Chapter 314

"The Love of Ghosts" will be released simultaneously worldwide on Friday, December 21st.

Although this film is a low-budget romance film, there are quite a few fans who are interested in it because of Mu Chen's relationship.

This schedule has a lot to talk about, but it's not bad.

During Christmas and New Year's Day, there were quite a few movies released, but there were not many that could pose a threat to Mu Chen's movie.

Especially in China, many film and television companies have chosen to avoid it.

They would rather fight against Marin's "Shaolin Soccer" in the Spring Festival file.

Mu Chen's "low cost" movie is not a "low cost" to them.

Of course, they also knew that Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi's salary should account for most of the film.

Hollywood offered Li Ruoxi a salary of 1000 million US dollars.

This is the remuneration offered by Hollywood after "Inception".

Now, it shouldn't be too bad.

And as the first film of Li Ruoxi's comeback, maybe the salary will go up a bit.

Li Ruoxi got married and had children, but her popularity has not declined.

With the gimmick of her comeback in the first film, the higher salary should be reasonable.

But Mu Chen was different, Hollywood offered him a salary of 3000 million US dollars.

Yes, the star with the highest salary in Huaxia is not Li Long, Cheng Jie, or Mu Ze, but the director Mu Chen.

Hollywood is not a fool, they know very well that Mu Chen is the star with the most box office appeal in China.

There are no competitive films, and the domestic film schedule of "The Love of Ghosts" is much higher.

However, the ranking of foreign films is not so high.

If it weren't for the gimmick of Mu Chen's self-directed and self-acted, the film schedule would be even lower.

"I'll go, the attendance rate is amazing!" Marin said in surprise when he saw that the theater was almost full.

"When did Lao Mu's movie have low attendance?" Zhao Jin said with a smile.

And Jiang Qin next to him smiled, and seemed to agree with Zhao Jin's words.

"Come on, keep a low profile! It will be troublesome if you are recognized later. Do you want me to be your bodyguard?" Wang Hao said with a curled lip.

There is also a beautiful woman next to him, but she is his new girlfriend, but she is not an insider.

There was another beautiful woman next to that beautiful woman, if Mu Chen was there, he would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance.

Qin Yu, the heroine of "Avatar" is also the heroine of "Shaolin Soccer".

Now come together with Marin.

As for how far it can go, it is unknown.

Not long after several people were seated, the film started with a brisk music.

Just at the beginning, it showed the power of Mu Chen's film soundtrack.

Sam (Mu Chen) and his fiancée Molly (Li Ruoxi) and Sam's friend Carl are renovating and cleaning a house. Broken enough.

A set of shots at the beginning of the film introduces that Sam and Molly are a loving couple who are about to enter the palace of marriage.

Both Sam and Carl are young employees of a bank. They are positive and hope to be appreciated by their boss and get a promotion.

When the camera turned to the dilapidated house at the beginning of the film, the house had been renovated by Sam and Molly. When Carl came to visit, he couldn't believe his eyes.

The beginning is very flat, and there is no attractive plot.

However, there is an indescribable warmth in this plainness, especially the starring roles are Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, the charm of the two of them is enough to support the plain plot.

At night, when Sam came home, he lay on the bed and chatted with Molly. Molly saw that Sam was a little unhappy, so he asked, "Is it because of the promotion at the bank?"

Sam put down the book in his hand, "The situation is a bit more complicated than I thought, and I'm afraid that the chance to get it will be lost."

Molly looked at the frustrated Sam, and suddenly said affectionately, "I love you, no matter when."

When Sam heard this, his face improved a lot, and he responded, "I love you too, baby."

Waking up in the middle of the night, Sam found that Molly by the bed was gone. He saw a light in the second floor, so he walked over.

Molly is working on clay figurines.

Sam moved a chair behind Molly and asked her, "What time is it, honey."

Molly turned to Sam while stroking the mud on the terracotta machine, and said, "Two o'clock in the morning."

The two looked at each other and smiled, Molly turned back to continue with the work in hand, and Sam watched with his chin up behind her.

In this small attic with a small space, the charming heroine is wearing a white shirt and is completing a work of art, while the male protagonist is looking at her tenderly from behind. The light in the attic is very soft. Under this light, this shot It was set off very warmly and full of love.

At this time, the classic "Unrestrained Melody" sounded, accompanied by the wonderful music, Sam hugged Molly tenderly from behind, Molly turned his face, the two kissed, and the terracotta figurine was still spinning write
This picture is beautifully shot, the color matching is just right, and the deep music seems to accompany the two dancers!

This is definitely a classic shot.

It can be said that Mu Chen has worked hard on this shot, trying to make it perfect.

This scene is undoubtedly one of the most exciting parts of the whole film. This scene of deep love will forever be engraved in people's hearts.

Through this scene, impress the audience and let them integrate into the play.

Without this scene, the effect of Sam's death would be much weaker.

One night, when Sam and Molly were walking after watching a play, they encountered a hideous robber who took out a gun and put it on Sam's head.

