Chapter 306
Many people in China know that Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi went to America to film.

However, Mu Chenren was in the United States, but did not attend the Oscars ceremony.

This seems to be in stark contrast to those "red carpet" stars.

Of course, the Oscar red carpet is not easy to get.

Invitations to the Oscars are something money can't buy.

There are not many Chinese filmmakers participating in the Oscars, and Xu Wen, the director of "I Am Legend" and starring Mu Ze are the most well-known ones.

This year's Oscars are not very optimistic in China.

The fact is as everyone guessed, "I Am Legend" came back empty-handed!

In this regard, Xu Wen just shook his head and smiled wryly, but he had high expectations for "The Day After Tomorrow" in his heart, and he wanted to use this film to avenge his shame.

Not to mention Best Director and other slightly more important Oscar nominations, at least one must be awarded for Best Foreign Language Film, and no matter how bad it is, it must be awarded for Best Visual Effects.

My Xu Wen's movie should win an Oscar no matter what, even if it's just a marginal technical award.

When they came to Los Angeles this time, Xu Wen and Mu Ze also visited Mu Chen's crew, but they didn't stay for long.

Both of them are relatively busy now, and their work schedules are very tight.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi stayed in the United States for more than two months, and then returned to China.

It's already June when I returned to China, and it's just over a month before the release of "Avatar".

After two days of rest, I immediately devoted myself to the promotion of the film.

The cast of this film can be regarded as the least attractive one in the history of Mu Chen's film.

Therefore, the direction of publicity is naturally biased towards Mu Chen.

Mu Chen had to participate in many promotional activities in person.

Of course, it was impossible for Mu Chen to be alone.

While promoting the film, he is also a publicity actor.

The actors of "Avatar", the important roles, most of the actors are contracted artists of Chenxi Film and Television.

Naturally, they also want to follow Mu Chen to publicize, so as to increase their own exposure.

"How long did you give Cheng Ting a vacation?" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen and said, "Do you want to arrange two people for you temporarily?"

"Alright." Mu Chen said.

He doesn't need anyone to protect him, but most of the time he needs bodyguards to block those fans who are too enthusiastic.

What's more, Cheng Ting is not only Mu Chen's bodyguard, but also his assistant.

"Avatar" was finalized, just like what Mu Chen said on the red carpet of the Golden Dragon Awards.

On July [-], it will be released simultaneously worldwide.

And along with this news, there is also a half-minute trailer.

In the trailer, there is a beautiful planet with forests, waterfalls, suspended mountains, and flying dragon monsters flying in the air from time to time, mechs.
Many of them are "still holding the pipa and half covering their faces", and the flashing pictures make people look forward to it.

Although only the tip of the iceberg was revealed, everyone was shocked by Mu Chen's sci-fi film.

This is definitely a visual blockbuster.

Mu Chen is going to magnify his move!
As soon as the trailer came out, everyone paid close attention to the upcoming press conference of "Avatar".

The press conference is scheduled to begin at nine o'clock in the morning.

By eight o'clock, the reporters who had passed the review and obtained the permission to participate in the meeting had almost arrived.

Chenxi Film and Television is now the top film and television company in China, and the office location has been changed a long time ago.

No, instead of changing the gun, it was directly replaced with a rocket.

Naturally, there are venues within the company that can accommodate those reporters.

Mu Chen also came early today.

Looking down from his office, he could see people like ants swarming below.

Not many people came today.

Mu Chen was not at all surprised by this.

His movie is definitely the most watched movie this summer, and it is also the movie that fans are most looking forward to.

Not domestically, but globally.

Just a press conference, many video sites will be live.

In this regard, Chenxi Film and Television will naturally not refuse.

Looking at the time, Mu Chen brought Li Lihong and other main creators to the venue and sat on the rostrum.

Li Lihong is also considered to be a person who participated in many press conferences. Although he is not popular, he is not a rookie who has never seen the world.

But at this time, I was still a little surprised to see so many reporters in the audience.

Not only the domestic media came here today, but also a lot of foreign media.

Moreover, those media are extremely influential.

what does this mean?
He naturally knows that Mu Chen's film is not only attracting attention domestically, but also abroad.

Li Lihong couldn't suppress his excitement, and Qin Yu and Yang Zilu next to him were even more so.

It turned out that Sun Yu and Zhou Fangling looked much better.

Is this going directly to the international rhythm?
The time soon reached nine o'clock, and the press conference officially began.

The first to speak was naturally director Mu Chen.

He first got up to welcome all the guests, and then briefly introduced "Avatar", and then officially entered the interview segment that the reporters paid the most attention to.

There were so many reporters that it was impossible to decide by a show of hands.

It is estimated that the reporter is not willing to do so.

If you raise your hand, those who click on it will naturally be happy, and those who don't click on it will inevitably complain.

Therefore, this time, the decision was made directly by computer lottery.

This is naturally also supported by journalists.

In this way, no media is favored, let alone any media is deliberately left out.

