my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 460 Just ask if you are afraid

Chapter 460 Just ask if you are afraid

Zhang Yao and Mu Chen have known each other for more than ten years, watching Mu Chen step by step to today.

At the beginning, Zhang Yao only admired Mu Chen's talent and gave him some seemingly supportive help.In fact, those help may be dispensable to Mu Chen.

However, it was Zhang Yao's friendship that led to the friendship between the two of them today.

Also because of the cooperation with Mu Chen several times, his company has developed very well.Today, he plays the superhero Mu Chen, and he also takes his acting career a step further.

The relationship between the two is good, and some words are naturally a little more direct.

If it is concealed, it will not be beautiful.

"Chenxi Film and Television has always focused on the world. For domestic film and television companies, it prefers cooperation rather than competition." Mu Chen said, "However, Chenxi Film and Television is not afraid of any competition."

Zhang Yao understood.

In film confrontation, whoever wins and who loses, isn't both sides hurt?

However, behind the film confrontation is the competition between the two companies.

In company competition, there are winners and losers.

"Terracotta Warriors" and "White Snake" were released at the same time, affected by the market, it must be the result of mutual losses.

It's just who gets hurt more.

But for the two companies, it is not a lose-lose situation.

Even if "Terracotta Warriors" hits the street again, it will have no impact on Chenxi Film and Television.Not to mention that Chenxi Film and Television is not a listed company, and it cannot be said to affect the stock market. Even if it is really listed, the impact of only one blockbuster hit the street is extremely limited.

But "White Snake" hit the street, and that would have a huge impact on Huaying Film and Television.

This is the first major production after the acquisition of Huaying Film and Television by Xu Group and Fox Group, and it was very high-profile at the beginning.

The higher you climb, the harder you fall.

This film's box office hit the street, I am afraid it will hurt Huaying Film and Television.

Perhaps, relying on the wealth and wealth of the Xu Group and the Fox Group, Huaying Film and Television can easily tide over the difficulties, but it definitely disrupts their previous layout and even affects their subsequent development plans.

What's more, Chenxi Film and Television has done such a thing, and the deterrent effect on the domestic film and television circles is not low.

Therefore, in the PK between "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" and "White Snake", no matter who beats the other, Chenxi Film and Television will be the winner.

The only difference is the degree of winning.

"Terracotta Warriors and Horses" overwhelms "White Snake", so the result will be more generous and the price will be lower.

"Chenxi Film and Television also has a temper." Mu Chen said with a smile.

I, Mu Chen, have a temper like this, so I ask you if you are afraid?
When Zhang Yao heard it, he smiled.

Chenxi Film and Television does have a temper, but that temper is exactly the same as yours, Mu Chen.

Zhang Yao knew very well that Mu Chen seldom took care of Chenxi Film and Television, but his influence on Chenxi Film and Television was much greater than that of Chen Fuhai.

The schedule of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" has been completely confirmed, and the most exciting responses are undoubtedly Huaying Film and Television, as well as Qin Yu.

Didn't those people in Hollywood say that Mu Chen is more like a businessman than a big director now!
This kind of thing can be done, but also a businessman?
Is this something a businessman can do?
"Terracotta Warriors" and "White Snake" get together at the end of the summer vacation when the market potential is greatly consumed, so he is killing himself, and then dragging people to the back.

Who would do such a thing when a businessman seeks profit.

Xu Jin's face was extremely gloomy at this moment.

He regretted it a little.

Woman, it really is a disaster!
Maybe it's because of Marin, but at this time he still thinks that Chenxi Film and Television is holding onto Huaying Film and Television because of Qin Yu, not when they stepped on Chenxi Film and Television to announce their entry into the film and television industry.

Xu Jin has not been in the film and television industry for a long time, but he has a good business vision, so he can see the "sinister intentions" of Chenxi Film and Television at a glance.

So what if you can see it?
Abandon face and withdraw files?But there is still time!

Chenxi Film and Television announced the schedule so late, isn't it just to prevent yourself from changing the schedule?
Otherwise, have you ever seen a film whose schedule was finally confirmed less than two weeks before its release?

What's more, even if I really withdraw the file, won't I be sniped by Chenxi Film and Television when it is released again?

There is no way but to die!
How to carry it?
Spending money, overwhelming publicity?

It seems that this is the only way to go.

But after spending so much money on it, as soon as the schedule of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" was announced, there was no investment at all, and it was instantly tied with "White Snake".

Spending money on publicity seems to be promoting "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" too!

Unwilling, too unwilling!

The film and television industry can still play like this, this time it is an eye-opener.

It is said that the people in the publicity department of Chenxi Film and Television are very good, this time it can be regarded as experience.

Xu Jin understands that "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is not the only major production that Chenxi Film and Television has yet to release, and even this film is a bit rushed.

The reason why they chose this film to attack "White Snake" is simply because its director, Ma Lin, is the ex-boyfriend of "White Snake" starring Qin Yu.

That's the topic.

It is precisely because of this topic that "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" did not invest half a cent in publicity, but its popularity overwhelmed "White Snake", which had invested a lot of publicity for a long time.

