my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 42 The Power of Netizens

Chapter 42 The Power of Netizens

Who is targeting yourself?

It was also difficult for Mu Chen to guess, but he knew that there were many people who wanted to target him.

The success of "Fist of Fury" caused many people to suffer heavy losses.

The growth of him and Mu Ze also made many people feel threatened.If either of them can be forced into the ring, then everything will be solved easily.

Perhaps, that person or those people never thought that Mu Chen or Mu Ze could beat Xue Dong at all.

Today's kung fu and fighting are completely different things.

Knowing real kung fu, not necessarily knowing how to fight.

Isn't the Kungfu of fitness and health not real Kungfu?
Mu Chen entered the industry not long ago, and his family background is not so good. His connections are not extensive, and he is not even as good as Chen Fuhai.

Want to check, but there is no way to check.

Chen Fuhai dragged people to inquire, but there was no news for a while.

Mu Chen comforted Mu Ze, and temporarily dispelled his idea of ​​going to the ring with Xue Dong.

Xue Dong's ironic letter of challenge aroused great heated discussions.

Take out 500 million as a lottery, and it is unilateral.Xue Dong seemed to want to use this to break Mu Chen's "hundreds of thousands every minute" excuse for refusing to fight.

He even said that being beaten to death by Mu Chen on the ring was his fate, and Mu Chen was not responsible.

This is undoubtedly to break Mu Chen's excuse of "I'm afraid I'll kill Xue Dong if I haven't practiced my kung fu well".

In this way, if Mu Chen didn't fight again, he would really be timid to fight.

Mu Chen is timid to fight, which is definitely not a good thing for his image.

For Mu Ze, that is not a good thing.

"Haven't found out who is targeting you?" Li Ruoxi frowned and looked at Mu Chen.

During this period of time, she announced a lot of commercial performances and was relatively busy.However, he also paid attention to Xue Dong's challenge.

Perhaps, no one in the circle does not pay attention.

After all, people in the fighting industry challenged people in the film and television industry, and the media was still fanning the flames.

"Why don't I go to my dad and let him inquire about it?" Li Ruoxi saw Mu Chen shaking his head, and continued.

"No need! Actually, it's very easy to find out who is targeting me behind my back." Mu Chen shook his head and said with a smile.

"It's simple?" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen suspiciously.

To put it simply, why hasn't it been found out yet? Chen Fuhai is well-connected in the circle, but he hasn't heard any news.

"It's very simple, a Weibo matter." Mu Chen said, seeing that Li Ruoxi was puzzled, he continued, "There is a pervasive power called netizen!"

Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen in surprise, but then frowned.

"If you expose this matter, I'm afraid it will be really difficult for you to ride a tiger." Li Ruoxi said.

"Then let's fight!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "It's just to make an example to the monkeys. I'll see who dares to force me into the ring in the future."

Li Ruoxi opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

She knew Mu Chen very well, if he made a decision, it would be difficult to reverse it.

However, that's fine too.

"Are you really okay?" Li Ruoxi still said worriedly.

After all, Xue Dong used to be a famous fighter in free combat, and his fighting ability is quite strong.What's more, Xue Dong is about 1.9 meters tall and has a burly build.

Although Mu Chen was a little over 1.8 meters tall, he was much shorter and thinner in comparison.

The two are not at the same level at all.

However, whether it is powerful or not is not measured by height and weight.

"A man can't say no." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Li Ruoxi was taken aback for a moment, but then she reacted and glared at Mu Chen angrily.

Mu Chen smiled, and the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous, and then...
Love to the depths, can't help it.

Under the hype of the media, Xue Dong's challenge continued to increase in popularity and topics, while the silence of Mu Chen and Mu Ze was ridiculed by many media and netizens as fear of war.

Of course, there is a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Are Mu Chen and Mu Ze afraid of Xue Dong, or are they restricted by the rules as Mu Ze said, and because they are not good enough, they can't control their strength, and they are afraid that Xue Dong will be beaten to death.

Mu Chen killed a pig with one fist, so many people still think that Mu Chen's resignation is not out of fear, but the truth.

If Xue Dong had received such a punch from Mu Chen, he might not have been beaten to death.

