my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 390 Diamond King Boss

Chapter 390 Diamond King Boss
Mu Chen is really not very clear about the company's future arrangements for Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi.

Perhaps, Chen Fuhai is not very clear.

After all, Mu Chen is the shopkeeper, while Chen Fuhai is in charge of the overall situation, so he won't stare at one or two people in the company.

If it's a major production of Chenxi Film and Television, they might know something about it.

Today's Chenxi Film and Television, what is a big production?

If it didn't exceed [-] million US dollars, I'm afraid neither of them paid much attention to it.

However, Mu Chen is very clear that although Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi are not the most profitable people for the company, they are definitely in the forefront.

Today, the company's most profitable person is naturally Wang Yi.

This is the most popular little fresh meat nowadays.

Popular, and there are masterpieces, whether it is music or film and television.

Even if the popularity of Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi dropped after the news of their marriage came out, it had no effect.

Naturally, companies will not cut their resources as a result.

Of course, it would be hard to say if it was in other film and television companies.

The public likes to judge others by themselves, fans of Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi are inevitably worried, fearing that their marriage will affect them.

As soon as Mu Chen broke the news that the two of them would be participating in "Avengers 2", their fans were instantly relieved, and their popularity even increased a lot because of this.

How popular "The Avengers" is, there is no doubt.

It goes without saying how much attention is paid to the sequel.

Mu Ze and Li Ruoxi appeared in "The Avengers", and their popularity soared instantly, and then they filmed the characters' personal movies.

But now, Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi are appearing in the sequel, even if they don't make a solo movie, they will still occupy a place in Mu Chen's movie universe.

If they can appear in "Avengers 2", Chenxi Film and Television will naturally not reduce its resources because of their marriage.

They will still be highly praised by Chenxi Film and Television.

Moreover, Chenxi Film and Television obviously intends to let them develop internationally.

The layout of Mu Chen's movie universe has begun to take shape.

This game is huge.

First start with super movie heroes such as "Iron Man", and then add Chinese superheroes to the movies where these superheroes gather, thus leading to the story of Chinese superheroes.

Such an operation will naturally have great benefits for the international influence and box office appeal of Chinese superheroes.

If you directly shoot Chinese superheroes, both the box office and influence will definitely be greatly reduced.

Even if the director is Mu Chen.

Mu Chen is a superhero in China driven by Hollywood superheroes.

The movie universe has revealed the tip of the iceberg. As time goes by, I am afraid that more and more superheroes and supervillains will appear.

Many people believe that there will definitely be an "organization" like the "Avengers" in China, and there will also be movies of superheroes gathering.

Then these Chinese superheroes will obviously consider the signing artists of Chenxi Film and Television.

Countless movie fans are speculating and looking forward to it.

Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi will participate in "Avengers 2", their fans are naturally extremely excited.

Many fans of Chen Xianqi even showed off to Qin Yu's fans.

This annoyed Qin Yu's fans greatly.

At this time, a live-action fairy tale movie starring Qin Yu started.

The movie cost over $[-] million.

Qin Yu is the absolute protagonist.

This made Qin Yu's fans more confident.

After a lot of commotion, this film and Li Yunyi's wedding attracted more attention.

The popularity of Qin Yu's movie and the marriage news of Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi lasted for several days, and then gradually faded away.

However, at the time of the wedding, the heat is expected to rise again.

And when the live-action fairy tale movie was released, it was naturally the same.

"Iron Man 3" has been released for nearly a month, and its potential has been exhausted, and it is gradually declining. The global box office will rise compared with the second film.

This is also a result of the growing influence of the movie universe.

And the successor to this film is "Resident Evil 3" starring Su Xiaowan!
The film already has a huge fan base thanks to the first two films, and the global popularity of the game.

The film was released, and the box office is also very good, no matter domestic or foreign.

There is no doubt that this is a blockbuster movie.

However, although the script of "Resident Evil 4" has come out, the filming has to be postponed for a long time.

Mainly because of Su Xiaowan's schedule.

After filming "War God", she will immediately film "Mage", and then in "Invincible Hulk 2", she also appeared, even equivalent to the heroine.

Moreover, in the "Guardian Alliance" after "The Incredible Hulk 2", the mage she played will naturally also appear on the stage.

May [-]th is suitable for marriage.

Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi held their wedding in Yanjing.

The place they chose was also the hotel owned by the Wansheng Group when the brothers Mu Ze and Mu Chen got married.

In fact, many people in the circle who get married in China choose this place.

"Watching them get married, I suddenly feel old." Su Xiaowan looked at Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi on the stage, smiled and shook her head, and said with a sigh.

Su Xiaowan knew Li Yunyi when he first debuted.

She watched Li Yunyi walk step by step to where she is today, so she naturally sighed a little.

