my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 336 Controlling the summer file

Chapter 336 Controlling the summer file
Liao Yunhai is much older than Grandpa Mu Chen, and is nearly a hundred years old now.

Both Mu Chen and Mu Ze have seen each other.

Although there is not much contact, but after all, he and his grandfather are brothers, even if the two have not actually met, they are also elders of the teacher.

What's more, when Mu Chen and Mu Ze were in the United States, Liao Chengzhi gave them a lot of help.

In terms of emotion and reason, Mu Ze should go there.

When Mu Ze took the plane to the United States the next day, the box office of "Iron Man" had already come out on its first domestic day.

3.05 billion!
Breaking through [-] million directly is undoubtedly beyond the expectations of many people.

Although "Iron Man" is a film directed by Mu Chen, the actors in it are not Chinese stars, not even Hollywood stars that everyone is familiar with.

Such a film, based on Mu Chen's box office appeal, broke [-] million on the first day. It has to be said that Mu Chen's box office appeal is extremely terrifying.

There is no doubt that "Iron Man" won the domestic single-day box office champion.

It was followed closely by "Kung Fu Panda", whose single-day box office fell to the [-] million mark for the first time.

The box office of the film was astonishing on the first day, but word of mouth was also extremely good.

In particular, there are many "amazing" 3D shots in it, which makes people talk about it.

The rating on Golden Dragon Films Online, "Iron Man" is also as high as nine points. As for whether it will drop in the future, it is unknown.

However, above [-] points, it is estimated to be stable.


Mu Chen saw Mu Ze and nodded.

"The last time I came to filming, I met the old man! I didn't expect that." Mu Ze shook his head as he said, and didn't continue.

The world is impermanent, and it is inevitable to feel emotional.

"No one can escape." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

After all, the old man is in his nineties.

Not many people live to this age.This is because he practiced martial arts all the year round, and his body has always been healthy.

"How's your movie received in North America?" Mu Ze nodded and asked.

It is true that the Mu Chen brothers were sad when the old man Liao Yunhai passed away, but I am afraid that it is not necessarily how sad you say it is.However, both seemed intent on changing the subject.

"The box office on the first day was nearly 6000 million, barely winning the single-day box office championship." Mu Chen said, "Judging from the reactions of the media and fans, the total box office of this film should not be bad."

"Iron Man" also had a good box office reputation in North America.

The first step of Mu Chen's plan to create a superhero universe movie was obviously successful.

Judging from the current box office response, it is no problem to surpass the original version by [-] million.

Moreover, this does not count the Huaxia box office.

"Iron Man" sold well at the box office, paving the way for the release of "Invincible Hulk" next.

Today, the post-production is nearing completion.

However, Mu Chen was inevitably a little worried about the film's box office.

No way, the box office of the original "Invincible Hulk" is less than [-] million US dollars, and it seems to be losing money.

The success or failure of a film may not affect this huge plan.

But Mu Chen didn't want to leave such a little regret.

He also wants to shoot a sequel about the Hulk, rather than simply "cameo" in other hero movies.

Mu Chen had seen the original film, but he was not very clear about some related news.

Hulk has only one solo movie, whether it's because he lost money or because of copyright issues, Mu Chen doesn't know.

However, if the response is good, he doesn't mind making more films.

Mu Chen even thought about the problem of the Hulk getting out of control, whether to let Huaxia's superhero solve it!
For example, a "Pure Heart Mantra", "Bing Xin Jue" or something.

Of course, it's just a thought.

Whether this will be the case depends on the response of other films and the subsequent settings.

Liao Yunhai's funeral was very solemn, he was a veteran of the Hongmen, and many bigwigs of the Hongmen attended.

At the funeral, Mu Chen also met Chu Yuhua.

He once learned Kung Fu under Liao Yunhai's sect, and he is also considered his disciple.

What's more, he and Liao Chengzhi have always kept in touch.

However, when they meet in this situation, they don't have any emotion to communicate with each other.

"When are you going to return home?"

After the funeral, Mu Ze asked about Mu Chen.

"It's just these two days, if you're not in a hurry, let's go back together!" Mu Chen said.

Mu Ze nodded and was about to speak when Cheng Ting walked in.

"Boss, look at these."


Mu Chen picked it up and looked, but frowned.

"How did this matter get reported by the media?" Mu Ze frowned and said.

"Someone wants to use this to discredit us." Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

The fact that Mu Chen and Mu Ze attended Liao Yunhai's funeral was reported by some media, and the two brothers, Mu Chen and Mu Ze, were portrayed as stars with association backgrounds.

Some media even directly said that they are members of the largest Chinese gang, Hongmen.

As soon as these reports came out, the images of Mu Chen and Mu Ze were obviously damaged.

I'm afraid it will not only smear, but also bring some unnecessary troubles to Mu Chen.

