my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 88 Another Enemy

Chapter 88 Another Enemy

Earn our money, but touch our girl, and finally shamelessly sue our brave hero!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Cui Minghao instantly felt the deep malice from the people of this country.

Although Cui Minghao vehemently denied it, his public relations team also spent a lot of money, but it was of no avail.

The most unbearable thing for fans is undoubtedly deception.

Cui Minghao tricked his fans into charging for him on the Internet.But the result is like this.

This is unacceptable to them.

Cui Minghao was cold, but Chengguang Film and Television was angry.

When Cui Minghao was cold, their loss was not small.At least, the show Hua focused on is over.

Can a TV series starring a blacklisted Korean star still start broadcasting?

Orange Light Film and Television spent huge sums of money to invite Cui Minghao to film an idol drama.

Su Xiaowan played the leading role in it, and Cui Minghao touched Su Xiaowan after he was drunk, which was at the banquet after the finale.

I'm afraid this drama will not be sold now.

Even if Cui Minghao was not blocked by the relevant departments, he might be boycotted by the audience.

With such a risk, which TV station would be interested?

In fact, if he made a fuss about Su Xiaowan after being drunk, if he said it was a misunderstanding at the beginning, coupled with the corresponding public relations, it would soon be over.

But Cui Minghao was beaten, he couldn't get angry, and he insisted on expressing his anger, but it turned out to be self-defeating.

If he didn't tell Mu Ze, even if the video was exposed, he apologized on the excuse of being drunk, and coupled with some public relations measures, the impact would be minimized.

But it's different now.

He sued Mu Ze, wanting to cut off Mu Ze's star path, but caused Su Xiaowan to fall out with Cheng Guang, and sued him directly.

A thief shouting "Catch the thief" naturally has to bear the anger of the crowd.

Even if Cui Minghao apologized in tears now, it would not help.

Orange Light Film and Television suffered heavy losses, and directly blocked Su Xiaowan without hesitation.

"Mr. Yu, do you think it's possible that such a high penalty is liquidated damages?" Chen Fuhai looked at Yu Lei from Orange Light Film and Television.

He came here to discuss about Su Xiaowan.

Su Xiaowan's offending Orange Light this time undoubtedly solved a big problem for Mu Ze.

Chenxi Film and Television will naturally not sit back and watch him be blocked.

"Then you can wait a few more years." Yu Lei said.

The contract between Su Xiaowan and Orange Light will expire in a few years.However, after a few years, Su Xiaowan needs to start all over again.

No matter from the company's point of view or from a personal point of view, Mu Chen and others are not willing to see it.

"Then there's nothing to talk about?" Chen Fuhai said lightly.

Yu Lei chuckled, but didn't speak.

"Then I'll see you in court." Chen Fuhai said, "Tell me, if the reason why Su Xiaowan quit her job is exposed, it may damage your company's image!"

"Injury?" Yu Lei looked at Chen Fuhai and said, "Mr. Chen thinks that Yu has no research on public opinion?"

You want to use this matter to attack the formation of Orange Light Film and Television, Orange Light Film and Television will turn a blind eye, so why not resist?

"It's not very nice to kneel and lick the hat of a Korean stick," Chen Fuhai said.

"Mr. Chen, why do you and my family have such an unpleasant fight over a female celebrity?" Yu Lei frowned.

This hat may not be able to be buckled on their heads, but together with public opinion, it will inevitably be affected, and to eliminate such influence, it is inevitable to pay some price.

Whether this cost is worth it is debatable.

After all, Yu Lei is only hurting people, and everything is based on profit, and he will not do something that kills one thousand and hurts eight hundred.

"Chen Xi's boss is Mu Chen, Mu Ze's younger brother." Chen Fuhai said.

He knew Mu Chen's temper very well.

What's more, when Orange Light Film and Television was on Cui Minghao's side, Chen Xi was already very unhappy.