Robbery, gunshots.
After the gunshot, the robber ran desperately to the distance of the street. Sam chased after him hard, but failed to catch up.

Sam had no choice but to walk back resentfully, shouting as he walked, "Molly, Molly"

Suddenly, Sam was stunned, and Molly was crying with his arms around a man who had been shot in the chest.

When Sam approached, he realized that it was himself lying on the ground dying, and Molly couldn't see Sam who was out of his body at all.

The hearts of the audience suddenly tightened. They knew that Sam was probably dead at this time, and his soul was out of his body.

Sam has become a "ghost"!
Naturally, there is no problem with the current technology of this lens special effects mirror.

Mu Chen is confident. In terms of special effects, he beats the original version by a few blocks.

Then police cars and ambulances arrived at the scene, and Sam watched "himself" being pulled into the hospital.After being rescued by a doctor in the hospital, he finally shook his head regretfully at Molly, who burst into tears.

And Sam found that no one in this world could see him, he couldn't believe what just happened.
Next, Sam attended "his" memorial service.In the next few days, the soul of Sam followed Molly every day.And Molly was heartbroken because of Sam's departure, and she cried every day in their residence.

Seeing the woman he loves is beside him, sad for his departure, but he can't do anything about it, the two worlds of yin and yang that can't communicate, even if the lover is right in front of him, it seems to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

At this time, the eyes of many viewers were moist.

Marin looked around, and he knew the audience was already caught up in the movie by now.

The film continues.

The appearance of Ota (Wobie Goldberg) frees the film from some of the depressing atmosphere. This wizard, who claims to be a psychic, is a bright spot in the film. She is funny and humorous. People who communicate with relatives in the world are psychic.

In fact, she herself has never seen a real soul.

When Sam's ghost found her, it really shocked her.

However, Sam knew that this was the only person in the world who could see him and communicate with him, so Ota became the only platform for Sam and Molly, a pair of people separated by Yin and Yang, to communicate.

At first Molly didn't believe Otta, thinking she was a fake wizard who cheated some money by talking nonsense, but when Ota said something that only Sam and Molly knew, Molly was very surprised and had to believe Otta. tower.

With the development of the plot, Sam learned that the cause of his death was related to his friend Carl. Carl, who also worked in the bank, wanted to know the account numbers and information of the accounts of major customers held by Sam. He wanted to transfer the money of those customers through these confidential information. For his own use, and the robber who killed Sam was also hired by Karl.

Carl not only got the information, but also chased Molly after Sam's death. Sam was very angry when he saw all this. what can we do about it?

In the film, Sam's soul passes through his body no matter what it touches, and cannot move anything.Fortunately, Sam met a powerful soul in the subway, and he taught Sam how to use will to move objects.

Sam uses Otta to enter the bank and transfers the $4000 million in Karl's account to Otta's account, and Karl has nothing in an instant.Not only that, but when he saw that his account was 0, his head got dizzy, because he knew that the client would come to him sooner or later, and what he was facing at that time was to get out of jail.

Horta received 4000 million, but donated it to nuns for charity.

The original version was 400 million, but Mu Chen changed it to 4000 million considering the price and other factors.

"This actor is not bad." Marin couldn't help but said.

Marin had to sigh that Mu Chen was much better than him in employing people.

The role of Otana was brought to life by Wubi, which also made the whole film more successful.

Using his ability to move objects to find the robber and Carl, Sam took revenge by repeatedly teasing and kicking the two without them being able to see him.

Karl realized that there were ghosts in this world, and they were frightened and ran away desperately.But how can they escape from the hands of a ubiquitous spirit.

As a result, the robber was killed by a truck while escaping. When the robber's soul came out of his body, he finally saw Sam not far away, his eyes full of horror.

Then, countless hellish imps drilled from the ground and dragged the terrified robbers who yelled for help into hell.

And Mr. Carl was stabbed to death by glass, and his dirty soul was also dragged away by the kid.

Good and evil will pay off in the end!
The special effects of this scene are naturally much better than the original.

The camera changes to Molly, who is thinking about Sam at home, and Sam is beside her at this time, but she can't hear Sam calling her.

Suddenly, a coin floated up from the table, and Molly was stunned. The coin that appeared at the beginning of the film gently floated into Molly's hand. When Molly saw the coin, tears filled her beautiful eyes.


Molly called his lover's name and opened the door.

Standing at the door was Ota.Molly now completely believes that Sam's soul has always been by his side, silently protecting him.

Otta went into the room and sat down, and she called Molly to her side, told him to close his eyes, and she wanted to have another psychic for the lovers.

When Molly opened his eyes, the haunted Sam was sitting next to him, and the lovers hugged each other affectionately, rocking and dancing gently.

At this time, the song "Unrestrained Melody" sounded again.

Marin touched his tears, looking around as if afraid of being seen, but found that the audience in the theater could no longer hold back their tears, and there was even a lot of sobbing.

At the end of the film, when Sam's soul was about to go to heaven, Molly finally saw his lover under the light.

At the end of the film, most of the audience in the theater were in tears.

This is a film that makes you cry.

(End of this chapter)

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