From traffic to movie star

Chapter 293 The scenery on the film chapter of Beijing City

Chapter 293 The Scenery at the Beijing Film Festival

On the way to drive away from the company after completing the resignation procedures, Chi Tang kept laughing.

Wei Xun glanced at her while driving, and said helplessly, "Is it so funny?"

"Anyway, it's very funny."

Chi Tang tilted her head with a grin, and said jokingly, "It's just the last time we met, and you've been thinking about it for so long. Student Wei Xun, you're a bit too jealous."

Wei Xun smiled slightly when he heard the words: "It's just an oath of sovereignty, otherwise what's the purpose of making the relationship public."

"Oh? You say that, I think it makes sense."

Chi Tang was slightly dazed, and then agreed: "Then I must dress better tonight, and beat all the female stars. After all, you only have one rival in love, and I have a lot of them."

Tonight, Chi Tang will walk the red carpet of the Beijing Film Festival with Wei Xun. This is the first time Wei Xun has brought Chi Tang to an event since he announced his relationship.

So Chi Tang didn't seem to mind much, but in fact, he had secretly prepared for a long time.


Wei Xun frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said, "Didn't I tell you that the red dress is not suitable for you, so why don't you consider changing it?"

Chi Tang retorted: "The red is white and has an aura. It's the first time I'm standing next to you in the photo. I definitely can't embarrass you."

Wei Xun was silent for a moment, and told the truth: "That one is too revealing."

Chi Tang stared wide-eyed: "Where is it exposed, only the shoulders are exposed, okay? Xu Yaru still thinks that my dress is too conservative and not feminine at all. Then I will definitely serve as a supporting girl for female stars."

So sometimes women's ideas are really inexplicable.

It was frighteningly cold in Beijing in December. For the sake of the so-called "sex pressure", I dared to wear a thin dress with bare shoulders and legs.

Wei Xun still disagreed: "It's too cold, what should I do if I get sick?"

"I have a baby warmer, and there is heating after entering the venue, just for a few minutes."

Chi Tang stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of Wei Xun's clothes, and acted coquettishly in a low voice: "Just promise me, okay, okay Xunxun."

Because of this dress, she froze with Wei Xun all morning.

That night, the Beijing Film Festival opened as usual.

The newsletter has been warming up for a long time, and various celebrities and actors have been dispatched. Among them, the most popular one belongs to Wei Xun.

I heard that Wei Xun will bring his girlfriend Chi Tang to attend tonight.

What's more interesting is that Kang Cheng was nominated for the best new director tonight with "Nobody's New Year".

Because of the performance of "Nobody's New Year", the best new director trophy is basically destined to be taken away by Kang Cheng.

And the special guest to present the best new director award is Wei Xun.

The grievances between Wei Xun and Kang Cheng have been raging since Kang Cheng's astonishing kneeling years ago.At that time, Kang Cheng angrily criticized the scene of "Detective Chinatown" having too many films, which is still vivid in my memory.

However, the box office of "Tang Detective" rushed to the second place in the total box office of China's film history, and the upcoming "Let the Bullets Fly" even won an astonishing 72% of the film schedule. Without even the courage, I panicked and chose to switch gears.

Even when Kang Cheng won an award at the Beijing Film Festival, his award presenter was Wei Xun.

It was really suppressed in all directions.

These scheming highlights were obviously specially created by the Beijing Film Festival Organizing Committee.

But netizens just like to join in the fun.

At six o'clock in the evening, the red carpet show of the film festival began, and many netizens in the news broadcast room watched the live broadcast.

At 10:[-] and [-] minutes, Wei Xun and Chi Tang entered the venue slowly in the car arranged by the organizing committee.

Wei Xun was wearing a black suit, his hair was trimmed very neatly, and he still dressed as a young and mature man, looking elegant and handsome.

It's just that his complexion is not very good at the moment.

Chi Tang, on the other hand, was wearing a small red dress with off-the-shoulder, her long hair pulled up high, and her slender, white swan neck. Like her delicate features, she was astonishingly beautiful.

With such a combination of handsome men and beautiful women, it is no wonder that when Wei Xun announced his relationship a few days ago, the media praised him as a pair of lovers.

The car of the organizing committee slowly stopped at the outermost side of the red carpet.

Chi Tang stuck out his tongue and whispered, "Hey, we're here."

Wei Xun stared at her exposed white shoulders and two smooth and slender legs and shook his head, then opened the door and got out of the car first.

At this moment, on both sides of the red carpet of the Beijing Film Festival, hundreds of media members are already carrying cameras, and on both sides are crowded fans.

When Wei Xun got out of the car, there was a moment of silence at the scene.

Then, there were screams that were so crazy that it made one's scalp tingle, and the flashing lights that shook people so hard that they couldn't open their eyes.

"Ah, I'm dead, it's Wei Xun, so handsome!"

"Director Wei, look this way!"

"Wei Xun, I love you!"

Movie fans were screaming crazily, and the media was busy taking pictures, but everyone was surprised to find that after Wei Xun got off the car, he didn't walk the red carpet immediately, but stood by the side of the car door, bent down very gentlemanly, stretched out his arms.

However, the strange thing is that before doing this, Wei Xun took off his black suit and put it half on his arm.

Everyone has realized who is in the car.

Sure enough, the next moment, an amazingly delicate and beautiful woman in a little red dress came out of the car.

