my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 80 This cast is absolutely amazing

Chapter 80 This cast is absolutely amazing

Regarding Li Hongbin's final choice, Mu Chen was very confident.

What is confident is not Li Hongbin's heart that wants to be popular, but confidence in the role of Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword", which is an irresistible temptation for a real actor.

No one can deny the charm of Li Yunlong's character.

Not long after, Mu Chen received a reply from Li Yunlong.

Unsurprisingly, he said yes.

However, Li Hongbin signed with Chen Xi, and the specific contract was not Mu Chen's concern.

He's not good at this kind of stuff, so instead of messing around, it's better to let go and be happy.

"Miao Xun seems to be interested in coming to our company, but he is a little hesitant." Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen. He said this, no doubt asking for Mu Chen's intention.

Miao Xun was born as a child star and was once very popular, but now he is in an embarrassing situation. If he hadn't played the role of Liu Zhensheng in "Fist of Fury" before, he might be even more embarrassing.

Nowadays, there are quite a lot of film appointments, but most of them are supporting roles, and they are not very brilliant.

When the popularity of "Jing Fu Men" dissipated, he probably had to return to the original point.

When Miao Xun came to Chenxi, Chen Fuhai hesitated, no doubt because he and Mu Ze were both kung fu stars.

The relationship between Mu Ze and Mu Chen will definitely be praised by Chen Xi.

Miao Xun was hesitating, and Chen Fuhai was also hesitating.

"My brother will gradually develop towards the big screen, and after I finished filming "Bright Sword", I guess I will also make movies." Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "However, Chenxi Film and Television cannot give up on TV dramas."

When Mu Chen said this, Chen Fuhai immediately understood.

As Mu Ze develops towards the big screen, there will be a vacancy in the TV series, and Miao Xun just fills in.

This is also an improvement for Miao Xun.

"Then sign." Chen Fuhai nodded and said.

"He came to Chenxi, and first played a role in "Bright Sword", and then I will write a play, let him be the protagonist, and see if there is any possibility of manipulation." Mu Chen continued.

If you are promoted as the protagonist and you are still not warm, then it is not that I, Chenxi Film and Television, are not righteous.

Chen Fuhai nodded.

Miao Xun's background is good, and his appearance, acting skills and other conditions are good. The potential is actually very high, but the luck is not very good.

Li Hongbin plays Li Yunlong.

If Miao Xun came to Chenxi, the role of monk Wei Dayong would be his.

Although Wei Dayong died uselessly, this role is very brilliant.It will undoubtedly be very helpful for Miao Xun's next arrangement.

"Bright Sword" is the same as "Jing Fu Men", there are many characters in it, so there are not many scenes, but it is quite brilliant.

Although this drama is solely owned by Chenxi Film and Television, it is impossible for the company to play all the characters in it.

Many roles were given, but many more still needed to be auditioned.

Li Hongbin plays Li Yunlong and Miao Xun plays Wei Dayong.

Other actors are also gradually determined.

Mu Chen's new drama has attracted a lot of attention. Not long after, the cast was revealed, and then the Internet exploded.

This cast is absolutely incredible.

Except for Miao Xun who impressed many people because of "Fist of Fury", none of the other leading actors are famous, and almost all of them are outside the third line.

The two female characters in it seem to be newcomers.

As for the male lead, Li Hongbin, He Zheng who plays Zhao Gang, and Zhang Daoming who plays Chu Yunfei, although they are old actors, they are less well-known than Li Hongbin.

What is Mu Chen doing?
Are you playing tickets?
Or just shoot an anti-Japanese drama to deal with the above?
It should be!
Otherwise, Mu Chen is so good at making anti-Japanese dramas, and the cast of the new drama is still so poor.

With Mu Chen's current fame, he just revealed a meaning, I am afraid that many popular stars will drop their salaries and come to the door automatically!

How could he do this!
Isn't this a joke about the word-of-mouth established by his two works?
It's over, it's over, Mu Chen may be really cold this time.

