my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 313 Money Can't Make Good Movies

Chapter 313 Money Can't Make Good Movies
It might be exaggerated to say that Mu Chen has been dominating the global movie market for half a year.

After all, "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and "Resident Evil" did not crush other films at the foreign box office like "Avatar" and "Independence Day".

However, if it was said that Mu Chen had dominated the Chinese film market for half a year, no one would refute it.

The monthly box office champion in July and August is undoubtedly "Avatar".

In September, "Independence Day" won the monthly box office champion.

In October, Journey to the Center of the Earth.

In November, "Resident Evil."

In December, "The Love of Ghosts" starring Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi will be released.

It is estimated that the monthly box office champion may also be booked by this film, even if the film is released in the second half of the month.

Isn't this half a year of dominance?
What made domestic film and television companies even more depressing was that there was another film written by Mu Chen that would be released during the Spring Festival.

Although he is only a screenwriter, director Marin's box office appeal is not low.

Last year, didn't that guy take down the box office champion of the Spring Festival?And it's a comedy with a small budget.

But this time, it is said that the investment is more than [-] million yuan. Although it is in Chinese coins, it must not be ignored.

Could it be that Mu Chen didn't even miss the Spring Festival?

It seems that that guy didn't let go.

"Resident Evil" is now speculated that the domestic box office broke 20 billion, but the international box office is not very conspicuous, at least in terms of other films written by Mu Chen, it is not surprising.

The global box office total is nearly [-] million US dollars.

This is much higher than the box office of the original version, and it is also a Chinese film with a very good global box office.

Preparations for the second part of "Resident Evil" have also begun. This film will create a biochemical city with a bigger scene and a bigger investment. I believe the box office will be even higher.

"Resident Evil" has not been painted yet, and "Iron Man" is finished.

The shooting of this film went much smoother than expected.Finished, also much earlier than expected.

After "Iron Man" was finished, Mu Chen didn't stay in the United States for long, and immediately returned to China with Li Ruoxi and others.

The post-production of this film will be in China, so Mu Chen naturally doesn't need to stay in the United States anymore.

It will always feel more comfortable to carry it in China than abroad.

What's more, the promotion of "The Love Between Humans and Ghosts" still requires him and Li Ruoxi to run around to promote it.

For a film, no matter how classic it is, necessary publicity is still indispensable.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi's box office appeal is good, but some publicity is still needed.

"Are you back?" Marin was taken aback when he met Mu Chen in the company, and then pulled him away.

"What are you doing? What a mess!" Mu Chen pulled out his hand and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few months, have you changed your sexual orientation?"

"Get out!" Marin rolled his eyes directly, and cursed angrily.

He naturally knew that Mu Chen was joking.

"Go and see my movie." Marin said, "You put my movie on the Spring Festival, which is the most competitive time, and I don't know what to do!"

"Which time did you get it right?" Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

This guy seems to have lost a little bit of self-confidence.

"Why isn't your film released during the Spring Festival?" Marin asked suspiciously.

"Is your film in time?" Mu Chen said, "Besides, my film is not suitable for the Spring Festival."

Marin didn't say anything anymore, but took Mu Chen to watch "Shaolin Soccer".

In his view, Mu Chen and Chen Xi Film and Television are really preparing to produce the film market in the second half of this year.

Of course, this has many benefits for Chenxi Film and Television.

A film and television company that dominates the film market for half a year has countless benefits for the company's image.If Chenxi Film and Television goes public, I am afraid that the stock price will not know how high it will soar.

The post-production of this film is still a little short of completion, but it does not affect the viewing.

At least, Mu Chen can still judge whether the movie is good or not.

It's slightly different from the original film, but overall, it's really hard to say which is better.

There is a bit more of Marin's own style in it, but the shots, actions, actors, soundtrack, etc. are all well done.

This film should catch the eye of many.

Perhaps, Marin, who has no self-confidence, tends to strive for perfection when shooting in order to increase his self-confidence.

From Mu Chen's point of view, this film was another breakthrough for him.

Marin may have many shortcomings, but his never-perfunctory attitude towards movies is very much in line with Mu Chen's appetite.

To do, we must do the best.

"Miao Xun seems to be able to handle comedies." After watching, Mu Chen said with a smile, "The actor who played the big brother is not bad."

"Don't comment on actors? Talk about movies." Marin said, "That guy Huang Yao's acting skills are always online."

He has done his best in this film, but for some reason he has lost a little bit of self-confidence.

"Very good." Mu Chen said, "I don't know what movies will be released during the Spring Festival, but your movie shouldn't be bad."

This is not consolation, much less a compliment.

Based on Mu Chen's understanding of the domestic market, even if this film is released during the Spring Festival, it will be extremely competitive.

"Tell me in detail!" Marin said, "The main reason is that there is still room for improvement."

