Chapter 24
As the chief director of "Gold Medal Singer", Wen Tao has seen many high-quality songs and listened to many great singers in the music industry, so his taste has naturally become more and more sophisticated.

There are fewer and fewer songs that make him cry silently when he hears them.

But the song Wei Xun just sang did it.

So now Wen Tao looked at Wei Xun very eagerly. His keen sense of music over the years made him realize that this is definitely a good song!
Quietly and sympathetically, the lyrics are straightforward yet sharply directed at people's hearts. This song definitely has the potential to explode!

Definitely higher quality than The Devil From Heaven!
Wei Xun put away his guitar and said with a smile, "This song is called Young and Promising."

In another time and space, he liked this song very much, and the male singer who created this single is a very talented musician.

"Young and promising? Good, very good." Wen Tao was very excited, recalling the melody of this song in his mind, looking at Wei Xun eagerly with his eyes, and said: "Wei Xun, do you have any other new songs? I can let you stay in "Gold Medal Singer" for three rounds, or even longer!"

From "The Devil from Heaven" to "Young and Promising", Wen Tao saw the terrifying talent for music creation in the young man in front of him.

This is definitely a musical genius!
Before meeting Wei Xun, most of Wen Tao's impressions of Wei Xun came from the Internet. He heard that this young man is not good at acting or singing, so he can only rely on his face for food.

So when Wen Tao asked Wei Xun for a song, he was still a little bit confused, but as the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Today, after seeing Wei Xun's creative ability, Wen Tao was completely conquered.

He was even eagerly thinking, is there more high-quality songs in this young man's mind?

Hearing that Wen Tao wanted to let him stay in "Gold Medal Singer" until the third round, Wei Xun was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed and said, "Director Wen, to be honest, what do you think of your singing skills?"

Wen Tao's face was slightly embarrassed, and he said with a sneer: "That's right, it's pretty good."

Wei Xun shook his head and said: "I know what level I am, and I know in my heart that it is not a big problem to release a single. But this is "Gold Medal Singer", a place where the industry's music masters gather, even if I rely on original songs to add points, I will It is impossible to survive several rounds. Why did Director Wen smash your golden signboard for me."

As the saying goes, little red depends on praise, big red depends on fate, strong praise will be punished by God.

If Wei Xun really stayed on "Gold Medal Singer" for three episodes or even longer, he would definitely be ridiculed by the audience and cause public opinion to backlash.

After all, he is not a professional musician, and he only took a shortcut by relying on the convenience of original songs to become a singer.

For this point, Wei Xun is very self-aware.

What's more, singing has never been Wei Xun's interest. If it wasn't for overturning his public reputation and being burdened with debts, he wouldn't even come to participate in "Gold Medal Singer".

Compared with singing, the big screen of movies is his lifelong pursuit and belief.

Hearing what Wei Xun said, Wen Tao was very surprised. He couldn't help but look at the young man in front of him again, and said in admiration, "It's amazing. It's the first time I've seen a young artist who can withstand the temptation of "Gold Medal Singer."

After all, this is an absolute trump card program, and its ratings during peak hours can rank among the top three in the country!
Referring to the previous Lin Chao, he tried every means to squeeze his head and wanted to be on "Gold Medal Singer", this is the reason.

Wei Xun smiled: "It's not that I can withstand the temptation, it's just that my ambition is not here. Director Wen, to tell you the truth, I came to be a singer today, and I never thought of advancing to the next round, so you don't have to operate from it. Follow the rules."

Wei Xun came to play tonight. If he wants to advance to the next round, there must be a singer contestant who is kicked out.

But before he came here, he investigated, and the current singer contestants are all big names in the music industry, and none of them he Wei Xun can beat.

Singing "Young and Promising" on the singer's stage is enough to show off.

Engaging in insider operations not only offended the singers in the music industry, but also disgusted the audience.

Wen Tao was completely helpless this time, so he had to smile bitterly and said, "Well, let's do as you want."

