my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 43 Li Ruoxi's Challenge Letter

Chapter 43 Li Ruoxi's Challenge Letter

Mu Chen thought about many people, but he never thought that it was him who was behind it!
Guo Tingyun, a well-known rich second generation in the circle.

Mu Chen didn't know this person at all, and there was no interaction with him, and there was no grievance or conflict of interest.

Mu Chen was a little puzzled, why did Guo Tingyun let him and Xue Dong go to the ring?
The power of netizens was beyond imagination, and soon someone revealed that Xue Dong challenged Mu Chen behind the scenes, and used media hype to force Mu Chen into the ring, but the rich second generation Guo Tingyun.

Guo Tingyun is well-known in the circle, but to the public, he is very unfamiliar.

However, the public is familiar with his father Guo Zhaomin.

Guo Zhaomin is the chairman of Hengyun Group, a frequent visitor to the top of Huaguo Rich List, and a well-known bigwig in the business circle.

Why Guo Tingyun targeted Mu Chen is not a problem for the almighty netizen.

The reason came out quickly, and it was very speechless.

Hate for love!

This is undoubtedly bloody, but it is also very attractive.

Of course, Guo Tingyun didn't hate Mu Chen because of his love, but he loved Li Ruoxi, so he hated Mu Chen.

Perhaps, after he watched "A Wonderful Journey with the Other Half", he felt that the reason why Li Ruoxi liked Mu Chen was entirely because Li Ruoxi was obsessed with Mu Chen's kung fu.

If the charm of Mu Chen's kung fu was broken, would Li Ruoxi still like Mu Chen so much?
Maybe, maybe not.

Whether it will or not, it's worth a try.

What's more, whether it's Mu Chen or Mu Ze, once they lose in the ring, it will definitely have a great impact on them.

At that time, with the guidance of public opinion, Mu Chen might become a fraud.

In this way, could it be that Li Ruoxi will be greatly disappointed in Mu Chen, and he will have an opportunity to take advantage of it?

Whether he will have an opportunity to take advantage of, everyone does not know.

But they knew that with Li Ruoxi's temper, she might punch him in the face.

Guo Tingyun has been exposed, and the evidence is solid, so he cannot deny it.

When he was exposed, his identity was revealed by human flesh.

He immediately went on the hot search, and by the way, his father, Guo Zhaomin, and Hengyun Group were also on the hot search.

Of course, this is not a good reputation.

No matter what his purpose is, he is less open and aboveboard.Such people are not pleasing.

Not pleasing doesn't mean no one likes it.

At least those stupid fans of Wu Fan were very happy.

Some people are happy, others are naturally angry.

With the popularity of "Jing Fu Men" and the variety show "With Another Wonderful Journey", Mu Chen still attracted countless fans.

The TV series exploded, but not many directors followed suit.But who made Mu Chen talk about it before "Fist of Fury" exploded.

And after the TV series became a big hit, he kept talking about it.

If it is said that the main creator of "Fist of Fury", who is the most popular nowadays, it is not Mu Ze who has become a hit, nor is it the heroine Li Ruoxi, but Mu Chen.

Mu Chen's fans may not be as good as Mu Ze, let alone Li Ruoxi.

But his fans are all experienced and powerful people.Moreover, the stability is more reliable than them.

Guo Tingyun secretly targeted Mu Chen, which naturally angered these people.

Mu Chenfen was very angry, and the consequences would be serious.

Suspected to be Guo Tingyun's Weibo, all of them were scolded over and over again, and countless Chiyu who were affected all swore that they were not that Guo Tingyun.

Whether Guo Tingyun has Weibo, which one is his, Mu Chen's fans are hard to determine, but he can be sure of one thing, if he wants to let that guy know their anger, go to a place to scold, it will definitely succeed.

As a result, Hengyun Group's official Weibo became the hardest hit area.

Don't dare to be aboveboard, but even play this trick behind his back, and hate him!

Needless to say, beat him to death!
So what about the rich second generation, on the Internet, you know who we are!

Not only Mu Chen's fans were angry, but also Li Ruoxi.

Li Ruoxi naturally knew Guo Tingyun, and even the two had known each other since childhood.

Guo Zhaomin and Li Minhui have many business contacts, and it is not unreasonable for the two families to say that they are family friends.

