From traffic to movie star

Chapter 294 "Let the Bullets Fly" Premiere

Chapter 294 "Let the Bullets Fly" Premiere

In the new year, the situation of Medal Media is a bit weird.

If it is booming, it must be booming.

The advertisements of "Let the Bullets Fly" are all over the Internet, and even on the light board advertisements of buses, subway stations, and theaters in the city.

This time, Wei Xun didn't choose a marketing strategy, and relied on the names of many big-name leading actors to directly spend money on publicity and the job was over.

Very simple and rude.

Basically, audiences who pay a little attention to movies know that Wei Xun has an ultra-luxury big-budget movie "Let the Bullets Fly" which will be released in January.

But at the same time, Medallion Media is also at the worst moment of being suppressed by Honggao.

In addition to the core department of the film department of the medal, the music subsidiary of the medal and the newly established TV department were almost hollowed out, and the company's media department and copyright department also suffered a serious brain drain.

Every day in the financial newspapers, the medal media will collapse in a short time, and Honggao has completely dug it into an empty shell.

Because starting from October last year, a medal of Nuoda, a company with a market value of [-] to [-] million, has completely stagnated in all businesses from copyright purchases to production of movies and TV series, as well as song derivatives.

Including some special effects companies, prop companies, and well-connected commercial brands that have cooperated with Medal, they have secretly drawn a clear line with Medal.

Even if there are Guanchi and Jutong standing behind, the borrowed momentum and the tiger skin are not his own after all.

When you encounter a real tiger, you will be empty.

Under such circumstances, Honggao may destroy the medal at any time and then airborne. People in the film capital circle are panicking, waiting for this capital war that is about to come to an end, so no one dares to stand in line easily.

The funny thing is that the only business that the medal has improved at present is book publishing.

From last year to this year, "Journey to the West" was launched on the Qiming website, and after being jointly recommended by Wei Xun, Bai Qianchi and other big names, this book has a new batch of young readers on the Internet.

Over the past year, "Journey to the West" has been successfully published, and has achieved good results in the publishing industry.

And has launched a new overseas website, and the development is booming.

Liu Tianqiao, the president of, was shocked by the degree of foreign friends' acceptance of Huaxia's online novels.

Who can imagine that one day web novels can also become a part of the export of Chinese culture.

On the one hand, the heinously prosperous "Let the Bullets Fly" is waiting to be released, and on the other hand, it is a company that has been poached to the point of failure and is on the verge of collapse. This is the strange situation of the current medal.

However, no one dared to provoke Wei Xun at this time, because there was no doubt that he still had a pair of Wang Bo in his hands.

The film companies, Guanchi, Jutong, and even Honggao and other forces are all waiting at this moment.

Wait until Let the Bullets Fly come out.

Because the movie fluttered, basically the medal was gone.

On 1.10th, four days before the official release of "Let the Bullets Fly", Xunzhang Media held the movie premiere at the Xunzhang Cinema in Beijing as usual.

At six o'clock that night, many media members arrived outside the Medal Theater with ease, and there were already a group of movie fans waiting on both sides of the red carpet.

Both movie fans and the media are looking forward to the next movie fan meeting.

As we all know, "Let the Bullets Fly" is full of big names. Today is the premiere of the film. These big names will definitely attend together. The excitement later may be worth half a film festival.

After all, Wei Xun's network of contacts is really too strong.

However, what puzzled everyone was that they waited and waited here, but no star came.

At 06:30, a car stopped at the entrance of the theater.

Then, Wei Xun, who was wearing a black suit, stepped out of the car.He looked as handsome as he was at the Beijing Film Festival a month ago, but his spirit seemed a little out of sorts.

Fans at the scene began to scream.

But the reporters were very keenly aware that something was wrong.

"Director Wei, may I ask if the rest of the cast of "Let the Bullets Fly" didn't attend the premiere?"

"I heard that Xunzhang and Honggao have been having conflicts recently. Did they not come because they don't want to be involved in the battle between the two companies?"

"Director Wei, are you the only one at tonight's premiere?"

Although the reporters were asking questions, they were certain in their hearts that there should be no other actors coming.

Because 06:30 is the scheduled opening time of the premiere.

Now, except for Wei Xun, there is nothing here, and there are not half of the other stars.

What does this mean?
It means that maybe the medal is about to collapse.

Under pressure from Honggao, the rest of the film companies started to stand in line ahead of time, not daring to let their stars attend the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly"!

"No star came to support the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly", Wei Xun looked downcast, Medal Media may not be able to survive and face bankruptcy!"

How explosive it would be if such news was released!
Thinking of this, the reporters swarmed over and surrounded Wei Xun with excited expressions, hoping that he could answer the questions.

However, Wei Xun just smiled awkwardly, didn't say a word the whole time, waved to the fans at the door, and then walked into the medal theater.

This supposedly luxurious premiere ended so sloppily before it even started.

However, the reporters were not discouraged, but they were extremely excited!

Big news!

"The premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly" was empty, Medal Media was ashamed, and Wei Xun was lonely and refused to interview."

"From the glorious 50 billion director to the tree falling and the monkeys scattered, Wei Xun's experience seems like a joke."

"Seven years ago, because of his father's bankruptcy, he entered the entertainment industry to work hard. Seven years later, Wei Xun himself will also face bankruptcy."

The premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly" in the Medal Theater had just started, and the tragic scene at the premiere began to spread wildly on the Internet.

In particular, the reporters were good at capturing pictures, and the cold picture of Wei Xun alone in the Medal Theater was lined up and uploaded on the Internet.

#让重量飞首首无星先生# and #奖章媒体面交失败# two entries rushed to the top of the newsletter hot search list.

The entire Internet was in an uproar.

How could Wei Xun be so miserable that not even a single star was present at the premiere of his movie?
Comparing the scenery of hundreds of celebrities sending blessings when Wei Xun's love affair was exposed not long ago, how long has passed, I didn't expect it to be so cool.

Even though Wei Xun had the most miserable time under the oppression of Tianguang Media, the premiere of "Wuwen Xidong" was still doing very well.

Since then, Wei Xun has been going all the way. Although the movie premiere is not luxurious, but from the super rich to the big movie star, when has someone not come to support him?
But tonight, there was no one there.

There are different opinions on the Internet about the miserable premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly", but Wei Xun sat down in the medal theater.

The host intervened for a while, announcing the start of the film.

Since there were no celebrities present, except for the lucky audience who were invited in the back row, there were only a few film critics left.

The scene looked a little bleak.

Song Ziwen, who was originally sitting in the back row, probably heard about Wei Xun's predicament just now, quietly walked to the front row and sat down beside Wei Xun, and said, "Mr. Wei, I believe "Let the Bullets Fly" is It's a good movie, even though there are no stars to support it tonight, as long as the movie is released, there will definitely be audience support, so don't worry too much."

For a film, the support of the audience is the greatest support.

Hearing this, Wei Xun glanced at Song Ziwen in surprise, and said, "I'm not worried, because the medal itself didn't invite any celebrity guests to attend tonight."

Song Ziwen:?

 ps: Thanks to the big guy 'Butterfly Praise' for the reward, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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