From traffic to movie star

Chapter 19 Reversal

Chapter 19 Reversal
In the film industry, male stars have always carried the box office. Even if a female star becomes a big star, or wins the crown of actress, it is difficult to have the ability to carry the box office alone.

And Zhai Qing is one of the few female stars who can carry the box office.

Holding the Best Actress trophy in his hand and being able to carry the box office, such a big star not only has a detached position in the film industry, but also is an entertainer worthy of respect in the eyes of the public.

When it comes to Zhai Qing, who can't praise him for his ability?

After the broadcast of "Please Call Me an Actor" tonight, a large number of viewers saw the obvious shady scenes from the live broadcast, which sparked discussions across the Internet.

Now that Zhai Qing actually sent out such a quick message, it can be said that the Internet is not messy enough.

While netizens were angry, they also expressed their confusion.

How capable is Wei Xun, that he can make Zhai Yinghou spare no effort to praise him?
Look at what this said, the outstanding young actors, just like Wei Xun's hot-eyed fifty-cent acting skills, no one has ever been abused.

So did Zhai Qing lose his mind and go crazy? It would not do her any good at all.

Regardless of what netizens think of Zhai Qing, Chen Rong at home is smiling happily at the moment.

She has been an unknown third-line actor in the entertainment circle for a long time, with no fame and no fans, she thought she was living a muddle-headed life like this, but she, Chen Rong, would also have the day when she would become popular.

Although the price is serving a greasy old man, but now it seems that the payoff is amazing!

When "Please Call Me an Actor" was broadcast, Chen Rong was of course also watching. When she saw that the impromptu performance of Wei Xun and Zhai Qing was cut, and the feature film edited by the program group had the intention of discrediting Wei Xun and Zhai Qing, she was happy broken.

It must have been the pillow air duct that was blown a few days ago. This 3-minute old man is really reliable this time, and he does things so beautifully!
Chen Rong knew in her heart that her chance had come, so she gritted her teeth and used her savings over the years to buy a hot search on the newsletter platform.

In fact, Chen Rong wanted to use her own name to buy hot searches, but no one would be willing to pay attention to an unknown third-tier actor, so she simply brought the name of the show, and then sent a quick message implying that she was bullied by the show crew.

When the angry netizens clicked on the trending search, they would find Rong Chen's newsletter account on the homepage, so they naturally followed it.

This is the benefit that the newsletter platform gives to hot search buyers.

Although the price is indeed a bit expensive, Chen Rong felt a little flustered when he saw his rapidly rising fans and comments that had grown visible to the naked eye.

It turns out that this is what it's like to be a big star, it's great.

And because many days have passed since the last recording of "Please Call Me an Actor", after the show was broadcast, Wei Xun's impromptu performance that day was cut off, and now watching the performance of the two rivals, Chen Rong felt that, I'm not that bad either.

Combined with the fact that countless passers-by who supported her on the newsletter platform stepped on Wei Xun's poor acting skills and praised her for her good acting skills, even she herself believed that she was shady.

She imagined in her heart that even Wei Xun, a waste who relies on his face for food, can become popular, so this time, Chen Rong can also take off with the momentum?

Once people expand, it is easy to do things badly.

It was in this situation that Chen Rong saw Zhai Qing's newsletter, so she sent a second newsletter without hesitation: "Did he impress you with his acting skills, or with his handsome face?"

Although there is no one like Aite, and he didn't deliberately say who to reply to, but this newsletter is obviously a reply to Zhai Qing.

And the meaning hidden in these words is not surprising.

Could it be that Chen Rong knew something about Zhai Qing and Wei Xun having a romantic relationship?
But Queen Ying is over 30 years old, married and had children long ago, and is more than ten years older than Wei Xun, how is this possible!

Seeing that the situation is developing in an increasingly outrageous direction, the people who eat melons are going crazy.

"If you want to talk about this, then I won't be sleepy."

"Am I short of this traffic? You continue to say that it doesn't matter if you write [-] words of details."

"Chen Rong, do you have any evidence for what you said? Queen Zhai's family is harmonious and her husband and wife are loving. It is illegal to spread rumors."

"Upstairs is correct. I think this woman comes here as soon as she opens her mouth. It doesn't look right."

"Could it be hype?"

"Everyone, go and check Gu Chengxian's newsletter, he has also spoken out."