Ma Lin is Qin Yu's ex-boyfriend, and once made films such as "Qin Xian'er in Wonderland" in order to praise her.

But Qin Yu cheated on Xu Jin, then kicked Ma Lin off, broke the contract with Chenxi Film and Television, and entered Huaying Film and Television to film the big production "White Snake"!
If Marin's "Terracotta Warriors" is better than "White Snake", then
Can "Terracotta Warriors" beat "White Snake"?

"I haven't seen it, so it's hard to say." Bai Mu said, "However, Marin's ability is absolutely beyond doubt. Some people say that if he leaves Mu Chen, his works will be greatly reduced. This is unfair. He has Today, Mu Chen may have contributed the most, but his own ability is the key. Moreover, he is very good at commercial blockbusters. "Terracotta Warriors" is undoubtedly a strong opponent. Mu Chen and Chen Fuhai of Chenxi Film and Television have an extremely unique grasp of the market. Using this film to attack "White Snake" shows its confidence."

Bai Mu really didn't have the confidence this time.

He had a faint feeling that he was going to make a big somersault this time.

He had seen the trailer of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses". Although it was only a trailer, he could tell that it was a standard commercial blockbuster.

In the field of commercial blockbusters, Chenxi Film and Television is undoubtedly ahead of other domestic film and television companies.

"White Snake" has a Hollywood team, but Bai Mu is very clear that it is difficult to compare with the team of Chenxi Film and Television in terms of tacit understanding.

Xu Jin could hear Bai Mu's lack of self-confidence.

The director is not confident anymore!

Of course, this kind of lack of self-confidence will naturally not show up.

During the promotion period for "White Snake", facing the media, Bai Mu naturally showed great confidence.

Of course, he didn't say anything dead.

When asked about Marin's "Terracotta Warriors and Horses", he naturally refused to comment because he had never seen it.

And also expressed great appreciation to the director Marin.

Yes, appreciate it.

Bai Mu is older than Marin, and it took him much earlier to debut and become famous.

In front of Bai Mu, Marin is indeed a junior.

Bai Mu is like this, not relying on the old to sell the old.

However, the director Bai Mu is obviously not the focus of the media.

The real focus is Qin Yu.

"Qin Yu, what do you think of Marin's "Terracotta Warriors"?"

"He is a talented director just like Director Bai. I believe that "Terracotta Warriors" is as good a movie as "White Snake"."

At this moment, Qin Yu hated Ma Lin and the others to death, but when facing the media, he had to pretend to be "friendly".

In her opinion, Marin and the others are undoubtedly trying to punish her to death.

Can she not hate it?
But the two have not yet torn their faces in front of the media.

What's more, Marin is a top domestic director, and he can't just slander him.

"Then why do you think his film was released at the same time as "White Snake" starring you?"

The reporter asked.

"I guess it was arranged by the company!"

Qin Yu's answer was a bit nonsense, but he avoided the important ones.

The schedule of a film is naturally arranged by the company, not the director.

However, the reporter's question obviously had another meaning.

"There are rumors that Chenxi Film and Television arranged for Ma Lin to fight "Terracotta Warriors" and "White Snake" because of you. How do you feel about this?"

The reporter's question was rather tactful, and did not directly reveal Qin Yu's breach of contract and betrayal, which led to "Terracotta Warriors" attacking "White Snake".

But even so, Qin Yu's face was much gloomy.

Hit people without slapping their faces, and expose people without revealing shortcomings.

If you ask in front of me like this, you are putting a knife in my chest!

Qin Yu gritted his teeth, insisted a few times secretly, and then said with a smile: "I'm just an insignificant little actor."

What she said undoubtedly has another meaning: You, Chenxi Film and Television, as the top domestic film and television company, caught me as a young actor and chased after me, so you are too small-minded!
"Terracotta Warriors" sniped "White Snake", the impact is undoubtedly great.

This made everyone see the attitude of Chenxi Film and Television.

I don't want to, and there is no need to provoke Chenxi Film and Television for Qin Yu.

Not to mention that Qin Yu's resources are extremely reduced, even Huaying Film and Television is like this.

If there is not much benefit, who is willing to take the risk of offending Chenxi Film and Television to cooperate with Huaying Film and Television?
For many people, Chenxi Film and Television is a giant.

Bai Mu Qin Yu and other main creators of "White Snake" were asked about the sniping of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses", and Ma Lin Miaoxun and others were naturally not included.

"Why did you choose such a schedule for release? Is this schedule not good?"

"That's bad! I thought the company asked the master to count an auspicious day! Then I have to go back and ask Lao Mu and Mr. Chen. They chose such a schedule, and they are completely irresponsible for my film! "

"I have box office dividends for this film. If the schedule is not selected well, won't that affect the box office and my income?"

Marin was asked about it, and all the reporters in the audience rolled their eyes when they heard nonsense.

It’s an auspicious day for the zodiac according to the master, why the inside information we got is that you recommended yourself and insisted on using your own film to snipe “White Snake”.

The corner of Miao Xun's mouth twitched.

When you say this now, does your conscience have to go away?

I also get box office dividends, do I have any complaints?

(End of this chapter)

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