"Then if you think about those two guys, Ma Lin and Wang Hao, you won't have such a feeling." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"You seem to feel a lot more comfortable when you say that." Su Xiaowan froze for a moment, then said with a smile.

She naturally understood what Mu Chen meant.

"Did I suffer an indiscriminate disaster?" Wang Hao said with a curled lip.

"The two of them are younger than you, right?" Mu Chen said, "Besides, they are still in the entertainment industry. They are both married, and you don't even have a girlfriend, and you don't even have a marriage partner yet."

Wang Hao broke up with his previous girlfriend.

As for the reason, Mu Chen didn't ask much.

This time it wasn't Wang Hao who dumped the other party, but was dumped by the other party.

This makes everyone feel incredible.

"Diamond Bachelor, full of aristocratic atmosphere." Wang Hao said.

"Why don't you say that you are the fifth diamond king?" Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

There seems to be no such thing as "Wang Lao Wu" in this matter.However, Wang Hao is now worth more than his boss, so it seems true that he is the "diamond king".

Well, his last name is "Wang" by coincidence!
"I am the only child in my family." Wang Hao said.

"Boss Diamond King?" Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

"You should calm down too." Zhao Jin said with a smile.

Seeing that Mu Ze seemed to be about to speak, Wang Hao suddenly felt that he was about to be attacked by a crowd, and then changed the subject, saying, "Aren't Marin and Qin Yu planning to come?"

"Probably won't come!" Mu Chen nodded and said.

As for why he didn't come, Mu Chen didn't want to guess.

However, he can predict that Qin Yu's failure to attend Chen Xianqi's wedding may cause another storm of public opinion.

Even though many people know that she is currently filming on the set.

Her crew is not far from Yanjing, if she is really a good sister, can't she take a day off?

Everyone was silent for a moment, obviously they all had guesses.

"They don't seem to have plans to get married yet?" Mu Ze said.

them?Naturally, it was Marin and Qin Yu.

"Where's your brother?"

Wang Hao looked at Li Ruoxi and asked.

"It's probably coming soon." Li Ruoxi said.


When everyone heard it, they looked over in surprise.

Li Ruoxi smiled and touched her increasingly obvious belly.

"Bong 'son' get married!"

Wang Hao was stunned.

"Amazing, my uncle!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

He knew very well that Xia Zhiyun might marry Li Ruolin, but it was definitely not at this time, she was not ready yet.

Last time in the United States, Mu Chen and Xia Zhiyun talked about this matter, but after thinking about it, they found that Xia Zhiyun was a little "fearful of marriage".

Now, that trace of "fear of marriage" should have disappeared.

Unexpected pregnancy, Xia Zhiyun will definitely not kill the child.

So no matter how you look at it, marriage is inevitable, and it won't take too long.

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Mu Chen's words came out, he was kicked by Li Ruoxi next to him, and then smiled.

Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi originally planned to ask Mu Chen to be a witness, but Mu Chen pushed Chen Fuhai instead.

He was not much older than Li Yunyi, so it didn't feel right.

Chen Fuhai naturally did not refuse.

After finishing his work, he went to the one next to Mu Chen and the others.

And the wedding soon ended.

The wedding is over, but the repercussions of the wedding are far from over.

Which celebrity gets married without being fired by the media for a few days?

Even Zhao Jin's wedding abroad was so bad.

What's more, this time Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi invited no fewer celebrities than Zhao Jin and Jiang Qin, and they were much more open to the media.

Naturally, the media found a lot of topics.

Among them, Qin Yu did not attend the wedding of the two, so the topic was undoubtedly the strongest.

The fans of Qin Yu and Chen Xianqi often fight, but the two show a close relationship in front of the media.

Such a close person, but did not attend the other party's wedding?
This cannot be justified.

Then people have to suspect that the close relationship between the two in front of the public is just a show.

The conflict between them is actually very deep.

There is constant speculation on the Internet, but both parties naturally deny it.

Qin Yu said that she couldn't get away from filming, but Chen Xianqi expressed her understanding and thanked her for her blessings.

After all, Qin Yu's movie was a big investment, and she was still the absolute protagonist. If she left the crew for a day, she would suffer a lot of losses.

Mu Chen didn't care about these things at all.

It's good to have a laugh and increase some exposure.

Even if the two confronted each other in front of the public, he would not pay attention.

Neither will do that, though.

The company needs unity and harmony.

A few days later, Mu Chen received wedding invitations from Xia Zhiyun and Li Ruolin.

The wedding is in mid-June.

At the beginning of June, one month after the release of "Resident Evil 3", the pictures were gradually drawn down, and "Chasing the Deer" also gradually began to be promoted.

Fans are still looking forward to this star-studded blockbuster with an investment of one billion Chinese dollars.

At this time, the post-production of "Sword Immortal" was completed, and Mu Chen was very satisfied with the finished film.

As for whether the fans are satisfied or not, his confidence is not so high.

(End of this chapter)

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