my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 459 A Crazy Move

Chapter 459 A Crazy Move
"Guardians of the Galaxy" is obviously not outstanding in terms of cast.

Whether it's Zhao Jin or Jiang Qin, they are well-known in China, but they are very limited in the international arena.

Not to mention compared to Mu Ze and Li Ruoxi, but even worse than Su Xiaowan.

There may be many Western movie fans who can name them, but not many are willing to buy tickets for them.Relatively speaking, the box office appeal of the two in Europe, America and other regions is slightly inferior to that of Brady.

Brady, who plays the Destroyer, is now very popular in Europe and the United States with "Terminator".

This may have something to do with his tall and burly physique.

The resolution is too high.

However, this movie was directed by Mu Chen himself, and there is a gimmick to open the "cosmic vision". For fans of this movie universe, it is undoubtedly not to be missed.

At the beginning of the film, although Xingjue gave people a funny feeling, it didn't last long, and fans were attracted by the gem that appeared later.

The light emitted by that gem is different from the one in the mage's hand, but it gives people a very similar feeling.

This also reminds many movie fans of the Rubik's Cube and the gemstone on the Rocky scepter.

After a simple fight, Xingjue played by Zhao Jin fled, but was wanted.

In a short time, the visual effects brought by the spaceship revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Immediately afterwards, the heroine played by Jiang Qin and the raccoon and treant produced by special effects appeared one after another.

Then, a few people did not know each other, went to prison together, and met the Destroyer played by Brady.

There are many times in life, and squatting together, that is one of them.

What's more, several people escaped from prison together.

So, a temporary team was formed.

Of course, the team has just been formed, and their relationship with each other has nothing to do with "iron", each with different purposes.

And of course, "money" lives in it.

However, as the plot unfolds, the relationship gradually develops towards the level of "iron".

Any team needs training.

And this run-in should not appear too abrupt, so naturally some plots are needed as a promotion.

"This film can be regarded as a separate interstellar science fiction film."

There are naturally many connections between the film and the movie universe.

For example, the appearance of Zhang Yao and Chitauri's defeat on Earth are all mentioned.

But if these plots are cut out, the film is still very complete.

With reference to the original version, this version of "Guardians of the Galaxy" has been greatly upgraded compared to the original version.

Visual upgrade!

Visual effects are also what Mu Chen is good at.Especially the fierce battle and chase between the spaceships is extremely exciting.

Action upgrade!

Action is one of the highlights of Mu Chen's film. The fierce battle between spaceships is wonderful, and the fights between characters are equally exciting.

Among them, the fight between the Destroyer and Ronan can kill the original version directly.

Mu Chen has never read the comics, so he doesn't know how powerful the Destroyer is, but it is much stronger than the original version.

Brady and Zhou Liang undoubtedly brought everyone a wonderful hand-to-hand battle.

Of course, even though it was a hand-to-hand fight, it also added a lot of special effects to enhance the effect.

Even if it's hand-to-hand combat, the hand-to-hand combat between the strong is different.

At the end of the film, Ronan was still attracted by Star-Lord's dance, and then killed by Raccoon Rocket.

However, in the meantime, Mu Chen added a scene in which everyone besieged and beat Luo Nan, but was abused.

"This film is a bit heavy group!"

When the movie ended, Wang Hao muttered.

"Otherwise, it won't be called "Guardians of the Galaxy", but "Star Lord" or something." Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

This movie, unlike other superhero movies, is about groups.Although Xingjue is the core of the team, the film is not his one-man show, nor does it completely revolve around him.

In the film, other characters undoubtedly left a deep impression on him.

Gamora, raccoon, treant, Destroyer, and even Ronan and Nebula among the villains have left a deep impression on movie fans.

Even Thanos left a big impression on fans.

If a movie can make fans remember so many characters, then the movie is undoubtedly a success.

Was Guardians of the Galaxy a success?
Of course there is no doubt about it.

Domestically, it won the single-day box office champion with a box office of nearly [-] million on the first day.

"Mage", the single-day box office champion film for three consecutive weeks, can only rank second in the single-day box office.

And the single-day box office of this film is less than one-tenth of that of "Guardians of the Galaxy".

The disparity between the two is astonishing.

Actually, between "Mage" and "Guardians of the Galaxy", there are also quite a few films released. Unfortunately, under the strength of "Mage", even one of the films with a large investment failed to reach the single-day box office champion. Those who can only be reduced to cannon fodder, disappearing from the crowd.

Perhaps it is because this film is more sci-fi and more in line with the tastes of North American movie fans.

Therefore, "Guardians of the Galaxy" broke through 9000 million US dollars at the North American box office on its first day, easily winning the single-day box office champion in North America.

Moreover, the film has a very good reputation both in North America and in China.

This is a film destined to detonate the world.

"Guardians of the Galaxy" was released, and the global box office exploded, winning the single-day box office champion in many countries and regions.

