Chapter 428
Despise the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically.

Yoshida Yukio is a master who has been famous for many years, but in Mu Chen's view, he is no different from Liang Jiadong and others.

In the Bajiquan Gym, there is still someone who can fight against him, let alone Mu Chen.

Mu Chen's eyes were sharp, and when he saw Yukio Yoshida, he could tell the depth of him.

"Accidents are unavoidable in martial arts competitions among masters. In order to avoid trouble afterwards, I think Mr. Mu should be able to understand it?" Yukio Yoshida said with a smile.

As he spoke, someone stepped out and produced two legal documents.

That is obviously "life and death".

Mu Chen smiled, then took the document and handed it to Xia Zhiyun.

Mu Chen naturally needs to check the legal documents presented by the other party to prevent being fooled.

Letting go is indispensable, not to mention facing the "enemy".

The people accompanying Xia Zhiyun also had lawyers.

What's more, Xia Zhiyun herself knows something about the law.

Mu Chen actually understood, but if he was thinking about the terms of the document at this time, it would inevitably consume energy.

He never liked to do everything himself.

Not long after, Xia Zhiyun nodded to Mu Chen.

Everything was ready, the two stood facing each other, and the people around them kept a long distance away, so as not to be affected by Chi Yu.

The master contest is extremely dangerous.

"Mr. Mu is a world-renowned director and a world-renowned kung fu master. You have contributed a lot to the world-renowned Chinese Kung Fu. However, if you live broadcast the martial arts competition, you are not afraid that if you lose, your fame will be lost, which will affect the reputation of Chinese Kung Fu? " Yoshida Yukio said.

"If Oyama Okao said this, it might still affect me a bit. As for you," Mu Chen said as he shook his head with an extremely contemptuous expression.

You are too weak!
You are not qualified yet!

Mu Chen was like this, Yoshida Yukio couldn't help feeling angry, but at this time Mu Chen suddenly moved.

Yukio Yoshida was shocked, feeling like he was being pecked blind by wild geese all day long.

He originally wanted to confuse Mu Chen with words, but he didn't want to be irritated by Mu Chen and lost his composure.But Mu Chen seized this opportunity and struck him in an instant, undoubtedly hitting him too late.

There are too many factors that determine the outcome of a master contest.

Yukio Yoshida lost the opportunity in an instant and was at a disadvantage.

And his kung fu was not as good as Mu Chen's, so the result was completely predictable.


Mu Chen was very fast, Yoshida Yukio couldn't react in time, and was directly sent flying by Mu Chen.He fell to the ground and wanted to get up immediately, but he spurted out a mouthful of blood and couldn't get up.

With one move, Yoshida Yukio, the owner of Los Angeles Kyokushin Karate Gym, was beaten to the ground by Mu Chen.

The people present were all shocked.

Not to mention the people from the Goku Karate Gym, even the people from the Baji Fist Gym.Even Liao Chengzhi and the others, who knew that Mu Chen's kung fu had already stepped into Dan Jin's body and rounded his body, were still amazed.

They knew that Mu Chen would win, but they didn't expect to win so easily.

The people in the Goku Karate Gym naturally didn't expect that their curator would be so severely injured that he vomited blood and couldn't even get up.

How could Mu Chen be so strong?
As for the media present, they were stunned at this moment, and they didn't see clearly at all.

When he realized it, Yukio Yoshida fell to the ground and vomited blood.

How did Mu Chen do it?
The reporters looked at the photographer next to them.

At this time, the photographer was also shocked. They played back the scene just now, but they couldn't see clearly at all.

Mu Chen's speed was too fast, leaving behind only a flashing figure.

As for the people who watched the live broadcast, they were also in complicated moods at this time.

Is this the end?
I still haven't taken off my pants
This is a master contest, is it too "perfunctory"?
Just a blink and it's over, make no mistake.

Not exciting at all!
There is no ornamental value at all, and you can't watch it!
However, after the slow motion playback on the screen, everyone was shocked.

What a great speed.

Is this the speed that man possesses?
If I stood in Yukio Yoshida's position, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have the slightest reaction!

Yukio Yoshida tried to defend himself, but Mu Chen broke it in an instant.

Is it too powerful?
Everyone felt that Mu Chen was powerful, so they naturally felt that Yukio Yoshida was too weak.

Again, there is no harm without comparison.

Yukio Yoshida is actually very powerful, but the audience can't see it at all!They only saw that he was given a second by Mu Chen.He couldn't even take Mu Chen's move.

The competition is over, and the live broadcast obviously won't end there.

At this time, the people from the Goku Karate Gym came to their senses, and immediately stepped forward to help Yoshida Yukio up.

Yoshida Yukio stood up, he was seriously injured, but he also forced to push away the disciple who was supporting him.

Facing the camera, he lost, but he couldn't lose too embarrassingly.

If he can't even stand up after being beaten by a single move, and still needs someone to help him, then what face would he have?

"Admit!" Mu Chen cupped his hands and said.


Yoshida Yukio didn't say anything, just snorted.

