Chapter 31

Wei Xun has read the script of "Forensic Chronicle" throughout. From the perspective of story structure, characterization, and professionalism, this movie is impeccable and of high quality.

So when Sun Kuo introduced him to audition, Wei Xun readily agreed.

For today's Wei Xun, it is still not feasible to write scripts and make movies by himself. Although his online word-of-mouth has reversed, this does not support him to turn around on the big screen.

Because it costs money to go to a theater to watch a movie.

The audience has been poisoned by Wei Xun's acting skills too many times before. If this prejudice cannot be broken, who would be willing to spend money to go to the cinema to watch movies starring or even directed by Wei Xun?
So Wei Xun planned to play a role in one or two movies in this world to test the waters and test the audience's reaction.

As for writing scripts and filming movies by myself, I have to make corresponding adjustments based on the feedback from the mass market.

Besides, Wei Xun still has Tianguang Media watching over him, and if he wants to invest in making movies by himself, at least he has to wait until he leaves his old company before making plans.

It's not a free agent, and you have to be bound by a contract to do everything, which is inconvenient after all.

And "Forensic Chronicle" is very suitable for Wei Xun's current needs.

It is a finished drama, the supplementary shooting will be completed this month, and it will be released in theaters next month, which shortens the film production cycle and can push Wei Xun to the market as soon as possible.

What's more worth mentioning is that Shao Bing put a lot of effort into this film, and made no secret of his ambition to win awards with this film.

Once "Forensic Chronicle" can win a professional and authoritative award, then Wei Xun's reputation will naturally rise along with this film.

This is called gilding.

That's what Zhou Xingchen, the relationship accountant that Dynasty Entertainment tried to squeeze in yesterday, planned in this way.

It's a pity that Shao Bing didn't like this guy who came through the back door, and finally gave Wei Xun the role of the male number two.

"Come here? Go inside and change into simple and casual clothes. You don't need to put on much makeup. As a character, you just need to maintain the most natural state. If there is no problem, you have to start work later. Our time is a bit tight."

In the crew of "Forensic Chronicle", Shao Bing was chatting with two prop masters about work. When he saw Wei Xun arriving, he said hello and asked worriedly: "Oh, by the way, you can accept not wearing makeup for the camera right?"

Today's traffic stars, no matter men or women, have a lot of burdens as idols. Even if they play a dead person, they have to be beautiful.

Wei Xun asked back when he heard the words: "Can I not accept it?"

Shao Bing paused for a few seconds, then said expressionlessly, "Pretend I didn't ask."

So Wei Xun spread his hands with a smile, and walked towards the dressing room accompanied by Mao Bin.

In his previous life, he was also a movie star, so how could he care about trivial matters such as whether or not to make up a character? In the acting career, the need for a role is more important than anything else.

Those who think hard about whether they are beautiful in the camera cannot be called actors, they are just beautiful vase stars.

Shao Bing looked at the backs of the two of them leaving, with surprise in his eyes.

Although he has never cooperated with Wei Xun before, Wei Xun is notorious in the circle, and Shao Bing has heard many terrible rumors about him.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't find a suitable actor this time, and seeing the schedule getting tighter and tighter, even if Wei Xun performed well in the audition, Shao Bing wouldn't be able to casually dismiss this guy with a lot of dark history. Get into the crew.

But judging from these two short contacts, Wei Xun doesn't seem to be as bad as the rumors?

However, what surprised Shao Bing was still behind.

When Wei Xun simply changed his clothes and came out, and the crew officially started filming, he found that this little trafficker named Wei Xun was not as bad as the rumors said, but was actually a good seed for acting.

The story of "Forensic Chronicle" is not complicated.

Wei Xun will play the male number two Chen Zixing, a college student who has not yet graduated. He is ignorant and cowardly, not very smart, but he is very kind.

Chen Zixing's father is a senior forensic doctor, and the most proud student in his life is Song Yi, the hero of "Forensic Chronicle".

Song Yi has almost learned all the skills of Chen Zixing's father, and is even better than blue. He is a very well-known young elite forensic doctor in the local area and has assisted the police in solving many bizarre cases.

Chen Zixing also admires Song Yi very much, and he can be regarded as Song Yi's little follower.

However, one day suddenly, Chen Zixing's father, Song Yi's master, was killed by the murderer. Song Yi suspected that this was a revenge murder. A game carefully arranged by the enemy started...

It can be said that although Chen Zixing is considered an important role in "Forensic Chronicle", in fact, the main line of the story still revolves around the hero Song Yi.

And Chen Zixing is just a role used to relax the audience's emotions in a movie that makes people nervous.

To put it simply, when the main camera sweeps across the hero, Chen Zixing can be used as a background board, which can be regarded as a lot of shots, but this character does not have a very deep role analysis, so it is not difficult.

Of course, the difficulty is not great, nor does it mean easy.

When filming this movie last year, the actor who played the second male lead, that is, the one who got into a drunk driving accident, also stumbled in his performance.

As for the reason, a college student who is ignorant and weak needs to return to basics. Once there are too many traces of "acting" on his body, he will easily feel a sense of disobedience.

The purer the role, the harder it is to act, because he is down-to-earth and closely related to our lives. Once the actor's performance is not good enough, the audience will easily feel that it is against the harmony and continue to play.

But Wei Xun handled it very steadily.

After the Allegro was pressed on the spot, Shao Bing sat behind the camera and watched Chen Zixing, played by Wei Xun, running in the crowd. His face was full of youthful innocence, and the corners of his eyes and brows were full of shyness of a young man. The whole face is fresh and vivid, obviously smiling, but it's okay to be silly.

In this section, Chen Zixing met Xiaoman, the girl he had a crush on in the cafeteria by chance, and she greeted him on his own initiative.

Just a casual greeting made this silly boy very excited.

Teenage boys are so interesting.

I have to say that Wei Xun played very well.

However, Shao Bing, who is used to seeing good actors, has already perfected his eyes, and he has discovered many things that others do not notice.

For example, in the current shot, Wei Xun's face, no matter how he shoots it, is very attractive.

This kind of good-looking does not simply refer to the appearance, but also refers to the shape of the face, as well as the ratio of the face to the screen, and the fit with the movie screen, which is so perfect that it is unbelievable.

This is a movie face that is naturally suitable for the big screen, the darling under the camera!

Thinking of this, Shao Bing finally understood why Wei Xun had such a bad reputation in the director circle.

With such a movie face, I believe that any director who cooperates with Wei Xun for the first time will feel like a treasure, and feel excited that he has found a piece of jade in the rough.

However, when Wei Xun started to perform, his hot-eyed acting skills could almost drive the directors into a heart attack.

Such a unique movie face, but it happens to grow on a trash, the directors were as surprised as they were before, and then they could be so angry afterwards.

However, unlike those unlucky directors before, Shao Bing found that Wei Xun, who is called the handsome wooden guy, seemed to have...suddenly enlightened.

(End of this chapter)

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