Chapter 312
"Mu Chen Year", this may be a bit exaggerated.

However, the film market in the second half of this year does belong to Mu Chen and Chenxi Film and Television.

At the end of September, the popularity of "Independence Day" has diminished, and "Journey to the Center of the Earth" has attracted the attention of countless movie fans with the promotion in place.After several months of preparation, Mu Chen's new movie "Iron Man" started shooting.

This time, it was still very low-key, no media was invited, and no launch conference was held.

In the past in China, it was a helpless choice that could not avoid the media.

Now in Hollywood, Mu Chen will naturally not take the initiative.

The film was shot both indoors and outdoors.

However, at the beginning of the film, Tony went to Afghanistan, but he didn't have to go to Afghanistan to shoot.

Mu Chen shot the exterior first.

The exterior scene involved a lot of explosive scenes, Robert was still very dedicated and did not use a stand-in.

Although these scenes are scary, their safety is still guaranteed.

"Finished the location shooting?" Li Ruoxi said with a smile when she saw Mu Chen come back.

She was not surprised when Mu Chen came back, because Mu Chen had called her beforehand.

This question seems to be a bit of nonsense, but between husband and wife, or between friends, many of them start with nonsense.

"Yeah!" Mu Chen nodded, hugged Mu Xue over, and said, "Indoor filming will start tomorrow. It is estimated that the filming will be completed before the release of "Human and Ghost Love."

"You seem to be very optimistic about the box office of that film?" Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Of course!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Then can this movie become the highest-grossing romance movie?" Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

Mu Chen doesn't know what is the highest-grossing romance movie in this world.

"Become the highest-grossing romance movie?" Mu Chen smiled and said, "I can't guarantee that. However, it's probably not a problem to become the highest-grossing romance movie."

The investment cost of this film is not high. If it can reach the box office as high as the original version, it is estimated that it will not be a problem to become the film with the highest box office return.

The box office of pure romance films will not be too high.

"The Love of Ghosts" is obviously not a pure romance film.

Just like the "Titanic", which had the highest box office in time and space last time, it also incorporates genre elements such as disaster movies.

However, among the many romantic films, Mu Chen felt that the real box office legend should be "Gone with the Wind"!
Released in 1939, the global box office was nearly 900 million. At that time, the total GDP of the United States seemed to be only more than [-] billion.

What's more, at that time, how big was the film market?
Certainly not comparable to now.

Ma Dan, thinking of this, Mu Chen had an idea to make this movie out.

Although, the investment cost is certainly not the same.The weather, location, people and so on are completely different.

However, Mu Chen believes that classics are classics. Even if this movie does not have such an astonishing box office, it should definitely be a big hit.

Moreover, if the filming is successful, it is estimated that there will be a lot of prizes.

Whether it is "Titanic" or "Gone with the Wind", it is necessary to make these two films.

Mu Chen had watched both of these films.

The former was read online, and more than once.

Of course, it doesn't matter how many times you watch it.No matter once or many times, he can recall it clearly now.

The latter, however, was read at school while studying.For this reason, Mu Chen couldn't write a review, and was criticized by the teacher.

There are actually quite a few high-grossing romance films.

It's a pity that Mu Chen has never watched "Beauty and the Beast", "Cinderella", "Pretty Woman", "Bodyguard" and so on. Naturally, it is impossible to get them out. necessary.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Ruoxi asked immediately after seeing Mu Chen in a daze.

"Oh, it's nothing." Mu Chen said with a smile, "Suddenly the inspiration exploded, and I thought of two very touching stories."

"Oh?" Li Ruoxi became interested when she heard it.

Mu Chen's burst of inspiration seems to be a common occurrence.

Li Ruoxi has long been used to it.However, "touching story" is the first time.

He was naturally curious.

"There are still some information that need to be looked up. When I write it into a script, I will be the first to show it to you." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Check information?

That's a must.

If you write "Titanic", then you have to check first whether there is such a large ship that sank in the bottom of the sea in this world.

Yes, so what is the difference from the previous life.

After the script is written, do you need to make some adjustments.

If not, some adjustments to the script may be necessary.

You write "Gone with the Wind", then you must at least understand the American Civil War first, and make some necessary comparisons with the film, right?
Otherwise, it would be a shame to make a joke.

Mu Chen continued to shoot according to the plan. The crew members were already familiar with each other, and with a tacit understanding, the shooting went much smoother than before.

Mu Chen occasionally sneaks out of his busy schedule to look up some relevant information.

For the scripts of "Titanic" and "Gone with the Wind", Mu Chen was not in a hurry.

As for whether to direct these two films, Mu Chen didn't think much about it now.

The popularity of "Independence Day" gradually dissipated, and its box office potential was gradually exhausted.

