From traffic to movie star

Chapter 252 The Victory Belonging to the King

Chapter 252 The Victory Belonging to the King
Generally speaking, the operation of smashing tickets to make up for the price reduction is used before the official release, and the ticket price of the screening is crazily discounted, so as to leverage the first day of filming.

On the day of the official release, the ticket price will return to the original price.

Wei Xun's previous films, including "Detective Chinatown", all operated in this way.

As for the second time to make up the ticket halfway, it will be discounted by using some red envelopes to cash back the fare.

"Nobody's Chinese New Year" chose the most tyrant way, and the official release price was directly compensated according to the issue price, which directly lowered the ticket price to 19.9.

According to Dynasty Entertainment's previous operation, this Spring Festival, Wei Xun should have been hammered by a scumbag + conniving plagiarism + drama bully, and then affected the box office of "Tang Detective".

In this way, "Nobody's New Year" can rely on the ultra-low price and high attendance rate to take the opportunity to follow up and eat movies.

But people are not as good as heaven, Wei Xun was not caught, and now the filming of "Nobody's New Year" has not eaten much.

Can't eat more movies, and keep throwing ticket subsidies into it. Even if "Nobody's New Year" harvests a billion box office later, it can't stand the tens of millions of ticket subsidies kept pouring out every day.

Therefore, Dynasty Entertainment had no choice but to take the risk and cut the ticket to make up for it, returning to the normal movie ticket price.

But things like price increases are directly related to the money in the pockets of the audience, how many are willing to accept it?
The movie that others watched yesterday at 19.9, you watch it at 36 today, whoever is happy to put it on anyone.

In particular, there is also the navy hired by Dong Zhen to disrupt the stage and fan the flames, directly setting up "Nobody's New Year".

"With all due respect, I don't think "Nobody's New Year" is worth the price of 36 tickets."

"It was sold at 19.9 when it wasn't popular, but now that it's famous, it's starting to cheat money, isn't it? You have a movie with an investment of 800 million yuan, why should it be priced at the same price as the movie "Detective Chinatown" with an investment of 8000 million yuan?"

"From the beginning of the publicity, "Nobody's Chinese New Year" has been hyped by Wei Xun. Afterwards, he kept saying that it was not for profit. You won't get a penny if you kneel down and beg to arrange the film. Since you can't get money, why don't you lower the price to let more people know? From a human point of view, what does the price increase mean?"

"Just explain why you spent [-] million to go in and still cry poorly to the audience. Whether the audience is a fool or your own father, the next kneeling money will come. After that, there is no need to promote the movie when it is released. The director and producer lead the crew Let the staff kowtow to the audience first."

On the Internet, there is a lot of ridicule about the show operation of "Nobody's New Year".

It was originally a good quality movie, but it was killed by Dynasty Entertainment, and the marketing backlash ruined its reputation.

Especially that shocking kneeling, it was so coquettish, it almost rubbed the audience's IQ on the ground.

In the office of President Medal, Wei Xun was sitting on an office chair, talking on the phone with Chi Tang.

The two are also chatting about "Nobody's New Year".

"I heard that Kang Cheng signed a 12 billion share guarantee with Dynasty Entertainment. That is to say, if the box office of "Nobody's New Year" reaches 12 billion, Kang Cheng can only get a buyout fee of 2000 million. The box office of "Nobody's New Year" has nothing to do with him. Only when the total box office exceeds 12 billion, and the excess of 12 billion can Kang Cheng get extra dividends."

On the phone, Chi Tang explained the news to Wei Xun: "No matter how dazed Ke Runheng is, he would not do such a mindless thing. I guess, it is very likely that Kang Cheng paid the dividends for the box office. Didn't say hello to Dynasty Entertainment, just came out and knelt down to grab attention. Dynasty Entertainment had no choice but to bite the bullet and take advantage of the trend to raise prices."

To put it bluntly, it is not for profit.

If there is no interest involved, Kang Cheng would be crazy to bring a group of people to kneel down.

"With this big oolong coming out, "Nobody's New Year" can be regarded as being cheated by them." Wei Xun smiled when he heard this, and asked, "How is the attendance rate of this movie today?"

"Mr. Wei, I must solemnly tell you now that I have been promoted to the trainee manager of Guanchi Cinemas. I have my professionalism. It is an insult to my work if you ask such a question."

Chi Tang said righteously: "So I won't tell you that the attendance rate of "Nobody's New Year" in Guanchi theaters has plummeted by 12%, and the box office has increased slightly compared to yesterday but not much, and the attendance rate I have sorted out some of the data and put it in my private mailbox. You don’t want to get these data and post them to the newsletter to discredit "Nobody's Chinese New Year" and take the opportunity to make movies. This kind of malicious business competition is completely in my opinion. Can't get on stage."

"Well, good manager Chi, you are a very professional person with work principles, I admire you very much."

There was a smile in Wei Xun's eyes, and he said solemnly: "And I generally don't maliciously compete with other movies, unless the benefits are too great, I can't help but make mistakes."

Chi Tang asked in a low voice: "How much benefit?"

Wei Xun thought for a while, and replied: "Tear out 2000% of the film, at least it can grab [-] million box office."

"That's really a great benefit, and it's justifiable to make a mistake." Chi Tang said very understandingly: "People always make mistakes, remember to persevere next time, okay?"

Wei Xun said, "Okay."

So, in Guanchi Cinema, Chi Tang hung up the phone, packed up his things and got ready to leave work.

While turning off the computer, she sent an email out.

After Wei Xun received the email, he browsed for a while. The data was deliberately blurred, and the screenshots he picked were only the attendance of several theaters, as well as the ticket price feedback information for "Nobody's New Year" filled in by the audience.

Not only Guanchi, but also some theaters that have good relations with Medal, including Tianguang Media, and the other dozen theaters have fed back data about "Nobody's New Year" one after another.

And these are the best means for the medal to fight back.

After Wei Xun checked carefully and made sure there was no problem, he packed it and sent it to Dong Zhen.

That night, the box office data for the third day of the Lunar New Year had just arrived at the major film companies, and all the medal crews had been mobilized, and the draft was released overnight with rhythm.

"The price increase of "Nobody's New Year" movie caused the attendance rate to plummet, and all the statistics were killed by "Detective Chinatown"."

"Maliciously raised the price of movie tickets, "Nobody's Chinese New Year" was backlashed, and the film schedule was in danger of being cut."

"Belonging to the victory of the movie king, Wei Xun once again proved to the public his terrifying ability to carry the box office. The box office of "Detective Chinatown" broke [-] million in three days, and it is destined to be unstoppable!"

Because the data was obtained in advance, this wave of drafts was well prepared, and the attack was fast, steady and ruthless, directly pinching the lifeline of "Nobody's New Year".

Not only is external marketing a battleground, but theater filming is also out of the question.

When the ticket prices of "Nobody's New Year" and "Detective Chinatown" are on the same level, it is doomed to be hanged!
Wei Xun came out of the office, found Mao Bin who was monitoring the data in the conference room, and said with a smile: "Binzi, it's time to reverse the filming, the three-day golden box office period has passed, let's start with "Nobody's New Year" , Tear it up one by one, the box office record we set for "Charlotte Annoyance", let us break it this time."

Dynasty Entertainment wants to support Kang Cheng to take the position and follow Wei Xun's route?
Then let you see how a real commercial film director is a god!
(End of this chapter)

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