From traffic to movie star

Chapter 20 Acting Wei Xun!

Chapter 20 Acting Wei Xun!
Since the shady incident in "Please Call Me an Actor", Mao Bin and Wei Xun have been closely watching the development of this matter at home.

First, Chen Rong sent a quick message saying that she was being bullied, and Zhai Qing stood up to speak out for Wei Xun. Then Chen Rong hinted that Wei Xun and Zhai Qing had a romantic relationship. It was not Chen Rong who oppressed, but Wei Xun.

It's such a big turnaround, not to mention the melon-eating netizens, even Mao Bin looked dumbfounded.

Simply not too exciting.

Going through this matter in his mind, Mao Bin faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't want to understand it after all.

He shook his head, focused on Chen Rong, and said angrily: "Brother Xun, when you went to record the program of "Please Call Me an Actor", you were left alone by this woman all day, but you didn't Bring it up to me."

As a popular traffic assistant, Mao Bin is also very busy.

So after sending Wei Xun to Blu-ray Satellite TV that day, he went to work on other jobs, and rushed back to pick up Wei Xun at night.

Unexpectedly, there is such a story in it.

Wei Xun shook his head indifferently: "It's all small things, they've been resolved, so don't worry about them."

He has never seen such a big storm, a third-line actress who is not clear-headed, really can't catch his eyes.

But speaking of it, Wei Xun can now see some clues about today's matter.

Most likely, the "Call Me an Actor" program team used Wei Xun to hype it up for popularity. By the way, they also brought a few mentors together to attract a lot of attention on the Internet through the so-called shady arguments.

As for the Chen Rong who jumped out, Wei Xun speculated that it might be that this woman saw the finished film edited by the program group, so she took advantage of the trend and wanted to take the opportunity to hype it up.

It's just that I didn't expect one mountain to be as high as another mountain. Chen Rong was photographed fiercely into the quagmire just after there was no scenery here for a while.

Wei Xun guessed right.

The program team of "Please Call Me an Actor" deliberately edited it in this way, using Wei Xun's traffic and shady conspiracy theories to attract enough attention, and then took the opportunity to push the scapegoat to the post-editing.

Today's variety shows, if they want to become popular, they must learn to create such eye-catching topics.

As for Chen Rong, she was just cannon fodder sacrificed by the program group.

This poor stupid woman thought that the old man she was clinging to really had the ability to talk on Blu-ray TV, so she foolishly jumped out and became a stepping stone for others.

But he didn't know that from the very beginning, the old man was just bragging to catch her.

When he was on the bed and the arrow was on the string, he was able to agree to any request, but after putting on his pants, he immediately turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

This is the entertainment industry, the entertainment industry like a big dye vat.

On the Internet, the staff of Blu-ray Satellite TV broke the news, which can be regarded as a complete reversal of the shady promotion incident.

A large number of netizens who felt deceived flooded into Chen Rong's newsletter platform and began to abuse.

How much they felt sorry for Chen Rong just now, and how angry they are now.

"I thought you were being bullied, and I felt sorry for you from the bottom of my heart. I didn't expect you to be the one with a background."

"You're so cheap."

"My elder brother Xun is put on the cusp of fans' hearts, why should he be left alone all day when he comes to you."

"Wei Xun is a popular traffic no matter how bad he is, where did you come from the [-]th line?"

"Don't forget, everyone, you have to ask the "Please Call Me an Actor" program team to release the full unedited version of the video, because this is a shitty thing. Not only Wei Xun, but even the three mentors have been implicated to varying degrees tonight .”

Wei Xun, as a popular traffic, naturally has no fighting power among fans, and because he took advantage of it this time, with the support of passers-by and netizens, Chen Rong's newsletter was quickly captured.

Next came the official newsletter platform of "Please Call Me an Actor". A large number of netizens, fans of Wei Xun and the three mentors began to protest, demanding that the program team release the full version of the video.

And this is also the last link of the shady marketing of the program group, which reverses the whitewashing.

If they can't clean up, how could Zhai Qing, Gu Chengxian and Sun Kuo allow the program group to edit without thinking like this.

This incident has been going on for a whole night. Seeing that the anger of netizens has been mobilized, the next morning, the program group of "Please Call Me an Actor" finally pretended to be unable to withstand the pressure, and first came out to give Wei Xun and his mentor We apologized, and then released two unedited original videos.

The first paragraph is the full version of "A Mother's Heart Is Like Iron", a rivalry scene between Chen Rong and Wei Xun.

Anyone who has watched the live broadcast of this video has seen it, but the full version adds Wei Xun's one-man show in the last few minutes.Especially at the end, Wei Xun's interpretation of the low-level simple and honest man's complex and incomprehensible eyes is admirable.

But what surprised or shocked netizens even more was the second video.

It was an impromptu performance by Wei Xun and Zhai Qing.

In the footage that has not been edited and post-processed, the female doctor played by Zhai Qing steps out and takes off the non-existent mask. Her dark eyes are full of fatigue after a major operation.

Wei Xun stood up in a panic, his cheeks trembling slightly, looked at Zhai Qing expectantly and timidly, and said in a low voice, " wife..."

Zhai Qing didn't speak.

Therefore, Wei Xun's eyes turned red a little bit, he was dazed, shocked, and desperate, and he stretched out his fist to his mouth, and along with his trembling sobs, tears began to flow.

When his tears flowed out, the unspeakable sadness almost overflowed through the screen!

Everyone understood his despair and sadness because of his wife's death.

But netizens had no time to marvel. At this time, actor Gu Chengxian started to make troubles. He forcibly changed the script and asked Zhai Qing to tell Wei Xun that his wife did not die, but the operation was successful.

As a result, a fairy-level emotional switch was born in front of netizens.

Wei Xun, who was trembling and desperate just now, raised his head in disbelief and stopped crying.

In his bloodshot and teary eyes, there was a hint of cautious and humble expectation.

When he and Zhai Qing confirmed that his wife was indeed still alive, Wei Xun's eyes suddenly brightened, the light overwhelmed the sadness, and then he started crying, crying loudly, and finally started laughing again.

The crying was mixed with tears, obviously very embarrassing and miserable, but everyone could feel the uncontrollable joy from his crying.

At the end of the video, Wei Xun finished his performance and stood silently on the stage to recover his emotions.

Zhai Qing quietly returned to the auditorium.

The screen suddenly plunged into darkness, and the video finished playing unknowingly.

After watching the video, the netizens came back to their senses and realized that their eyes were already moist, but there was a smile on the corner of their mouth.

Because of Wei Xun's superb and impeccable performance, everyone believed that he followed a man who almost died of his wife and experienced a blessing in life for the rest of his life!

If this is not acting, then what is acting!

Ten minutes later, netizens watched the video one after another, and then, the comments on the impromptu performance video in the official newsletter of "Please Call Me an Actor" completely exploded!
"I read it twice and told myself very calmly that this man is Wei Xun."

"Really, the acting skills of the gods shocked my own mother."

"Let me tell you, my eyes are red now, no wonder Zhai Qing wants to speak up for Wei Xun despite being hacked!"

"Wei Xun is awesome!"

"...I don't know what to say, anyway, I will never scold Wei Xun again."

No one expected that Wei Xun's impromptu performance, which was deleted, was so stunning and soul-stirring!
As far as this acting skill is concerned, Chen Rong still needs to be shady to get promoted, is it funny?

 ps: Thanks to the big guy 'He Feng Driyu Zhi Qing Qiu' for the reward, becoming the first apprentice in this book, it costs money, the data of the new book issue is very important, if you have a recommendation ticket, please remember to submit it, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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