my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 334 Controlling the summer file

Chapter 334 Controlling the summer file
A panda who knows kung fu came to open the curtain of the summer holiday.

What many people didn't expect was that this panda quickly became popular all over the world, setting off a "panda craze"!
"Kung Fu Panda" is popular all over the world, and the box office has been rising all the way.

Many people never imagined that Huaxia Animation would become popular all over the world.

It is so popular abroad, it is naturally even more popular in China.

There is no doubt that it has become an image-level film in China.

This film has also been crowned with countless awards by the media and countless fans.

For example: "The rise of Chinese action movies"!
At this time, the producer of "Battle of Shanghai" felt a little bad.

They obviously didn't expect "Kung Fu Panda" to be so popular.

This has been in theaters for several days, and the popularity has not decreased by half, but has a trend of getting hotter and hotter.

When their movie is released, I am afraid that the popularity of this movie has not diminished.

In this way, the impact of their film is not ordinary!

This is not to panic them.

After all, the audience groups targeted by the two films are somewhat different.

What they really panic about is that if the film's box office performance is not amazing enough after it is released for a week, they will not be able to withstand the impact of Mu Chen's "Iron Man".

Wrong schedule selection, this is the rhythm of cool!
They are naturally confident in their own film.

But "Kung Fu Panda" is so popular that their confidence is a little lacking.

Although "Iron Man" is a Hollywood film shot by Mu Chen, Mu Chen will not blindly please foreign audiences and ignore the feelings of domestic audiences.

What's more, where is Mu Chen's box office appeal?

Increased publicity!

Publicity must be stepped up!

This movie cost hundreds of millions of dollars!
"Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai" increased its publicity, and "Iron Man" naturally gradually increased its publicity.

However, the former is only for the country, while the latter is for the world.

The investment in "Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai" is indeed not small in China.

With an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, except for the bold investment of Chenxi Film and Television, other film and television companies, even top film and television companies such as Extreme Pictures, have to be cautious.

This film is a joint production of several film and television companies.

On July 23, "Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai" was released.

The first day of the film's release, it had some impact on "Kung Fu Panda". Among other things, the film's schedule must bear the brunt of the impact.

"Kung Fu Panda" fell from its one-day box office top spot for a week in a row.

The box office of "The Battle of Shanghai" exceeded [-] million on the first day, and the box office performed well.

And "Kung Fu Panda" followed closely, the box office still maintained 15 million, amazing staying power, and the total box office has exceeded [-] billion.

"The word-of-mouth of "Battle of Shanghai" seems to have collapsed."

Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen and said.

His demeanor and tone, without the slightest gloat, seemed to be telling something that had nothing to do with it.

"Crash?" Mu Chen looked at Chen Fuhai suspiciously, and said, "I see that the special effects shown in the trailer seem to be pretty good!"

Chen Fuhai shook his head and said, "There are too many plot points, the rhythm is too slow, like a running account, the actors' acting skills are embarrassing, and many of the designs are seriously illogical. Millions of people participated in the interaction on Golden Dragon Movie Online, and more than 60.00% gave the score below six. Now the score It's already less than five points, and if you ask the navy to score points, you probably won't be able to get it up."

"The special effects of the film's final battle may be remarkable. But the front was too disappointing, and the latter didn't surprise the fans. It's not surprising that word of mouth collapsed." Chen Fuhai continued.

"The word-of-mouth reputation of this film has collapsed. It is a good thing for "Kung Fu Panda" and "Iron Man", but it may not be true for Chenxi Films and Huaxia Films." Mu Chen said with a sigh.

A movie with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, the word-of-mouth collapsed, and the box office is estimated to be not much better.

Even if the box office broke [-] million on the first day of release.

Word of mouth collapsed, and the drop in the box office was naturally huge.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for this movie to break the [-] million domestic box office." Chen Fuhai said, with a sigh.

How much is [-] million box office?

For many films, this box office is naturally not bad.

But for a film with an investment of [-] to [-] million yuan, with such a small box office, it will lose everything.

The box office of the film hit the street, and the loss was so miserable, who would dare to take the risk of investing in such a blockbuster in the future?
This is naturally not good news for Huaxia Films.

If Chinese films want to have more influence in the world, it is impossible to rely on Mu Chen and Chenxi Film and Television alone.

As soon as Mu Chen and Chen Xi Film and Television established their international reputation, they were messed up on the back.

This is naturally not a good thing for Chinese films to go international.


Out of curiosity, Mu Chen checked the news about "Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai" online.

Bad reviews are everywhere, and complaints are everywhere.

Too much publicity raised the expectations of movie fans, and in the end the deviation from expectations was too great, causing word-of-mouth to collapse instantly.

"What's wrong?" Chen Fuhai asked curiously.

"Perhaps, the box office of this film is much higher than what you expected." Mu Chen shook his head and smiled, and said.