All by luck.

This is also more orderly.

Soon a foreign reporter was drawn, and he went straight to the topic without any preparation:
"Hello, Director Mu, I'm a reporter from Los Angeles "Film Report". It is said that your film is the one you spent the longest time on and invested the most in. So what is the production cost of your film and how do you ensure that Why don't you lose money?"

"The budget is [-] million U.S. dollars, but it's close to [-] million U.S. dollars!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "Many domestic media have guessed it. Yes, I overspend again."

Many reporters in the audience laughed when they heard this.

There are basically no Mu Chen films that do not exceed the budget.

It's just that this movie directly cost nearly [-] million U.S. dollars, equivalent to Chinese currency, that is [-] to [-] million.

This was a bit "crazy", and it also broke Mu Chen's record.

An investment of nearly $20 million?That's a dozen or two billion Chinese dollars.

With such a large investment, how can we ensure that we do not lose money?

If the global box office of the film does not reach one billion US dollars, I am afraid that there is a risk of losing money.

A billion dollar film is not so easy!
"As for the question of whether to pay or not, I still say the same thing." Mu Chen said with a smile, "If the movie is finished, it won't lose money."

The domestic media are naturally familiar with Mu Chen's words.However, in the eyes of foreign media, Mu Chen's words were obviously not convincing.

Good movie?

Who doesn't want to make a good movie?Is there anyone who doesn't put their heart and soul into making movies?
Everyone thought they had made the movie well, but word of mouth collapsed, and the box office hit the street, isn't it?

Another reporter was drawn, but this time it was a domestic media.

"Director Mu, the investment in "Avatar" is nearly [-] million US dollars, and the actors and creators don't seem to be very familiar with it. The salary is obviously not too much, so where is all this money spent?"

The money is spent, where is it spent?

They didn't think it was necessary for Mu Chen to lie about the production cost.

"Computer special effects accounted for 75% of the movie "Avatar", and only 25% of the rest. The investment of nearly [-] million US dollars was almost all spent on special effects. As for some necessary expenses such as actors' remuneration, it was only a fraction."

Mu Chen said with a smile.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience showed surprise.

Computer special effects accounted for 75%?This seems to be the first time such a video has appeared.

Except, of course, cartoons.

"Director Mu, can you tell me the specific plot of "Avatar"?"

In the trailer, there are only some simple pictures without even a single line of dialogue, so it is naturally impossible to involve any plot.

"Simply put, this is a movie in which the earth's energy company finds a new energy planet, colonizes and plunders this planet, and then encounters resistance."

When it comes to the plot, Mu Chen didn't reveal too much.

Spoiler for a moment, then the crematorium.

Even if this film does not rely on the plot to win, it does not rule out that after knowing the plot, some fans will lose their desire to watch the movie.

At least, it's not time to reveal yet.

Of course, Mu Chen would not jokingly say, "This is a movie about forced demolition and confrontation between nail households."

That's too low.

"Director Mu, it is said that "Avatar" is said to be a 3D film? 3D films have already appeared, but they are not well received by movie fans. Why did you make such a film?" A reporter asked many people's curiosity.

It's no secret that "Avatar" is in 3D.

Perhaps, if it hadn't been made into a 3D film, the investment cost of this film would not have been as exaggerated as nearly [-] million US dollars.

""Avatar" has three formats: 2D, 3D, and IMAX-3D." Mu Chen said with a smile, "However, I recommend watching the IMAX-3D version. Only in this version can you truly appreciate the charm of "Avatar" ? The reason why the release of "Avatar" was postponed for half a year is because it takes time for global theaters to build IMAX theaters."

"Today, IMAX theaters have spread all over the world's major cities, and the IMAX halls of major theaters will let movie fans experience the charm of IMAX-3D movies in advance."

Mu Chen continued.

This is what we discussed with the major theaters at the beginning.

What's more, it is also good for the theater itself to let movie fans experience the IMAX-3D version of the movie in advance.

The pricing of 2D, 3D, and IMAX-3D versions is obviously different.

"Do you have anything to say about "Avatar" starring Director Mu?"

"As a rookie who has just debuted, the heroine who starred in the blockbuster movie that director Mu invested [-] million US dollars in her first movie, what do you have to thank?"

"I heard that many colorful scenes in "Avatar" were completed in Zhangjiajie. I don't know if it is true or not?"

The press conference started at nine o'clock in the morning and did not end until twelve o'clock.

And the press conference of "Avatar" is naturally extremely influential.

This film has completely entered the eyes of fans all over the world.

Shortly after the press conference, the IMAX halls of major theaters around the world opened, allowing movie fans to experience the charm of IMAX-3D movies.

The content of feeling is naturally the trailer of "Avatar".

Of course, this trailer is much longer than the previous ones.

It's two and a half minutes long!

In this way, there is no doubt that the major theaters around the world are helping to promote it.

This kind of publicity is probably only Mu Chen's "Avatar".

(End of this chapter)

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