Yu Lei was uncertain, weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

Yu Lei naturally understood Mu Chen's temper.Just because Hu Qun stepped on him at the awards ceremony, this guy can immediately fight back, even regardless of the occasion.

So, it seemed that it was not enough, and then he used his own works to attack Hu Qun's works.

The tragedy of "Hou Yi" has been talked about by insiders.

It's not like he doesn't know the relationship between Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan.

Mu Ze beat up Cui Minghao directly for Su Xiaowan, and Su Xiaowan fell out with the company directly for Mu Ze, even ignoring her stardom.

For Su Xiaowan's sake, Mu Chen would not hesitate to make matters worse, it seemed not impossible.

If the legal procedures are really used to save money, the matter will become a big mess, which is really not a good thing for Orange Light Film and Television.

But just let Su Xiaowan go like this, where to save face and how to get angry?
After a long time, Chen Fuhai came out of Yu Lei's office with a calm expression.

After the orange light movie came out, he immediately took out his phone and called Mu Chen.

"It's settled." Chen Fuhai said, "After Huaying Film and Television, we have made another enemy."

"This time, we didn't make an enemy." Mu Chen said lightly.

What Mu Chen meant was undoubtedly that Orange Light Film and Television offended Chenxi Film and Television first.

Chen Fuhai naturally understood, but he didn't know how to say it.

Whether it's orange light or flower shadow, it's hard for Chenxi Film and Television to get along with it now!

However, Chen Fuhai believes that this is only temporary.

"Have you confirmed the cast of Marin's play?" Mu Chen asked suddenly.

"It seems not yet." Chen Fuhai said, "I will mention it to Ma Lin later."

The meaning of Mu Chen's question is self-evident, it is nothing more than that if the actor has not been determined, Su Xiaowan will be arranged.

Mu Chen hung up the phone and continued filming his TV series.

When Mu Ze beat Cui Minghao, the curtain ended with a "reversal".

Su Xiaowan jumped to join Chenxi, but did not attract much attention.Both Chenxi Film and Television and Orange Light Film and Television chose to keep a low profile.

As soon as Su Xiaowan entered the dawn, she joined the Marin crew.

As for the relationship between her and Mu Ze, Mu Chen didn't pay attention.

Emotional matters, just follow the fate.

The shooting of "Bright Sword" has already been on track, and the filming is methodical according to the plan.

For this version, Mu Chen chose the Li version, not the Huang version.

This is not because the former has a better reputation, but because the new version of Mu Chen has never seen it at all.

There are many film and television works and even novels in Mu Chen's mind, but not everything is there.

As for the "Bright Sword" novel, Mu Chen didn't finish it, mainly because of the abuse later.

Of course, even if he saw it, he wouldn't shoot it.

It's useless to shoot it.

Some things in this world are relatively lenient, but not without taboos.Like, that history.


Mu Chen yelled and rushed out immediately.

This scene of cavalry duel, the scale of this scene is not very big, but it is much larger than the original version.As a result, the actor Sun Yu who played the role of the cavalry company commander fell off his horse just after the filming started.

He was lucky that he was not trampled to death by the horse behind him.

Mu Chen rushed over, and then shouted, "Hurry up and drive over here."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Actor Sun Yu got up, waved his hands quickly, and then kept apologizing, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Director, I'm fine. It's okay to continue filming."

"Are you all right?" Mu Chen looked at Sun Yu and said, "Your body is yours."

"It's really okay, at most it's just broken." Sun Yu said.

"Old Li, show him." Mu Chen continued.

Lao Li is a member of Mu Chen's action team. He was born as a dragon and tiger martial artist and has also learned bruises.

"It's nothing, it's really just a scratch, just deal with it briefly." Lao Li checked it and said immediately.

"Check the horse first before shooting. I don't want to see any accidents." Mu Chen said.

Sun Yu fell off the horse, not because his riding skills were too bad, but because the saddle was loose.

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(End of this chapter)

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