From traffic to movie star

Chapter 253 Brazenly breaking through 6 million!

Chapter 253 Brazenly breaking through [-] billion!

This Spring Festival file, the only movie that can pose a threat to "Detective Chinatown" is "Nobody's New Year".

Because of the super high attendance rate due to ticket subsidies, it almost got the filming of "Detective Chinatown" from the theater.

Although the remaining films, "The Story of My Dad" and "The League of Gods" are also very good, and the box office results are also good, but compared with "Detective Chinatown", it is obviously still more than a star and a half.

So when the price of "Nobody's Chinese New Year" increased and the attendance rate began to plummet, it was time for "Detective Chinatown" to eat a lot of movies and completely leave the rest of the movies far behind.

That night, Dong Zhen's draft of "Nobody's New Year's Day" was slammed all over the Internet.

At the same time, Xunzhang Media's application for film scheduling entered the mailboxes of the film scheduling managers of major theaters.

A few days ago, I hadn't participated in "Detective Chinatown", which was filming and fighting.

Seize 6% of the film schedule of "Nobody's Chinese New Year".

Seize 2% of the film schedule of "League of Gods".

Seize 3% of the lineup of "The Story of My Dad".

No matter who produces it, no matter what film it is, when "Detective Chinatown", which ranks No. [-] in terms of attendance and box office revenue, starts tearing up films, no theater will reject the application, and no film can stop the impact !

On the surface, the movie market seems to be prosperous, and it seems to be in full bloom, but in fact it has become a thriving one, which belongs to Wei Xun and "Detective Chinatown".

Many media in the circle exclaimed, the wolf is coming!

Still a hungry wolf that can't get enough!
The relevant film companies could only grit their teeth and endure hardships, trying their best to keep the film schedule, and were suppressed without the slightest temper.

Because even if "Detective Chinatown" doesn't rush to release films, their data will start to decline seriously.

The current movie audience market is abnormally inflated. Due to the stimulation of ticket subsidies, the Spring Festival stalls can only be so prosperous a few days before the Spring Festival.

However, as the golden period of the previous few days passed and the second half of the annual holiday arrived, the market began to cool down and tighten at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A few days ago, the daily box office of several films exceeded [-] million at the same time, and the ticketing capacity of the follow-up market was obviously overdrawn. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the audience's enthusiasm for watching movies began to decline rapidly.

At this time, it is time to compare the endurance, or the quality, and who can carry the box office better.

There is no doubt that "Detective Chinatown" is the best choice for the audience.

Not only because of its super high quality compared with other movies, but also because of Wei Xun's continuous output of excellent movies over the past few years.

When it comes to commercial films, everyone will definitely choose Wei Xun.

The name Wei Xun has become a benchmark for commercial films, or a big IP.

Regarding the benchmarking theory of commercial films, the most convincing thing is that, together with the current box office data of "Detective Chinatown", the total box office of the film starring Wei Xun broke through 40 billion, and began to advance towards the 50 billion mark.

"Wei Xun surpassed 43 billion in box office revenue, becoming the No. 1 movie box office revenue in China, and is expected to become the first male actor to break 50 billion in box office revenue."

"The box office of "Detective Chinatown" exceeded 15 million in seven days, and the box office record of "Charlotte Annoyance" was [-] billion. Can Wei Xun break it by himself?"

""League of Gods" has no success, "Nobody's Chinese New Year" has fallen behind due to price increases, and "The Story of My Dad" has a niche theme. This Spring Festival file, the last laughs are still Wei Xun and "Detective Chinatown"!"

"Commercial films have never failed, and I know the audience's likes best. Counting Wei Xun's films produced over the years, how many have you seen?"

As the Spring Festival stalls pass for a week, the golden box office period for the seven-day annual holiday ends.

"Detective Chinatown" harvested an astonishing 2 million box office, far away from No.[-] "League of Gods" with nearly [-] million!

As for "Nobody's New Year", it ranked third, with a box office of [-] million.

If there is no "Detective Chinatown", the box office revenue of the above two films will definitely attract attention, but under the light of "Detective Tang", all movies can only be foils!
During this Spring Festival, another film by Wei Xun, "Mr. Fox", was screened in the theaters of Medal Media.

At that time, there was also a hot search on the newsletter, comparing Wei Xun's acting skills four years ago with his current acting skills, and there was a hot search entry for #卫苏抱武苏#.

There is no doubt that in "Detective Chinatown", Wei Xun did beat himself four years ago.

However, after the Spring Festival, another record was placed in front of Wei Xun again.

That is "Charlotte Annoyance"'s 15.1 billion yuan domestic box office championship record.

The box office record created by Wei Xun himself the year before last has not been broken by a film so far. It is true that the market is rapidly expanding, but without the support of a high-quality work, it is impossible to break this record.

And now, Wei Xun may have to do it.

"Detective Chinatown"'s marketing, film schedule, attendance, and popularity are all at the top level in the market. It has taken the lead since the opening of the Spring Festival stalls, and the subject matter is not as niche as "Wolf Warrior".

The seven-day box office broke [-] million, which itself broke the first-week box office record for Chinese local movies, and there is definitely a possibility of breaking the record again!
That's the gross box office record!
At this time, both the mass media and ordinary viewers on the Internet are all focusing on "Detective Chinatown" and Wei Xun.

This time, can Wei Xun defeat Wei Xun himself?
And the director Kang Cheng, who was originally favored by Dynasty Entertainment and wanted to hype Wei Xun and reproduce Wei Xun's achievements, was jokingly called "kneeling brother" by netizens because of that shocking kneeling.

Coupled with the fact that "Detective Chinatown" was far behind at the box office, "Nobody's Chinese New Year" was not only badly hurt, but was even overtaken by "League of Gods".

No one pays attention to how failed the losers are, everyone only pays attention to how successful the winners are.

9 million.

10 million.

11 million.

When the box office of other movies began to plunge due to the end of the annual holiday, although the box office growth rate of "Detective Chinatown" has slowed down significantly, it is still increasing at a relatively exaggerated rate.

Still in billions.

When the time went from early February to mid-March, after one and a half months of release, under the stunned attention of the media and audience, the box office of "Detective Chinatown" broke through the 16 billion mark, and the revenue was 16.2 billion. !
The box office of "Blue Man" in China is 16.7 billion!
It is only 5000 million yuan away, and we will be able to win the first place in China's total box office. While the media were shocked, they couldn't help but sigh with embarrassment. We were just a little bit short, and we could become our own box office champion!

But no matter what, "Detective Chinatown" broke the box office record of "Charlotte Annoyance", and once again rushed to the number one box office of Chinese local movies!
The melon eaters on the Internet were amazed.

Relevant movie magazines and self-media have posted good news and red lists to congratulate the birth of the new movie box office king.

And the headlines in the entertainment industry these days are all about Wei Xun!
"Wei Xun defeated Wei Xun again, "Detective Chinatown" broke the domestic box office record with 16.2 billion box office!"

"Actor Wei Xun with a box office of 55 billion!"

"Unrivaled: The strongest box office king, the absolute spokesperson of China's commercial films, the creator of 50 billion box office, Wei Xun is enough to be a god in the film industry!"

 ps: Thank you 'Mo Xiaoxuan', 'Long Ziyu' and 'Shuangmu Chenglin' ​​for their rewards, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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