From traffic to movie star

Chapter 23 The Magic Weapon of Winning

Chapter 23 The Magic Weapon of Winning
After eating at noon, Mao Bin was responsible for cleaning up the dishes, while Wei Xun led Wei Changdong into the study.

Mao Bin knew in his heart that Brother Xun was recording a simple demo of a new song, and then put the copyright under Wei Changdong's name.I'm going to perform live on "Gold Medal Singer" in the evening, so I must register the copyright of the song in advance.

I just don’t know what new song Brother Xun has written this time.

Although Mao Bin was extremely curious, Wei Changdong was in the study at the moment, and he was too embarrassed to go inside.

The relationship between father and son has finally eased, so let them spend more time alone.

More than half an hour later, Wei Changdong came out of the study with red eyes.

Wei Xun came out from behind, helplessly said: "I told you, it's just a song, you're thinking too much."

Mao Bin was stunned when he heard it. It seemed that Brother Xun's new song made Uncle Wei cry?
"All I know is that... I can't control it." Wei Changdong smiled awkwardly, and then said, "You have a job, go to work. Your mother and I will watch you in front of the TV at night." program."

Wei Xun said with a smile: "Okay, after I finish my work these days, I will go home and see you."

After sending Wei Changdong away, Wei Xun and Mao Bin rushed to Hongmang Satellite TV together.

On the way, Mao Bin asked curiously: "Brother Xun, what new song did you release this time?"

He couldn't imagine what it would be like to sing a song that made people cry.

Wei Xun thought for a while, and said, "A song that will make me a magic weapon in the future struggle with Tianguang Media."

As long as it is used properly, whether it is words, movies, or songs, it can become a force to fight back.

When Wen Tao, the chief director of "Gold Medal Singer", personally called to invite the song, Wei Xun was thinking in his heart, what kind of song should he write?

That's right, Wei Xun is really short of money now, and he is burdened with a debt of more than [-] million yuan.

If the songs can only be used to make money, he can randomly pick out a few hit songs in his mind, as long as they operate properly, the music royalties for several years can fill this big hole.

But that's not how the accounts are calculated, especially when there is Skylight Media pressing down on his head like a mountain.

If we don't overturn this mountain, even if we pay off our debts, Wei Xun still won't be able to breathe fresh air.

Therefore, if you want to be free in the future, you must make arrangements in advance in this game with Tianguang as early as possible.

And a hit single that contains private goods can definitely play a key role in the real decisive battle in the future!

It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that it is a magic weapon for winning!

"The magic weapon to win?" Mao Bin didn't expect to hear such an answer from Wei Xun's mouth, and immediately became energetic: "How to win, let's talk about it."

Brother Xun has become more and more amazing recently. In Mao Bin's view, there is a tendency to be omnipotent.

Wei Xun glanced at him, and said slowly: "If I tell you in advance, it won't work."

What the hell, you're still talking like this.

Mao Bin muttered angrily: "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, anyway, I will definitely know when the time comes."

Unlike the last time he was treated as a cold bench on Blu-ray Satellite TV, this time Wei Xun came to Hongmang Satellite TV, and it can be said that he has been highly valued.

Not only did a group of staff come out to greet him, but when he arrived at the lounge of "Gold Medal Singer", the chief director Wen Tao rushed over immediately.

Seeing Wei Xun, Wen Tao immediately said anxiously: "How about Wei Xun, did you bring a new song?"

Wei Xun nodded and smiled when he heard the words: "Bring it."

Wen Tao was overjoyed: "Quickly, I'll ask the equipment room to bring you a guitar. Let's go through it first. Don't worry, I don't require your new song to be of higher quality than "The Devil from Heaven". Just don't make the difference too much."

The director is quite impatient.

Wei Xun said helplessly, "Start now?"

"It's now." Wen Tao sighed, and said, "Wei Xun, I'm not afraid of your jokes. "Gold Medal Singer" is already in its fourth season. Although the show is still popular, the audience's expectations for us are getting higher and higher. , I have invited all the famous singers in the circle, and I really can't come up with any new tricks."

