From traffic to movie star

Chapter 18 Internet Controversy

Chapter 18 Internet Controversy
When "Please Call Me an Actor" was broadcast, Wei Xun and Mao Bin were naturally watching the live broadcast.

It's just that Wei Xun is used to watching TV, while Mao Bin pays attention to the comments on the Internet.

"Brother Xun, your acting skills..."

As the plot progressed little by little, Mao Bin turned his head in shock and looked at Wei Xun, who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV calmly, with a face full of disbelief: "Is it true that you have an epiphany as said on the barrage?"

As Wei Xun's assistant, no one knows Wei Xun's level better than him.

The hot-eyed acting skills can make people die in embarrassment.

So at the beginning, when Mao Bin saw netizens ridiculing Wei Xun in various ways on the barrage, although Mao Bin was angry, he was powerless to refute.

Because what people say is true.

But now in the video of the program, Wei Xun's demeanor has switched from simple and honest to gloomy and greedy.

Even though he already knew that Wei Xun was promoted successfully and his acting skills should have improved, Mao Bin didn't have much expectation in his heart.

After seeing the results Wei Xun handed over now, Mao Bin was shocked and fell into ecstasy.

Brother Xun, it must be as said on the barrage, acting epiphany!
It must be so!

Hearing Mao Bin's question, Wei Xun shook his head amusedly, and said noncommittally, "Maybe."

Acting is not a matter of martial arts, so how could it be possible to say that you have an epiphany?

What's more, even if there is a real epiphany, it is impossible for Wei Xun, the trafficker, to rise directly to the height of the actor Wei Xun.

Before the time travel, although Wei Xun was definitely talented, what was more important was his unremitting efforts, years of speculation on acting skills, study of roles, and experience of different lives.

It is also this kind of hard work that does not forget the original intention that allowed him to win the crown of actor and stand at the top of the entertainment industry.

Of course, these words cannot be said to outsiders.

In the end, it was summed up as an epiphany, which seems to be able to explain vaguely.

"Let me just say, Brother Xun, you have been fighting high recently. Not only did you write an original song, but you also participated in "Please Call Me an Actor."

After Mao Bin finished speaking happily, his face suddenly became serious.

Because in the show, Chen Rong, who was eliminated, suddenly began to question the professionalism of the show to Zhai Qing, but Zhai Qing didn't give an explanation, but directly voted for Wei Xun to advance!

Wei Xun, who was watching TV on the sofa, also frowned, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that the actress named Chen Rong was still unwilling to give up, and even moved her hands and feet to the post-production editing of the show.

The scene about Wei Xun in the last half minute of "Mother's Heart Is Like Iron" was cut, and the next impromptu performance between Wei Xun and Zhai Qing was even cut to nothing.

If it wasn't for Wei Xun himself being the person involved, even he would have to believe that he was promoted through shady scenes!

After being edited, Chen Rong became a shady little pity!
This Chen Rong, the backstage is really not weak, even the program editor can reach into the black hand.

"Brother Xun, some people praised you in the live broadcast room just now, but now it's full of abuse."

Mao Bin also realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately went to log in to the newsletter. Within a few minutes, he saw Wei Xun's shadow on the hot search list, and immediately said with an ugly face: "The hot search in the front row of the airborne, there must be someone What should we do if we are playing tricks behind the scenes, should we contact the company?"

However, Wei Xuncai and his manager Luo Feng were torn apart. Tianguang is still in the wait-and-see stage of evaluating Wei Xun's value. Even if he contacts the company, who can he turn to?

The program "Please Call Me an Actor" is very important to Wei Xun.

In his plan, he was relying on this program to achieve a small reversal of word-of-mouth, but now he was hacked because of the post-editing, and he naturally felt angry.

But at this moment, Wei Xun's mind flashed, and he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The post-editing of the show "Please Call Me an Actor" not only slandered him, but also slandered the three mentors, especially Zhai Qing, who was most directly blamed.

