Chapter 81
Although Mu Chen has not set foot in the film industry now, he has a good reputation.The two popular TV series have already confirmed his position in the circle, not to mention that he himself is the boss of a film and television company.

The organizer's arrangement seemed reasonable, but it was unavoidably ill-considered.

This is bound to be a bit of a bully!
Mu Chen didn't come here by himself, but was invited.

He has not been in the industry for a long time, but he can't treat him like a newcomer.

Put down what you are doing and come to cheer you on, but you arrange for male celebrities whose girlfriends have conflicts with you to walk the red carpet.

Mu Chen has a good temper, he just raised his dissatisfaction, but didn't lose his temper immediately.

Li Ruoxi is an actor, she should have professional qualities.Mu Chen is not the kind of jealous man.

He doesn't mind Li Ruoxi acting as a couple, but intimate scenes are definitely not acceptable, kissing scenes and sex scenes are definitely not acceptable. Some intimate scenes in "Fist of Fury" and "Swordsman" were deleted by Mu Chen.Of course, there are no intimate scenes in these two TV series.

A kung fu drama, a martial arts drama, naturally it is impossible to have any intimate scenes.

If he didn't come today, if Li Ruoxi walked the red carpet with any male celebrity, as long as he didn't behave intimately, he wouldn't feel anything.If this is unacceptable, then he should not find someone in the circle to be his girlfriend.

But today he is here, invited.

The organizer not only did not arrange for Li Ruoxi to walk the red carpet with him, but arranged for her to walk with Wu Fan.

The main creators of the film walked the red carpet together, and Mu Chen also expressed his understanding.But Mu Chen had conflicts with Wu Fan, wouldn't they know about it?
What's more, there are so many people in the main creator of the film, why is it Wu Fan?Is it just because Li Ruoxi plays the female second and Wu Fan plays the male second?

I'm afraid not.

While Mu Chen attended the premiere, Li Ruoxi walked the red carpet with Wu Fan.

The media will write like this?How will it be transmitted on the Internet?

No matter how it is written or passed on, it will inevitably form a huge topic.

And this is not a good thing for Li Ruoxi.

Get rid of your boyfriend and walk the red carpet with a male star who has conflicts with her boyfriend?Her previous image of "protecting her boyfriend" will collapse in an instant.

Arranged by the organizer!The general public will not accept this explanation.

Li Ruoxi defended Mu Chen a lot, and even beat people with her hands.This has almost become one of her personalities.This persona made her attract countless fans.

It wasn't that Mu Chen and the others made a big fuss, but that if she really walked the red carpet with Wu Fan today, the impact would be too bad.

Putting aside the influence, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi were also extremely unwilling from a personal emotional point of view.

The organizer arranged this way, probably because they wanted to hype the matter up.

In order to promote the movie, they really do everything they can!
Of course, Mu Chen might be thinking too much.

Li Ruoxi had a gloomy face, if not for Mu Chen's presence, the table would have been overturned.

"No need to change?" Mu Chen frowned, then said immediately.

I can't rule out thinking too much, but I have to guard against it.

"Director Mu, please understand."

The man said, without the slightest apology in his tone.

"What if I have to walk the red carpet with Mu Chen?" Li Ruoxi looked at the man and said calmly.

"Miss Ruoxi, you are making it difficult for us!" the man continued.

When Li Ruoxi heard this, her face turned colder. She wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mu Chen.

"Ruoxi walked the red carpet with me today, will there be news about her playing a big role tomorrow and disobeying the arrangement of the organizer?"

Mu Chen looked at that person and said.

The man froze for a moment.

"If she walks the red carpet with Wu Fan today, will there be rumors that she has moved on and dumped me with Wu Fan tomorrow?"

Mu Chen continued.

This rumor may not be believed by many people, but it definitely attracts attention.

When Li Ruoxi heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, then she thought about it and became extremely angry.

As Mu Chen said, it may not be impossible.

She didn't know why, but felt that when Mu Chen was invited to come, he was calculated early.

Are you not afraid of offending people with such propaganda?
Whether you are afraid of offending someone or not depends on who is behind it.

"Director Mu, you really know how to joke." The man said quickly.

Li Ruoxi gave the man a cold look, then took out the phone from the assistant and made a call.

If it is really such a hype, but did not say hello to the parties, it would be a bit too much.

Of course, this was just Mu Chen's suspicion.

But if the other party really didn't think about it, why did the organizer still insist on letting Li Ruoxi and Wu Fan walk the red carpet together when both he and Li Ruoxi expressed their opinions?
Whether it's Mu Chen or Li Ruoxi, they can be regarded as wrists anyway, don't they have any face?

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

After a phone call, Li Ruoxi was silent.

Not long after, the staff member's phone rang, and then Li Ruoxi's phone rang too.

Li Ruoxi made a phone call, and when she heard what the other party said, a little anger flashed in her eyes.

Mu Chen was very close to Li Ruoxi, but he had heard it vaguely.

Huaying, Wu Fan, Mu Chen can guess a bit after hearing this.

Taking the opportunity to hype, there may be considerations in this regard, but it does not mean that there is no revenge.

Mu Chen caused Huaying Film and Television a lot of losses.

"How to say?" Mu Chen asked.

"Don't they want to hype the topic? Then give it to them." Li Ruoxi said lightly.

There was anger in her eyes, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Why this is so, Mu Chen soon knew.

Li Ruoxi really walked the red carpet with Wu Fan, but Mu Chen was also with him.

Holding Mu Chen's hand, Li Ruoxi smiled brightly.

There seemed to be a pleasure of revenge in the bright smile.

Mu Chen also smiled, and the intimate and sweet look of the two made them look like red carpet bitches.

And Wu Fan's face became a little gloomy.

Facing the media and fans on the red carpet, although he was smiling, that smile was too forced.

What is he?
Foil?Or a light bulb?

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi are both biting a bitch together, does Wu Fan, a single dog, eat a bitch all the way?

If he is not depressed, who is depressed!
What's more, walking the red carpet with Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, where will the attention of the media reporters be?
It's hard for Wu Fan to imagine what the media will say about those good things tomorrow.

Why did things become like this?
The three of them walked the red carpet together, and many media reporters and movie fans were stunned.

The grievances between Wu Fan and Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi are well known.It would be interesting to arrange it this way.

The media was very satisfied with Wu Fan's expression.

"Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi show their love on the red carpet!"

"Wu Fan was thrown a red carpet bitch by Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi!"

"Bulb Wu Fan!"

"Wu Fan, the son of a bitch."

"Wu Fan watched Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi show off their affectionate faces!"

"I beg Wu Fan to be cast into the shadow of a bitch's heart!"

Many media reporters saw this scene, and countless headlines popped up in their minds.

Some people suspect that this is intentional by the organizers, taking the opportunity to create topics to promote the film.

Of course, there are people who don't think so.

If it's such a hype, Wu Fan, a popular little fresh meat, will definitely not agree.

If Wu Fan knew about it in advance, he would naturally not agree.

But when he knew it, he had already stepped on the red carpet and appeared under the camera of the media, so it was naturally impossible for him to turn around and return.

At this time, he regretted it a little.

If I had known this, I might as well have turned around and walked back, never walking the red carpet with them.

The more depressed Wu Fan became, the wider the smile on Li Ruoxi's face.

Mu Chen also smiled, he had to admit that Li Ruoxi played it beautifully.

I don't know if after this incident, Wu Fan's fans will be so distressed that they will let him leave the order?

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Recommended ticket!Thanks!


(End of this chapter)

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