my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 54 That Guy Was Beaten Violently

Chapter 54 That Guy Was Beaten Violently

With a smile on his face, Mu Chen looked at Xue Dong calmly.

He is not affected by Xue Dong's momentum, but it is difficult for the people next to him to be like him.

Li Ruoxi showed anger, and stared at Guo Tingyun, as if she couldn't help but rushed up to beat him up again.

Chen Fuhai's heart tightened, and he felt his heart beat faster.

Mu Ze was much better than Chen Fuhai, and he also felt depressed, but he could bear it.He looked at Xue Dong coldly, like a leopard hunting, ready to strike when the time came.

"Let's go!"

Mu Chen said calmly, ignoring Xue Dong and his party, and boarded the cruise ship first.

As soon as they left, Guo Tingyun showed a smile.In his opinion, Mu Chen's departure was undoubtedly a cowardly escape.

He couldn't bear Xue Dong's aura and chose to avoid it.

However, Xue Dong didn't think so, but he wasn't sure either.

He felt that Mu Chen's indifference towards him was not an act.

His attitude toward himself was one of disregard.

Xue Dong didn't lose his confidence because of this, on the contrary, after feeling angry, his courage doubled.

Mu Chen and the others boarded the cruise ship but did not set off immediately.

Although the contest was not broadcast live on TV stations or video sites, those media reporters were not rejected.

There are quite a few media reporters here.

Of course, many viewers are also indispensable.

It's just that most of these audiences are martial arts circles, fighting circles, and business leaders.

Most people can't get on a cruise ship at all.

Mu Chen got on the cruise ship and rested in the room without moving around.Some media reporters wanted to interview in advance, but were stopped.

Not long after, the cruise ship departed for the high seas.

"Is it there?"

Mu Chen felt the boat stop, and asked immediately.

"Someone will come to inform you." Li Ruoxi said doubtfully.

Mu Chen nodded.

After just a moment, Mu Ze pushed open the door and said to Mu Chen, "Let's go there!"

The cruise ship is not too big, but it has complete facilities, and the arena is built in the center of the internal performance hall.

The hall can accommodate hundreds of people.

There are many cameras around the arena.

When Mu Chen and the others appeared, there was no shouting, but mostly whispering.

It wasn't that those audiences were not optimistic about Mu Chen, but that the audience relied on their own status.

These audiences are not pure fighting fans.

This is true for Mu Chen, and it is also true for Xue Dong's appearance.

The two stepped onto the ring and looked at each other.

"Does your boyfriend really think that Xue Dong dare not beat him to death?" Guo Tingyun walked to Li Ruoxi and the others, and said with a smile.

"Does he have that ability?" Li Ruoxi said disdainfully.

The two stood on the ring, Xue Dong was much taller and burlier than Mu Chen.

At first glance, Mu Chen undoubtedly looked short and thin.

From this point of view, the two are not rivals at the same level.

However, if the outcome is measured by height and weight, then there is no meaning of comparison.

"Whether he has the ability or not, we will know later." Guo Tingyun smiled and said, "If he kills Mu Chen, he will have 2000 million income, if he is disabled, he will only have 1000 million, and if he wins, he will only have 500 million. You say, he How will you choose?"


Guo Tingyun lures Xue Dong to beat Mu Chen to death with a huge amount of money.This is to think of Mu Chen's death.

No matter whether Xue Dong has this ability or not, Guo Tingyun's move angered Li Ruoxi.

Li Ruoxi waved her hand and slapped her across the face.

With a crisp sound, five finger prints appeared on Guo Tingyun's face.

After a slap, Li Ruoxi didn't seem to have vented her anger completely, and kicked Guo Tingyun to the ground again.

Li Ruoxi still wanted to go up and beat him violently, but Guo Tingyun's bodyguards had already translated and rushed up.

Guo Tingyun's words angered not only Li Ruoxi, but also Mu Ze and others.

Guo Tingyun's bodyguard rushed forward, no matter whether he wanted to stop Li Ruoxi or attack Li Ruoxi, Mu Ze stepped forward and knocked Guo Tingyun's bodyguard to the ground.