Although Xue Dong was strong, the big fat pig that Mu Chen beat to death was not small.

Of course, some people disagree, after all, humans are completely different from pigs.

Just when netizens were arguing endlessly, Mu Chen's Weibo post instantly caused an uproar.

"Tell the people behind you, if you want to play, play big. 500 million is too shabby, 5000 million per person, make up [-] million, and whoever wins will take it as an appearance fee. You have to be a gun in someone else's hand , then we must be prepared to be beaten to death. You and I sign the life and death certificate, and the ring is placed on the high seas.

Mu Chen posted @ Xue Dong on Weibo, there is no doubt that those words were addressed to him.

The picture attached to this Weibo is an emoji full of suspicion, and there are also texts flashing in the picture: I have hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute, and I have no time to play with you!

Mu Chen's Weibo is full of murderous intent, "It is not only the outcome, but also the decision of life and death" which shows how angry Mu Chen is.

Of course, it wasn't the murderous intent of Mu Chen's Weibo that ignited public opinion, but another layer of meaning revealed in the words.

Xue Dong provokes Mu Chen and wants to force him into the ring, but there are black hands behind the scenes.

With hindsight, many people reacted instantly.

There seems to be something wrong with Xue Dong's reaction and the reaction of some media.

It seemed that there was an invisible hand pushing Mu Chen and Xue Dong into the ring?

Who is this person?

What is his purpose?
The gossip heart of netizens is burning.

If someone pays attention, there will be media chasing.

Mu Chen couldn't find out, but as soon as this Weibo was released, there were a lot of people and media who wanted to find out.

After a tweet, just wait for the result.

Mu Chen had personally experienced the power of netizens.

After his relationship with Li Ruoxi was exposed, it didn't take long for those netizens to check his situation to the bottom. Not to mention the scores of the college entrance examination, even the grades of elementary school were almost obtained.

Almost didn't find out how many times he peed his pants when he was a child.

This may also be why so many people ridicule that netizens are all-pervasive and omnipotent.

Mu Chen's microblog triggered a powerful topic, but it also scared Xue Dong.

He was the first to bear the brunt of the murderous intent in this Weibo, and felt the deepest.

Signing the life and death certificate, the arena is placed on the high seas, which is more murderous than the words that "the outcome is decided, and life and death are decided".

This made it clear that he wanted to kill him, even considering the subsequent troubles.

Signing a certificate of life and death may not necessarily be able to get rid of the responsibility of killing people legally, but it is different on the high seas.

He's a little cowardly.

Although Xue Dong didn't think Mu Chen could kill him, he didn't need to risk his life.

"What are you afraid of!" A young man stared at Xue Dong coldly and said, "Even if he had the strength to kill you, he wouldn't dare. It's just a bluff. He is a public figure, and killing you will affect his image too much. He escaped the punishment of the law, and public opinion can destroy him forever."

Public opinion can be guided.

If Mu Chen beat himself to death in the group arena, wouldn't he have the backhand to lead the public opinion to his favor?
Mu Chen was not forced into the ring by them.

Before that, he said that he didn't practice his kung fu well, and he couldn't control his strength for fear of killing himself!

Killing himself was not intentional, but a mistake.

No matter how much public opinion pours dirty water on him, there is a limit, right?

What's more, if I was beaten to death by Mu Chen, the public opinion would really make him doomed, how could I be resurrected from the dead.

You achieved your goal, but what about me?
"The public opinion is raging. If you retreat now, you know what you will face?" The man seemed to see Xue Dong's retreat, and then said in a cold voice.

Xue Dong flinched, no doubt to slap himself in the face, he had offended many people before, how could he just let it go.

"It can be 5000 million." Xue Dong hesitated to speak.

Mu Chen could get 5000 million, but Xue Dong couldn't.

"He said that there is someone behind you, so you admit it?" The man curled his lips and said, "Don't you say that 500 million is your entire net worth, and he wants 5000 million, just to find an excuse to refuse the war?"

The man seemed to want to say more, but he didn't want to walk over alone, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The man's face was instantly gloomy and terrifying!
He was exposed!

(End of this chapter)

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