my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 511 I Like To See You Doubting Yourself

Chapter 511 I Like To See You Doubting Yourself
"Journey to the West: Fu Yao" has not yet been released, but "Sword Immortal 2" has already been filmed.As for "War God 2", which is still being filmed, it should be finished before the Chinese New Year.

"Sword Immortal 2" finished, Li Ruoxi didn't rest for two days when she came back, and started to get busy again.

"The role of Cheng Yong in "I'm Not the God of Medicine", do you think it should be played by Huang Yao or Zhao Jin?" Chen Fuhai asked about Mu Chen.

Naturally, he could see that this film was not aimed at the international market.

In fact, movies with general realistic themes have quite a few limitations.

Perhaps, many people in China have watched it and felt deeply, but it is difficult to empathize with it in other places.

The national conditions are different, and it is difficult for people to feel a sense of substitution.

This film reflects the problems of patients with serious diseases such as cancer that they cannot afford, afford, or buy imported "life-saving medicines".

These problems may not exist in other countries.

"You decide." Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "You can try the mirror first."

In this film, whether it is a leading role or a supporting role, the artists of their own company are naturally given priority.

The contracted actors of Chenxi Film and Television are rarely criticized for their acting skills, even Li Yunyi, who was born as a fresh meat, and Wang Yi, who is about to transform.

Among these actors, Huang Yao and Zhao Jin's acting skills are undoubtedly the most outstanding among male actors.

Both of their acting skills can handle this role.

Moreover, both of them are first-line stars, and they have great box office appeal.

It doesn't matter who they play.

However, the appearance conditions of the two are quite different, and Cheng Yong, who plays the role, will definitely give people a different feeling.

As for who is more suitable, Mu Chen is hard to say.

"Who directs this movie?" Mu Chen continued to ask.

"Lu Hai!" Chen Fuhai said, "Actually, Mu Wen is quite suitable, but he is preparing for "James of the Brave", so the timing is obviously not suitable."

"Lu Hai is actually quite suitable." Mu Chen nodded.

Lu Hai entered Chenxi Film and Television a little behind Mu Wen, but he was not shortlisted for the Golden Dragon Award like Mu Wen and became famous in one fell swoop.

He is not famous, but his works have a very good reputation.Many of them are small and big films.Among them, there are also films involving realistic themes.

"What about others?" Mu Chen then asked.

"You want to ask why he didn't come to talk to you, the screenwriter, about the script?" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen and said with a smile.

He has cooperated with Mu Chen for many years, how could he not understand what Mu Chen meant by asking this question.

"En!" Mu Chen nodded.

Director and screenwriter, before filming, even before preparation, there will definitely be some discussions.

This is an essential process.

What's more, the screenwriter of this film is himself a great director.

Then this discussion is even more necessary.

"He said he would do some research first, and then come to talk to you. A few days ago, he seemed to go to the hospital, but today he seems to be planning to talk to someone from a pharmaceutical company." Chen Fuhai said, "Besides, during this time, you don't Are you busy too?"

The post-production of "Titanic" is very smooth, and it will definitely be completed before the end of the year.However, while Mu Chen was following up on his post-production, he would occasionally find time to chat with the screenwriter department about his ideas for the next film.

In this way, naturally it seems a lot busy.

What's more, Mu Chen owns a lot of properties, although most of them are hands-off shopkeepers, but some things still need him to deal with.

"With such an attitude, the film is half successful." Mu Chen smiled when he heard it.

He likes such a director.

He is such a person.

At the beginning, when he wrote the script, before copying the original version, he made some adjustments and understanding.

After all, there are still quite a few differences in some of the things involved in the film.

"The filming is done. It may not be impossible to be shortlisted for the Golden Dragon Award." Mu Chen continued.

"It's not easy to make a movie with this kind of theme." Chen Fuhai shook his head and said.

It is true that movies with realistic themes are not easy to shoot, but if they are done well, the chances of winning awards are much higher than those of other themes.

"Will your "Titanic" participate in the Golden Dragon Awards?" Chen Fuhai continued to ask.

"Participate, why not!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "However, do you think you should participate before the screening or after the screening?"

The post-production of that film will definitely be completed before the end of the year, so it will naturally be able to participate in the Golden Dragon Awards early next year.

The Golden Dragon Awards, like the Oscars, have no and no hard and fast rules for the release of films.

"Before the screening, don't you want to participate in the Oscars?" Chen Fuhai thought for a while and said, "Why don't we talk about the Golden Dragon Award after the screening?"

If Mu Chen's movie wins the Oscars and has a great influence, then if it is used to participate in the Golden Dragon Awards, the chances of winning will be even higher.

Today, the Golden Dragon Awards will definitely be affected by the Oscars, but the Oscars may not be affected by the Golden Dragon Awards.

The influence of the Golden Dragon Awards has increased a lot in the past two years, but it is difficult to compare with the Oscars.


Mu Chen nodded.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, Mu Chen is confident that he is taller than him.

Although this film is not original by him, it also refers to the original version, but he has put a lot of energy into it.Mu Chen wouldn't mind if he could win a few more awards.