According to the usual practice, when celebrities participate in the program, the program must go through the review of the star team before the program is broadcast. If there are pictures in the program that damage the image of the star, they will definitely be strongly required to modify it.

As well-known figures in the circle, neither Sun Kuo, Zhai Qing nor Gu Chengxian are easy to provoke.

So why did the editing of "Please Call Me an Actor" go crazy this time, and such a version was successfully broadcast?

There must be something hidden in it.

Furthermore, "Call Me an Actor" is a program created by Blu-ray Satellite TV with a lot of money. The purpose is to achieve a double harvest of word-of-mouth and ratings. shady.

This is not normal.

Even if Chen Rong has a backstage on Blu-ray Satellite TV, how powerful is that backstage, dare to sacrifice a trump card program, and even offend the three mentors, just to praise Chen Rong?
If she really has this ability, wouldn't it be better to directly arrange Chen Rong to be the heroine in a big investment movie, why bother.

Thinking of this, Wei Xun calmed down and said, "Wait a minute and pay close attention to the direction of this matter."

Actor Wei, who has worked in the entertainment industry for many years, was keenly aware of the strangeness of this matter.

Besides, on the Internet, when #please call me actor black screen# quickly climbed into the trending search, Chen Rong, who was eliminated, sent an ambiguous newsletter.

Chen Rong: Although the sky is dark, I don't want to live in the dark. Failure is not terrible. If you don't forget your original intention, you will always succeed.

Although this newsletter did not say anything, the meaning hidden in it is self-evident.

This is a direct confrontation with the "Please Call Me an Actor" program team to the end!

After watching the live broadcast, the viewers who were blatantly and shady by Wei Xun began to cheer on Chen Rong's newsletter.

"Miss, come on, I think your acting is very good."

"How can Wei Xun's trash compare to you, gold always shines, come on."

"Zhai Qing, Gu Chengxian, and the others can be regarded as big names in the film and television industry. I didn't expect to close their eyes and brag about Wei Xun, which is disappointing."

This controversy about Wei Xun's shady promotion to "Please Call Me Actor" not only exists between Wei Xun and Chen Rong, but also the actress Zhai Qing, the actor Gu Chengxian, and the veteran actor Sun Kuo have all been criticized to varying degrees .

"Zhai Qing, may I ask why you didn't answer Chen Rong's question directly, but forced Wei Xun to advance?"

"Gu Yingdi, are you short of money to buy milk powder for your children? You earn all this dirty money!"

"Who the hell is praising Wei Xun? It's scary that even the actor and queen can be bribed."

A variety show that just started airing, because of the suspected shady appearance, plus the popular traffic Wei Xun who can cause bloody storms wherever he goes, and three mentors with great backgrounds, so on the night of the broadcast, it caused a storm on the Internet. Controversy, strong top newsletter hot search.

More and more people began to pay attention to this matter. The program "Please Call Me an Actor" attracted a lot of people who came to watch it, and then asked whether Zhai Qing, Gu Chengxian and others were notarized, and how good Wei Xun's acting skills were. There was a heated discussion on whether there was any shady in the program group.

But because Wei Xun's public impression was too bad, and the editing of the show was deliberately guided, so many people sided with Chen Rong.

Being oppressed by the actor and actress, and being eliminated by Wei Xun, who has a strong background, Chen Rong naturally became a weak and helpless poor person in people's hearts.

Netizens are always used to standing up to the weak, and then brainstorming all kinds of shocking shady capital methods.

However, what's interesting is that despite the ferocious noise on the Internet, the Please Call Me Actor program group, the three mentors, and Wei Xun himself did not give any response.

At ten o'clock that night, after the show ended, actress Zhai Qing took the lead in releasing a newsletter, unexpectedly firmly supporting Wei Xun: "Perhaps his previous experience made everyone have prejudice against him, but on the stage of "Please Call Me an Actor" , he moved me with his outstanding performance, he is the outstanding young actor Wei Xun."

Once this news was released, the entire Internet was in an uproar.

Is Zhai Yinghou crazy? At this moment, she still dares to support Wei Xun!

(End of this chapter)

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