Chapter 41

One hundred thousand poems undoubtedly have the taste of celebrity effect.

In Li Ruoxi's opinion, considering Mu Chen's current popularity and topic, the value of this poem is far more than one hundred thousand.

And there is a lot of talk about buying a poem for [-] yuan.

If Mu Chen wanted to raise the price, it might not be impossible.

However, he felt that it was unnecessary.

Mount Tai is already a very well-known tourist attraction, and that poem is just icing on the cake.

What's more, people don't need to give money, just promote this poem instead of promoting Mount Tai with this poem, the effect is similar.

Being a human being in two lifetimes, Mu Chen, who is used to life and death, doesn't say anything about money as dung, and doesn't think much about money.

For Mu Chen's poem, Taishan Tourism bought the copyright for [-] yuan, and the topic arose immediately, causing many heated discussions on the Internet.

"That's amazing, my Mu Chen, with a slap in the face, he gave out 10 yuan!"

"One hundred thousand per poem? If this poem was written by someone else, it might be a bit exaggerated, but Mu Chen's current popularity is so high, it is undoubtedly a bit low."

"Hundreds of thousands every minute, this is not bragging!"

"Some unpopular celebrities pay more than this amount for announcements."

"One hundred thousand may seem like a lot, but it's really not that much to Mu Chen."

"This poem looks like it's about Mount Tai, but it's actually about the ratings of "Jing Fu Men"!"

"Perhaps that's why Mu Chen bought the copyright for only 10 yuan."

"It's pure extra money!"

The publication of the poem "Wang Yue" undoubtedly silenced those who questioned Mu Chen's ability to write poetry.

This time no one doubted that the poem was written by Mu Chen.

With hindsight, many people discovered that the ancient poems written by Mu Chen were probably more than that!
In "A Wonderful Journey with the Other Half", Mu Chen's "Magpie Bridge Immortal" and "Pity for Farmers" even traced back to the song "Shangxie" posted on Weibo after his relationship with Li Ruoxi was exposed!
Once is a coincidence, several times in a row, I am afraid it is not.

It is impossible to ghostwrite such a classic ancient poem.

Many famous scholars of ancient poetry are full of praise for these poems.

The topic of Mu Chen and "Fist of Fury" hit the Internet, which undoubtedly made more people curious about this TV series.

That night, episode No.20, Cai Xuefu was overjoyed to see Cai Liujin in prison.For a while, he told him about Wu Tian's poisoning of Huo Yuanjia.When Wutian found out, he was furious and asked Cai Xuefu to kill Cai Liujin that night.
No.20 four episodes, Hideaki Ishii and Yumi Takeda decided to get married, and the wedding invitation was sent to Fist of Fury.
These two episodes undoubtedly made Cai Xuefu played by Zhao Jin even more annoying.

Previously, CCTV reported that Zhao Jin was beaten because of Cai Xuefu's role, but now many netizens leave messages directly, and if he encounters him, he may not be able to resist beating him.

Such a character, such a person, really makes people have the urge to beat others.

And such people, in that era, I am afraid that as Mu Chen said, there were not many.And Mu Chen told the media reporters outside the hospital that if there were such people today, he couldn't help but beat him up, but it made countless people think it was right.

The next day, when the ratings came out, many people breathed a sigh of relief, and even more people despaired!

Not only did the ratings not drop as some people had speculated, but it also increased by one percentage point.

It doesn't seem like much, but it's already amazing.

Throughout the schedule, "Jing Fu Men" overwhelmed other opponents.

No!It should be said that throughout the schedule, "Jing Fu Men" has no rivals at all.

If I had to mention one, it would be Nanhu Satellite TV's "Our Youth".It's a pity that this TV series played two rounds with "Fist of Fury", and was completely crushed.

It can only be said that this TV series was regarded by countless people as the opponent of "Jing Fu Men" in the first two days of its broadcast.

It's a pity that there is fame but no strength.

Zhao Jin was beaten because of CCTV news reports, and the popularity increased, and her performance in the two episodes last night undoubtedly made this topic continue to rise.

However, this topic is still not as hot as "Mu Chen is afraid of killing Xue Dong".

