Chapter 53

The fifth episode of "A Wonderful Journey with Your Other Half" aired, and Mu Chen and Liao Chengzhi played against each other, causing heated discussions on the Internet.

More and more people believe that Mu Chen's kung fu is very good.

Xue Dong didn't watch this episode immediately.

However, when it was hotly discussed on the Internet and chased by the media, he had to watch it.

After watching it, the whole person is not good.

He has been using Mu Chen's bluff to comfort himself and build up strong confidence in himself.

But now, he suddenly discovered that it was just deceiving himself.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he has long admitted that Mu Chen is not hype, he is a person with real kung fu.

It's just that I have been unwilling to admit it, or dare not face it.

What's more, people who know real kung fu are not necessarily good at fighting.

Money can turn ghosts, Guo Tingyun lured him with huge profits, Xue Dong agreed to this martial arts competition.

At this time, he has no way to retreat.

If it was before this, Xue Dong might not have agreed to Guo Tingyun to play this game.

What kind of competition is this? It's clearly a desperate game.

Are you scared?
Xue Dong was really scared.

He had the intention of shrinking back in his heart, but he was suppressed for life.

He has no way out.

Now that the time and place have been set, the contest between the two is well known throughout the country.I want to retreat, but I can't.

I am afraid that this retreat is not death, but life is worse than death.

At least, Guo Tingyun and those people will definitely make his life worse than death.

"Psychological warfare!"

Xue Dong found another reason for himself to comfort himself.

He felt that Mu Chen used this episode to scare himself and make him lose his composure.

How could Xue Dong not understand the importance of mentality in the ring competition.

As soon as this thought came out, Xue Dong felt more and more that this was the case.

Hype, still hype.

However, the purpose of the hype is not the same as before.This time, it was to create psychological pressure on myself.


Xue Dong found the reason for himself, and finally he believed it to be true, and then thought that Mu Chen was despicable and shameless, and actually used this kind of trick.

Thinking of this, Xue Dong turned the uneasiness in his heart into endless anger and hatred for Mu Chen.

Then, he continued to prepare for the game.

On the Internet, disputes continue.

Xue Dong posted a Weibo, alluding to Mu Chen acting with the program crew, putting pressure on himself, and making out-of-the-box tricks.

After that, the controversy became even bigger.

Those who supported Xue Dong instantly gained momentum.

However, someone later broke the news that after the show came out, the odds of the casino changed.

Mu Chen's odds dropped.

The people in the casino seemed to think that Mu Chen was more powerful than expected because of this episode.

Many people didn't understand, but someone broke the news that the person who fought against Mu Chen was a famous American boxer.

It is impossible for such a person to cooperate with Mu Chen in acting, even if Mu Chen is from the same school as him.

The environment in foreign countries is different from that in China. If a boxer wants to open a martial arts gym, if he can't fight, he won't be able to open it at all.

Liao Chengzhi's martial arts school is so big, if he didn't have any real skills, he would have been swallowed up to the bone.

How could Mu Chen be easy to reach a tie with Liao Chengzhi?

It's not acting, so there can't be any outside tricks.

What's more, this program is recorded and broadcast.

Internet controversy, media pursuit, but Mu Chen didn't know, he was still recording the show.

In the end, through Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi's mutual efforts, they became the first group of guests to meet.

"Back to Yanjing?"

After the recording ended, Li Chao looked at Mu Chen.

"Go to Shanghai first, and then take a boat to the open sea." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Come on, I bet you to win." Li Chao said with a smile.

The competition between Mu Chen and Xue Dong was almost known to everyone.

People in the entertainment industry like Li Chao naturally paid close attention.

Mu Chen has been dominating the topic list and hot search list during this time, so it's hard for him not to pay attention.

"Then you're sure to win." Mu Chen smiled and said, "If I have extra money, I don't mind buying some. Remember to treat me next time!"

Mu Chen naturally heard about the casino's handicap in this competition.

However, he won a prize of 5000 million, and he has already tightened his belt.

"So confident?" Li Chao said with a smile, "Then shall I buy some more?"

"You can have this." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Chao, how much do you want?" Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Did you buy it too?" Li Chaowei asked back.

"It must be more than you." Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

"She suppressed all her belongings." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

Li Ruoxi bet tens of millions to buy Mu Chen to win.

Mu Chen heard this from Qin Haixia.

Tens of millions are nothing to Li Ruoxi. If she asks, Li Minhui will definitely give it to her without hesitation.

However, those tens of millions are the money Li Ruoxi earned by herself over the years, but her willingness is completely different.

Li Ruoxi put all her wealth on her, not because she had full confidence in Mu Chen and wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

She is not short of money, so this is just an attitude.

Mu Chen understood, so he didn't say anything.

"Women who are in love really can't be judged by common sense." Li Chao smiled and said, "You suppress all your wealth, and you are not afraid of adding psychological burden to Mu Chen!"

"This is the difference between you and Ruoxi." Seeing Li Ruoxi's expression, Mu Chen smiled and said to Li Chao, "You don't understand me."

Li Ruoxi laughed immediately after hearing this.

Separated from Li Chao and the others, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi went to Shanghai without haste.

Not long after arriving in Shanghai, Mu Ze, Chen Fuhai and others came from Yanjing.

"Xiao Chen, this is Xiao Han." Mu Ze introduced a young man next to him, and said, "His grandfather Xiao Zhongguo and our grandfather are comrades in arms. He found me after watching your show."

"Just call me Xiaohan!" Xiao Han said with a smile.

Xiao Han looks eighteen or nineteen years old, but his smile reveals a mature calmness.

Xiao Zhongguo?
Mu Chen felt that the name was somewhat familiar.

"Hello." Mu Chen smiled, then looked at Mu Ze, and said, "Does our grandfather know?"

"Mr. Xiao wants to visit Grandpa." Mu Ze said, "When you finish this game, let's go back together!"

Take someone back to see grandpa, there is no need to go back with both of them.

Mu Chen was about to refuse, and asked Mu Ze to take him back alone, but he suddenly froze.

Who did he think of Xiao Zhongguo?

This is a respectable old man, no wonder his elder brother asked him to go back together.

Going back together is not a flattery, but a kind of respect.

Mu Chen didn't expect that his grandfather and Mr. Xiao were comrades in arms, and probably not ordinary comrades in arms.

The next day, Mu Chen and his party went to the contest cruise ship.

As soon as they arrived, they met Guo Tingyun and his party.

The two sides met by chance when they boarded the ship, and it was quite like an enemy meeting, and they were extremely jealous.

Guo Tingyun's eyes were a little more serious, probably because of the hatred after being beaten by Li Ruoxi last time.

When Xue Dong looked at Mu Chen, Mu Chen also looked at him.

Mu Chen was very indifferent, but Xue Dong's eyes flashed with caution, but his face showed disdain.

No one spoke, they looked at each other.

Xue Dong was violent, his aura was getting stronger and stronger, he crushed Mu Chen away, full of provocation.

And Mu Chen seems to have grasped the essence of the line in the novel "He is strong and he is strong, the breeze caresses the hills, he is tyrannical, and the moon shines on the river", he has always been indifferent, turning a blind eye to Xue Dong's imposing manner .

This may be the difference between those who practice fighting and those who practice martial arts.

Mu Chen was not without aggression, but restrained.If he burst out with his own aura and overflowing with murderous intent, he would definitely be much fiercer than Xue Dong.

Mu Chen hadn't reached the state of returning to basics, but Xue Dong wasn't enough to let his introverted aura get out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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