Chapter 30
On the night Wei Xun passed the audition for "Forensic Chronicle", Mao Bin came back from vacation.

After he entered, he was pleasantly surprised: "Brother Xun, I heard that you are going to join the team, right? Luo Feng even called me specifically to ask me to come back today."

Wei Xun smiled and said, "Yes, I will join the group tomorrow, the second male lead in a forensic movie."

Mao Bin hurriedly asked, "Who is the director?"

Usually, the quality of a film has the most direct relationship with the director.

Wei Xun said, "Shao Bing."

The box office of China's film industry is not doing well today. The main reason is that it has been severely impacted by Western film culture. As a result, in the domestic film market, various imported films are raging at the box office.

Although there are films that have a box office of over [-] million in China, they are rare, and they are basically achievements that can only be achieved by great directors.

As for Shao Bing alone, he has two movies with a box office of over [-] million yuan in his hands. With such a record, he can basically walk sideways in the movie circle.

So even in the face of Zhou Xingchen, a relational householder that Dynasty Entertainment stuffed in, Shao Bing dared to scold him without hesitation.

Hearing the word 'Shao Bing', Mao Bin's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed: "It's amazing, Brother Xun, you actually joined Shao Bing's crew. Could it be that this time the company finally contributed to you?"

It wasn't that Mao Bin didn't believe in Wei Xun's strength, but because he knew that Wei Xun had already been boycotted and blocked by the film industry as early as half a year ago.

If Shao Bing's second male number had no connections, Wei Xun might not even get an audition.

In Mao Bin's view, Skylight Media must have contributed behind the scenes.

"Company? No, this audition opportunity was introduced by Mr. Sun."

Wei Xun shook his head and said: "Actually, Li Tianzhi and I have lost our conversation today, and he probably has already started to monitor me comprehensively. Once he finds out that I have contact with other brokerage companies, he will definitely block me without hesitation. .”

Because Wei Xun put the copyright of "Young and Promising" under Wei Changdong's name, Li Tianzhi has definitely begun to suspect that Wei Xun has a tendency to change jobs.

After all, besides Tianguang Media, there are many powerful brokerage companies in the industry.

With the recent performance and two popular songs on the Internet, if Wei Xun continues to perform brilliantly in Shao Bing's new play "Forensic Chronicle", then I believe there will be companies willing to Extend an olive branch to Wei Xun.

But Li Tianzhi didn't expect anything.

Wei Xun really wants to leave Tianguang Media, but what he wants is to establish his own company, not to change jobs.

Mao Bin was a little flustered when he heard the words, and asked nervously: "Brother Xun, what should we do next?"

Wei Xun said with a smile: "Don't worry, Li Tianzhi won't do anything to me before he finds out that I have the intention of changing jobs. Instead, he will increase his efforts to praise me. Just watch, Luo Feng will definitely contact you recently. My commercial endorsement activities are indispensable. Binzi, in the next period of time, all my work will be in charge of you. You should be familiar with the process first, so that you won’t be in a hurry when you take over in the future.”

The implication in this sentence is already very obvious.

Obviously, Wei Xun has already made plans to leave Tianguang Media at any time, and when the time comes, Mao Bin will become Wei Xun's manager from a young assistant!
Mao Bin's heart was pounding, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said, "Don't worry, Brother Xun, I will try my best to keep up with the rhythm."

The young man suddenly saw the hope of being promoted, and he might soon break up with his old club Tianguang Media at any time, which made Mao Bin excited and nervous.

After one o'clock in the evening, Mao Bin, who really couldn't sleep, got up, sorted out the information of the current entertainment brokerage company, and then knocked on the door of Wei Xun's bedroom, his face full of energy: "Brother Xun, when you leave Tianguang Media , which brokerage company do you want to go to, let’s discuss it first, it’s Dynasty Entertainment, or Xinghui Film and Television, in fact, I think Times Pictures is also good..."

Wei Xun was sleeping soundly, but was woken up by this crazy boy, so he was naturally depressed.He interrupted Mao Bin with a blank face, and said in a deep voice: "If you say one more word, you will find that you can only stay in Tianguang Media from now on, and you can't go anywhere."

This threat really worked, Mao Bin immediately shut up when he heard it.

Wei Xun said, "Go back to sleep."

"Oh." Mao Bin nodded innocently, and got out obediently.

Behind Mao Bin, the master bedroom door was slammed shut.

On the next morning, accompanied by Mao Bin, Wei Xun officially entered the "Forensic Chronicle".According to the contract, in the next two weeks, all his schedules will be suspended, and he will fully cooperate with the filming work of the crew.

It's just that when the two of them went out, there were bruises under the corners of their eyes, obviously they didn't sleep well.

As for the reason, Mao Bin was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night, while Wei Xun was purely implicated by him.

 ps: I have finally joined the group. What movies do you guys want to see Wei Xun make in the future? I will build a building in the book review area, and everyone will speak up enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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