my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 335 i am iron man

Chapter 335 i am iron man
After "Avatar", although 3D movies were also released, even those 3D movies that hit the street a long time ago have made a lot of money from their new releases.

However, the word-of-mouth of movie fans is favored by "Avatar". The 3D effects of those movies are not satisfactory, and the viewing experience is relatively poor.

Now, the opening chapter of "Iron Man" shocked people. The immersive bomb, like a bullet shot between the eyebrows, immediately made movie fans sigh:

This is the correct way to open 3D movies.

This is the viewing experience that 3D movies should have.

Just the beginning seems to have conquered the audience.

The film continues.

Tony fainted and woke up again, but he had fallen into the hands of the terrorist Ten Commandments.

Then the title appears.

Immediately afterwards, the Chinese and English subtitles of "Mu Chen's Works" appeared.

Many theaters burst into applause immediately after the subtitles appeared.

Seeing this, some filmmakers "lurking" in the theater shook their heads and sighed with envy.

This may be the greatest glory of a filmmaker.

Unfortunately, this honor is probably only Mu Chen alone in the country.

"Tony Stark... dreamer, genius, patriot..."

After some introduction, there was an award presentation scene. After the general had a good meal of praise, Tony was announced as the winner. Unfortunately, he was not at the scene. When he was embarrassed, a bald man stood up.

"Everyone knows he's a workaholic..."

Just as the bald man finished speaking, the screen changed and Tony appeared in the casino.

Next is rolling the sheets.

The heroine Pepper appeared on the stage, and some conversations showed Tony's demeanor of a local tyrant. Then Tony went to the airport, and the scene in the private jet also made people feel the life of a local tyrant.

Tony went to Afghanistan.

"for your information."


The missile test, the sound of the explosion, combined with the sound of the theater, and the 3D special effects, made everyone in the theater feel the feeling of the bomb exploding in front of them, the feeling of being blasted by gravel.

At that moment, everyone felt their hearts beating faster, and some couldn't help but close their eyes. The feeling of "it's over" can only disappear when they close their eyes.

Some people even stood up subconsciously, wanting to run.

But after the explosion, everyone felt that this kind of movie-watching experience was really great.

Compared with the "worry" of the movie fans, Tony spread his hands with his back to the shock wave, looking handsome in a mess.

Movie fans who like to read online novels subconsciously think of an extremely popular word: pretense!
"If the purchase amount reaches [-] million U.S. dollars, a bottle of wine will be given away. Respect for peace."

This guy is indeed a pretender!

Come up with such a great director, you still respect peace.

I believe you bastard, you dirty old man!
However, I don't know why, but I still feel so handsome!

Many movie fans faintly feel that this "Iron Man" is somewhat different from those so-called "heroes"!

Immediately afterwards, back to the scene at the beginning of the film, the convoy was attacked, and several quick flashes appeared on the screen, showing some scenes of surgery and Tony's pain.

A genius, super rich, falls into the hands of terrorists.

However, he didn't seem to be timid, and was still so calm.Perhaps the only thing that changed color was the discovery that those terrorists had many Stark Group weapons in their hands.

Those terrorists turned out to be his loyal customers.

This is undoubtedly extremely ironic.

This also paved the way for Tony to close the Stark Group weapons department later.

The terrorists forced Tony to build missiles for them, and Tony then showed what is called "genius escape method", and let the terrorists know how terrible it is to be uneducated.

Tony made a low-profile version of the steel armor, which is the Mark [-]. Unfortunately, those terrorists couldn't understand the blueprints and thought he improved the missiles.

It wasn't until Tony built the battle armor that something was wrong, but unfortunately it was too late.

After the terrorists rushed into the cave, they were greeted by a steel giant whose armor couldn't be pierced by bullets.Tony wore the Mark One and slaughtered his way outside.

Tony breaks out of the siege, and after a fierce battle, various functions of the Mark [-] are constantly displayed.The battle armor was ugly in appearance, but it was really powerful, killing those terrorists without the power to fight back.

With the final explosion, the battle armor soared into the sky.

Tony was rescued.

"Iron Man" does not have the beauty of "Avatar", but it has a different 3D experience.

3D is used for gun battles, and the viewing experience is no worse than those "beautiful scenes".

Perhaps, at this point, compared with the original version, it has taken a lot of advantages.

This is the film with the most "3D" effect after "Avatar", which largely meets the needs of movie fans for this type of film.

When the original version was released, fans' curiosity about 3D had already been greatly reduced.

As the film continues, it is obvious that what attracts movie fans is not only the 3D viewing experience, but also the movie itself.

