Chapter 87
If you can't agree on an agreement, then each depends on his own ability!

Come on, who is afraid of whom!

Who is the victim in this whole thing?That was undoubtedly Su Xiaowan.

Cui Minghao was beaten. He felt that he was also a victim, but he didn't think about why he was beaten.

However, if he doesn't admit it, who will believe the words of Mu Ze's family?

It was a fact that he was beaten, and there was even an injury appraisal.But why was beaten, there is room for manipulation.

He could completely say that Mu Ze misunderstood her relationship with Su Xiaowan, and then beat her because of jealousy.

As for Su Xiaowan, it is naturally easy to solve, just use her company to exert pressure.

If you apologize, you become the party at fault, which will have a bad influence on yourself.

Cui Minghao didn't want to apologize, and he didn't want to apologize. He was beaten, and he needed to vent his anger

He wanted to kill Mu Ze and ruin his stardom.

In this way, the hatred in my heart can be vented.

He grew so big that no one beat him.


In his spare time during filming, Mu Chen called Chen Fuhai and asked about the outcome of the matter.

Nowadays, it is getting worse and worse on the Internet, and major media have also reported it one after another.

The topic of this matter is hot.

"It didn't work out!" Chen Fuhai said, "Orange Light Film and Television will probably be on Cui Minghao's side."

Orange Light Film and Television is Su Xiaowan's company.

"Is the video data available?" Mu Chen frowned and said.

If Orange Light Film and Television was on Cui Minghao's side, Mu Ze would undoubtedly be very passive. If Su Xiaowan stabbed Mu Ze against the water, the problem would be even more serious.

Cui Minghao was not good enough to let it go, starting from the interests, Orange Light Film and Television was on his side, Mu Chen was not puzzled.

However, under the pressure of the company, it may not be impossible for Su Xiaowan to beat Mu Ze back.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

Many times, a star like Su Xiaowan can't help herself, and you can't resist.

Resistance means the end of your acting career.

"Not yet!" Chen Fuhai said, "At the hotel, the surveillance didn't capture it."

"Get in touch with Su Xiaowan and find out her tone." Mu Chen said, "If she is under pressure from the company and doesn't care about her, we will be passive."

Chen Fuhai nodded.

Whether Cui Minghao deserved what he deserved or was a victim, Su Xiaowan is the key person.

Mu Chen continued to film his scenes, he was able to control his emotions very well, and was not affected by this incident.

He was naturally worried about Mu Ze, not the impact of this incident on him, but whether Su Xiaowan's reaction would hurt him.

On the Internet, things continued to ferment, and the three parties remained silent.

The media reporters frantically chased Su Xiaowan, and finally blocked Su Xiaowan once, but she remained silent.

And Cui Minghao sued Mu Ze to the court with a lawsuit, which completely detonated the whole matter.

If Cui Minghao dared to sue, it meant that he had reached some kind of agreement with Orange Light Film and Television.

Orange light?

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes, this is how easy it is to bully my brothers from the Mu family!

"I didn't get in touch, how could it be?" Mu Chen was a little surprised, but also a little angry.

If they didn't get in touch, in Mu Chen's opinion, Su Xiaowan might have avoided it on purpose.

Is she going to keep silent, or just stab the old brother in the chest?
"I'll try to get in touch again. If I still can't get in touch, I'm afraid the other party avoided it on purpose." Chen Fuhai said.

Although Cui Minghao sued Mu Ze to the court with a lawsuit, his injuries were not serious. Even if the court ruled in favor of him, Mu Ze would at most compensate for medical treatment, lost work, nursing care, transportation, accommodation, food subsidies during hospitalization, and necessary compensation. nutrition etc.

His injuries should not be enough for detention, let alone sentencing.

What's more, Cui Minghao originally wanted Mu Ze to compensate, but the amount of compensation was a bit large.

5000 million!
That guy is probably crazy about money.

Su Xiaowan has been in a state of being out of contact, and now it seems that she is avoiding it on purpose.

Mu Chen had to worry about Mu Ze.

"Are you okay?" Mu Chen said.

"It's okay." Mu Ze said, "5000 million is just a lion's mouth. The court really asked me to pay compensation, and it is estimated to be 50 at most."

"You know, that's not what I'm talking about." Mu Chen continued.

Su Xiaowan deliberately evaded and kept silent, which was a bit of a blow to Mu Ze.

In a sense, Su Xiaowan is a little ungrateful.

"I can understand." Mu Ze said.

Just understand?

It doesn't matter if he can understand, Mu Chen knows that Mu Ze must also feel very uncomfortable.

It would be much better if it was replaced by another person.

No, not an estimate, but a certainty!
Being hurt by someone you like is obviously different from being hurt by a stranger.

"There are many good girls in this world." Mu Chen wanted to comfort Mu Ze, but he didn't know why he was at a loss for words.

"I'm calling."

Mu Ze said something, then hung up the phone.

Is it really a call, or is it an excuse?

Mu Chen didn't know, but he didn't call Mu Ze again.

Not long after, Mu Ze called him, his tone a little excited.

"She called me."

"Who?" Mu Chen guessed, who else's call could make Mu Ze so excited at this moment.

"Xiaowan!" Mu Ze said, "She has fallen out with the company."

"It's okay, just let her come to Chenxi." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Liquidated damages" Mu Ze hesitated to speak.

If Su Xiaowan had a falling out with the company, she would definitely be hidden by her company in retaliation.The contract has not yet expired, and the liquidated damages must be a considerable amount.

"Small things." Mu Chen said with a smile.

When Su Xiaowan signed with Orange Light, she was not well-known.To a certain extent, Su Xiaowan was not the one who made the orange light popular, but Mu Chen.

If the liquidated damages are too high, it's a lawsuit.

What's more, Su Xiaowan is now well-known and has great potential. After this incident, her popularity has risen. If she operates well, she may not be able to go further.

"She found the video of Cui Minghao touching her. Then, she sued Cui Minghao." Mu Ze continued.

When Mu Chen heard this, he was taken aback.

Is this reversed?

"Someone is going to die." Mu Chen said with a smile.

That video imagery is definitely key.

After all, there is no evidence for words.

Afterwards, Su Xiaowan entered Chenxi Film and Television, and it was probably even more difficult to argue.

That video image solved the problem.

Cui Minghao was only messing with Su Xiaowan, the plot was not serious, at least there was almost no possibility of sentencing.

However, once this matter is implemented, he will not even think about messing around in Huaxia.

Even if he's one of those stupid fans who doesn't care, he shouldn't be confused.

At least, relevant departments in China will not allow such a Korean star to make money in the country.

Mu Chen continued to film his "Bright Sword", and Mu Ze's beating of Cui Minghao escalated again.

Even if Cui Minghao sued Mu Ze to court, Su Xiaowan also kept suing Cui Minghao and exposed video evidence.

Mu Ze hit Cui Minghao really because he was messing with Su Xiaowan.

When Mu Ze hit someone, he didn't mean to hurt someone intentionally, but acted bravely.

You deserve it, you deserve it!
Cui Minghao's fans were stunned, while Mu Ze and Mu Chen's fans instantly became agitated, and at this time Su Xiaowan's fans also joined the battlefield.

Not only did Cui Minghao's fans lose ground in an instant, but many people turned against him directly.

Is such a person worthy of my liking?
Cui Minghao became cold in an instant. Although it was not like everyone was shouting and beating, it was almost the same.

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(End of this chapter)

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