Chapter 389

"Pirates of the Caribbean" is naturally not a story about pirate robbery.

The films in this series are all fantasy adventure films.

The sea is mysterious and very charming.

Mu Chen once thought about "Chineseizing" this film, but finally gave up.

If it is "huahua", there are too many revisions, and Mu Chen doesn't have the time and energy now.

After time-consuming and laborious revisions, it may not be as good as the original version at the box office.

What's more, Captain Jack became Chinese, is he still "Captain Jack"?

Does he still have that much charm?

Originally a classic movie, perhaps after "huahua", it becomes a bad movie.

Mu Chen brought out this series of movies because he felt that it was a waste of resources to put them in his mind.

Instead of that, it's better to make money out of it.

Taking "Hollywood" movies, but earning North American money, Mu Chen still feels a sense of earning money.

For Mu Chen today, money may be just a number to him.

Because the speed at which he spends money is far behind the speed at which he earns money.

However, who would mind that this "number" is getting bigger and bigger?

What's more, Mu Chen now considers himself a father.

He naturally wanted to leave more for his children.

The money he earns may not be spent in his lifetime, but he can leave it to his descendants.

Even if his children are all prodigal sons.

Of course, Mu Chen didn't think his children would be prodigal sons either.

In terms of children's education, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi still attach great importance to it.

During this trip to the United States, Mu Chen stayed for nearly half a month. If Li Ruoxi was not pregnant, Mu Chen probably would have stayed for a long time.

When Mu Chen returned to China, "Iron Man 3" has already been screened all over the world.

Iron Man is a very popular existence among the many superheroes created by Mu Chen. His third solo movie is still attracting attention.

The film was released and became popular all over the world.

The word-of-mouth is still the same, although the box office trend is difficult to compare with Mu Chen's "The Avengers", but it is definitely a movie that makes a lot of money.

Even if Robert's current salary has doubled several times.

"Iron Man 3" is released, "Thor 2" is in the late stage of production, "American Team 2" is about to be completed, and "Avengers 2" is also on the agenda.

As for the later "Ant-Man" and "Spider-Man", they are also looking for actors.

"Invincible Hulk 2" is estimated to have to wait a lot.

The film serves as a link between the East and West superhero timelines.

Today, the superhero movies on both sides have not matched in time.

Whether it is "Iron Man 3" or "American Team 2", the timeline of these films is after "The Avengers".

But whether it is "Sword Fairy", "Valkyrie", or "Mage", the timeline is all before "Avengers".

"Invincible Hulk 2" overlaps the timelines of the two sides, and then ends the layout of the second phase with "Guardian Alliance".

As for "Ant-Man" and "Spider-Man", it is not the end of the second phase, but the beginning of the layout of the third phase.

The script for Guardians is currently being created.

The timeline of the story follows "Invincible Hulk 2", telling the story of the gods descending from the eastern heaven.

There are naturally many superheroes in this story.

Domestic "Sword Immortals", "War Gods", and "Mages" are naturally indispensable, and it is even more impossible for the director of the Special Administration Bureau to be absent.

There are also many supporting characters.

The foreign aid invited is still under discussion.

The Hulk is naturally on the list, and he is in China on the timeline, so he will naturally join the battle.

Also confirmed are Iron Man and Thor. As for whether the US team should join, there has been a lot of controversy.

Some people think that he should participate, after all, his popularity is there.

Some people think that Captain America's combat power is too low, and the "American" label is too strong. It will inevitably make many movie fans feel awkward to let such a character participate in the battle.

Exactly how, still needs some research.

As for why Iron Man and Thor appeared?

Naturally, I also thought about it.

The appearance of Iron Man and the battle with the Eastern Gods naturally resulted in the collision of "technological civilization" and "cultivation civilization".

This should be what many movie fans want to see.

And the appearance of Thor is naturally the Western Thor and the Eastern Thunder, the two "Thor" are fighting, what kind of picture is that.

This should be what many movie fans want to see.

"You mean to let Lao Yu direct "Fa Shen"?"

Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen in surprise.

"What do you think?" Mu Chen said, "The speed here is a bit slow, and I can't keep up with the footsteps over there. If I shoot alone, I won't be able to do it all by myself. If Lao Yu shoots, then this film will be shot at the beginning of next year." It can be filmed. But if I film it, I will have to go in the second half of the year. Besides, I can’t shoot domestic superhero movies alone, can I?”

"Lao Yu is definitely a good candidate." Chen Fuhai nodded, and said, "I'll talk to him after he finishes "Havoc in Heaven."

Mu Chen nodded. Whether Yu Yun can direct "The Mage" or not, naturally he needs to hear his thoughts on this film.

However, among domestic directors, Yu Yun is undoubtedly a good candidate.

What's more, he is also the contracted director of Chenxi Film and Television.

"Feng Yi has signed a contract with Chenxi Film and Television." Chen Fuhai continued.

"Huh?" Mu Chen frowned upon hearing this.

