my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 427 Please enlighten me

Chapter 427 Please enlighten me

The Kyushu Karate Gym has a good reputation in Los Angeles, but in the past few years, because of Mu Chen, it has set off a Chinese kung fu craze several times, which has caused the Bajiquan Gym and other Chinese martial arts gyms to explode, which has a great impact on them.

The Bajiquan Gym and these martial arts gyms are still like this, if the Guoshu League comes to Los Angeles, how about it?
The business model of the Guoshu League is mature, if it is allowed to settle in Los Angeles, it will have a greater impact on the Kyousuka Karate Gym.

Once the Guoshu League has a firm foothold in Los Angeles, it will completely open up the American market.

They cannot sit still.

A lot of people came.However, what surprised Mu Chen and others was that there were many media reporters accompanying them.

Are they that confident of winning?
Mu Chen frowned.

The people in Jizheng Karate Gym are very capable in actual combat, but the people in Bajiquan Gym are just embroidered pillows?
In the United States, if the actual combat ability is the same as that in China, a Chinese martial arts gym like Bajiquan will not be able to continue to open at all.

Those reporters didn't seem to have expected to meet Mu Chen and others in this martial arts gym, and when they saw it, they were immediately overwhelmed with excitement.

There are rumors that Mu Chen and Mu Ze came to the United States to promote the film.

But their whereabouts are unknown.

I didn't expect to meet him in this Huaxia martial arts gym!
What a surprise!

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing strange about it!
Mu Ze is a world-renowned kung fu superstar. In their eyes, Mu Ze is very good at fighting.

As for Mu Chen, let alone, although it is rare to see him do it on the screen, many people who know him know that his kung fu is even stronger.

What's so strange about them appearing in Huaxia Wuguan?
"Mr. Mu Chen, why did you appear in this martial arts hall?"

"Mr. Mu Chen, are you here to promote the upcoming movie?"

"Mr. Mu Ze, it is rumored that in the movie that is about to be released, the starred child is the son of you and Ms. Su Xiaowan?"

As soon as those reporters saw Mu Chen and the others, they immediately stepped forward and started interviewing Mu Chen and the others.

Seeing this, everyone was taken aback.

Xia Zhiyun, Liao Chengzhi and the others had a smile on their lips.

But the people at the Goku Karate Gym showed a trace of anger.

They were the ones looking for these reporters, so they naturally stuffed a lot of red envelopes before they came.

They forgot what they were here for!
However, after being angry, he laughed again.

Brother Mu Chen is very famous, how could they not know each other.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the two of them are the faces of Chinese Kung Fu today.

If they took this opportunity to "demolish" the face of Huaxia Kungfu, then the blow to Huaxia Kungfu might be better than kicking out one of the most famous Huaxia martial arts gyms in Los Angeles.

As for the rumors in the circle that Mu Chen was extremely skilled, they were skeptical.

In the past, there were kung fu stars in the film and television industry who claimed to be the strongest in the universe?

That's just the usual hype.

Affected by film and television works, the public still thinks that Mu Ze is a great actor!

"Our trip to the United States is indeed to promote the movie. As for why we appear in this martial arts gym, it is because the owner of the martial arts gym is the same martial uncle of our two brothers." Mu Chen said with a smile, "If you want to You need to learn some kung fu for self-defense, this Bajiquan gym will definitely not let you down."

Is this advertising?
Not to mention those reporters were stunned for a moment, the others present were also stunned for a moment.

They are here to kick the gym with the people from the Goku Karate gym!
"You are Mu Chen?"

A disciple accompanying him from the Goku Karate Gym asked coldly, with a bad tone.

When those media reporters saw it, their eyes lit up.

If Mu Chen or Mu Ze makes a move, regardless of victory or defeat, the news will be far more exciting than a martial arts competition between two martial arts schools.

I didn't expect a bigger and more unexpected surprise.

"I am!" Mu Chen said lightly.

"There is a Chinese saying in your country that it is better to meet by chance than to invite each other. It is rumored that your Chinese Kungfu is very powerful, why don't you let me see it today!" the man said.

"You want to challenge me?" Mu Chen said with a dumb smile.

"Yes!" The man said proudly, "Why, are you afraid?"

"You deserve it too?" Mu Chen smiled disdainfully, then looked at the leader, and continued, "If your Goku Karate gym wants to challenge me, then let Oyama Okao write a letter for me."

"What a big tone!" The leader said coldly.

His name is Yukio Yoshida, and he is the owner of the Los Angeles branch of the Kyokushin Karate Gym.

The Oyama Okao that Mu Chen mentioned is the founder of Kyokushin Karate, the head of the Kyokushin Kate gym, the honorary head coach of the Karate Federation, and a famous karate master in Japan.

Mu Chen asked Dashan Okao to write him a letter, which was not to put himself in the same position as Oyama Okao, but to put himself above it.

This can be seen from who wrote the book to whom.

Mu Chen is very famous, that is in the film and television industry, in the martial arts world, there may be some rumors about him, but regardless of whether it is true or not, his status in the martial arts world is far worse than that of a great master like Oyama Okao who has been famous for many years too far.

"I'll weigh your weight today, why should I be so brash?"

The disciple said something earlier, stepped forward, and slashed at Mu Chen with a knife in one hand.