"Man, be more confident." Mu Chen patted Marin and said.

"I really don't know if it's a blessing or a misfortune to know you." Marin shook his head and said with some sighs.


Nature is lucky.

If it weren't for Mu Chen, Ma Lin probably wouldn't know which film crew he was working as a photographer, and how could he become one of the representatives of the younger generation of Chinese directors.

What about misfortune?
There is no doubt that there is such a powerful friend, and he is under great pressure.

His lack of self-confidence was largely due to Mu Chen.

Who has confidence in front of Mu Chen?
"Shaolin Soccer" was written by Mu Chen, and he also drew the sub-cameras. Mu Chen naturally knew how well Ma Lin shot.

He was afraid of smashing it.

Perhaps it is this kind of pressure that makes Marin continue to break through.

Now, among the directors who are qualified to make films written by Mu Chen, he is probably the weakest director.

If he smashed Mu Chen's script.
"Okay, I'm busy." Mu Chen got up and said, "I still have a lot to do."

Mu Chen left a sentence and left.

Are there any deficiencies in Marin's "Shaolin Soccer"?
Mu Chen was really hard to say.However, there are some differences with Mu Chen's thinking in some places.

But even so, it doesn't mean that Marin's handling is wrong.

From Mu Chen's point of view, what Marin needs now is not guidance, but self-confidence.

If he is like this, he may be able to keep improving, but if there is more lack of self-confidence, it may turn into self-doubt.

This is undoubtedly fatal for a director.

Directors must have their own ideas.

Mu Chen is looking forward to the day when Marin argues fiercely with him, instead of saying what he says, he thinks it is right, so he gives up his idea.

The production cost of "Ghost Love" determines that this film cannot invest as much publicity and distribution costs as "Avatar".

The positioning is different.

How to publicize a movie and how much publicity is invested, there are corresponding departments in the company for accounting and planning.

Chenxi Film and Television is undoubtedly excellent in this respect.This can be seen from the publicity effect of Chenxi Film and Television in the past.

"I didn't expect this movie to pass the review?" Li Ruoxi said in surprise.

There are ghosts (ghosts) in "Human and Ghost Love", and the chance of passing the trial in the mainland is not high.

"A Chinese Ghost Story" also has ghosts?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Can it be the same?" Li Ruoxi said, "A Chinese Ghost Story is a costume drama, not a modern one."

"So, I put the background of the story of "The Love of Ghosts" in the United States." Mu Chen said with a smile.

In fact, at the beginning, Mu Chen wanted to put the story background of this film in Xiangjiang, but after thinking about it, he decided not to take that risk.

And "The Love of Ghosts" is not a Chinese film, but a joint venture film.

Although, Dream Films is also a company under Mu Chen.

This film can't even represent Huaxia to participate in the Oscars, competing for the best foreign language film award.

Joint venture films, this may have played a role.

However, in Li Ruoxi's view, this film is Mu Chen's work, which also played a big role.

Mu Chen's influence in the Chinese movie circle is not low now.

If the films he directed and acted in failed to pass the review in China, then the influence would be great.

Of course, Mu Chen's personal connections obviously also played a role.

The review of this film is the result of a combination of many aspects.

Perhaps, the above also intends to relax the restrictions.

The publicity of "The Love Between Humans and Ghosts" is still good, but there are not many promotions that require the participation of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi.

Of course, there are still necessary press conferences.

The news of "The Love of Ghosts" was released in China, but the media came from all over the world.

Following "Avatar", Mu Chen's new film was released, which naturally attracted the attention of many media.

"Director Mu, the production cost of "Avatar" is only [-] million U.S. dollars, so what about the production cost of "The Love of Ghosts"?"

"Avatar" broke records in production costs, and of course it broke records at the box office.

"5000 million dollars!" Mu Chen said.

5000 million US dollars, that is including the remuneration of him and Li Ruoxi.

Mu Chen's salary was 500 million U.S. dollars, while Li Ruoxi's was 200 million U.S. dollars.In addition to the remuneration of the two of them, the total production cost is more than 1000 million.

This is undoubtedly very low in Hollywood.Of course, if it is placed in China and converted into Chinese currency, it will only be 8000 to [-] million, which can also be regarded as a medium investment.

"Director Mu, why did you suddenly shoot a low-budget film?" A domestic reporter asked suspiciously.

The cost of Mu Chen's filming is undoubtedly increasing, especially "Avatar" has reached a peak.

This suddenly made a low-cost film, which is really confusing.

This is not Mu Chen's style!
"5000 million U.S. dollars, if converted into Chinese currency, that's more than 3 million yuan, isn't it low?" Mu Chen said with a smile, "Besides, good movies are not made with money."

For others, this investment may not be low, but for you, Mu Chen, it is a bit low.

Money really can't make a good movie.

But some movies need money to be filmed.

(End of this chapter)

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