Swan neck, small clavicle, shoulders, pencil legs.

From her facial features, to her clothes, to her figure, everything is charming.

In the cold winter day, the handsome man and the beautiful woman, in the flashing lights and screams, are dazzling and somewhat unreal.

Chi Tang tried his best to control his expression, tried to make himself forget the biting cold, and said silently in his heart: I am the most beautiful tonight.

So beautiful people are not afraid of any cold.

However, in the next second, before she could react, Wei Xun put the suit he had taken off on her shoulders.

Chi Tang could barely maintain his smile.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast laughed exaggeratedly in the barrage.

"Hahaha, I just wanted to say that Wei Xun's girlfriend is too beautiful, but Wei Xun forced her to add a suit jacket."

"It's so real, it's like what my boyfriend did to me before going out."

"But their pair is really beautiful tonight. One is a talented director with a box office of 50 billion, and the other is a daughter of a group with tens of billions of dollars. They are so well matched, they are like a fairy love."

"It turns out that the male god looks like this after falling in love. The act of dressing his girlfriend is so sweet."

As the netizens said, the appearance of Wei Xun and Chi Tang directly raised the screams at the scene to another dimension.

The scene of Wei Xun dressing Chi Tang on the red carpet was captured by netizens as a moving picture and spread on the Internet.

#卫勋给女友盖衣# This entry even rushed to the hot search of the newsletter.

This time, it was also the first time that the public saw Wei Xun's girlfriend on the screen, and Chi Tang's beauty amazed all the melon-eating netizens.

No wonder he can bring the male god home, and let the male god protect him so carefully. Just showing this beautiful face, any man will feel embarrassed if he takes it out.

However, Chi Tang, who was walking on the red carpet at this moment, only felt that he must be ugly.

It's just too annoying to wear a coat on a beautiful little red dress, isn't it!
Obviously I promised to wear it before!
After walking through the red carpet and arriving at the auditorium, Chi Tang was still out of breath.

Wei Xun grabbed his hand immediately, and asked gently: "How is it? Do you still feel cold? Do you want to go to the rest area to take a rest first?"

As a result, the little bit of anger that Chi Tang had accumulated suddenly disappeared.She let Wei Xun lead him obediently, and said, "Fortunately, your coat is very warm."

Wei Xun dragged her to the meeting place, the corners of his lips curled up imperceptibly enough.

Tonight, although Wei Xun received a lot of attention, he came to present the award after all, not to receive the award, so he didn't sit very far in the front. He and Chi Tang sat in a relatively rear position .

However, the camera still swept over frequently to capture this young couple who was the hottest topic tonight.

The best new director is not a particularly important award, so it wasn't long before the awards show started, and it was our turn.

In addition to Wei Xun, Qi Jibai, who directed "Wuwen Xidong", presented the award.

Although the industry knows that "Wuwen Xidong" was filmed by Qi Jibai according to Wei Xun's intentions, but because of the title of director of "Wuwen Xidong", Qi Jibai has done well in recent years. The film industry is also very important. Although its status is still not as high as that of Shao Bing, it has also achieved a very big leap.

It can be said that Wei Xun is definitely a noble person in Qi Jibai's director career.

So when standing on the awards platform with Wei Xun to draw the prize, Qi Jibai was very humble and focused on Wei Xun.

Under the watchful eyes of many people in the auditorium, Wei Xun held the award card and teased Qi Jibai with a smile: "Old Qi, I don't understand why the organizing committee asked me to present this award. There’s still a lot of pressure here.”

The only award Wei Xun has received now is the Best Actor Award at the Flower Market Film Festival.

In terms of directing, there are really no awards.

"Although you haven't won the rookie award, you are here to present the rookie award today." Qi Jibai said with a smile: "So you don't need to feel pressure at all, but I stand next to you, and the pressure is quite high."

Wei Xun nodded understandingly when he heard the words, and said in a sympathetic tone, "After all, I'm only five billion more than you at the box office."

Qi Jibai looked loveless.

There was laughter at the awards ceremony and the online platforms watching the live broadcast.

"Okay, no kidding, let's announce who will win the best new director award tonight."

Wei Xun opened the award card with a smile, and said together with Qi Jibai who came over: "Cheng Kang, "Nobody's New Year"."

There was thunderous applause at the scene.

A moment later, Kang Cheng in a suit came up to the stage with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Wei Xun handed him the trophy and said with a smile, "Congratulations."

Kang Cheng accepted the trophy with a little embarrassment, and bent down to express his gratitude: "Thank you."

This scene was photographed by the interested media. After the Beijing Film Festival ended that night, a draft was published with this picture. In the draft, there was a paragraph written like this.

"Dynasty Entertainment lowered its head, Medallion Media rose, Beijing Film Festival made a 180-degree turn, and a new king was born. And the king held a gun in his hand, and the 'bullet' was already loaded!"

This loaded bullet naturally refers to "Let the Bullets Fly".

As for how powerful it can be after shooting, and whether it can help Medal Media to support the suppression from Honggao, the entertainment circle, movie circle, and financial circle are all paying attention to this cross-border capital battle.

In an increasingly tense atmosphere in the film capital industry, the new year has come quietly.

With 72% of the filming ratio and overwhelming publicity, "Let the Bullets Fly", which has been expected by countless fans, is finally about to be released.

(End of this chapter)

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