He did it directly, and he didn't know if he wanted to show off in front of the media reporters, stepping on Mu Chen to become famous, or if he was really irritated by Mu Chen's words just now.

Yoshida Yukio didn't stop him. If Mu Chen, a world-renowned "Kung Fu Master", was defeated by one of his disciples, it would be far more effective than kicking Bajiquan Gym.

Didn't the Martial Art Alliance seize the market in China in a short period of time by relying on Mu Chen's reputation?
Even if Mu Chen has real kung fu, he can still find out a depth.

He couldn't see the depth of Mu Chen.

Mu Chen didn't move, and a figure appeared in front of him in an instant. With a punch, he smashed the knife in the man's hand, and then turned around and knocked the man to the ground with a palm.

"Taiji hammering method! Baguazhang method!" Yoshida Yukio looked at the man and said coldly, "You are not a student of Bajiquan Gym."

"Isn't it normal for his bodyguard to react when he sees gangsters attacking me?" Mu Chen said lightly.

The one who did it just now was Cheng Ting.

Cheng Ting was originally the heir of the Cheng family's gossip, and he was a retired special soldier. He had seen blood, and he had been with Mu Chen for so long, so his kung fu had already reached perfection.

Let alone Yukio Yoshida's disciple, he himself may not be able to please him.

"A gangster?" Yukio Yoshida glared at Mu Chen when he heard this, and said, "He just wanted to compete with you."

"Competition?" Mu Chen said, "Have I agreed? As I said, he is not worthy! If a cat or a dog wants to compete with me, then what else can I do?"

"Huh!" Yukio Yoshida snorted coldly, and then said, "Today I am communicating with the Bajiquan Gym at the Kyokushin Karate Gym. Since you are from the same school as Master Liao, then Yoshida, the disciple of Oyamaoka and the owner of the Kyokushin Karate Gym in Los Angeles Xingxiong, please enlighten me! If you want to fight with my master, then you must have that qualification first. My master is not a cat or a dog who is worthy of fighting with him."

Cheng Ting wanted to step forward, but Mu Chen patted his shoulder.

"Can you start a live broadcast?" Mu Chen smiled and asked the media reporter next to him.

Those reporters were taken aback for a moment, and then showed surprise.

"Wait a minute, get in touch right away."

The reporter said quickly.

Mu Chen is going to take the initiative to fight with Jizheng Karate Gym, and is he willing to broadcast live?

Is this pie in the sky?

Today is really my lucky day!
With such news, do you know how much the bonus will be?

Yukio Yoshida was also taken aback, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

However, he was quickly suppressed by him.

These media reporters were invited by them, they gave red envelopes in advance, and they also made two-handed preparations.

If you win, make a big report.

If you lose, then it will not be reported.

But who would have thought that Mu Chen would start a live broadcast.

Mu Chen is a world-renowned director, and his popularity is much higher than that of his brother Mu Ze.

He is also a world-renowned kung fu master.

Yukio Yoshida realized that this "kicking the hall" would make a big noise, and it would even be known all over the world.

The confidence Mu Chen showed made him lose confidence.

But now that it's hard to get off, he can't stop it, and he can't stop it.

Those media reporters would never reject such explosive news.

Is this the benefit of fame?
"Don't worry!" Seeing that Su Xiaowan hesitated to speak, Mu Ze said with a smile, "If it's Mr. Oyama, the outcome may be unpredictable. This person...haha."

Su Xiaowan nodded.

Although she also practices martial arts, she only needs to keep fit and filming.She also knew that Mu Chen's kung fu was very powerful, but she didn't have a clear understanding.

Mu Ze is different. Although he has not been in the martial arts world, he has been in contact with a lot after all, so he understands more naturally.

Besides, he also understood Mu Chen.

If he is not sure, how can Mu Chen let the media broadcast live.

The live broadcast is nothing more than trying to make this martial arts competition bigger, and then take the opportunity to promote the martial arts alliance.

If it is not broadcast live, I am afraid that this news will be suppressed by the people of the Kyousuka Karate Gym.

People who are mixed in the film and television industry know the media far better than others.

The matter of the live broadcast will be settled soon, and no media will refuse this matter.

Mu Chen's attention was already extremely high, let alone when his new movie was released.

The development of the Karate Alliance in the United States can be described as deep-rooted, and the network is naturally huge.

The media that the Kyousuka Karate Gym is looking for this time is still very influential.

Some are broadcast live on the Internet, and some are even broadcast live directly on TV.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted countless people to watch.

Of course, countless media flocked to Bajiquan Gym.

Once the live broadcast is done, Mu Chen and Yoshida Yukio are ready to start.

As for how many viewers there are in the live broadcast, Mu Chen doesn't care.

The purpose of his asking for a live broadcast was just that he didn't want Yukio Yoshida to suppress the matter after he lost.

Even if there is only one audience, the impact of this incident will explode later.

Yukio Yoshida is able to sit in the Los Angeles Kyokushin Karate Gym, so naturally his kung fu will not be weak.

No matter how strong or weak, Mu Chen will not underestimate any opponent once he makes a move.

If he can get down with one move, Mu Chen will not use the second move.

The lion fights the rabbit!

(End of this chapter)

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