With such momentum, corresponding topics are naturally indispensable.

Scorsese and other directors who criticized Mu Chen's films were also questioned by the media.

However, most of them shirked it on the grounds that they didn't look at the bad reviews.

Haven't seen it, really bad review.

Why not go see it?
Sorry, I'm really not interested in this kind of film.

Such evasion, of course, is inevitably ridiculed by some movie fans.

Compared with other superhero movies, "Guardians of the Galaxy" may have changed a lot in its routines, or it may have expanded its visuals. The film gives fans more freshness.

This may also be one of the reasons why the film's box office exploded.

However, if you talk about the connotation of this film, it is naturally out of the question.

After the release of "Guardians of the Galaxy", there is a trend of sweeping the global box office.

On the Internet, discussions on the content of the film can be seen everywhere.

However, I have to admit that the topic of the film has gradually decreased after its release.

At this time, with the increase of publicity, the popularity of "Terracotta Warriors" broke out immediately.

The schedule announcement of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is undoubtedly a bit late.

It was a bit late.

It's also quite interesting that it was too late, just so that "White Snake" didn't have time to change the file!

This look is intentional!

Target is very obvious.

Perhaps, due to the late announcement of the schedule, the promotion time is relatively short, but the promotional effect may not be worse than those films whose schedule was announced earlier and gradually started to be promoted.

The pre-publicity of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is undoubtedly in place in one step.

With only one schedule, one piece will be in place directly.

The sudden announcement of the schedule is undoubtedly a direct stepping on the promotion of "White Snake".

"Terracotta Warriors" suddenly announced its schedule without any warning.Before that, naturally there was no pre-publicity.

But the pre-publicity of "White Snake" was extremely good.

"Terracotta Warriors" came for "White Snake", so it was naturally brought together with "White Snake".

There is no pre-publicity, but as soon as this highly targeted schedule is announced, it will set off a hot topic, which is comparable to the pre-publicity effect of "White Snake".

As long as you are not a fool, you can see why Chenxi Films and Television released "Terracotta Warriors" at this time!
This obviously involves more than just the competition between Chenxi Film and Television and Huaying Film and Television, as well as grievances and grievances.It also involves the grievances between Qin Yu and Chenxi Film and Television, as well as the love and hatred between Qin Yu and Ma Lin.
Just these are enough to meet the gossip needs of countless people.

How can it be less topical!

These topics alone are enough to make the film the focus of much attention.

"Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is completely popular.

The hype of this film, which started only ten or so days before its release, suppressed "White Snake" in an instant.

Caught many people off guard!

"The people in the circle were shocked by your Chen Xi's move." Zhang Yao said with some surprise.

No doubt he too was taken aback.

Who would have thought that in order to attack "White Snake", Chenxi Film and Television would not hesitate to come up with another blockbuster movie.

This is definitely a big deal.

Chenxi Film and Television's "revenge" this time can be said to have paid a lot of money.

Zhang Yao only made a cameo appearance in "Guardians of the Galaxy", and during the meeting, he also participated in some movie promotions.

During the chat after the publicity, Zhang Yao finally couldn't help bringing the topic up to this matter.

"Really?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Terracotta Warriors" and "White Snake" were released at the same time. In fact, there have been rumors for a long time, but not many people believe it.

Huaying Film and Television had heard about it before, but it didn't attract attention.

Maybe they thought it was a smoke bomb from Chenxi Film and Television.

After all, the two films of Chenxi Film and Television have almost used up the potential of the summer file, so how could they release another blockbuster film in the summer in order to snipe "White Snake"!
Isn't this a waste of a big production?
But after the matter was confirmed, it was already too late.

The schedule cannot be changed, and a lot of publicity has been invested in the early stage.I don't want to fight to the death with Chenxi Film and Television, but I have to.

""Mage" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" will consume more than half of the summer market this year. If there is only one "White Snake", it may not be so obvious." Zhang Yao said, "But if Marlin's "Terracotta Warriors" is added, The market's decline will be revealed immediately. I really don't understand why you, Chenxi Film and Television, chose such a way of hurting both sides!"

Mu Chen smiled, he naturally understood the meaning in Zhang Yao's Chinese language.

After "Mage" and "Guardians of the Galaxy", the summer market potential may barely support one blockbuster, but it is absolutely difficult to support two blockbusters.

The summer market has [-] points, and films such as "Mage" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" have consumed [-] points. If "White Snake" wins the remaining [-] points of potential, then it may be able to support this blockbuster.

But with only three points of potential left, and two blockbuster films competing, no matter who wins, I am afraid that the remaining market potential will not be able to support the needs of a blockbuster film.

What is it if this is not a style of play that hurts both sides?
In the eyes of many people in the circle, it is undoubtedly crazy for Chenxi Film and Television to use "Terracotta Warriors" to attack "White Snake".

(End of this chapter)

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