Wei Xun didn't even want the chance to advance to the third round of "Gold Medal Singer". What else can he say as the chief director?
It can only be said that the young people today are really amazing.

As the most popular music program in the variety show market today, "Gold Medal Singer" has attracted a large number of audiences with its fairness, rigor and professionalism as its selling point.

Therefore, when "Singer" began to broadcast live at 08:30 tonight, many viewers were waiting anxiously in front of the TV or computer.

"Miao Lei didn't sing well last time, she's a bit dangerous in this round."

"Haha, it's okay, I don't think Miao Lei should be nervous, because the singer who kicked off this issue is Wei Xun."

"Yes, actually, Wei Xun will sing "The Devil from Heaven", not to mention I'm really looking forward to it."

"This must be the least suspenseful episode since the singer started broadcasting. Everyone is very calm."

"Hee hee, give our Brother Xun some wax in advance."

"Upstairs, Wei Xun's fans laughed so hard, you're probably not a black fan, are you?"

The "Gold Medal Singer" program is professional enough, and the group of viewers it cultivated are naturally knowledgeable.

Although Wei Xun's "The Devil from Heaven" a few days ago was a good song, to be honest, his own singing skills are definitely not comparable to those of the music masters on the show.

If it is usual to hear that Wei Xun is going to participate in "Gold Medal Singer", the audience will definitely protest angrily.

But now everyone is grinning and ready to watch Wei Xun come to the singer for a round tour and then be tortured by blood.

This is the twist of word of mouth.

With the song "The Devil from Heaven" and the blessing of the variety show "Please Call Me an Actor", Wei Xun has also begun to establish a positive personal image. Although it will not be completely overturned, the public opinion evaluation has improved much.

A few minutes later, the show officially started.

As tonight's kicking guest, Wei Xun was naturally taken care of by the host. When he smiled and greeted everyone on the screen, I don't know how many girls sat in front of the TV and covered their hearts.

Help, he's so handsome that it's a foul, okay?

However, soon, Wei Xun's fans began to worry, because Wei Xun actually got the first place to perform during the lottery of the singing session.

The first performance, a bit unlucky.

But Wei Xun looked very free and easy. He was holding a guitar, wearing a white shirt and jeans, and walked onto the stage so neatly.

The subtitles at the bottom of the screen indicated that the name of the song he was going to sing next was: Young and Promising.

Wait, aren't we going to sing "The Devil From Heaven"?Why did it suddenly become "Young and Promising" now!
The audience watching the live broadcast widened their eyes in surprise, not understanding why Wei Xun would suddenly change the song.

However, when a slightly dull and depressing male voice came out, the audience subconsciously held their breath and listened silently.

"The TV keeps flashing, and the contact information has not been deleted. You treat me well, but I destroy it with one hand..."

Standing on the stage in a white shirt, Wei Xun looked sunny and clean. He sang with his guitar in his arms, as if he was telling a regretful story about his youth and youth.

Wei Xun's expression was always calm, but for some reason, whether it was the scene or the audience in front of the TV, listening to such a song, they all felt their hearts flutter a little bit.

It hurts a little, and I want to cry for no reason.

Wei Xun's singing continued: "If I was young and capable and didn't feel inferior, and knew what is precious, I would be ashamed if I didn't give you those beautiful dreams..."

 ps: After reading it, remember to vote for recommendation, big brother.

  The results of the new book period are really important. It is related to the recommendation list given by the editor. I am unlucky.

  I have consulted customer service several times but it doesn’t work. They say it’s list maintenance. I don’t know when it will be maintained. Let me wait for the news.

  I'm so angry that I want it, so I leave all the recommendation tickets in your hands to poor little Xieba.

  You don't vote, I don't vote, when will Xiaoxie come out;
  One vote for you, one vote for me, Xiao Xie is laughing at every word.

   ps: Xiao Xie is me, Xie Buchen!

(End of this chapter)

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