He wanted to say about Mu Chen's sneak attack, but he couldn't.

Saying this way, maybe he will find a level in front of the public, and even reduce the impact of his loss, but it will only become a joke for the whole circle.

The two stood facing each other. Although they didn't call to start, they had already started.

When Mu Chen made a move, it was not a sneak attack at all.

The theory of sneak attack is simply untenable.

After losing, Yukio Yoshida would naturally not stay here to let others see the joke, and was about to leave immediately.

He wanted to leave, how could those media reporters remain indifferent.

"How do you feel about losing to Mu Chen?"

"May I ask if you lost to Mu Chen because karate is not as good as Huaxia Kung Fu, or because you are not as good as Mu Chen?"

"Excuse me."

The questions from the media reporters were undoubtedly very sharp.

Those questions were like a sharp knife piercing Yoshida Yukio's heart.The question made him feel ashamed and ashamed, angry and angry, he just felt the blood surge up, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, but he swallowed it forcefully.

The injury worsened again.

Yoshida Yukio naturally would not answer the questions of those media reporters, and left in a hurry under the escort of his disciples.

Unable to interview Yukio Yoshida, the reporters immediately aimed at Mu Chen.

"Director Mu, what thanks do you have for winning the competition?"

A reporter asked, but other reporters did not continue to ask questions.

Mu Chen didn't intend to leave, so there was no need to rush.

"It's expected, what can I thank you for?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

He was here to promote the movie, so he naturally didn't mind answering a few questions from the media.

Although this matter has nothing to do with the movie, it can increase his exposure and promote the movie is undoubtedly excellent.

This is not much different from the scandals of the leading actors before the release of those movies.

The gossip has nothing to do with the movie, but when the movie is released, it is always used to be hyped, just for the sake of exposure.

The higher the exposure rate, the higher the attention will naturally be.

"You can beat the opponent so easily, do you think Huaxia Kungfu is much better than karate, or are you much better than the opponent?"

a reporter asked.

What is strong is not kung fu, but people!
However, at this moment, in this situation, Mu Chen would definitely not answer like this.

He started today, not only to increase his exposure, but also to lay the foundation of public opinion for the Guoshu League to enter Los Angeles.

"I won, so I am better than him! There is no doubt about it." Mu Chen said, "As for Huaxia Kungfu and Karate, who is better? If you ask a person who practices Huaxia Kungfu, don't you ask knowingly?"

"Fighting is just a kind of application of Huaxia Kung Fu." Mu Chen continued, "The biggest use of Huaxia Kung Fu is to keep fit and healthy. For example, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I have never been sick, not even a cold."

Mu Chen talked eloquently in front of the reporters, and there was no need for those reporters to ask questions. When it came to Huaxia Kung Fu, he talked endlessly.

Speaking of the last, it is natural to mention the upcoming "Home Alone" which will be released in North America.

Undoubtedly, the gains from this competition were enormous.

Not only did it promote Chinese Kungfu, but it also promoted the movie.

"I'm afraid this matter will be known to everyone." Liao Chengzhi said, "Yoshida Yukio's defeat has had too much impact, and the Karate Federation will definitely not let it go. Oyama Okao may really write a letter to you."

The reason why the influence is so great has a lot to do with Mu Chen's worldwide popularity.

If it was a different person, I'm afraid it wouldn't attract much attention at all.

With such a large impact, the Karate Federation will definitely try to eliminate the impact.

Then, to untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be needed. If you want to eliminate the influence, you can only start with Mu Chen.

That is, there is a karate master who can defeat Mu Chen.

From this point of view, perhaps by taking advantage of Mu Chen's attention, karate will once again become famous all over the world.

Yukio Yoshida is also a rare master in the Karate Union.

Even if he is in Mu Chen's hands, then Mu Chen is really as powerful as the rumors say.

And in the karate alliance, there are only a few people who can compete with Mu Chen.

And perhaps the most confident one is Oyama Okao, who is known as the number one master in actual combat in Japan.

"Isn't that just right?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

There is no falsehood under the reputation.

Oyama Okao is indeed a formidable enemy, but Mu Chen is not afraid at all.

Not to mention that he may not have reached Dan Jin, even if he did, Mu Chen still has the advantage with his powerful spiritual perception.

Perhaps, fighting with it can break the bottleneck that has troubled me for a long time, and reach the realm of avoiding danger as rumored.

A quick kick at the door, but troubled Mu Chen for a long time.

Mu Chen actually knew very well that he was only short of an opportunity.

It's just that this opportunity may come today, or it may never come in a lifetime.

Perhaps, it is an opportunity to compete with a strong man like Okao Oyama.

"Are you sure?" Xia Zhiyun asked.

Xia Zhiyun would not be clear about what it means to compete with Dashan Okao.

"No one has seen it before, so what are you talking about?" Mu Chen shook his head and said.

If Oyama Okao's reputation is hard to live up to, then he is sure of it.

If not, then Mu Chen would not dare to say that he will win.

(End of this chapter)

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