Chapter 38 Pause

In the entertainment circle in this time and space, there are seven major media and film giants, namely Dynasty Entertainment, Huaying Media, Tianguang Media, Times Pictures, Sega Media, Xinghui Film and Television, and Qicheng Culture.

The above seven giants are ranked according to their strength, from high to low.

Among them, Dynasty Entertainment is the most powerful media company in China, with assets exceeding [-] billion, and it is a well-deserved number one in this industry.

Since it is the first, it is inevitable to act domineeringly.

So many times, the artists from Dynasty Entertainment have a lot of energy in the backstage.

Zhou Xingchen, who went to the crew of "Forensic Chronicle" last month, came with the idea that he would definitely pass the audition, but not only was he scolded by the director Shao Bing as a waste, the second male role was cut off by Wei Xun on the spot.

Zhou Xingchen couldn't bear this tone.

But Shao Bing is a great director, not to mention that Zhou Xingchen is just a TV actor now, even if he stepped into the movie circle and was promoted to a top-tier movie star, he still couldn't afford to offend him.

After all, the director is the one who really makes money for the capital side.

And Shao Bing is famous for making money.

However, Zhou Xingchen couldn't offend Shao Bing, but he was able to wrestle with Wei Xun.

So he came to "Please Call Me an Actor", and "coincidentally" formed a pk group with Wei Xun.

"It's really a coincidence." Hearing what Zhou Xingchen said, Wei Xun's face remained unchanged, and he also smiled: "You arrived before me, have you read the script, what is it about?"

Zhou Xingchen handed Wei Xun the script on the small table in the practice room, and said, "Spy war drama, the movie that brother Chengxian participated in before, "Blade Edge"."

As is the practice of the "Please Call Me an Actor" program group, the scripts given to the actors are all selected from the works of the tutors.

But Zhou Xingchen was a bit different here.

Because actor Gu Chengxian and Zhou Xingchen are both artists of Dynasty Entertainment, and judging from his "brother Chengxian", they not only belong to the same company, but also have a good relationship.

This is intriguing.

Wei Xun had never seen this movie, so he took the script and flipped through it briefly, and asked, "Which character do you choose?"

Unlike Chen Rong's previous male-female play where roles were automatically divided, this time "Blade" is a play of two men, so the choice of roles naturally needs to be discussed by the actors.

Zhou Xingchen smiled and said, "I'll pick Zeng Tianming, and Wang Pei will give it to you. How about it?"

Wei Xun was a little surprised when he heard this.

The plot of "Blade" excerpted by the crew is that Wang Pei sneaked into the enemy's camp as an undercover agent, but because his colleague was caught and almost exposed, Zeng Tianming's suspicion was aroused.

In the warehouse by the river, in order to conceal his identity, Wang Pei fought wits with Zeng Tianming, and at the same time was responsible for rescuing his colleagues who were arrested.

A very thrilling scene.

But in "Blade", Wang Pei is the male lead, Zeng Tianming is a supporting role, and there are very few lines in the scenes.

So when he heard that Zhou Xingchen chose Zeng Tianming, Wei Xun was very surprised.

But since this was Zhou Xingchen's own choice, Wei Xun had no reason to stop it. Next, an acting instructor came over to help the two of them write their lines. Everything went smoothly without any abnormalities, and Zhou Xingchen's attitude was also very kind.

But Wei Xun always felt that something was not right.

"Forensic Chronicle" may not have a large investment, but the director and cast are very strong.

If he took away the second male lead in this drama, it was equivalent to directly taking away Zhou Xingchen's good resources. Under normal circumstances, even if the two of them would not become enemies, they probably wouldn't be able to get along well.

What's more, the moment Wei Xun opened the door and saw Zhou Xingchen, Wei Xun felt very subtle.

Because it's too 'coincidental'.

So during the break, Wei Xun sent a message to Mao Bin: "The situation may be a little bit wrong. Come over here and bring a file bag in my bedside table. When you are waiting for the recording of the program, you are here Find a seat in the auditorium."

Although it is not sure whether Zhou Xingchen will play tricks, it is always right to make preparations in advance.

Mao Bin immediately agreed.

About half an hour later, he arrived, but said that the program crew would not let him in.

Mao Bin: "Brother Xun, I think there is something wrong with the situation. I negotiated with the program team just now. I asked for an admission ticket as your assistant. The premise is that you can't bring your mobile phone in. But don't worry, Brother Xun, I brought it with you." Click 'Private Goods'. I will give them my mobile phone to enter the venue, and I will contact you later when you are finished."

Wei Xun: "Okay, if something really happens later, don't be impulsive, be smart."

If it was just suspicion before, then the news from Mao Bin is enough to make Wei Xun vigilant.

Having been in the entertainment industry for many years, he has seen and experienced too many things, sometimes it is very unimaginable, and he calls it ridiculous.

But this is the entertainment industry, where the spotlight can shine, it is bright, but where the spotlight can't... It's so dirty that you can't imagine.

A little later, the recording of "Please Call Me an Actor" started.

Foreground studio hall.

The three instructors were sitting in the instructor seats, and when the red silk curtain on the stage was slowly opened to reveal Wei Xun's figure, the actress Zhai Qing showed a pleasant smile to the camera: "My God, it turned out that Wei Xun played "Blade" Oh, Wang Pei, Brother Chengxian, will you be under pressure?"

Gu Chengxian said calmly: "A little bit, I am looking forward to his next performance."

Zhai Qing frowned slightly, not very satisfied with his reaction.

Sun Kuo next to him seemed to see through the delicate atmosphere in his weather-beaten eyes, and said with a smile: "They are about to start."

On the stage, "Blade's Edge" opened.

The first 2 minutes of the plot was a bit dull. Wang Pei played by Wei Xun was eating and chatting with Zeng Tianming played by Zhou Xingchen at the wine table in the warehouse. It seemed that the atmosphere was harmonious, but in fact, both of them had their own secrets.

Wang Pei was eager to rescue his colleague who was arrested by Zeng Tianming, but the warehouse was very large, and he didn't know exactly where Zeng Tianming was keeping him.

So he wanted to talk to Zeng Tianming while drinking.

However, Zeng Tianming has already begun to doubt Wang Pei's identity.

"Brother Zeng, you caught another 'underground' yesterday, but it gave our boss a face, I heard that the boss was very happy, and rewarded you with a lot of good things."

Sitting on the wine table, Wei Xun poured wine for Zhou Xingchen attentively, with a look of envy and admiration on his face: "It seems that the person you arrested this time has a lot of background?"

Then Zhou Xingchen took the line.

However, he sat across from Wei Xun and was stunned for half a minute without saying a word.

Just when Wei Xun was about to save the scene temporarily, Zhou Xingchen stood up and shouted to the staff behind: "Pause, I didn't remember the lines, wait for me for 5 minutes, and continue filming from here later."

Wei Xun watched this scene expressionlessly.

Zhai Qing in the audience was even more ashamed on the spot.

But no one from the program team came out to stop it. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhou Xingchen turned over the script with his head down, then sat back and said casually: "Okay, let's go on."

 Thanks for the reward from the boss of "Know Yourself", it was a waste of money.

  It has been more than half a month since the book was opened, and I have earned more than a dozen yuan from the rewards of all the bigwigs. In the afternoon, I used everyone's reward money to make a new cover.

  The previous one was indeed a bit ugly, and my friends kept complaining about it, ahem.

  The new cover is expected to pass the review tomorrow.

  And, don't forget to vote for recommendation after reading it.

(End of this chapter)

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