From traffic to movie star

Chapter 17 Has an inside story?

Chapter 17 Has an inside story?
As a popular streamer who came out of a talent show, Wei Xun was also highly valued by Tianguang Media, who connected him with the best movie resources and bought the highest quality singles.

But Tianguang soon discovered angrily that this was a dou who couldn't help himself.

His acting skills are expressionless, and his singing voice is flimsy. Except for a face that can be seen, Wei Xun can't do anything else.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

In addition, Wei Xun's expressiveness on the big screen is really a disaster level, and has been criticized by many audiences. He is a handsome wooden guy, and he can't see any further potential at all.

The flow cannot be transformed, and the final ending will be silently blurred. The shortest is one or two years, and the longest is three to five years, because no matter how handsome his face is, the audience will get tired of it after a long time.

Therefore, Tianguang Media discussed internally and began to overdraw Wei Xun's star career, frantically asking him to accept all kinds of bad movies to make money.

Anyway, Tianguang Media has no shortage of talents. Since it signed a waste, it would be good to make the best use of it and earn more money.

Wei Xun's terrible reputation was ruined in this way.

It can be said that in the past two years, from movies to TV dramas, many viewers have been poisoned by Wei Xun's hot-eyed acting skills.

Until the audience became more and more resistant to Wei Xun, one film after another was dismal because of Wei Xun, even the film capital circle couldn't stand this handsome guy, and finally the collective began to reject Wei Xun and completely rejected him in the film circle outside.

Counting the time, Wei Xun has not appeared on any big screen for half a year.

Now that he has returned to the TV industry, he appeared on an acting variety show "Please Call Me an Actor". When he first appeared on the stage, his appearance was quite suitable, and even when he spoke his lines, he looked decent.

On the barrage in the live broadcast room of the program, a large number of viewers began to doubt life.

"Am I crazy? Why do I feel that Wei Xun's performance is okay?"

"I haven't seen Wei Xun act in a movie for more than half a year. I may have forgotten how he once made my eyes so hot."

"Isn't this performance just beginning? It's okay to see it there, Sailor."

"Looking back, but I think Wei Xun seems to be more stable than the rival actress, at least the lines are great."

"It's true, Wei Xun's lines are actually more stable than that actress, see you soon."

"It's also possible that the opponent's [-]th line is worse than Wei Xun."

The difficulty of the show "Please Call Me an Actor" lies in the fact that it is a live stage performance, and there is no director calling cut, as long as it is on stage, it must be performed in one go.

So it is a test of the actor's skills, because any flaws in your expression or sudden instability will be captured by the three mentors in the audience and the audience watching the show.

In the first 2 minutes of Wei Xun's appearance, there was really nothing wrong with his performance, that's why some people on the barrage began to doubt life.

After all, everyone was ready for him to kneel down.

But for now, it seems okay?

On the show, the performances of Wei Xun and Chen Rong continued.

Wei Xun looked at Chen Rong with a pair of sincere eyes, and said: "This place is very chaotic with the locals huddling together, and it is even more unsafe at night. Sister, if you don't mind, you can come to my place for a night, and I will accompany you tomorrow Go to the police."

No matter in terms of demeanor, micro-expression, or temperament, this is an honest and honest man.

The man's speech and behavior are completely different from Wei Xun, who is handsome and sharp in the audience's impression.

What's even more surprising is that he didn't act awkward at all this time, on the contrary, he looked decent.

The barrage in the satellite TV live broadcast room began to decrease gradually. It seemed that everyone was paying close attention to the direction of the plot and had no time to post barrage chats.

Chen Rong hugged the child and returned home with Wei Xun.

At this time, the plot finally reached the biggest turning point.

In the middle of the night, the child was crying, and Chen Rong got up in a panic to look for water, but the door suddenly opened from the outside, and Wei Xun just walked in quietly, with a strange expression and a very hoarse voice: "The child is thirsty."

This expression and demeanor are completely different from the honest and honest man just now!
Even if he just said that the child is thirsty and didn't say anything else, the audience can subconsciously feel that this bad man is going to attack the heroine!

The lens slowly focused and elongated, deliberately giving Wei Xun a close-up. In those eyes that were gentle and pure just now, there are excitement, struggle, fear, greed, and various complex expressions blended together to form a distorted picture. And sick face.

This is the truest portrayal of the fear and excitement of a low-level man before he goes to the abyss of crime!

Then, the camera pulled away from Wei Xun, and then merged the instructor's seat into the screen. It can be seen that the three instructors all looked at Wei Xun with admiration at this moment, especially Zhai Qing, the actress, with the slightest fear in his eyes. Covered appreciation.

The barrage in the live broadcast room ushered in the latest round of discussions.

"Damn, Wei Xun's expression scared me."

"Didn't you be honest just now, but it turned black in a blink of an eye, if this is not acting."

"Could it be that Wei Xun suddenly had an epiphany after half a year's absence?"

"What should I do? I guess Wei Xun may advance."

"It's hard to say, the actress opposite seems to be doing okay."

The audience communicated through bullet screens, maybe they didn’t even realize it themselves, the topic went from being dismissive of Wei Xun at the beginning, to being shocked by Wei Xun’s performance, and finally, one part of the audience began to praise Wei Xun’s acting skills , and even asserted that Wei Xun might advance.

It can be seen that there has never been an audience who does not know how to appreciate it. After all, the film and television drama is filmed, and it is still for the audience to watch!
If the audience says you can do it, then you really can do it!
The show was still going on, Chen Rong noticed Wei Xun's change, first knelt down without hesitation, then gave in, and then escaped with the child while Wei Xun was in a daze.

"Mother's Heart Like Iron" ends here.

The judges began to comment, and Zhai Qing voted for Wei Xun without hesitation.

Then there was actor Gu Chengxian, who stretched out his hand inexplicably, pointed back to the auditorium behind, and said, "I think, who should I vote for? They have already given the answer. Wei Xun, I look forward to your next one." Performance."

In the end was Sun Kuo, the old opera bone gave Wei Xun a friendly encouragement, and finally delivered the vote to Wei Xun.

The audience all looked puzzled, what is the situation, something is wrong.

something is wrong
Because Wei Xun's last highlight shot in "Mother's Heart Is Like Iron", the scene of watching the heroine leave so complicated that it is difficult to describe, was edited out in the later stage.

Later, he and Zhai Qing's impromptu performance was also cut to nothing.

In this way, the violent praise of the three instructors for his impromptu performance, as well as the amazement on the faces of the audience in the variety show, seemed very artificial, pompous, and fake.

In the end, the camera switched to Chen Rong, and she said with a stubborn face: "I respect the professionalism of the judges and mentors, but I'm sorry, I think I acted well. So, I want to hear the reason why you eliminated me from the mentor." .”

However, for Chen Rong's appeal, Zhai Qing turned black on the spot: "As a mentor, when I comment on actors, I will only analyze them from a professional perspective, not what you say is biased against anyone."

In the end, Chen Rong left lonely, and Wei Xun advanced to the top.

Seeing this result, the viewers who watched the live broadcast quit.

"I'll go, there's definitely something inside this."

"Sure enough, Wei Xun is still the same Wei Xun. I thought his acting skills really improved this time."

"What, I think that actress named Chen Rong can kill him instantly."

"Garbage, if you can't compare it, don't come here. In the end, you will play dirty."

Wei Xun's traffic is not covered, the show has not finished yet, #Please call me actor black screen# has already rushed to the hot search list of the newsletter.

 ps: Thank you 'Falling in Love with Apple' for your reward, and continue to ask for recommendation tickets. We really have too few tickets now, so sad.

(End of this chapter)

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