"It was recommended by Liu Guohua." Chen Fuhai said with a smile.

Feng Yi used to work in Liu Guohua's studio.

Chen Fuhai knows very well that Mu Chen likes to poach people, and when he sees excellent filmmakers, he likes to poach Chenxi Film and Television. This is also one of the reasons why Chenxi Film and Television develops so rapidly.

Of course, most of the people who dig are filmmakers behind the scenes.

That's right, Mu Chen has a principle in poaching people, that is, he never poachs people with good relationships.

Needless to say, the relationship between Liu Guohua and Mu Chen.

Perhaps, the intersection of these two years is not as much as before, but the relationship is still there.

If not, there may not be today's "Chasing the Deer".

"Liu Guohua, you also know that he has always spared no effort to support the younger generation." Chen Fuhai said, "He probably also knows that Feng Yi will inevitably be buried in his studio. Only by going to Chenxi Film and Television can he get better development .”

If "Chasing the Deer" becomes a big hit, Feng Yi will also be reused if he goes to other film and television companies.

Even, it is more valued than in Chenxi Film and Television.

However, it is difficult for other film and television companies to compare with Chenxi Film and Television in terms of financial resources.

Just like the film "Chasing the Deer", if it gets other film and television companies, even if several companies jointly invest, the budget may not be one billion.

There are many excellent directors in China, but not many are good at commercial blockbusters.

Especially when controlling the big scene.

What's more, Feng Yi is still very young and has unlimited potential.

"If "Chasing the Deer" is good, let him direct the sequel of "Transformers"." Mu Chen said immediately.

A sequel to "Transformers" will definitely be filmed, but Mu Chen definitely doesn't have time to direct in the past few years.

His current energy is basically focused on the movie universe.

"If you don't direct, he is indeed a suitable candidate." Chen Fuhai nodded.

Feng Yi's ability is still extremely good.

Of course, the big reason why he was suitable was that when Mu Chen was filming "Transformers", he was the assistant director and was more familiar with the film.

After chatting for a few more words, Chen Fuhai was about to leave, but Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi came together.

"President Chen is here, that's just right." Li Yunyi said with a smile.

While Li Yunyi was speaking, he took out a wedding invitation and handed it to Chen Fuhai.

At this time, Chen Xianqi also handed a wedding invitation to Mu Chen.


Mu Chen and Chen Fuhai opened it and said with a smile.

"Thank you!"

The two said, and handed over a box of wedding candies.

Another couple is getting married!
"Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi's?"

When Mu Chen came home, Li Ruoxi asked with a smile when she saw the wedding invitation and candy.

"You can guess this?" Mu Chen said in surprise.

"In the afternoon, I heard sister Xiaowan mentioned it." Li Ruoxi said.

Mu Chen nodded.

The relationship between Li Yunyi and Su Xiaowan has always been good.

The two have been regular guests on "Running Man" for several seasons together.Mu Ze also took good care of Li Yunyi, and even won a lot of resources for him back then.

Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi are both first-line celebrities. Their wedding date has been set, and they distributed wedding invitations everywhere. The news will naturally be known by the media soon.

Celebrity marriages are always very popular.

Not to mention popular stars like them, even if they are second- and third-tier stars, their marriages can be listed on the hot searches, and even directly top the list.

There is no doubt that Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi are getting married soon, and as soon as the news came out, they immediately went to the top of the hot search list.

Then, it climbed to the top of the topic list.

Li Yunyi was a popular little fresh meat back then. Although the transformation was successful, in the eyes of many people, his marriage definitely had a great impact on him.

Chen Xianqi is no exception.

And so is it.

As soon as the news of the two's marriage came out, Li Yunyi's Weibo followers lost more than one hundred thousand fans, and Chen Xianqi's got many more.

A decline in popularity is undoubtedly fatal to a star.

In the eyes of many people, it is undoubtedly unwise for the two to choose to get married at this time.

They are still on the rise at this time.

The decline in popularity is likely to affect their resources.

The two got married and reached the top of the hot search list and topic list, but Mu Chen was besieged by many media reporters downstairs in the company.

"Director Mu, Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi are married. What's your attitude and Chenxi Films and Television's attitude towards this?"

one asked.

When the two announced their marriage news, the attitude of Chenxi Film and Television was naturally very important.

"Of course congratulations to them, bless them!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Will Chenxi Film and Television reduce the resources of the two?"

another reporter asked.

"When Chenxi Film and Television was still a studio, it didn't restrict the dating of its artists." Mu Chen smiled and said, "How can they reduce their resources because of the marriage of their artists now? What belongs to them is theirs. "

"Then, does Chenxi Film and Television have any specific arrangements for the two of them?"

The reporter asked.

"What is theirs is theirs" is unavoidably ambiguous.

"I don't know what the specific arrangements are. You should know that I never ask about this matter." Mu Chen said, "However, in "Avengers 2", there are roles for both of them."

(End of this chapter)

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