Regarding Xue Dong's suspicion that Mu Chen killed a pig in the show as a hype, he suspected that he and Mu Ze did not have real kung fu and did not know how to fight, but it intensified.

The media hyped and fanned the flames, Xue Dong seemed to be forced to ride a tiger, insisting on questioning that Mu Chen and Mu Ze didn't know real kung fu, and they didn't know how to fight, and their words became more and more rude.

He didn't mind fighting with either of Mu Chen's two brothers, and he even sneered at what Mu Chen said about the rules.

However, any circle has rules.

This is the rule for a contest of the same weight in the fighting world.It is also a rule in the martial arts world to compete with people of status.

Xue Dong had already broken the rules when he competed with those so-called "masters".

How could he care about this.

"Fist of Fury" set off a craze for Kung Fu, and more and more people are paying attention to it.

"Is this guy trying to catch you two brothers?" Chen Fuhai frowned, and handed the phone to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen glanced at it, but narrowed his eyes.

"With Xue Dong's net worth, taking out 500 million for the lottery would probably hurt his muscles and bones, and even ruin his family, right?" Mu Chen said lightly, "Does he have the courage?"

"You mean there's someone behind him?" How could Chen Fuhai and the others fail to understand the meaning of Mu Chen's words.

"Someone wants me to fight him!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Will he be afraid of Xue Dong?

Naturally, he wasn't afraid, he didn't want to fight Xue Dong, he just didn't think it was necessary, and he wasn't interested in it.

Mu Chen has experienced a lot of life and death, so naturally he has no interest in going to the ring.

"It seems that the target is really you, not your brother." Chen Fuhai thought about it carefully, frowned, and said, "I'll drag someone to find out."

Mu Chen nodded, he felt that something was wrong with Xue Dong, and also felt that something was wrong with the media that fanned the flames.

Someone is behind the scenes pushing this.Its purpose is hard to guess.

Without knowing anything, Mu Chen naturally wouldn't rush into the ring with Xue Dong.

He cannot be led by the nose.

Even if he really went to the ring with Xue Dong, he must know the reason.

"Brother, are you done?"

After Chen Fuhai left, Mu Ze came again.

Today's Mu Ze is much more popular than third-tier stars.The "test" proposed by Li Minhui at the beginning was undoubtedly overfulfilled.

If there is a standard, Mu Ze is at least close to the first line with the hit TV series "Fist of Fury".

Of course, this is the case during the hit TV series. When the popularity of "Fist of Fury" drops, it is estimated that it will retreat to the second line, but it will definitely not retreat to the third line.

"I have something to do with you," Mu Ze said.

Mu Chen looked over curiously, he vaguely guessed what Mu Ze was talking about.

It has been a long time since Mu Ze left the film and television city and came to Yanjing, but the two brothers didn't meet much, and Mu Ze rarely took the initiative to find Mu Chen.

Between brothers, blood is thicker than water, and the relationship between each other is not accumulated over time.

"I want to fight that Xue Dong!" Mu Ze continued.

Sure enough.

"If you lose, do you know what it means?" Mu Chen said, "You are an actor, and you are in the film and television industry, not the martial arts or fighting circle. There is no need to pay attention to him."

"Not [-]%, at least [-]%." Mu Ze said, "Although I am an actor, I am also a martial arts practitioner. What's more, I am still a Kung Fu actor who shows people the image of real Kung Fu. Then Xue Dong is so provocative, The media is making such hype again, if I keep avoiding and not fighting, I'm afraid the 'personality' will collapse. You know, what is the result of the collapse of an actor's personality."

Mu Chen was silent, he was thinking.

"Xiao Chen, after so many years of playing tricks, it's hard to be popularized by you. I don't want our hard work to go to waste." Mu Ze continued.

"Brother, did you hear something?" Mu Chen looked at Mu Ze and said, "Or do you see that someone is targeting me?"

Mu Ze's eyes flickered, and he wanted to deny it, so he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and fell silent.

He did see it.

In fact, many people in the circle can see it.

When he wanted to fight Xue Dong, he wanted to stand in front of Mu Chen besides protecting his "personality".

He is an elder brother, this is his subconscious behavior, without much thought.

(End of this chapter)

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