Chen Fuhai was stunned, and Xiao Han who came along with him was also stunned.

The surrounding audience were also stunned.

Those media reporters were stunned for a moment, and then became extremely excited.

Li Ruoxi beat Guo Tingyun again.

This time, it wasn't just Li Ruoxi who made the move, even Mu Ze, the new kung fu superstar.

Mu Ze Kung Fu seems to be excellent too.At least the two bodyguards brought by Guo Tingyun, a rich second generation, were knocked down and instantly killed by him.

Guo Zhaomin's son was beaten twice by "weak woman" Li Ruoxi.

Well, this time it was a violent beating.

Guo Tingyun's bodyguard was overturned by Mu Ze, and Li Ruoxi caught Guo Tingyun and kicked him violently.

What is this if it's not a beating?
Before the fight started on the stage, the audience took the lead.

"Ruoxi, that's enough. Don't beat the rich boy to death." Mu Chen said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Is Guo Tingyun a fool?

The last time you were beaten, you haven't learned your lesson yet.At this time, he ran to provoke Li Ruoxi, didn't he know it was purely looking for a beating?

Who is Li Ruoxi?

She is not a weak woman who can only swallow her anger.She can get mad and act.

When she does it, she doesn't have any celebrity baggage, she can beat you if she wants to, and she doesn't care where it is at all.

Do you think that there are a lot of media around, so she has some concerns and dare not beat you?
You are too naive!

The last time I beat you, there was a lot of trouble, and almost everyone knew about it.

Hitting once is beating, beating twice is also beating.

As soon as Mu Chen opened his mouth, Li Ruoxi immediately stopped the violence.


Li Ruoxi snorted at Guo Tingyun, kicked him again, and stopped doing anything.

Guo Tingyun got up, glared at Li Ruoxi viciously, and then looked coldly at Mu Ze and Mu Chen.

The resentment in those eyes was not hidden at all.

"Guo Tingyun, right?" Xiao Ying walked over and said, "My name is Xiao Ying, you can inquire about it in Yanjing circles. You'd better bear with me. If you want revenge, don't blame me for being unpredictable !"

Guo Tingyun looked coldly at the young man who warned him, and was about to explode with anger, but suddenly found that someone beside him pulled him.

Xiao Ying smiled, turned around and returned to Li Ruoxi and Mu Ze.

Guo Tingyun turned his head to look at the person pulling him, showing doubts.

"The Xiao family from Yanjing." The man whispered into Guo Tingyun's ear.

When Guo Tingyun heard this, his heart trembled, and his anger was quenched by a scoop of cold water.Shocked but puzzled at the same time, why did the demon king of the Xiao family stand up for Mu Chen and the others?

Could it be because of Li Minhui?But Li Minhui has nothing to do with the Xiao family!
Although he was puzzled, Guo Tingyun's desire for revenge just now has been extinguished a lot.

It is inevitable that he has some concerns about taking revenge on Li Ruoxi, and he may not be able to take revenge.But it would be much easier for him to take revenge on Mu Chen and Mu Ze.

But now, he had to consider whether it was worthwhile to take revenge on the Muchen brothers and offend the Xiao family's incarnate demon king.

Is this tone really swallowed like this?
Perhaps, there is no need to swallow it, as long as Xue Dong beats Mu Chen to death on the ring.

Guo Tingyun looked towards the arena, and at this time the two people on the arena were standing, and the notary had signaled them to get ready.


The notary announced the opening and sat down immediately.

There are five notaries, from the fighting world, the martial arts world, and the business world.

They are notaries, not referees.

There is no need for a referee in this contest.

Winning or losing is actually easy to judge.

The living win, the dead lose.

If life and death are not seen, the one who stands wins, and the one who lies down loses!

At the beginning of the martial arts competition, Xue Dong didn't immediately step forward and attack with his fists, but wandered around looking for flaws.

Mu Chen just stood there, but gave Xue Dong an invulnerable feeling.

He felt great pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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