Mu Chen still has no confidence in being shortlisted, it's just a question of how many shortlisted.

However, it is difficult to say whether it will win the award.

After all, the judges are different, and the competitors are different.

"Actually, I still think it would be better to participate in the Oscars after the screening." Chen Fuhai said.

Mu Chen smiled, unable to deny it.

Chen Fuhai knew that Mu Chen had to fight Scorsese.

Where does his confidence come from?
No, he seems to have always been confident, and he never disappoints.

Chen Fuhai has read the script of "Titanic", and it is really good.

However, if the script is good and the film produced is good, that's another matter.

The movie is good, whether it can be nominated for an Oscar is another matter.

Even if it is shortlisted, whether it can win an award is another matter.

What's more, Scorsese's "Dawn", although the box office was terrible, but that film is indeed excellent.

Thinking of this, Chen Fuhai suddenly looked forward to it.

In November, "Journey to the West: Subduing the Demon", which was released for more than a month, gradually dropped globally.

The box office of this film undoubtedly exceeded expectations.

The domestic box office broke 30 billion, and it became the third film of Chenxi Film and Television to break 30 billion this year.

And that's not counting "The Incredible Hulk 2" co-produced with Dream Films.

If counted, that is four.

And even if "Invincible Hulk 2" is not counted, the cumulative box office of the films independently produced by Chenxi Film and Television has already exceeded [-] billion this year.

This is only the domestic box office, not counting the foreign box office.

Counting the foreign box office, let alone tens of billions, 200 billion is already broken.

The Chinese film market is exploding, but how much is the total annual box office?

Chenxi Film and Television's cumulative box office is estimated to account for one-sixth of China's total box office.

As for the cumulative box office of Chinese-language movies abroad, let alone Chenxi Film and Television, it is estimated that it accounts for one-third, or even more than half.

This may also be the reason why Chenxi Film and Television is crushing other domestic film and television companies.

The annual cumulative box office of the films of Chenxi Film and Television, even in Hollywood, is in the forefront.

"Journey to the West: Fu Yao" domestic box office is not bad, but foreign box office is also good.

The North American box office broke [-] million U.S. dollars. Although there is still some distance from [-] million U.S. dollars, it is still amazing.And the global cumulative box office broke one billion US dollars, which surprised countless people.

With a box office of more than one billion US dollars, it is extremely good in Hollywood now.

As for Huaxia, except for the films directed by Mu Chen and those superhero films, there are very few films with a global box office of over one billion dollars.

Of course, only rarely, not never.

November, relatively speaking, is a low season for movies.

And the film released in December has gradually begun to promote.

Marin's "The Great Wall" has not yet been scheduled for Christmas and New Year's Day.

In addition to the rush of time, there is another reason, that is, "Captain America 3. Civil War" is released in this schedule.

Simultaneously released worldwide.

The popularity of the role of Captain America is still extremely high.

What's more, there are many superheroes in this movie.Among them is the extremely popular Iron Man.Superheroes like Spiderman.

It doesn't seem inappropriate to say that this film is called "Revenge and Alliance. Civil War".

Team America, Iron Man, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, etc., their lineup is definitely not worse than "The Avengers".

This film is released, and if Marin's "The Great Wall" is released, then it is unnecessary.

In December, "The Great Wall" and "Titanic" completed the post-production.


Ma Lin looked at Mu Chen, feeling a little apprehensive.

This film is his attempt.

Xu Jin and other people from Huaying Film and Television also looked at Mu Chen.

As for the movie, Mu Chen is undoubtedly the most authoritative person present.

He said yes, then their hearts will be settled.If it is not good, then I am afraid their hearts will be suspended.

"What do you think of Mr. Xu?" Mu Chen looked at Xu Jin with a smile and asked.

I think it's useless!

Xu Jin almost blurted out, but he still smiled and said, "I think the movie is pretty good. However, I don't know how the market reacts. Director Mu, you have the best grasp of the market here, so let us know. Bottom?"

Very good, not some polite words.

He is one of the investors in this movie, and there is no need to be polite.

Good is good, bad is bad.

At the beginning of the film, he watched it with scrutiny, but after watching it for a long time, he was attracted by the film.

The ups and downs of the plot, the interlocking plots, and the suspense from beginning to end made him unable to stop watching.

And the special effects of the film are also very good.

It's a good movie.

But Xu Jin really has no idea.

In the original "White Snake", he was full of confidence, and the result undoubtedly taught him a vivid lesson.

Today, he has lost some self-confidence and has a little more self-doubt.

What's more, the investment in this film is huge.

"Money should be earned, but it's hard to say how much you earn." Mu Chen said with a smile.

He looked at Xu Jin's appearance, but his heart was filled with joy.

I just love seeing the way you jump into self-doubt.

How could Mu Chen fail to see that Xu Jin clearly knew that this movie was good, and also thought that the box office must be good, but he had no confidence at all.

Obviously, the hit of "White Snake" made him doubt himself a little.

(End of this chapter)

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