Chapter 89
"Bright Sword" Mu Chen didn't make too many modifications, and the filming is actually not much different from the original version.

If you have to talk about the difference, it is estimated that the scene is a little bit better than the original version, and the action design is much more exciting.

Of course, fighting on the battlefield, it is naturally impossible to make any fancy kung fu movies.

Battlefield fighting technique, that is the real killing technique.

And Mu Chen is naturally better at it.

The scene and action design, Mu Chen is naturally better than the original version.However, the reason why "Bright Sword" is a classic is more reflected in the creation of plot characters.

In terms of literature and drama, Mu Chen was naturally the most attentive.

The crew of "Bright Sword" doesn't have any big stars, or the biggest star in the entire crew is Mu Chen.

This has nothing to do with Mu Ze being the director and boss, he is the best in the crew just because of his popularity.

There are advantages to having no wrists, at least the actors are extremely attentive.

There are a lot of action scenes, but no matter how minor an injury is, it won't go to the line of fire.

Sun Yu is like this, and so are others.

"Are you interested in Chenxi?" Mu Chen looked at Sun Yu and said with a smile.

Although Sun Yu came from a background and has not undergone systematic acting studies, his acting skills are still good.He is not young now, in his thirties, and his appearance is actually not very good.Potential is not high.

However, people are down-to-earth and dedicated.This is what Mu Chen values.

It may be difficult for such a person to support a play, but it is good to play a supporting role.

"Yes! Yes!" Sun Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly responded.

He is an old-timer, and his acting skills are not bad, so there is no shortage of scenes, but most of them are some extras with a few lines of dialogue.Playing the role of the commander of the cavalry company is the role he has played the most.

His income in the film and television city is actually quite good, even when his monthly income exceeds [-] yuan, but it is not stable.

Facing Mu Chen's invitation, who would be able to refuse Mu Chen's invitation?

Even if they signed Chenxi, they might not be highly praised, but at least their income would be guaranteed, and it would be much easier.

Moreover, there will be many more opportunities.

Even if he played a supporting role, he didn't have many roles, but it was better than playing a trick in the film and television city.

For Sun Yu, whether it is from a personal or family point of view, his entry into Chenxi Film and Television is undoubtedly the best choice.

"I'll let someone from the company contact you." Mu Chen smiled, and then looked at the person walking not far away.

The cavalry company commander has already received the bento, and more people will soon receive the bento.

"Why are you here?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"I'm free recently, come and have a look." Mu Ze said.

Mu Ze had a lot of film appointments, but Mu Chen didn't ask about how to arrange them.

"That's just right, make soy sauce and show your face." Mu Chen smiled and said, "It's just a scene or two."

"Okay!" Mu Ze smiled, did not refuse, and would not refuse.


"See you outside."

Mu Ze seemed to want to thank him, but was interrupted by Mu Chen with a smile.


Mu Ze smiled and said.

In the case of him beating Cui Minghao, the company's contribution may be somewhat justified, but the large amount of money spent to lure Su Xiaowan to Chenxi is probably more due to the fact that he is Mu Chen's elder brother.

Mu Ze knew very well that he was a very special existence in Chenxi Film and Television.

Although he has signed a contract with Chenxi Film and Television, there are no restrictions on signing actors, and the brokerage commission is only symbolic.

This is Mu Chen's kindness, and it is not easy for Mu Ze to refuse, he has already refused Mu Chen to give him shares in the company, if he refuses this again, it will not be polite.

Between brothers, it's too polite, but it's not beautiful.

Knowing many things is enough.

Mu Ze stayed in the crew of "Bright Sword" for two days and played a cameo role.Well, a rather heroic character.

He was brave, so he quickly got the bento.

Not long after Mu Ze left, "Bright Sword" was nearing completion after two months of filming.

At most a week, it is estimated that it will be finished.

"Coming?" Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi and said with a smile.

"If you don't come again, it's almost time to finish." Li Ruoxi smiled and said, "Didn't you say you want me to show my face in this drama?"

"I thought you forgot." Mu Chen said with a smile.

He just said it casually at the beginning, and didn't take it seriously.

There are not many female characters in "Bright Sword", and they have already been determined.

Mu Chen originally planned to let her play Feng Nan, but now there are already actors.

However, it was quite simple for Li Ruoxi to show her face inside.

Whether it was the previous Mu Ze or the current Li Ruoxi, Mu Chen only thought of it as a benefit to the audience of "Bright Sword", and never thought of letting them show their faces and take the opportunity to promote the hype.

If you can find it, it will be a surprise.If you can't find it, it doesn't matter.

If this show needed him to make a guest appearance to attract the audience, then Mu Chen wouldn't make it either.

Perhaps, those who can tell the two are their fans.

"I accepted a variety show!" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and said.

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Ruoxi.

"Music competition programs." Li Ruoxi continued.

"Famous singers compete on the same stage, and the audience votes to determine the winner?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Could it be that there are singers in this world?

"How do you know?" Li Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "However, the outcome is not only determined by the votes of the current audience, but also by the number of downloads of the song in a week."

Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi in surprise.

"Several music websites participated in this program." Li Ruoxi continued.

In this world, copyright awareness is much better.

Song downloads require payment, and several of Mu Chen's songs have brought him a lot of income.

If the number of song downloads is used as a criterion for judging, it will not only increase the income of participating singers, but also allow several major websites to generate income.

When singers participate in competitions, their fans will naturally try their best.

"Popular singers, don't they take advantage of everything?" Mu Chen said.

"Song downloads only account for [-]% of the score." Li Ruoxi said.

"Don't say [-] percent, [-] percent may change the outcome." Mu Chen shook his head and smiled, and said, "However, with your popularity, you won't suffer from this. The key to your victory or defeat lies in your performance on the spot. "

"Yeah!" Li Ruoxi smiled and said, "I'm only responsible for singing well, I don't care about other things."

You don't care, your company will definitely not sit idly by.

Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi's eagerness to compete with many famous singers, and then smiled and said, "Why, you don't want me to write songs for you this time, do you?"

"It's not that I don't know you're busy." Li Ruoxi shook her head and said.

She really didn't come to find Mu Chen to ask for a song.

"It's not like you don't know that I write songs very quickly." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen, but her heart was a little moved.

If it is a new song, it is difficult to determine how the audience will vote, but the number of downloads on the Internet will definitely take advantage.

Li Ruoxi was born as a draft singer. Although her first album sold well, she can only be regarded as a newcomer in the music circle.

She was not able to win the championship at the beginning, not because of lack of strength, she was naturally unconvinced when she lost.

Participating in the competition this time, competing with many famous singers, I naturally want to win.

Or, none of the singers participating in this show is willing to lose.

Li Ruoxi has her own competitive spirit.

What's more, if you are eliminated in the first round, it will be embarrassing.

However, in Mu Chen's opinion, the possibility of Li Ruoxi being eliminated in the first match is too low.

Famous singers who are willing to participate in such competitions are absolutely limited.

Li Ruoxi's singing skills are good, and her popularity is also good. It is unlikely that she will be eliminated in the first round.What's more, from the perspective of the program itself, I'm afraid it's not very possible.

However, Mu Chen obviously didn't want Li Ruoxi to participate in such a show, just not to be eliminated.

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(End of this chapter)

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