However, the global box office of this movie surprised Mu Chen a little bit.

The domestic box office is nearly 30 billion Chinese dollars, while the global box office is nearly 14 billion US dollars.

Although it's not a little bit worse than the $30 billion box office of "Avatar", it's still amazing.

Much higher than expected.

With this film, Dream Pictures has made a lot of money.

"Independence Day" is gradually coming down, and "Journey to the Center of the Earth" will be released soon.

The promotion of this film's release is naturally inseparable from the words "screenwriter Mu Chen".

It seems that from July to now, Mu Chen's name has never disappeared in the world.

"Journey to the Center of the Earth" was released, and the box office performance was not amazing, but it was not bad.

And the global reputation is also good.

Many places have won the single-day box office champion and the weekly box office champion.

Shortly after the film's release, "Resident Evil" began to promote.

"Mu Chen screenwriter" has once again become the biggest gimmick in movie promotion, especially abroad.

Neither the film director nor the starring Su Xiaowan are well-known internationally.If you want to increase the popularity of the film and attract fans, you can only use the screenwriter Mu Chen to promote it.

And it seems to work well.

"Avatar" was released on July [-]th, and Mu Chen's works seemed to have never stopped, one after another, as if he wanted to dominate the global film market?

Movie fans talked about it happily, but people in the movie circle laughed wryly.

Mu Chen doesn't intend to give people a way out!
Movie fans may not know it, but they do know that after "Resident Evil", there will be another film directed and acted by Mu Chen to be released.

The only good thing is that Mu Chen's self-directed and self-acted film is a low-budget love movie.

A low-budget romance film?
Foreign film and television companies may not be afraid, but do domestic film and television companies dare to snipe at their company's most important film?
The answer is obviously not dare!
What about the small cost?

Of the low-budget film directed by Mu Chen, which one had a poor box office?

Even among the low-budget films he wrote, none of them had a bad box office.

What's more, this time it's Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi starring.

This gimmick alone may be enough to attract people into the theater.

Now in Huaxia, who has the most fans is definitely not those popular fresh meat, but Mu Chen.

"Avatar" has swept the world, and IMAX-3D has amazed the world. Mu Chen ruled out such a movie that stands at the top of the world, and now it has been regarded as the hero of Chinese movies by countless movie fans.

Or to put it this way, not only movie fans, almost the whole of China regards Mu Chen as a hero, a hero of Chinese-language movies.

It is he who made Chinese films go international.

It is he who made Chinese films famous all over the world, and even caught up with and surpassed Hollywood films in some aspects.

In November, the popularity of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" gradually dissipated, and "Resident Evil" was released.

"Journey to the Center of the Earth" is obviously a lot higher than the original box office.

The domestic box office directly broke 30 billion, surpassing "Independence Day".However, foreign box office is not amazing.North America only won a box office of more than 2 million U.S. dollars.

The global box office has just exceeded [-] million, and [-] million is definitely hopeless.

[-] million box office, is it high?
It seems that compared with the two films released by Mu Chen before, they are really not that good.

But this global box office, not to mention in China, even in Hollywood, it is definitely an excellent box office.

Chenxi Film and Television naturally made a lot of money with this film.

"Resident Evil" was released, and the domestic box office performed well, but the international box office was somewhat unsatisfactory.

Although there is a "Mu Chen screenwriter" bonus, the global box office of this film is limited.

Neither Chenxi Films nor Mu Chen were surprised by this.

This is the first film, the investment cost is not large, and there are not many scenes, so the box office will not have much effect.

However, earning money is definitely earning, and earning a lot.

"Resident Evil" was released, and Mu Chen's self-directed and self-acted "Human and Ghost Love" is also gradually promoted.

The idea of ​​"Mu Chennian" was first spread on the Internet, and then it was reported by many media because it was too topical, and it immediately became a hot topic of discussion among the people.

In the second half of this year, there seemed to be a lot of films directed and written by Mu Chen.

Starting from "Avatar", which swept the global box office and broke one record after another, followed by "Independence Day", "Journey to the Center of the Earth", "Resident Evil", and the upcoming "Ghostly Love", this It's five films!
This is not shocking, what is shocking is that the box office of these films is very amazing.

"Avatar" 32 billion US dollars, "Independence Day" nearly 14 billion US dollars, "Journey to the Center of the Earth" exceeded 20 million US dollars, "Resident Evil" judging from the current box office trend, the domestic box office can break [-] billion Chinese dollars, the global box office can Breaking through [-] million U.S. dollars is no problem.

The cumulative box office is nearly 60 billion US dollars!
If "Human Ghost Love Is Unbroken" is included, there is no problem at all breaking 60 billion.

This is only half a year!

(End of this chapter)

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