Zhai Qing's good reputation in the entertainment industry for so many years is not based on it. In order to muddy the water, Chen Rong even tried to distort the relationship between Zhai Qing and Wei Xun. When such a newsletter was sent out, some people who eat melons were excited, and naturally they were rational Netizens began to have doubts.

At this time, netizens who have been paying close attention to tonight's "Call Me an Actor" shady incident discovered that Gu Chengxian also spoke out.

Gu Chengxian: Where did the program team invite this editing? Are you out of your mind? It’s a mess, and I’m thinking that Wei Xun, a good actor, can be edited by you to be promoted by shady.

As expected of the person holding the best actor trophy in his hand, Gu Chengxian has lived freely and freely over the years, and his words are even more direct.

A newsletter netizen named 'Hi Mr. Gu' commented under Gu Chengxian's Weibo: "I was there at the time, and I can prove that Wei Xun was indeed promoted by his own ability. His performance of "Mother's Heart Like Iron" "A part of the clip was cut, and during the live recording, he also performed an impromptu performance with tutor Zhai Qing, conquering the tutor and the audience with his superb acting skills, but these highlight moments were all cut out in the later stage."

Afterwards, Gu Chengxian liked the comment.

Netizens were talking about it.

"What do you mean, it looks like a post-editing pot?"

"I watched the live video carefully, and there is indeed a problem with the connection between the front and the back. I don't think there is any need for Gu Chengxian to lie."

"If that's the case, the program team of "Please Call Me an Actor" is really hot."

"Is there a live version without editing? Actually, I still want to see what Wei Xun will perform, and let Zhai Qing and Gu Chengxian give him a voice."

"It's three of you. Although Sun Kuo, an old drama player, didn't post a newsletter, he liked Zhai Qing and Gu Chengxian's newsletter, and he also followed Wei Xun's newsletter account!"

The three mentors spoke to Wei Xun one after another, and the netizens realized that something was wrong no matter how slow they were.

As a result, many netizens spontaneously began to search for the so-called unedited version of the video.

However, the unedited version of the video was not found, but an interesting revelation came.

A self-proclaimed staff member of Blu-ray Satellite TV broke the news: "When I went to record the first episode of "Please Call Me an Actor", Wei Xun was forced to sit on the backstage for a whole day, and another actress surnamed Chen came at night, and then let Wei Xun hastily put on makeup and started filming the show, and even the lines were perfunctory and procedural, and now seeing Wei Xun's performance on the stage being edited by the devil, I'm not surprised at all, because the actress surnamed Chen has a backstage."

If it's just empty talk, it must not be believed.

But when the staff member broke the news, he also attached the reception record. The Blu-ray Satellite TV when Wei Xun and Chen Rong arrived respectively was clearly written, and there was even a surveillance video!

This time, the people who eat melons all over the Internet were stunned.

Emotional Wei Xun is not only not bullying others, but the one being bullied?

At the same time, Chen Rong, who was watching the trend of Internet public opinion at home, also changed her expression greatly. She did not expect that such a secret matter would be revealed!

However, before Chen Rong could figure out how to deal with it, a phone call came, and she answered excitedly. Before she could speak, a man over there scolded angrily: "Bitch, I haven't been online for two hours, you What the hell did you do!"

Chen Rong was a little confused by the scolding: "I didn't do anything, my husband, Wei Xun and Zhai Qing's impromptu performance in "Please Call Me an Actor", you ordered the program crew to cut it out to vent my anger, right?"

The man on the other side of the phone was about to laugh angrily. He is a small TV station leader, how could he have the ability to tamper with the top program on the station.

So when he heard Chen Rong's words, the man mocked: "I didn't do this, I don't have the ability, I'm calling to tell you that we have nothing to do in the future, you die yourself, don't hurt me .”

Chen Rong was in a hurry: "But that day at the hotel, you clearly told me that you could talk to the entire Blu-ray TV, that you could put me in "Call Me An Actor" at will, and promised to be in "Please Call Me An Actor" Say hello over there, cut more shots for me."

If this old man hadn't boasted about his abilities, Chen Rong would have been crazy enough to bully Wei Xun, a popular trafficker, and dare to go head-to-head with Zhai Qing on the newsletter?

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone, and then the other party said: "Do you believe what a man says in bed?"


When Chen Rong heard this, her eyes went dark, and she fainted from anger.

(End of this chapter)

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