Tony, who returned to the United States, immediately announced the closure of the Stark Group's weapons department. He was so arrogant that he didn't explain anything, and maybe he couldn't explain it.

Can it explain why his weapons are in the hands of those terrorists?
Tony shut down the weapons department, which naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the company boss.

His uncle, the big bald Obadiah Stan, came looking for him, but to no avail.

Tony's character is a bit "willing to go his own way", which is the same as the beginning of the film, when Pepper persuaded him not to go to Afghanistan.

If the weapon department is closed, the shares of the Stark Group will plummet, doesn't he know?

Knowing is the same.

Tony started making battle armor, testing Mark II, Jarvis appeared, and various black technologies appeared one by one, and the people watching were hooked.

Production, testing, and failures again and again reminded the theater of bursts of laughter from time to time.

And when Tony succeeded, the fans were also happy for him and were hooked.

Of course, the full-body shot of Mark II appeared, starting from the legs, waist, shoulders, back, arms, and nails, which directly shocked countless people.

Compared with the low-profile version of the Mark One, it is simply cool.

After getting used to it, Mark II soared into the sky, and the satisfaction of watching movies brought by the sense of technology filled all movie fans.

This one-minute-long flying scene made the movie fans in the theater feel emotional!
In particular, some shots feel as if they are about to rush out of the screen and hit themselves.

That feeling is so fun!
The film gradually played to the second half, and Pepper gave Tony the old reactor with a note: "Prove that Tony has a warm heart."

For movie fans, this doesn't make much sense.

However, some filmmakers have a vague feeling that this is a foreshadowing, and that the old reactor may play a role.

Knowing that it was Obadiah Stan who sold the weapons to the terrorists, Tony put on the armor and went straight to kill the terrorists.

A battle fully demonstrated the power of the Mark II.

On the way back, he encountered a U.S. fighter jet, and the cool shots followed one after another. The power and coolness of the steel armor almost conquered all movie fans in the theater.

This is a sci-fi movie, and this is a 3D movie.

Just when the movie fans were excited, the bald man met the terrorist, and the first sentence he spoke surprised the movie fans: "You are so useless."

"He's Tony Stark..."

Tony Stark is a genius.

No one should ever underestimate a genius.

This is the experience gained by terrorists with profound lessons.

The bald guy obviously agrees with this.

He sighed, and asked for the armor they had collected from the terrorists.

He built a bigger armor.

Pepper got the information, which proved that the bald man was really contacting the terrorists, he provided the weapons, and he ordered the terrorists to capture Tony. In addition to these, there are also the design drawings of the Iron King.

This incident was noticed by the bald man, but a man named Coulson appeared to prevent the bald man from attacking Pepper.

When Tony received a call from Pepper, the bald man appeared, and after some dialogue, he took Tony's reactor.

That's when the old reactor came into play.

In the last battle, Mu Chen's team's advantages were naturally used to film the scenes of the battle between the two armors, which were thrilling and exciting.

With the 3D effect, it definitely suppressed the scene.

In the words of movie fans, the last scene is worth the price of admission.

At the end of the film, the press conference.

"Someone suspects that I'm the same as some time ago..."

"Well, actually..."

"I am iron man."

Tony "willful" did not follow the speech script given by the agent, but bluntly said that he is Iron Man.

The film ended, but many fans did not leave.

Before the movie was released, Mu Chen had posted on Weibo that there would be easter eggs at the end.

After the subtitles, the easter eggs came.


Tony walked in the door and yelled.

"Sir, welcome home."

Tony walked in the direction of the hall, and suddenly his footsteps became hesitant.

He looked forward.

The camera turned to the hall, and a black bald man in a black leather jacket slowly turned around, but the light was dim and blurry, and his face could not be seen clearly.

"I am iron man! Tony, do you think you are the only superhero in this world?"

These words undoubtedly meant to ridicule Tony.

"The universe is infinite, and what we know is finite."

Tony replied very "Tony": "Who the hell are you?"

"Nick Fury"

The appearance of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. reminded many movie fans of the former Agent Coulson.

What S.H.I.E.L.D. does not seem to be simple.

The Mu Chen version of the Easter egg is naturally different from the original version.At the end, he also previewed the upcoming "Invincible Hulk".

"I don't know if there is a model for the battle armor, let's make one for fun?"

When the movie ended, Wang Hao muttered.

"There should be! It seems that Iron Man's toy models have come out." Mu Ze said with a smile.

Wang Hao was about to say more, but he didn't want Mu Ze's phone to ring.

"Master Liao is gone!"

It was Mu Chen who called, and he told the reason directly without talking nonsense.

"I'm coming to America tomorrow." Mu Ze said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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