"The box office of this film is lower than I expected, and there are many people." Chen Fuhai said.

"Have you heard of reverse propaganda?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Huh?" Chen Fuhai looked over curiously.

After a while, Chen Fuhai frowned and said, "What do you mean, they plan to arouse the curiosity of movie fans by 'how bad it is'?"

"It's not preparation, maybe it has already been done." Mu Chen said, "I have to admit that the response from their publicity team is pretty good."

This kind of reverse propaganda is not unprecedented.

A lot of bad movies have done that.

With such a publicity, you can't escape the fate of losing money, it's just to reduce the loss.

In Mu Chen's opinion, responding to publicity at this time is far better than trying to reverse the negative public opinion.

On the second day after the release of "Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai", the box office dropped severely. Although the single-day box office was still stable at [-] million, the single-day box office champion was no longer there.

"Kung Fu Panda" once again won the single-day box office champion.

On the third day of its release, the box office dropped again, but it still maintained tens of millions, which left many people stunned.

On the sixth day of its release, the box office of "The Battle of Shanghai" miraculously reached nearly 1000 million, but the single-day box office was only more than [-] million.

The box office of this film may break [-] million in the future, but it is estimated that it will stop here.

On the seventh day of its release, "Iron Man" written and directed by Mu Chen was simultaneously screened globally.

The schedule of "Battle of Shanghai" has dropped to a few percent.

The box office of "Kung Fu Panda", which was released for two weeks, has already exceeded 25 billion.

It is estimated that there is no problem with the total box office exceeding 30 billion.

In this way, based on the domestic film market alone, "Kung Fu Panda", an animation film with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, can recover its cost and make a small profit.

Making a small profit is only for Chenxi Film and Television.

For other film and television companies, I am afraid it is a big profit.

"Iron Man" was released, but Mu Chenren promoted it in the United States.

However, Wang Hao is still "outrageous" to book the venue.

It's just that Ma Lin, Zhao Jin and others are filming this time, so they don't have time to join in.

Mu Ze, who came back from filming in the United States, brought Su Xiaowan along, as well as Mu Chen's uncle Li Ruolin, and his Nth girlfriend.

"I heard from Marin that this film is the opening chapter of Mu Chen's movie universe?" Wang Hao looked at Mu Ze curiously and asked.

If this matter is the clearest, it is probably Mu Ze.

Wang Hao believes that Mu Ze will definitely play a very popular superhero in this movie universe.

"Yes!" Mu Ze nodded.

This matter is no secret in Chenxi Film and Television.

It's just not hyped yet.

"What kind of superhero does Naze play in this movie universe? Will there be Monkey King Monkey King in this movie universe?" Wang Hao continued to ask.

"The script hasn't come out yet, and I don't know." Mu Ze shook his head and said, "I don't think he will appear in the show for a year or two."

"No way?" Wang Hao said in surprise.

"The plan is to shoot American superheroes first, and domestic superheroes appear. It seems that aliens invaded New York and the United States asked for help. After "Iron Man", it is estimated that there are three or four films before the superhero assembly. video." Mu Ze said with a smile.

For Wang Hao, there was no need to hide it.

"You have quit the entertainment industry, and you still care about this?" Li Ruolin said.

"If you quit the entertainment circle, you can't be a fan of Lao Mu?" Wang Hao said with a smile.

Li Ruolin was speechless immediately.

He had to admit that among Mu Chen's fans, there were quite a few stars in the circle.

While a few people were talking, the video started.

A burst of music sounded in the auditorium, very rhythmic.

"It seems to be Ruoxi's voice?"

Su Xiaowan froze for a moment, then said.

At this time, the picture began to appear, a radio, a glass of wine, and Tony Stark officially appeared on the screen.

Everyone in the theater gradually became quiet, and all looked at the big screen.

Although there are not many people in Wang Haobao's theater.

But in other theaters, it is still the same.

When the movie starts, the atmosphere is relaxed.

The protagonist is joking with the soldier, judging from the soldier’s request for a group photo, the protagonist seems to be very “popular”.

A few simple dialogues, but also showed some of the character of the protagonist.

However, the relaxed atmosphere soon ended, and a jeep exploded.

After several shots showed the fierceness of the battlefield, Tony got out of the car and was hiding behind a stone on the phone when a bomb landed beside him.

It reads in English: Stark Industries.

With a scream, Tony was blown away, and blood splattered out.

This action scene, in terms of scale, is much larger than the original version.

And the movie is still available in 3D.

Wang Haobao's theater is an IMAX hall, so the viewing experience is naturally better.

Many shots give them the feeling of being shot by a bullet.

Especially when Tony was blown away by the bomb, which made them feel as if the bomb had exploded in front of them.

In the movie hall, many people were staggering to and fro. They were subconsciously avoiding the lasing to block the bullets or the rubble ejected from the bomb explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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