However, Li Ruoxi didn't have a good impression of Guo Tingyun.Now that Guo Tingyun is plotting against Mu Chen, Li Ruoxi has the temperament to let it go, and directly posted on Weibo, her tone is tactful, but not polite at all.

Translated, that means:
Don't you like to let people go to the ring? If you have the guts to do it yourself, there is no need for you to go to the ring with Mu Chen. You are not worthy to go to the ring with him.Mu Chen can crush you to death with one hand.You have the guts to come to the ring with me, we fight, I promise not to kill you!
Li Ruoxi's microblog undoubtedly looks like a letter of challenge, and it is Guo Tingyun who is challenging.

You asked Xue Dong to challenge Mu Chen, and I, Li Ruoxi, challenged you as a girl, how dare you go to the ring.

You don't even dare to go to the ring with a woman, you just hide in the dark, do you have any face?
Li Ruoxi directly scolded Guo Tingyun on Weibo.

Whether to challenge or not, regardless of whether he wins or loses, Guo Tingyun has lost all shame.

As soon as Guo Tingyun was exposed, he was chased and interviewed by the media.

"Aiming at Mu Chen? Where does this come from? I'm just interested in his kung fu and want to know whether it's true or not. There should be many people like me, right? I believe you are the same. But how does he divide it?" Hundreds of thousands of excuses every minute to shirk, and even more shameless to say that he was afraid of killing Xue Dong." Guo Tingyun said with a curled lip, "I can't see it anymore. Fear is fear, and dare not dare. As soon as he directs, he will kill Xue Dong." However, I don't think it's okay for a person like Xue Dong who comes from fighting, but he is like this, so it's inevitable that people can't stand it."

"The 500 million was indeed taken out by me. I just wanted to expose his hypocrisy. As expected, he probably knew that 500 million was nothing to me, so he opened his mouth and asked for 5000 million. , want me to get out of trouble." Guo Tingyun said.

"Then will you retreat in spite of the difficulties?" a reporter asked.

"Is he worth 5000 million?" Guo Tingyun pouted.

"But he also took out 5000 million? The winner takes 5000 million." The reporter continued, "If you have full confidence in Xue Dong, you can definitely take [-] million as an investment!"

Guo Tingyun is indeed full of confidence in Xue Dong, but he hesitates to take out 5000 million.

Now, at this point, he seemed to be cornered.

Could it be that he refused to take out 5000 million on the pretext that he was afraid that Xue Dong would kill Mu Chen?
Isn't that a slap in the face?

But 5000 million is not a small number!

He can take it out naturally, but the pressure is not small.

However, there seem to be quite a few people who are optimistic about Xue Dong, so it seems good to find a few friends to get together and share the risk.

He is optimistic about Xue Dong, but he has to admit that Mu Chen may not be able to fight.

After beating a pig to death with one fist, Xue Dong questioned the hype of the show, but Guo Tingyun knew that it was an accident and was not arranged by the show crew at all.

What does this mean? It means that Mu Chen can really kill a pig with one fist.

However, killing a pig with one fist does not mean that fighting is good.

From Guo Tingyun's point of view, Xue Dong's chances of winning are much better.

"This is indeed a good investment." Thinking of this, Guo Tingyun smiled and said.

"Then Li Ruoxi challenged you on Weibo and threatened not to kill you, would you accept her challenge?" a reporter asked.

As soon as he spoke, Guo Tingyun's face darkened.

"Do you think a big man will go to the ring with a girl?" Guo Tingyun said lightly, his face still exuding coldness.

"I heard that Li Ruoxi has also learned kung fu. If you go to the ring with her, does that mean you're afraid you won't be able to beat her?" Another reporter hurriedly asked.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who can the sky bypass.

Guo Tingyun also said before that Mu Chen refused Xue Dong's challenge with an excuse because he was afraid.Now, he refused Li Ruoxi's challenge, so someone asked him that.

When Guo Tingyun heard this, his face became more gloomy, and he left directly.

He knew very well that these media might really write like that.

How I used public opinion to force Mu Chen and Xue Dong into the ring, I am afraid that these media will do the same.

In the eyes of these media, Mu Chen and Xue Dong's appearance in the ring was breaking news.

But if Guo Tingyun can accept the challenge and compete with Li Ruoxi, the news will undoubtedly be even more exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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