Without new tricks, Wen Tao shifted his target to the original composer.

The reason why Wei Xun was actively invited by "Gold Medal Singer" is not only because "The Devil from Heaven" unexpectedly became popular in the music crash between Lin Chao and Wei Xun, but also because Wei Xun is this Composer of the song.

Being able to sing is just a single talent, but being able to sing and write is a big deal.

So when "The Devil from Heaven" became popular on the Internet, Wen Tao immediately asked the program team to invite Wei Xun.

Of course, another reason is that Blu-ray Satellite TV and Hongmang Satellite TV are the two most powerful local stations in the entire China Satellite TV. Of course, these two stations are also natural rivals.

Blu-ray Satellite TV recently earned a lot of ratings by relying on "Please Call Me an Actor", but the leaders of Red Mans TV are jealous.

As the chief director of Red Mans TV's ace program "Gold Medal Singer", Wen Tao has high expectations from the leaders and has been under a lot of pressure recently.

So Wen Tao came up with a way to ask Wei Xun if there are any new songs that can be released. You know, Wei Xun is an upstart who has just been promoted by the ace show of the opposite station. If you come to "Gold Medal Singer" to sing an original song at this time, Wouldn't that just use the popularity of the opposite show to make a wedding dress for "Gold Medal Singer"!
Wei Xun didn't know the inside story of the TV ratings battle, and when the staff brought the guitar, he smiled and said: "I have invited all the big names in the industry, but now the director has high hopes for me, you really think highly of me .”

Wen Tao shook his head and said: "It's not the same. After all, this original song is just a novelty. How about it, Wei Xun, I promise you that as long as the quality of your song passes the test, I will let you stay on this show for at least two rounds." .”

The season of "Gold Medal Singer" has been aired for some time, and tonight Wei Xun participated in the competition in the form of a kick-off.

But to be honest, the singers on the show, the superstars who can give a concert just by taking them out, are all god-level collisions. If it weren't for the word "original", Wei Xun would never have been invited.

And even if invited, it is very likely to be a round of kneeling.

Now Wen Tao can guarantee that Wei Xun will stay for two rounds. It can be seen that he really wants a high-quality original song.

Wei Xun smiled when he heard the words, and did not agree to Wen Tao immediately, but took the guitar in his hand, tried it lightly, and then started to play the prelude.

Wen Tao raised his eyebrows when he heard the prelude.

Along with the music, Wei Xun began to sing: "The TV keeps flashing, and the contact information has not been deleted. You treated me well, but I destroyed it by mistake..."

Wen Tao, as the director of "Gold Medal Singer", is naturally knowledgeable.

From Wei Xun's first singing, he has evaluated this song in his heart. The tune is very smooth, a bit decadent, the lyrics are quite satisfactory, and the quality is not bad, but it is definitely not high-quality.

However, when Wei Xun sang, "The wall board was smashed by me, and it hasn't been repaired until now, a bowl of hot porridge, you are afraid that I don't have enough, so take half of it away", Wen Tao only felt his heart twitch violently , Even breathing began to be suppressed.

After the dull part was over, Wei Xun finally sang the refrain: "If I was young and capable and didn't feel inferior, and knew what is precious, I would be ashamed if I didn't give you those beautiful dreams."

The decadence and unwillingness contained in the seemingly ordinary lyrics make one's scalp tingle.

A man is most afraid of meeting a girl who wants to take care of him for the rest of his life at an age when he has nothing.

The reality makes people powerless, the teenager can only bow his head and feel inferior!
After a song was sung, Wen Tao realized that he didn't know when it started, and tears were already flowing.

It seems that this director is also a person with a story.

Wen Tao wiped away tears silently, and asked in a shy voice, "What's the name of this song?"

 ps: Thank you for the reward from 'He Feng Driyu Zhi Qing Qiu', the big guy has spent money again, and continues to ask for recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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