From traffic to movie star

Chapter 37 What a coincidence

Chapter 37 What a coincidence

Now it is mid-April, and all reshoots of "Forensic Chronicle" have been completed. It is expected that this film will be released on the big screen in May.

As for when May will be, that depends on Shao Bing's editing speed.

"Forensic Chronicle" is a film that has been withdrawn and released for the second time. Long Biao has already obtained it. When the second male lead had an accident, the technical review had already passed. a cutscene.

As for the theater, the investor has already set a rough schedule for May.

Although the time seems to be rushed, in fact everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Besides, anyway, this movie has already failed the audience several times, and the investors probably don't have much expectations for the box office of "Forensic Chronicle", but they are just afraid of completely smashing their hands, so they are eager to launch this troublesome project.

I can earn a little bit.

With Shao Bing as the director and Jiang Duzhou as the lead actor, even if the movie has been changed due to repeated toss and turns, the basic box office is still there.

You know, Jiang Duzhou is not some trafficker, he can really carry the box office.

Needless to say, the director Shao Bing has a good reputation among the audience.

Taking a step back, even if the movie's box office is not good at that time, it is still possible to win an award. After all, "Forensic Chronicle" itself is a niche theme, and the box office itself is relatively small.

But if Wei Xun is added to these two great gods... it seems a little confusing.

It's not a rank at all.

"Forensic Chronicle" was first asked to re-cut because of the scale problem, and after the re-cut was judged, it was boycotted by the audience because of the drunk driving of the second male, which is indeed a bad time.

But even so, you can't come to Wei Xun, okay?
You know, the movies that Wei Xun has starred in in the past three years have been worse than the last one, let alone one hit the street, they are simply box office poisons.

So when some unreliable gossip came out from somewhere on the Internet, saying that "Forensic Chronicle" has been re-filmed again and is going to be released next month, and when the second male lead is replaced by Wei Xun, many netizens expressed their reluctance. believe.

"Unless Shao Bing has gone crazy, it's no wonder he can admire Wei Xun with his temper."

"The quality of this film is solid, and the professionalism is very strong. If it is not complete, it will win an award. It is impossible for the producer to choose Wei Xun."

"It must be a rumor."

"Although Wei Xun's performance in "Please Call Me an Actor" was not bad, but to be honest, I don't want to see him in theaters for the time being."

Wei Xun's house.

Mao Bin scrolled through the comments of netizens on the Internet about Wei Xun's appearance in "Forensic Chronicle", and said angrily: "These people have changed too fast. When "Please Call Me an Actor" was broadcast last month, they all boasted. You, it's only been half a month now, and you're starting all kinds of embarrassment again."

In the entertainment industry, many so-called gossips are not made out of nothing.

For example, someone on the Petal Forum suddenly broke the news that Wei Xun took over the role of the second male lead in "Forensic Chronicle".

Both Mao Bin and Wei Xun knew in their hearts that this was the investor's own rumor, and they should give the audience a "vaccination" first, so as not to cause a large number of rebounds when the official announcement comes.

"It's not that they are changing fast, but that my previous reputation was too bad to give the audience a sense of trust. After all, a movie ticket costs tens of dollars, and no one wants to be taken advantage of."

Wei Xun looked at it very openly, shook his head and said: "The filming has been finished, how to operate it next is the investor's business, and we can't control too much."

Mao Bin nodded when he heard the words: "It's true, when the movie is released, this group of people will definitely praise you brother Xun."

Mao Bin followed the crew of "Forensic Chronicle" throughout the two weeks of filming.

Mao Bin also noticed Wei Xun's performance on the set and his interactions with Jiang Duzhou and Shao Bing.

Therefore, he now has sufficient confidence in Wei Xun's ability to make a comeback with this film.

Wei Xun shook his head and said, "These are all things to say, let's sort out the work at hand now."

It took me two weeks to join the team, so I knew without thinking that it must have put a lot of work on me.

"Oh, yes, Luo Feng has been submitting jobs to me for the past few days, probably because your role is about to wrap up. Let me see, next we have three endorsement ads, two men's fashion magazines need to be filmed, commercial performances There are currently four activities, and there are three small fan music meetings."

After counting the next work in detail, even Mao Bin himself was a little bit tongue-tied: "The company is a little strange recently, these good resources were not available to us before, so arrange them like this, Brother Xun, you won't need them for the next half a month Do something else."

Endorsing commercial magazines is a business event, and the music fan meeting should be a warm-up for Tianguang's plan to release a single for Wei Xun.

As for why so many good resources are suddenly given, it is nothing more than wanting to give some benefits and stabilize people's hearts.

Li Tianzhi, the vice president of Tianguang Media, is indeed a man of art.

However, although it is a good resource, Wei Xun still frowned when he heard such a lot of trivial work: "There are so many, can you push a few?"


Mao Bin answered very simply and neatly: "You have rested for a month, and the money in your card is shrinking sharply. If you don't work anymore, you will go bankrupt and mortgage your house in a short time."

Wei Xun said speechlessly: "I've been filming for so long, how can it be considered a rest?"

"Don't forget, you have millions of debts to repay every month. For a poor crew like "Forensic Chronicle", if you shoot half a month of filming, it is not enough for you to pay back half a month, while "Singer" and " Actors" appearance fee does not add up to 100 million."

"So you seem to be very busy this month, but in fact it is no different from taking a rest."

Mao Bin said: "You can make more money than many people, but you can spend more money than others. Apart from saving this house under your name over the years, which month have you not been a moonlight clan?"

There are several million bills a month, even if it is popular traffic, it can't stand this kind of creation.

Wei Xun thought about the balance of his card, and finally had to bow his head to life and start business.

Who made him short of money?

In the next half month, Wei Xun went to commercial performances, filmed endorsements, plus music fan meetings, without stopping for a moment, it was more tiring than filming big dramas for two consecutive months.

However, this kind of days also has a temporary end. For example, "Please Call Me an Actor" has finally reached the second round of recording.

So Wei Xun immediately stopped what he was doing and rushed to Blu-ray TV to record the program.

However, when he opened the practice room of the program group, he saw an acquaintance sitting inside.

This acquaintance was none other than Zhou Xingchen, who was scolded by Shao Bing as a waste on the set of "Forensic Chronicle" last month.

Seeing Wei Xun, Zhou Xingchen stood up and greeted with a smile: "Coincidentally, it seems that my competitor this time is you again."

(End of this chapter)

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