room: "Miss Li, please come here."

Molly, played by Li Ruoxi, is devastated at this moment.She anxiously followed the doctor and the police into the doctor's office.


The scene is over.

Then I started filming Mu Chen's scene.

He played Sam who followed his unconscious body to the hospital. He wanted to follow Molly into the office, but a glass door shut him out.

He just waited on the bench in the waiting room as usual.

Beside him was his lifeless body.

A blue hood separates him from the world.He already belonged to another world.

Of course, it is impossible to have any blue cover sheet when shooting.

Although the world he used to live in is close at hand, he has no means of communicating with it.

Although the person he loves deeply is in front of him, he cannot get close to him.

He could only watch all this blankly, and an indescribable sadness enveloped him.

Just then, a bald old man sat beside him.

"What happened to you?" The old man smiled at him and asked kindly.


Mu Chen looked around, but there was no one else around.

"You're new here, I can tell." The old man was talking to him.

Sam was taken aback: "Are you talking to me?"

He did not understand how the little old man could see him.

"Don't worry, you're not what you used to be."

The old man seemed to see Sam's panic, "This is a brand new situation."

"who are you?"

Sam looked a little nervous, and then suddenly realized that this old man is also a dead person, to be precise, a ghost!
Muchen (Sam) was shocked by this idea.He looked at the old man in horror. This was the first time he had sat with a dead man and was still - talking!
Moreover, he didn't understand what the old man said at all.What is this new situation?Is there something new waiting for him?

No one can teach him, nor will there be any textbook or anything like a guide, for everything after death.

Perhaps, this is the kind of brand new situation to face?To say the least, it was very uncomfortable at the beginning.However, when things came to an end, I didn't feel scared at all.

The old man raised his head towards a ward—“I am waiting for my wife, she is in room 4C—the cardiology ward.

They are still resuscitating her.Poor thing, she's done. "

As he spoke, he walked towards Sam's body covered by a blue sheet.Suddenly, he leaned over and stuck his head under the sheet
In the middle, as if by magic, the old man's face was contained in the sheet.

"One more!"

The assistant director is very positive about the performance of this scene. This is not flattery or fear of flattery, but seeking truth from facts.

He has cooperated with Mu Chen many times, how can he not know Mu Chen's temper.Flattering Mu Chen would only be done on horseshoes, especially in movies.

However, Mu Chen didn't seem to be satisfied with this.

He feels he still has a lot of room for improvement.Whether it's him or other actors, he wants everyone to be the best in this movie.

Filming proceeded in an orderly manner.

In this scene, Karl wants to grab Molly as a bargaining chip with Sam.

Sam must find Molly immediately and tell her all this.

Otta, the psychic medium played by Whoopi, obediently followed Sam to find Molly this time.

In front of Molly's room.

Ota slammed on the door.

"Carl, is that you?"

Li Ruoxi opened the door a crack, and an anti-theft chain was inserted inside.

"No, it's me, Ota."

Molly immediately closed the door tightly.

She was determined not to see the liar.Especially at the bank, the fact that she saw this psychic pretending to be someone else convinced her of the authenticity of the police files.

"Listen to me..." Ota was a little anxious: "Molly, I know what you think of me, but listen, you must talk to me, you are facing great danger at this time. Sa Tom is with me now, we have to go in and talk to you."

"Get out of here!"

Molly really couldn't think of what this liar wanted to do. She knew that all such liars were afraid of the police: "If you don't leave, I will call the police!"

The subject of the camera, Mu Chen, showed a relieved expression.

Judging from Molly's question just now, Karl hasn't come here yet.

"Excellent, tell her to call the police!"

Sam was not afraid of her making a big mess, so that with the protection of the police, Carl's plot would not succeed.

"Great, we're expecting you to call the police!"

Horta said it all the same.

In fact, she didn't really want Molly to call the police. She had lingering fears about being put in a cell, but she had no better way.If only to keep her from jail and death.

Given the choice between the two, she would choose to go to jail without hesitation.

Now, it is best not to go to jail and not die, so the only way is to let Molly believe her.

But how easy is it to say?

Ubi's performance is extremely good, playing Ota's conflicting emotions just right.

" have to let us in!"

Ota begged Molly.

But Molly was unmoved, and her answer was firm: "No!"

"Listen, don't you understand? Sam didn't die by accident, he was murdered!"

Ota really couldn't figure out how to win Molly's trust, so she had to repeat all the facts she knew over and over again: "Sam found out that Carl was engaged in money laundering through the bank. This man named Carl is very dangerous. He just wanted to kill me , he will kill you too! You are in serious trouble now."

"Why are you treating me like this? Why are you doing this? You can't..."

Molly couldn't listen to Horta at all.She didn't understand why this man always sprinkled salt on the wounds in her heart.The more she listened, the more sad she became, and she threw herself on the door and began to cry bitterly.

If there is no "card", then continue to act.

Horta was helpless, not knowing what to say.

The two sides formed a stalemate.

In the end, Sam gained Molly's trust with a pulse of coins.

A coin was sliding up the door and slowly panning before her eyes, like a leaf, a feather blown by the wind, floating in the air, slowly approaching her.

Of course, this is a post-production picture.

Of course it couldn't be there when shooting.

However, Li Ruoxi wanted to act out her surprise at seeing this scene.

The surprise was also mixed with the sad emotions before.

This is naturally not difficult for her.

And the coin fell gently into Molly's hand, and she held it tightly, as if grasping a fleeting fate.

Tears gushed out of my eyes like a spring...

However, Molly smiled.

A smile with tears is like a flower after the rain, more delicate and beautiful.

This game is undoubtedly difficult.

Li Ruoxi still did it.

Mu Chen felt that Li Ruoxi's acting in this movie was like a miracle, and her acting skills seemed to have a breakthrough compared to before.

In the play, one actor can drive other actors.

Sam also smiled, it was a kind of joy after success, and also a kind of happy satisfaction.

Mu Chen made a few more additions to this performance.

The door opened.

Outside the door, Ota also had a smile on his face, an expression of understanding and trust.

Facing her was Molly's smiling face with tears in her eyes. The apologetic smile and trusting eyes had replaced thousands of words.


"You are an excellent actor, and your performance surprised me." Mu Chen smiled and said to Whoopi Goldberg, "I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Thank you director, you are the best director I have ever seen, I swear what I said is true." Wubi said with a smile.

"This is your first film, and you have worked with me so far." Mu Chen said with a smile, "I am the best and the worst. Because you have only seen one director. "

"So, when will I be able to see my performance in theaters? As you said, this is my first movie. It will be related to my acting career afterwards." Wubi laughed and said.

For other Chinese directors, she may not guarantee that it will be released in North America.

But Mu Chen's film will definitely be released in North America.

What's more, this film is produced and produced by a Hollywood film and television company.

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a while." Mu Chen said, "You know, I still have a blockbuster film that hasn't been released yet. However, I will definitely see myself on the big screen this year."

"Hey, I'm a bit reluctant to part with this crew and your daughter too! Your daughter is so cute." Wubi said with a smile.

Whoopi's play is wrapping up and filming is nearing completion.

A few days later, the film was officially finished.

It took less than two months from the start of filming to the finalization.

It didn't even seem to take much time from preparation to finalization.

This seems to be the "Mu Chen speed" that everyone has not seen for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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