The cast of "Bright Sword" is much worse than that of "Jing Fu Men".

At the time of "Fist of Fury", although Mu Ze was not well-known, the heroine Li Ruoxi was already popular.

But now, none of the actors in "Bright Sword" is famous.

However, some people disagree.

At least, Mu Chen's reputation is much greater than when he was filming "Fist of Fury".

He may not be the most appealing director, but he is definitely the most popular director today.

With the word "Mu Chen", many viewers supported it.

The actor is gradually determined, but it will take some time before he leaves the camera.

Mu Ze and Li Ruoxi came back from the set one after another, but they were not free.

Mu Ze rested for two days and joined another crew.

But Li Ruoxi is busy with movie promotion.

"Director Chen invited you to the premiere of "The Emperor's Shadow"?" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen with a smile.

Mu Chen nodded.

"Emperor Shadow" was directed by Chen Mouzhi last year and Li Ruoxi participated in the film.

It's a blockbuster!
Not only the investment, the cast, but also the scenes are all large scale.

Li Long and Zhang Na starred, Li Ruoxi played the female second, and Wu Fan played the male second.

These four alone are enough to lure countless fans into theaters.

Chen Mouzhi is a director who is good at big scenes. "Emperor Shadow" is a historical drama that tells the story of a palace coup.Judging from the trailer, there are many war scenes in it, which can be called grand.

"Are you going?" Li Ruoxi asked immediately.

"Go!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

After all, Chen Mouzhi is also a top director in China. It's not like you can't get away from an invitation. If you don't go, it's too embarrassing.

People in the entertainment industry all praise each other for face.

What's more, Li Ruoxi is still the lead actor in this movie, as her boyfriend, Mu Chen should also go.

The preparation of "Bright Sword" is not impossible without Mu Chen.

What's more, the premiere of "Emperor Shadow" is in Yanjing, and it only takes half a day.

The movie "Huang Ying" and "Drunken Master 2" are both released on May 2st, but in Mu Chen's view, "Drunken Master [-]" may not be the opponent of "Huang Ying".

On April 29, the premiere of "Emperor Shadow".

"Are you joking?" Mu Chen looked at the staff and said, "Director Chen invited me to watch my girlfriend walk the red carpet with other male stars?"

Chen Mouzhi has a wide network of contacts in the industry. There are many celebrities and entertainers who came to this premiere, and the red carpet is naturally an indispensable part.

This can also increase the momentum of the film.

What's more, the investor of "Emperor Shadow" has a lot of celebrity artists, and if they are free, they will naturally come to join in, sell the favor of the big director and big boss, and take some heat by the way.

"Director Mu, Ms. Ruoxi is the lead actor of this movie, so it's natural to walk the red carpet with the cast and crew." The staff member frowned and said immediately.

Mu Chen can completely understand that the main creator of the film is the main creator, and the guests are the guests.

But the program team actually arranged for Li Ruoxi to go with that kid Wu Fan, which Mu Chen couldn't accept.

Don't they know that Wu Fan was entangled with Li Ruoxi when he was filming, and the conflict between him and Wu Fan was also caused by this?

Mu Chen and Wu Fan had a scolding battle, and everyone knew that the two had conflicts.

If Li Ruoxi walked the red carpet with Wu Fan, those media reporters still don't know how to write about it!
Mu Chen's face was gone.

If Mu Chen hadn't come, and the creators had walked the red carpet together, it would have been reasonable.But when Mu Chen came, it was a little thoughtless for them to arrange it like this.

At least, from Mu Chen's point of view, that was ill-considered.

Mu Chen had an opinion, but Li Ruoxi reacted even more.

In her opinion, Mu Chen was invited to attend the premiere, but the staff arranged for him to walk the red carpet with Wu Fan, which clearly humiliated Mu Chen.

For the movie "Emperor Shadow", Wu Fan's investment in Huaying Film and Television is larger than that of Li Ruoxi's company.

Coincidence, or on purpose?
 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Recommended ticket!Thanks!


(End of this chapter)

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