As soon as Mu Chen finished speaking, Harvey called.

"Let them check!"

After listening to Harvey's call, Mu Chen said in a cold voice.

"What's wrong?" Mu Ze asked.

"Some people suspect that Dream Films is laundering money!" Mu Chen said flatly.

"It won't be any trouble, will it?"

Mu Ze frowned and asked.

This is probably the impact of being smeared by those media.

"What trouble can there be?" Mu Chen smiled and said, "Don't say that Dream Films didn't launder money. Even if they did, they don't have substantial evidence, so what can they do with me?"

"Could it be that person?" Mu Ze said.

that man!who?
"Nine out of ten."

Mu Chen nodded, he obviously knew who the person Mu Ze was talking about.

It is nothing more than the media tycoon in the United States.

Is this to vent your anger on your son?
"I guess I won't be able to go back for a day or two. You go back first." Mu Chen immediately said to Mu Ze.

Mu Ze hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, I'm not that easy to bully." Mu Chen said with a smile, "Our background is clean, but some people may not be sure."

"Do you want to check on the old Folk?" Mu Ze was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I have never seen that old man, but it is so easy to become a North American media tycoon from scratch."

"Who wants to investigate him?" Mu Chen laughed, "What can that old fox find out? His history of romantic gossip?"

"Forget it!" Mu Ze shook his head and said, "Be careful yourself!"

Mu Ze didn't say any more, although he was the elder brother, he was far inferior to Mu Chen in many aspects.

This time the media smeared him, and Mu Chen was more capable of solving it than him.

He also saw that Mu Chen's stay in the United States was obviously not just to solve the impact of those media smears, but probably more to solve the problem completely.

Or fight back!

How could Mu Ze not be clear about Mu Chen's character of "always being kind to others".

Participating in an elder's funeral this time was used to smear, Mu Ze saw Mu Chen's anger.

Things are simmering and getting more and more outrageous, especially online.

Mu Chen and Mu Ze are members of the Chinese Black Society, and Mu Chen launders money for the society by investing in movies!
Such rumors are extremely hot on the Internet.

There are also voices to boycott Mu Chen's movie.

Anyone with a little knowledge can see that there is a shadow of the navy.

Someone wanted to mess with the Muchen brothers.

More people are probably taking the opportunity to add insult to injury.

However, more gossiping people were purely watching the excitement, so they were naturally less influenced by those public opinions, believed it to be true, and had a bad impression of Mu Chen and the others.

Mu Chen obviously won't sit still.

Dream Films naturally has good media with it, and immediately started crisis public relations.

As for those media who said that Mu Chen was a gang member and laundered money for it, Mu Chen directly sued him in court.

"I am a martial arts practitioner, and many people know this well. My elder from a sect passed away, so what's wrong with attending his funeral?"

"I'm a filmmaker, I'm just going to a funeral."

"What is he? I only know that he is a Chinese who opened a martial arts gym in the United States. Whether he is from the Hongmen, I don't know very well."

"I don't know the other people who attended the funeral, and I haven't had contact with them. I don't know who they are."

"However, if those people broke the law, if they were guilty, I'm afraid they wouldn't appear at the funeral openly, right? The American police are not blind!"

"Since they are not criminals, what does it mean that I have contacted them?"

"If you come into contact with someone from the Hongmen, you are a member of the gang, so you are suspected of money laundering? What kind of logic is this? I remember that a certain president of the United States seems to have been a lawyer for the Hongmen! Could it be that he is also a gangster?"

"When some media reports, please use your brains."

"As for those media who slander or even slander me for money laundering, I will pursue it to the end."

Mu Chen did some public relations, and the public opinion that was unfavorable to the two of them gradually turned around.

This time is not long."Iron Man", which is currently being screened, has not been affected much by it.

The box office continues to boom.

This is the case at home and abroad.

Many media have already reported that "Mu Chen will dominate this summer's schedule again".

In many foreign regions, perhaps not.

But it must be in China!

The single-day box office of "Kung Fu Panda", which was released for more than half a month, is still second only to "Iron Man"!
Just after the rumors of Muchen and Brothers being involved in gangsters, many gossip rumors suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Among them, there is no lack of media tycoon Raffles.

Those gossip and rumors, accompanied by some pictures, make people unable to help but imagine.

Although he knew it was his own imagination, he subconsciously believed it.

"This is the revenge of that Huaxia boy?"

Old Fogg read the rumors on the Internet and showed a bit of disdain.

Those were not hot enough, once the navy retreated, the heat dissipated in an instant, and it had no effect on him at all.

"Boss, look at this!"

A person next to him handed him a file bag.

Old Folk was very puzzled, and then he took a look, his eyes widened, exuding raging anger.

He finally understood what the rumors on the Internet were about.

Those are just preheating to attract attention, the things in this file bag are the key.

The other party sent those photos to him, and the meaning was self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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